Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:17:14 <dwarf> !players 00:17:16 <PublicServer> dwarf: Client 26 (Orange) is V453000, in company 1 (Warnpool Transport) 00:17:16 <PublicServer> dwarf: Client 27 (Orange) is Sylf, in company 1 (Warnpool Transport) 00:17:21 <dwarf> !password 00:17:21 <PublicServer> dwarf: tracts 00:17:47 <PublicServer> *** dwarf joined the game 00:17:58 <PublicServer> <Sylf> hi 00:18:26 <PublicServer> <dwarf> hi 00:38:59 <PublicServer> <dwarf> are you working on something, Sylf? 00:39:41 <PublicServer> <Sylf> no 00:44:50 *** ondono88 has joined #openttdcoop 00:44:53 <ondono88> !password 00:44:53 <PublicServer> ondono88: turban 00:45:27 <PublicServer> <Sylf> hi 00:46:50 <ondono88> hi 00:47:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> Sylf: want to make a map for the next game? I made this one? :P 00:47:55 <PublicServer> <Sylf> I'm thinking about it 00:48:05 <PublicServer> <Sylf> let dwarf do the job! 00:49:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D sounds like a plan 00:49:17 <PublicServer> <V453000> dwarf: ? :) 00:52:24 <ondono88> that means you're starting a new game? 00:52:54 <PublicServer> <Sylf> yes 00:53:01 <Sylf> @stage finalize 00:53:01 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG255 (r25071) | STAGE: finalize | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands | Participate on wiki upgrades! http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2012/11/28/wiki-upgrades-and-list-of-things-to-be-done/" 00:53:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> within time X :) 00:54:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D is that how we finalize? 00:54:26 <PublicServer> <dwarf> damnit, I should've just asked how it works :D 00:54:32 <PublicServer> <Sylf> :P 00:54:40 <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 00:54:48 <PublicServer> <dwarf> so, why is the second logic engine needed? 00:54:58 <PublicServer> <dwarf> the one I destroyed 00:55:10 <PublicServer> <Sylf> they're there to controll trains from both directions 00:55:44 <PublicServer> <V453000> the one you destroyed checks if there is a train ready for pickup 00:55:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> when there is a train ready for pickup, it blocks at the little corner 00:56:12 <PublicServer> <dwarf> ah, and that lets the dummy in? 00:56:15 <PublicServer> <V453000> yes 00:56:53 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D 00:57:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> and when the dummy gets in, it blocks the other logic train 00:57:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> which then releases the loading train 00:57:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is nice but I still consider it a major hack as it abuses the logic engine speed :) 00:58:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> - it doesnt work logically, it works only because the path reserving is so fast with logic engine that it doesnt let the other train interrupt it 00:59:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> useful none the less 01:00:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> btw 01:00:08 <ondono88> !password 01:00:08 <PublicServer> ondono88: planed 01:00:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> when releasing logic trains from depot it is a good idea to have 1way signal tehre 01:00:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> so they cant get back to the depot 01:00:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> saves the endless clicking ;) 01:00:32 <PublicServer> <dwarf> you mean, in principle it could fail by letting a dummy in when both logic trains are in their corners? 01:00:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> logically yes 01:01:00 <PublicServer> <dwarf> I see 01:01:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> aka if it is with normal trains 01:01:14 <PublicServer> <Sylf> it's a illogic made with logic trains :D 01:01:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> quite :D 01:01:27 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D 01:01:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is common that when 2 trains pick a path, the one which accelerates faster gets the path first 01:01:49 <PublicServer> <V453000> up to some point 01:02:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> but there still is some sort of switching between them 01:02:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> with this, there isnt 01:02:47 <PublicServer> <dwarf> are there any issues? 01:02:53 <PublicServer> <V453000> not that I know of 01:02:55 <PublicServer> <dwarf> or should I make some? :P 01:03:05 <PublicServer> <V453000> havent checked either though :) 01:03:32 <PublicServer> <dwarf> I think BBH's 04 and 06 are in a good shape now 01:03:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> there is a lot of very questionable constructions and strange things, but if it works ... 01:04:08 <PublicServer> <dwarf> I removed some of the oddities 01:04:30 <PublicServer> <Sylf> yes, this map had a few WTF :) but the traffic seems to show no problem for now 01:04:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> anyway, I will be going ... 2a.m. here again :z ... if you make a map that would be excellent :P I will definitely not be too active next game so I would appreciate if someone else took the initiative :) 01:05:28 <PublicServer> <dwarf> ahh, that would require me to thoroughly read your map making pdf 01:05:30 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D 01:05:36 <PublicServer> <Sylf> :P 01:05:42 <PublicServer> <Sylf> just make some random map 01:05:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> got shit to be done, NUTS birthday to prepare, and im going for some skiing on thursday :) 01:05:55 <PublicServer> <Sylf> with no grf too, if you're too scared ;) 01:06:01 <PublicServer> <dwarf> niece, good skiing 01:06:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> meh, the pdf will sure tell you what to do and what not to, but just try stuff 01:06:11 <PublicServer> <Sylf> Or, just go grab some older map, and copy those settings 01:06:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> as you want really 01:06:23 <PublicServer> <V453000> not always the best way to do it Sylf :p 01:06:25 <PublicServer> <dwarf> yup, it's te newgrfs that I don't know much about 01:06:35 <PublicServer> <V453000> just make no newGRFs, no harm 01:06:49 <PublicServer> <dwarf> also have other shit to do 01:06:57 <PublicServer> <dwarf> maybe tonight if I'm in the mood 01:07:03 <PublicServer> <V453000> sure 01:07:13 <PublicServer> <V453000> just try to get the settings right, newGRFs arent necessary 01:07:20 <Sylf> ok, I have this idea of loading the desert map with martian name 01:07:30 <Sylf> call this as the colonized mars 01:07:41 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D sounds fun 01:07:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> aaand the next PS game will Proooooobably be NUTS birthday bash, so it will be a newGRF shitstorm in contrast 01:08:02 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D shiptrains? 01:08:10 <PublicServer> <V453000> mhm :) 01:08:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> I would say the exact same game as 231 would be nice 01:08:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> total chaos, do what you want, start in 1920 01:08:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> + autoreplace depots 01:09:06 <PublicServer> <V453000> brutal wtf guaranteed, fun too 01:09:18 <PublicServer> <V453000> objections/suggestions/ideas? :) 01:09:36 <PublicServer> <V453000> thoughts? 01:09:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> wishes? 01:09:42 <dwarf> hehe, sounds like a lot of fun 01:10:14 <dwarf> alright, time to do some shit, my data won't analyze itself 01:10:18 <dwarf> cu 01:10:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> it wont quite have the same atmosphere as NUTS probably wont surprise anybody anymore, but .. :) 01:10:28 <PublicServer> <V453000> see you 01:10:43 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has left the game (leaving) 01:11:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> well, good night from me as well :) 01:11:45 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 01:11:45 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 01:11:50 <V453000> byez 01:12:05 <PublicServer> *** Player has joined company #1 01:12:05 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 01:18:11 <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 01:18:11 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 01:20:59 *** ondono88 has left #openttdcoop 01:26:42 <Sylf> !content 01:26:42 <PublicServer> Sylf: [Content] Connection established 01:26:42 <PublicServer> Sylf: [Content] Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 01:26:42 <PublicServer> Sylf: [Content] Nothing to download 01:26:45 <Sylf> !content 01:26:47 <PublicServer> Sylf: [Content Update] Expect timeout triggered! 01:26:49 <PublicServer> Sylf: [Content] All 0 downloaded 01:26:49 <PublicServer> Sylf: [Content] (you need to rescan(ai|game|newgrf) to have the new content loaded) 01:26:50 <Webster> Read the Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart (again, try !grf) 01:31:37 <Sylf> !getsave https://www.dropbox.com/s/tu0snlomlmwbp12/PSG256Start.sav 01:31:39 <Webster> Title: Dropbox - PSG256Start.sav - Simplify your life (at www.dropbox.com) 01:31:40 <PublicServer> Sylf: OK :-) 01:32:00 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 01:32:49 <Sylf> !save 01:32:49 <PublicServer> Saving game... 01:33:01 <Sylf> !transfer 255 game.sav 01:33:06 <PublicServer> Sylf: PublicServerGame_255_Final.sav 01:33:06 <PublicServer> Sylf: Transfer done. (/home/openttd/svn-publicserver/autopilot/save/game.sav->http://www.openttdcoop.org//files/PublicServer_archive/PublicServerGame_255_Final.sav) 01:34:33 <Sylf> !gamenr 01:34:33 <PublicServer> Sylf: This is game number: 255 01:34:48 <Sylf> !gamenr 256 01:34:48 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has set gamenr to 256 (next !restart) 01:34:56 <Sylf> !restart 01:34:56 <PublicServer> Sylf: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 01:35:08 <PublicServer> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 01:35:08 <PublicServer> Thank you for playing r25071. 01:35:12 <PublicServer> Server has exited 01:35:12 *** PublicServer has quit IRC 01:35:52 *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop 01:35:52 <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged 01:35:52 <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} - The Public Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 01:35:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer 01:35:52 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG256 (r25071) | STAGE: finalize | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands | Participate on wiki upgrades! http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2012/11/28/wiki-upgrades-and-list-of-things-to-be-done/" 01:36:31 <Sylf> !rcon cd uploads 01:36:38 <PublicServer> Sylf: server_pw foists 01:36:38 <PublicServer> Sylf: alias ap_cmd "%+ ; echo donecapture" 01:36:38 <PublicServer> Sylf: debug_level "0" 01:36:38 <PublicServer> Sylf: server_info 01:36:38 <PublicServer> Sylf: dbg: [net] Starting dedicated version r25071 01:36:40 <PublicServer> Sylf: dbg: [net] [core] starting network... 01:36:40 <PublicServer> Sylf: dbg: [net] [udp] initializing listeners 01:36:42 <PublicServer> Sylf: dbg: [net] [core] network online, multiplayer available 01:36:42 <PublicServer> Sylf: dbg: [net] Detected broadcast addresses: 01:36:44 <PublicServer> Sylf: dbg: [net] 0) 01:36:44 <PublicServer> Sylf: you have 15 more messages 01:36:51 <Sylf> !rcon load PSG256Start 01:36:51 <PublicServer> Sylf: PSG256Start: No such file or directory. 01:36:57 <Sylf> !rcon pwd 01:36:57 <PublicServer> Sylf: /home/openttd/svn-public/autopilot/save/uploads/ 01:37:09 <Sylf> !rcon ls 01:37:09 <PublicServer> Sylf: 0) .. (Parent directory) 01:37:09 <PublicServer> Sylf: 1) archive/ (Directory) 01:37:09 <PublicServer> Sylf: 2) Warnpool Transport, 2418-11-10.sav 01:37:09 <PublicServer> Sylf: 3) psg256continue1.sav 01:37:09 <PublicServer> Sylf: 4) psg256start1.sav 01:37:10 <PublicServer> Sylf: 5) PSG254.sav 01:37:10 <PublicServer> Sylf: 6) psg254start.sav 01:37:12 <PublicServer> Sylf: 7) psg252end.sav 01:37:12 <PublicServer> Sylf: 8) Muir & Co., 2322-08-03.sav 01:37:14 <PublicServer> Sylf: 9) psg253start3.sav 01:37:14 <PublicServer> Sylf: you have 86 more messages 01:39:05 <Sylf> where did my file go... 01:40:02 <Sylf> !getsave -f https://www.dropbox.com/s/tu0snlomlmwbp12/PSG256Start.sav 01:40:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]... 01:40:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: Try `wget --help' for more options. 01:40:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: OK :-) 01:40:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: wget: invalid option -- f 01:40:05 <Webster> Title: Dropbox - PSG256Start.sav - Simplify your life (at www.dropbox.com) 01:40:50 <Sylf> !getsave https://www.dropbox.com/s/tu0snlomlmwbp12/PSG256Start.sav 01:40:52 <PublicServer> Sylf: OK :-) 01:40:52 <Webster> Title: Dropbox - PSG256Start.sav - Simplify your life (at www.dropbox.com) 01:42:00 <Sylf> !changepw 01:42:00 <PublicServer> Sylf: Password changed to jagged 01:51:03 <PublicServer> Sylf: Password changed to verged 01:51:21 <Sylf> !setdef 01:51:21 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has disabled wait_for_pbs_path, wait_twoway_signal, wait_oneway_signal, ai_in_multiplayer; enabled no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns, extra_dynamite, mod_road_rebuild, forbid_90_deg, rail_firstred_twoway_eol and set path_backoff_interval to 1, train_acceleration_model to 1 01:51:24 <Sylf> !auto 01:51:24 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has enabled autopause mode. 01:51:41 <Sylf> @stage MM 01:51:42 *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG256 (r25071) | STAGE: MM | www.openttdcoop.org | New players, use @quickstart and !help | http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/IRC_Commands | Participate on wiki upgrades! http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2012/11/28/wiki-upgrades-and-list-of-things-to-be-done/" 01:52:01 <Sylf> meh, that was a mess. 02:01:38 *** cyph3r has quit IRC 02:11:39 *** dwarf has quit IRC 02:18:31 *** Mark has quit IRC 02:19:13 *** pugi has quit IRC 04:11:59 *** dwarf has joined #openttdcoop 04:11:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o dwarf 04:21:38 <BiG> woo 04:21:44 <BiG> !players 04:21:47 <PublicServer> BiG: There are currently no clients connected to the server 04:24:49 <dwarf> hi 04:24:56 <dwarf> game was finalized 04:32:39 <Sylf> you guys are around? we should at least start the MM 04:33:11 <dwarf> di you make a new map? 04:33:15 <dwarf> !password 04:33:15 <PublicServer> dwarf: wafted 04:33:43 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 04:33:45 <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game 04:34:03 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 04:34:05 <PublicServer> *** dwarf joined the game 04:34:43 <dwarf> nice 04:35:05 <dwarf> do we still get to plan stuff to achieve those goals? 04:35:13 <PublicServer> <Sylf> YEAH 04:35:19 <PublicServer> <Sylf> yeah 04:35:33 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has joined company #1 04:35:33 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 04:38:08 <BiG> !dl lin64 04:38:08 <PublicServer> BiG: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r25071/openttd-trunk-r25071-linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz 04:41:18 <BiG> !password 04:41:18 <PublicServer> BiG: driest 04:41:28 <PublicServer> *** Big Meech joined the game 04:41:59 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> I think water on mars should be changed to soilent green xD 04:42:42 <PublicServer> <Sylf> go ahead, make desert to mars conversion grf :D 04:42:52 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> :D 04:43:12 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has joined spectators 04:43:12 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 04:43:24 <PublicServer> *** Big Meech has joined company #1 04:43:24 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 04:43:30 <Sylf> !unpause 04:43:30 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has unpaused the server. (Use !auto to set it back.) 04:43:44 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> ill stay logged in until you're done 04:44:43 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> can noobs that arent @ use the !auto command here? 04:44:45 <PublicServer> <Sylf> It's MM... it'll never be done 04:44:55 <PublicServer> <Sylf> nope 04:45:01 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> shame :( 04:48:12 <PublicServer> <dwarf> you can use auto 04:48:18 <PublicServer> <dwarf> but not unpause 04:48:22 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> hmm 04:49:00 <PublicServer> *** Big Meech has enabled autopause mode. 04:49:04 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> on nice 04:49:11 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> :D 04:51:36 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has joined company #1 04:55:04 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> holy cow we are supposed to service each town ? 04:55:39 <PublicServer> <Sylf> yeah, but there are so few of them 04:55:45 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> mmhmm 04:55:51 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> Im brewing ideas! 04:56:10 <PublicServer> <dwarf> me too 05:05:16 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> I think I have a plan 05:05:24 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> Real plan this time :D 05:05:31 <PublicServer> <Sylf> ;) 05:08:07 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> get any warm weather today sYLF ? 05:08:29 <PublicServer> <Sylf> it was far warmer yesterday 05:08:35 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> ah, warm here today 05:08:42 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> guess it moved right :D 05:08:49 <PublicServer> <Sylf> yeah 05:09:11 <PublicServer> <Sylf> it snowed 9 inches about 2 hours north of here 05:09:15 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> was 61 on the way hom at 6:00pm 05:09:23 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> oh crazy! 05:09:37 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> gotta love springtime 05:09:52 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> I swear, michgian is the worst though 05:10:06 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> sometime last year we had like 60 one day then 20 the next 05:17:53 <PublicServer> <dwarf> hi 05:17:59 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> :D 05:18:06 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> *steals plan idea 05:18:08 <PublicServer> <dwarf> trying to cook up a plan 05:18:14 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> * runs 05:18:20 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D 05:18:23 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> :D 05:18:34 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> I got a plan but its bad 05:18:42 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> it goes against typical building 05:18:45 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> but 05:18:59 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> On mars there is less gravity so it will be okay 05:24:36 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> xD 05:24:42 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> hat was pretty much my plan 05:24:44 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> no joke 05:24:59 <PublicServer> <dwarf> I was faster :D 05:25:13 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> my plan is 05:25:28 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> 2 gigantic freaking refit / transfer staions north and south 05:26:02 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> then redistruibution through the network via the north and south transfrer staitons 05:28:04 <PublicServer> *** Big Meech has left the game (general timeout) 05:28:04 <PublicServer> *** Big Meech has left the game (connection lost) 05:32:12 <BiG> !players 05:32:15 <PublicServer> BiG: Client 6 (Orange) is Sylf, in company 1 (Thomson & Co.) 05:32:15 <PublicServer> BiG: Client 8 (Orange) is dwarf, in company 1 (Thomson & Co.) 05:32:28 <BiG> !password 05:32:28 <PublicServer> BiG: enrage 05:32:46 <PublicServer> *** Big Meech joined the game 05:33:37 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> is there a such thing as srnw refit ? 05:33:49 <PublicServer> <dwarf> that sounds awfully hard 05:33:59 <PublicServer> <dwarf> not sure it's even possible 05:34:09 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> :D 05:36:02 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> might be easier to do srnw for each town for water / goods / food 05:36:20 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> <-- thinking out loud 05:36:43 <PublicServer> <dwarf> I can't figure out how youcould do srnw for redistributing goods 05:37:30 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> IE : goto paper, goto nearest depot, refit , goto paper 05:38:09 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> maybe i am on drugs :D 05:38:37 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> drugs are bad... mmmkay 05:38:55 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D 05:49:57 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> all your CL are belong to us 05:53:30 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has joined spectators 05:53:30 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 05:53:38 <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving) 05:53:44 <Sylf> gn all 05:53:50 <PublicServer> <dwarf> gn 05:53:50 <PublicServer> <Big Meech> night m8 05:53:56 <PublicServer> *** Big Meech has left the game (leaving) 05:54:13 <BiG> :D 05:54:32 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has left the game (leaving) 05:58:43 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 06:10:05 *** PierreW has quit IRC 06:57:33 *** PierreW has joined #openttdcoop 07:24:18 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 07:54:43 *** andbo has joined #openttdcoop 08:17:24 *** Gregor-PLNL has joined #openttdcoop 08:37:35 *** andbo has quit IRC 08:46:28 *** andbo has joined #openttdcoop 08:57:36 *** Dilandau has joined #openttdcoop 09:00:14 *** pugi has quit IRC 09:03:33 *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop 09:08:25 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 09:39:09 *** dwarf has quit IRC 09:44:14 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop 10:38:00 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 10:43:30 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop 10:55:08 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 10:59:46 *** cyph3r has joined #openttdcoop 13:30:35 *** Gregor-PLNL has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** PublicServer has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** Virtulis has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** Guest1422 has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** CornishPasty has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** XeryusTC has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** Ammler has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** SmatZ has quit IRC 13:30:35 *** LoPo has quit IRC 13:31:35 *** Gregor-PLNL has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** Virtulis has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** Guest1422 has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** CornishPasty has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** XeryusTC has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** SmatZ has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** LoPo has joined #openttdcoop 13:31:35 *** charon.oftc.net sets mode: +vooo PublicServer XeryusTC Ammler LoPo 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v KenjiE20 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v hylje 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tneo 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v planetmaker 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v V453000 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v ^Spike^ 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Webster 13:33:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Sylf 15:00:09 *** valhallasw has quit IRC 15:04:59 *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop 15:20:31 *** dwarf has joined #openttdcoop 15:20:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o dwarf 16:23:54 *** andbo has quit IRC 16:42:10 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 16:42:10 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 16:49:18 *** Gregor-PLNL has quit IRC 16:49:19 *** Dilandau has left #openttdcoop 16:49:41 *** Tray has quit IRC 17:07:50 *** dwarf has quit IRC 17:22:36 *** valhallasw has quit IRC 17:31:51 *** ODM has quit IRC 17:35:02 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 17:35:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 17:39:16 *** pugi has quit IRC 17:40:36 *** dwarf has joined #openttdcoop 17:40:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o dwarf 17:56:01 *** ODM has quit IRC 17:58:55 <dwarf> !players 17:58:58 <PublicServer> dwarf: There are currently no clients connected to the server 17:59:18 <dwarf> !password 17:59:18 <PublicServer> dwarf: accrue 17:59:46 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:59:47 <PublicServer> *** dwarf joined the game 18:00:26 <dwarf> !unpause 18:00:26 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has unpaused the server. (Use !auto to set it back.) 18:00:28 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:03:47 *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop 18:05:20 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has enabled autopause mode. 18:05:22 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:10:58 <dwarf> !unpause 18:10:58 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has unpaused the server. (Use !auto to set it back.) 18:11:00 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:14:16 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has enabled autopause mode. 18:14:18 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:15:11 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has left the game (leaving) 18:32:55 *** chester_ has joined #openttdcoop 18:33:11 *** Gregor-PLNL has joined #openttdcoop 18:33:58 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop 18:33:59 <Mark> yoyo 18:36:09 <Mark> !dl win64 18:36:09 <PublicServer> Mark: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r25071/openttd-trunk-r25071-windows-win64.zip 18:37:31 <Mark> !password 18:37:31 <PublicServer> Mark: accrue 18:37:36 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:37:39 <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game 18:38:10 <PublicServer> <Mark> lot of water on mars 18:43:47 <V453000> mars? 18:43:50 <V453000> !info 18:43:50 <PublicServer> V453000: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'Thomson & Co.' Year Founded: 2100 Money: 6471461 Loan: 0 Value: 7188581 (T:1, R:0, P:6, S:0) unprotected 18:44:03 <V453000> !password 18:44:03 <PublicServer> V453000: accrue 18:44:07 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop 18:44:28 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:44:28 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:44:30 <PublicServer> <Mark> love the scenario 18:44:31 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 18:44:42 <PublicServer> <Mark> whats wrong with a good old sandstorm? :D 18:44:48 <PublicServer> <V453000> :D 18:44:56 <PublicServer> <Mark> how is you anyway 18:45:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> hai 18:45:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> preparing some EXTREMELY special feature which will cause you shit a hedgehog 18:45:24 <PublicServer> <V453000> or two 18:45:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> other than that, standard shit 18:46:01 <PublicServer> <Mark> i dont think id enjoy shitting hedgehogs 18:46:09 <PublicServer> <V453000> well you better start to 18:46:12 <PublicServer> <Mark> nuts features? 18:46:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> oooh yes 18:47:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> how about 18:47:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20419525/mayhem.png 18:49:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> uhmff 18:49:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> Dwarf: transfering water to one station and then taking it elsewhere is quite stupid 18:50:05 <dwarf> I know :D 18:50:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> .. 18:51:01 <dwarf> but after a solar storm you have to guard your water very well 18:51:03 <dwarf> :P 18:51:08 <PublicServer> <V453000> .... 18:51:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> so you risk it being STOLEN at the station during the transfer? 18:52:06 <dwarf> don't be so nitpicky 18:52:19 <dwarf> also, still thinking about plan v3.0 18:53:00 <PublicServer> <V453000> well, it technically does follow the same logic as the other three main stations do 18:53:02 <PublicServer> <V453000> which is nice 18:56:37 *** donnodk has joined #openttdcoop 18:58:55 <Mark> noice 18:59:27 <V453000> no it isnt nice yet, it is only holy shit at this point ... visual improvements to be made though :) 19:02:50 <Mark> its pretty weird 19:02:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> pretty? 19:06:17 <Mark> :D 19:06:27 <PublicServer> <V453000> :( 19:08:36 *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop 19:13:07 *** turbulentor has joined #openttdcoop 19:13:50 *** turbulentor is now known as TWerkhoven 19:15:15 <PublicServer> <Mark> why different TLs 19:15:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> why not 19:15:27 <PublicServer> <Mark> k 19:15:29 <PublicServer> <V453000> :) 19:15:35 <PublicServer> <Mark> thought you might have a reason :D 19:15:38 <PublicServer> <Mark> srnw or something 19:15:41 <PublicServer> <Mark> but no reason is fine with me 19:15:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> well sure, it does support separate SRNWs at SLs 19:15:59 <PublicServer> <V453000> but not exactly a reason 19:17:46 <PublicServer> <V453000> it just fits the snake ML with many SLHs :p 19:18:30 <PublicServer> <Mark> rubber and maize both 9? 19:18:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> yeah was a mistayk 19:27:40 *** Guest1422 has quit IRC 19:31:55 <dwarf> !password 19:31:55 <PublicServer> dwarf: mosque 19:32:22 <PublicServer> *** dwarf joined the game 19:36:41 <PublicServer> <dwarf> so you're not providing stuff to every town? 19:37:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh, scenario shit 19:37:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> well, fuck scenario then :D 19:37:10 <PublicServer> <dwarf> :D 19:37:20 <PublicServer> <V453000> I never liked those things 19:38:58 <PublicServer> <V453000> I just think the map itself already defines what is it suitable for, rest imo should be up to plan 19:39:12 <PublicServer> *** dwarf has left the game (leaving) 19:39:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> :d 19:40:07 *** G-Tus has joined #openttdcoop 19:41:44 <G-Tus> !password 19:41:44 <PublicServer> G-Tus: ginned 19:42:05 <PublicServer> *** G-Tus joined the game 19:42:59 <Mark> "im way too oldskool for scenarios" 19:43:02 <Mark> you noob :D 19:44:11 <V453000> wu? 19:44:47 <V453000> in fact scenarios are oldskool shit, I made one map with a scenario ever and it resulted in a rather dumb game 19:45:14 <V453000> which kind of means that the last scenario was 100 games ago :D :P 19:46:52 *** liq3 has joined #openttdcoop 19:47:13 <liq3> @quickstart 19:47:14 <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart 19:47:57 <liq3> !help 19:47:57 <PublicServer> liq3: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/IRC_Commands 19:48:48 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop 20:01:44 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 20:18:13 <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 20:18:44 *** SAL9000 has joined #openttdcoop 20:23:18 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop 20:23:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 20:24:25 *** ondono88 has joined #openttdcoop 20:24:54 <ondono88> !password 20:24:54 <PublicServer> ondono88: aboded 20:27:36 *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop 20:28:04 <PublicServer> *** Player has changed his/her name to ondo 20:28:13 <PublicServer> *** ondo has joined company #1 20:31:27 *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC 20:35:05 *** turbulentor has joined #openttdcoop 20:40:59 *** andbo has joined #openttdcoop 20:49:18 <ondono88> that looks cool G-tus 20:51:40 <ondono88> complex as hell, but cool anyway xd 20:51:50 <PublicServer> <Mark> diagonal 4-ways ftw 20:52:04 <LoPo> lo 20:52:10 <LoPo> !password 20:52:10 <PublicServer> LoPo: herons 20:52:11 <PublicServer> <Mark> lo po 20:52:21 <PublicServer> *** Mark has left the game (leaving) 20:52:24 <LoPo> ey mark :) 20:52:31 <LoPo> oh, bye ;p 20:52:40 <Mark> im still here :P 20:52:43 <Mark> hows you? 20:53:03 <PublicServer> *** LoPo joined the game 20:53:50 <LoPo> good :) 20:54:11 <LoPo> busy with my jobs and other stuff 20:54:18 <LoPo> and you? 20:55:25 *** Dilandau1 has joined #openttdcoop 20:56:04 <Mark> busy is good 20:56:26 <V453000> !password 20:56:26 <PublicServer> V453000: herons 20:56:33 <Mark> crap 20:56:34 <PublicServer> <LoPo> the OMG SNAKE plan is from V? :) 20:56:36 <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game 20:56:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> moo 20:56:38 <Mark> back to work tomorrow 20:56:40 <PublicServer> <LoPo> lo 20:56:51 <PublicServer> <V453000> oh yeah 20:57:53 *** ODM has quit IRC 20:58:05 <PublicServer> <LoPo> TL50 to every town? :P 20:58:07 <PublicServer> <V453000> I doubt hippies would accept using anything else than Slugs. 20:58:14 <PublicServer> <V453000> no, only between the ends 20:58:16 <PublicServer> <V453000> fuck all towns 20:58:18 <PublicServer> <LoPo> ah k 20:58:24 <Mark> how are the slime trails coming along? 20:58:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> not quite Mark 20:58:31 <Mark> 'if you can do canals sure you can do slime trails 20:58:33 <Mark> meh 20:58:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> not really 20:58:55 <PublicServer> <V453000> you could have like a rail which looks like whatever but it cant react to the trains running over it 20:59:18 <Mark> make it a conversion for e-rail 20:59:22 <Mark> or whatever slugs run on 20:59:27 <Mark> as a seperate download 20:59:30 <PublicServer> <V453000> slugs are on maglev you noob 20:59:37 <PublicServer> <LoPo> haha 20:59:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> aanyway, why separate? :d 21:00:01 <PublicServer> <V453000> which other newGRF is so retarded so it would be compatible with slime trails? 21:00:18 <Mark> cause you wouldnt want intercities running on slug trains 21:00:23 <Mark> well then just make it a maglev conversion 21:00:27 <Mark> like the transrapid tracks 21:00:38 <PublicServer> <V453000> or define a new railtype? 21:00:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> ... 21:00:47 <PublicServer> <V453000> how do you think water rails are made 21:00:54 <Mark> fuck knows 21:00:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> or univ rail 21:01:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is just a custom rail which is compatible with stuff 21:01:27 <Mark> so then do it already 21:01:30 <Mark> i waaaaant it 21:01:40 <PublicServer> <V453000> draw it bitch 21:01:42 <PublicServer> <V453000> umad? 21:01:53 *** turbulentor is now known as TWerkhoven 21:01:57 <PublicServer> <V453000> hm that should proobably be in capital letters 21:01:58 <Mark> :D 21:02:25 <PublicServer> <V453000> but, I dont think I want to draw any railtype shit anytime soon 21:02:39 <PublicServer> <V453000> it is SO much fucking work on stupid details 21:03:27 <Mark> your stupid pigs are stupid details too 21:03:31 <PublicServer> <V453000> if something, I will probably slowly increase the vehicle count 21:03:35 <Mark> but theyre what makes nuts awesome 21:03:37 <PublicServer> <V453000> WHAT 21:03:43 <PublicServer> <V453000> pigs aint stupid 21:03:50 <PublicServer> <V453000> they are SmartLivestocK8000 21:03:58 <hylje> pigs aren't stupid, they're cute and delicious 21:06:26 <PublicServer> <V453000> G-Tus: you should check out THE SLUG trains :P 21:06:52 <PublicServer> <G-Tus> as a replacement for the maglev network? 21:07:34 <PublicServer> <G-Tus> might do that yes 21:07:37 <PublicServer> <G-Tus> let me finish the text 21:08:00 <PublicServer> <LoPo> btw V 21:08:08 <PublicServer> <LoPo> look a train 12 21:08:27 <PublicServer> <LoPo> i think that is not right, found that yesterday in a SP game 21:09:54 <PublicServer> <V453000> well and how would you do it 21:09:59 <PublicServer> <LoPo> well 21:10:06 <PublicServer> <LoPo> keep the engines the same 21:10:16 <PublicServer> <LoPo> instead of double it 21:10:19 <PublicServer> <V453000> well yeah could do that 21:10:32 <PublicServer> <V453000> I originally wanted to have some special sprites there anyway 21:10:39 <PublicServer> <LoPo> also they always look forward 21:10:45 <PublicServer> <LoPo> ah 21:16:43 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop 21:20:35 <PublicServer> <G-Tus> Slugs are kinda low on capacity.... 21:21:04 <PublicServer> <G-Tus> oh wait, 2x 21:26:32 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 21:47:17 <PublicServer> *** LoPo has left the game (leaving) 21:47:23 <LoPo> gn 21:48:59 *** dwarf has quit IRC 21:49:18 *** dwarf has joined #openttdcoop 21:49:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o dwarf 21:55:14 *** Rickeyhb has joined #openttdcoop 21:55:30 <Rickeyhb> Hey I need help 21:55:40 <G-Tus> whats the problem? 21:57:09 <Rickeyhb> I am transporting coal and grain from the same station and using bulk wagons but my grain train won't pickup the grain only coal 21:57:46 <G-Tus> you need to refit trains before they can take another type of cargo 21:58:25 <Rickeyhb> Yes but when I refit to grain it says 0 ton and pick up coal 21:59:38 <G-Tus> which revision and which train NewGRF is this with? OpenGFX+ trains? 22:00:46 <Rickeyhb> The newest and yes it's open gfx+ 22:01:33 <PublicServer> *** G-Tus has left the game (leaving) 22:01:51 <Rickeyhb> Noo 22:02:24 <G-Tus> no just left Public Server 22:02:32 <G-Tus> starting a new game, see if I can reproduce it 22:02:57 <Rickeyhb> Okay :) thanks 22:07:08 *** Gregor-PLNL has quit IRC 22:07:10 *** dwarf has quit IRC 22:07:51 <G-Tus> Hmm with r25071 there seems to be no problem with OpenGFX+ 0.3.0 22:08:36 <Rickeyhb> How can I see my r number? 22:09:12 <G-Tus> when you start the game its at the top of the window with New Game etc. 22:09:45 *** Mark has quit IRC 22:10:14 <G-Tus> this is r<number> when its a nightly, something 1.2.5 for stable and h12349fh14-ish for custom patchpacks 22:10:43 <Rickeyhb> Where it says openttd 1.2.3 for me? 22:11:08 <G-Tus> Ah right, that is the latest stable release 22:11:13 <G-Tus> Let me try it with that 22:11:49 <Rickeyhb> Thanks 22:16:18 *** andbo has quit IRC 22:17:12 *** Tray has quit IRC 22:17:47 <G-Tus> hmmm 22:17:49 <G-Tus> works just fine 22:18:07 <G-Tus> could you send your savegame 22:18:23 <Rickeyhb> Damn :( what am doing wrong :( 22:18:51 <G-Tus> if you send your savegame to g-tus at hotmail dot com I can take a look at it 22:21:00 <Rickeyhb> Sure I'll try but got no web on pc, using tablet right now 22:22:57 <G-Tus> hmmm that makes things complicated.... 22:23:40 <Rickeyhb> Web sharing :) 22:23:43 <G-Tus> they will be more people on the TT-forums to help, but they will probably also ask for a savegame 22:23:48 <G-Tus> there* 22:24:35 <Rickeyhb> Okay I'll just ask there when I get web :) 22:24:48 <Rickeyhb> But thanks a lot for the help 22:25:23 <G-Tus> no problem 22:28:02 <Rickeyhb> Just the sav-file ? 22:29:45 <G-Tus> yes 22:32:55 <Rickeyhb> It's sending now 22:33:18 <G-Tus> okay 22:34:07 <G-Tus> got it 22:36:51 <G-Tus> so I need to look at train number 10? 22:37:28 <Rickeyhb> Yes 22:38:11 <G-Tus> well I see train number 10 has 4 livestock wagons and 2 coal wagons? 22:38:44 <G-Tus> and you want that to be 4 livestock and 2 grain? 22:39:15 <Rickeyhb> In my game it's 4 livestock and 2 bulk, but yes 22:39:52 <G-Tus> yes those bulk wagons are currently refitted to coal 22:40:15 <G-Tus> you know how to get to the refit screen? 22:40:57 <Rickeyhb> Lol I just did :O totally forgot that button 22:41:13 <G-Tus> problem solved? 22:41:32 <Rickeyhb> Omg what a waist of time :( Yes it is. 22:41:45 <G-Tus> something else I noticed in your game 22:41:56 <Rickeyhb> Yes? 22:42:01 <Sylf> furthermore, quit wasting time in SP games and join our server ;) 22:42:01 <G-Tus> you are placing chains of stations to increase their catchment area 22:42:26 <G-Tus> just Ctrl+Place station, then you can let them be connect over a distance 22:42:36 <Rickeyhb> Hehe I am on a server but with no net :) 22:43:27 <Rickeyhb> Ahh thanks :) haven't really checked out the shortcuts 22:43:39 <G-Tus> in Advanced Settings you can change the Maximum Station Spread to increase to max distance stations can be connected 22:44:51 <Rickeyhb> Lol so you can make one station accepting all the coal in the world :O 22:45:12 <Rickeyhb> But that's a bit cheating :) 22:45:12 <G-Tus> no, there is a limit of 64 tiles 22:45:19 <Rickeyhb> Ahh okay 22:45:25 <G-Tus> and yes it a bit cheaty 22:46:41 <Rickeyhb> Well thanks :) But maybe I'll check your server when I get some interwebs :) what's the ip ? 22:48:16 <G-Tus> I think all the info is here: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart 22:49:26 <Sylf> !dl source 22:49:26 <PublicServer> Sylf: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r25071/openttd-trunk-r25071-source.tar.xz 22:52:22 <Rickeyhb> Thanks G-Tus. Bye bye 22:52:38 <G-Tus> bye 22:54:01 *** Progman has quit IRC 23:00:25 *** Rickeyhb has quit IRC 23:13:40 <G-Tus> !password 23:13:40 <PublicServer> G-Tus: firmer 23:13:55 <PublicServer> *** G-Tus joined the game 23:19:36 <PublicServer> *** G-Tus has left the game (leaving) 23:26:54 <PublicServer> *** ondo has left the game (leaving) 23:26:54 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 23:32:40 *** ondono88 has quit IRC 23:41:03 <V453000> !password 23:41:03 <PublicServer> V453000: brandy 23:41:19 <liq3> !password 23:41:19 <PublicServer> liq3: brandy 23:41:36 <liq3> how do you get the right version? 23:41:43 <V453000> @quickstart 23:41:44 <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Quickstart 23:41:52 <V453000> there :) 23:43:13 <liq3> !download 23:43:13 <PublicServer> liq3: !download autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x 23:43:13 <PublicServer> liq3: http://www.openttd.org/en/download-trunk/r25071 23:44:53 *** G-Tus has left #openttdcoop 23:51:17 <V453000> liq3: everything alright? 23:53:20 <liq3> yeh got it working 23:53:42 <liq3> can you join as spec? 23:53:54 <V453000> im there already 23:53:56 <V453000> oh 23:53:59 <V453000> yeah sure 23:54:07 <V453000> no harm to join company either :) 23:54:18 <liq3> ah, only one spec slot. :] ok. 23:54:29 <V453000> no 23:54:41 <liq3> !password 23:54:41 <PublicServer> liq3: fliest 23:54:44 <V453000> I just understand your question as in "can you come join the game as well" 23:54:52 <V453000> :) 23:54:53 <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players) 23:54:53 <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 23:54:54 <PublicServer> *** liq3 joined the game 23:56:07 *** pugi_ has joined #openttdcoop 23:57:21 <PublicServer> <V453000> just ask if you needed to know anything 23:57:28 <PublicServer> <liq3> haha 23:57:46 <PublicServer> <liq3> So I take it this is the planning aka not much happening stage? 23:57:56 <PublicServer> <V453000> pretty much 23:58:34 <PublicServer> <V453000> usually people just think about stuff or check train stats and such 23:58:40 <PublicServer> <liq3> I'll have to come back when you guys actually start building. :] 23:59:22 <PublicServer> <V453000> dont expect much from that 23:59:22 <PublicServer> *** liq3 has left the game (leaving) 23:59:22 <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players) 23:59:29 <liq3> hrm? 23:59:41 <PublicServer> <V453000> looks the same as any of the @@archive games you can download 23:59:41 <Webster> http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/PublicServer:Archive | http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/MemberZone:Archive | http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/ProZone:Archive 23:59:50 <liq3> heh.