Log for #openttdcoop on 17th February 2014:
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00:24:00  *** valhallasw has quit IRC
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20:21:07  <sparr> I don't know how to say this without sounding like an advertisement... I used to play on the openttdcoop servers, and I recently started playing the alpha for the game Factorio, and it made me think of you guys.
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21:40:44  <phatmatt> sparr: wow, looks good
21:40:50  <phatmatt> never heard of it before
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21:41:02  <sparr> it's new, in alpha/demo phase now
21:41:27  <sparr> it's a survival strategy game, with some fighting of monsters and such, but the core mechanic is building factory/conveyor/robot systems to process resources
21:41:35  <phatmatt> ic
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21:42:16  <sparr> as I sit here trying to figure out how to compress a certain manufacturing process down to a small footprint with minimal bottlenecks I am very strongly reminded of playing openttdcoop
21:42:55  <phatmatt> yeah i can see the similarities
21:43:07  <phatmatt> but can you play coop? :)
21:43:15  <phatmatt> (if you can, kickass)
21:46:26  <V453000> hi sparr, nice to see old faces
21:47:23  <Lizz> @quickstart
21:47:24  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki -
21:47:30  <sparr> it's just single player for now
21:48:02  <sparr> but coop multiplayer is in the plans
21:48:23  <Lizz> !dl win64
21:48:23  <coopserver> Lizz:
21:50:04  <Lizz> !password
21:50:04  <coopserver> Lizz: setter
21:55:40  <phatmatt> cool
21:57:27  *** Lizz is now known as Lisbon
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