Log for #openttdcoop on 23rd June 2014:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:15:13  *** Max| has quit IRC
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00:48:29  *** Alphasc has joined #openttdcoop
00:48:33  <Alphasc> !dl
00:48:33  <coopserver> Alphasc: !download lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
00:48:34  <coopserver> Alphasc:
00:50:36  <Alphasc> !password
00:50:36  <coopserver> Alphasc: bigger
00:50:43  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
00:50:46  <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has joined
00:50:46  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
01:00:44  <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has left the game (Leaving)
01:00:53  *** Alphasc has quit IRC
01:03:02  <Mazth> !password
01:03:02  <coopserver> Mazth: paquet
01:03:07  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
01:03:09  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined
01:03:09  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
01:04:30  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined company #1
01:04:51  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined spectators
01:04:54  <coopserver> *** Mazth has left the game (Leaving)
04:18:55  *** n00b has joined #openttdcoop
04:19:05  <n00b> hi
04:30:37  <Hazzard> hELLO
04:35:52  <n00b> is there any place where i can download save files of some pro train systems?
04:36:17  <n00b> i read many articles on your website but i dont see where i can download anything to see it running in real time
04:36:19  <Hazzard> :)
04:36:23  <n00b> thanks
04:36:46  <Hazzard> There is also the pub archive:
04:43:27  <V453000> I believe both  are pro enough :P
04:43:58  <n00b> yes thank you very very much guys :)
04:44:02  <n00b> this was exactly what i was looking for
04:44:13  *** Djanxy has quit IRC
04:44:26  <Hazzard> No problem :P
04:44:32  <V453000> you will just need our grf pack and correct openttd version to open it
04:44:33  <Webster> Read the Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki - (again, try !grf)
04:44:40  <V453000> the version running on our server currently should do fine
04:45:21  <n00b> i already opened them
04:45:31  <V453000> good :)
04:46:58  <n00b> it is so beautiful... 5000 synced trains on super small map... so awesome and impressive... you guys are the bestest
04:48:09  <n00b> pro zone for realzies
04:55:45  <V453000> :)
05:16:08  *** Hazzard_ has joined #openttdcoop
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06:16:21  *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop
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06:28:33  *** Max| has quit IRC
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11:58:42  <planetmaker> hm, nice uranium mine, V453000 :)
11:58:55  <planetmaker> animation frequency should depend on output level
11:59:10  <planetmaker> playing it at a loop looked too industrious :)
12:00:31  <V453000> :D
12:00:34  <V453000> yeah could do that
12:00:38  <planetmaker> but... where's the uranium in your scheme?
12:01:02  <planetmaker> instead of coal?
12:01:42  <V453000> yeah
12:01:45  <V453000> hm should be updated (:
12:03:17  <V453000> can it be coded so that the animation speed is the same always, but the animation occurs more often? e.g. the mine is stopped in default, and occassionally the animation happens, not in a loop
12:03:29  <V453000> or, there are "breaks" between loops
12:04:10  <planetmaker> what you mean 'not in a loop'?
12:04:30  <planetmaker> With the animation callback you can ask for the next animation frame (or decide to not change it)
12:04:48  <planetmaker> so yes, you probably can do what you want. Just may become a bit convoluted. but who cares? :D
12:05:14  <planetmaker> and there are triggers for the animation callback.
12:05:15  <V453000> right :D
12:05:24  <V453000> that is what I wanted to hear basically
12:05:27  <V453000> (:
12:06:07  <planetmaker> <-- at the very bottom, see the animation triggers
12:07:06  <planetmaker> so each time it triggers you could, for instance, run the animation sequence once
12:07:07  <V453000> yeah I read through that already :)
12:10:05  <V453000> should start coding next week I hope
12:10:11  <V453000> just a few industries to go
12:40:16  *** Absolutis has joined #openttdcoop
12:40:20  <Absolutis> o/
12:40:26  <Absolutis> !dl win64
12:40:26  <coopserver> Absolutis:
12:40:34  <Absolutis> long time no see
12:41:00  <V453000> hyhy
12:41:22  <Absolutis> !password
12:41:22  <coopserver> Absolutis: former
12:41:42  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
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12:41:44  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:42:11  <coopserver> <Absolutis> looks neat
12:42:46  <V453000> know about yeti yet? (:
12:42:52  <coopserver> <Absolutis> nope
12:43:10  <coopserver> <Absolutis> ah yeah
12:43:13  *** tycoondemon has quit IRC
12:43:15  <coopserver> <Absolutis> yep i read that
12:43:23  <coopserver> <Absolutis> didn't remember it right away
12:43:50  <V453000> :)
12:43:58  <V453000> and how about this? :P
12:44:07  *** KWKdesign has quit IRC
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12:45:31  <Absolutis> @logs
12:45:38  <Absolutis> nope, webster still hates me
12:45:55  <Absolutis> shiny
12:46:11  <V453000> :D
12:46:12  <V453000> @logs
12:46:13  <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer -
13:17:57  *** nicfer has joined #openttdcoop
13:42:04  *** Kazune has joined #openttdcoop
13:53:04  <Absolutis> is it just me or has openttdcoop become less popular?
13:54:54  <V453000> I think it is just fine?
13:55:08  <V453000> well it is quite bad time of the year, that is true, but that is for openttd as a whole
13:55:51  <V453000> the recent "rather unfinished" games arent a sign of less popular, but of a lack of people who lead others  towards a result
14:04:29  *** Max| has joined #openttdcoop
14:19:44  <Absolutis> christ
14:19:51  <Absolutis> my first game on ottdcoop is over 4 years ago?
14:19:53  <Absolutis> almost*
14:19:58  <V453000> idk is possible
14:20:02  <V453000> am not even counting mine :)
14:20:19  <V453000> since my last where I put actual real effort is years ago too
14:21:13  <Absolutis> yeah
14:21:16  <Absolutis> it was game 188
14:21:29  <Absolutis> started almost exactly 4 years ago
14:21:57  <V453000> the firs one right
14:22:02  <Absolutis> yeah
14:22:04  <V453000> y
14:22:11  <V453000> needs moar yeti
14:35:02  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop
14:35:02  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
15:43:18  <nicfer> !date
15:43:18  <coopserver> Jul 24 2146
16:01:06  *** Trangar has joined #openttdcoop
16:13:50  *** happy_ has joined #openttdcoop
16:14:12  <happy_> !passord
16:14:29  <happy_> !password
16:14:29  <coopserver> happy_: occupy
16:15:36  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:15:38  <coopserver> *** happy tran  sport has joined
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16:16:05  <coopserver> <happy tran  sport> hey
16:17:17  <coopserver> *** happy tran  sport has left the game (Leaving)
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16:21:00  *** nicfer has quit IRC
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16:32:04  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop
16:32:04  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
17:00:02  *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop
17:09:15  *** Brumi has joined #openttdcoop
18:46:05  *** Hazzard has joined #openttdcoop
18:52:15  <Hazzard> !players
18:52:15  <coopserver> Hazzard: There are currently 1 players and 0 spectators, making a total of 1 clients connected
18:52:20  <Hazzard> !password
18:52:20  <coopserver> Hazzard: nsdata
18:52:40  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
18:52:43  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined
18:52:43  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:53:17  <coopserver> <Hazzard> Hello
18:53:51  <Absolutis> Hi
18:54:39  <Absolutis> I wanna play some coop, but for the last 6 hours i've been here, there's been no one here :/
18:54:49  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #1
18:54:49  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
19:02:01  <coopserver> <Absolutis> V, if you're listening, you should add a maximum CL stat on train descriptions
19:10:51  <Absolutis> "can't construct industry here: too close to another industry
19:11:27  <Hazzard> :s
19:19:31  <coopserver> <Hazzard> :o
19:19:54  <coopserver> <Absolutis> a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
19:22:39  <coopserver> <Hazzard> :P
19:35:34  *** Brumi has quit IRC
19:46:35  <V453000> pfft Absolutis
19:46:55  <coopserver> <Hazzard> (I'd like that feature)
19:47:15  <V453000> 1. it already is on nuts wiki, 2. it can be derived from speed easily
19:48:47  <V453000> !dl win64
19:48:48  <coopserver> V453000:
19:49:21  <V453000> not to mention that "CL" has various interpretations
19:50:41  *** nicfer has quit IRC
19:51:13  <V453000> !password
19:51:13  <coopserver> V453000: branch
19:51:18  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
19:51:20  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
19:51:20  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
19:51:20  <coopserver> <V453000> h
19:51:22  <coopserver> <V453000> y
19:51:33  <coopserver> <Hazzard> hh
19:54:25  <coopserver> <Absolutis> Literally all of the wood, or can we leave small patches?
19:54:45  <coopserver> <Absolutis> r
19:58:00  <coopserver> <V453000> well most fun is obviously to get all of them
19:58:07  <coopserver> <V453000> but up to you
19:58:37  <coopserver> <V453000> no rainbow Hazzard? (:
19:58:47  <coopserver> <Hazzard> :P
20:02:39  *** condac has quit IRC
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20:19:02  <Mazth> !password
20:19:02  <coopserver> Mazth: ensure
20:19:07  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
20:19:09  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined
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20:20:25  <coopserver> *** Mazth has started a new company #2
20:20:34  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined spectators
20:20:36  <coopserver> <Mazth> lol
20:20:41  <coopserver> <Mazth> sorry!
20:21:06  <coopserver> <Mazth> much mouse accuracy :P
20:22:09  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined company #1
20:22:14  <coopserver> <V453000> competition
20:22:16  <coopserver> <V453000> gg
20:22:23  <coopserver> <Mazth> darn lost already
20:22:41  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined spectators
20:23:02  <coopserver> <Mazth> Absolutis:  are the inverse signals on purpose?
20:23:32  <coopserver> <Mazth> those trains look a but autistic rocking back and forth all day
20:23:51  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined company #1
20:23:54  <coopserver> <Hazzard> lol
20:24:03  <coopserver> <Absolutis> no they aren't
20:24:05  <coopserver> <Absolutis> thank you
20:24:06  <coopserver> <Hazzard> you broke it
20:24:14  <coopserver> <Hazzard> o
20:24:19  <coopserver> <Absolutis> where?
20:24:29  <coopserver> <Mazth> I found the cure...I added some mirrorneurons and voila!
20:24:29  <coopserver> <Hazzard> :P
20:24:45  <coopserver> <Mazth> they all look normal againz
20:25:05  <coopserver> <Mazth> they are like decepticons now...autist in hiding :P
20:25:28  <coopserver> *** Mazth has joined spectators
20:26:52  <Mazth> V much swag as manager
20:26:59  <coopserver> <V453000> wat
20:27:10  <Mazth> in the comp screen
20:27:24  <coopserver> <V453000> lol wat why is my name there
20:27:44  <coopserver> <Hazzard> hail
20:30:21  <Jam35> !password
20:30:21  <coopserver> Jam35: elrail
20:30:29  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
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20:30:31  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
20:30:55  <coopserver> <Jam35> elo
20:31:02  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined company #1
20:31:11  <coopserver> <Mazth> another word for rating?
20:34:13  <coopserver> <Absolutis> think i'll go offline for tonight
20:34:14  <coopserver> <Absolutis> cya
20:34:17  <coopserver> *** Absolutis has left the game (Leaving)
20:34:19  <coopserver> <Hazzard> bye
20:34:28  *** Absolutis has quit IRC
20:41:43  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined spectators
20:42:03  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #1
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20:44:45  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (Leaving)
20:44:45  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
20:50:03  *** Djanxy has quit IRC
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21:02:36  *** Trangar has joined #openttdcoop
21:38:42  <coopserver> *** Mazth has left the game (Leaving)
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21:53:21  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
23:13:33  *** Progman has quit IRC

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