Log for on 22nd May 2009:
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02:44:51  *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC
07:13:52  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Webster
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07:13:52  *** ChanServ changes topic to "#openttdcoop patch test channel - Infrastructure Sharing | | STAGE: IS game #7 running... | Dev Portal: | Discussion | Tag/Revision: IS2.0-beta2 (h4cd407da/r16141M) | Binaries: !download"
07:38:22  *** ChanServ changes topic to "#openttdcoop patch test channel - Infrastructure Sharing | | STAGE: IS game #7 running... | Dev Portal: | Discussion | Tag/Revision: IS2.0-beta2 (h4cd407da/r16141M) | Binaries: !download"
08:02:43  *** Progman has joined
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10:13:38  <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
10:13:46  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio joined the game
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10:30:14  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has joined company #1
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10:30:40  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has joined company #1
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10:34:52  *** Chris_Booth has joined
10:35:57  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has joined company #3
10:37:40  <Chris_Booth> hello
10:37:44  <Tycoon> <Anstonio> hello
10:39:18  <Chris_Booth> anything happening here?
10:39:34  <Tycoon> <Anstonio> yes, iam becoming the best :P
10:40:27  <Chris_Booth> i will have to put a stop to that
10:40:30  <Tycoon> <Anstonio> hehe
10:41:48  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth joined the game
10:42:44  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> someone has IS cost way to high
10:43:11  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
10:43:15  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
10:45:25  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
10:53:01  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> yellow should be winning again now
10:53:07  <Tycoon> <Anstonio> hehe
10:56:39  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
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11:03:18  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
11:09:36  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has joined company #1
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11:30:31  <Mark> how about a game with more height levels here?
11:30:43  <Tycoon> <Anstonio> how do you mean?
11:31:06  <Mark> i mean a game using the more height levels feature
11:32:49  <Tycoon> *** Mark joined the game
11:36:50  <Tycoon> <Anstonio> another freaking UFO
11:38:04  <Tycoon> *** Mark has left the game (leaving)
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11:51:03  *** Aali has quit IRC
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12:12:40  <Tycoon> <Anstonio> \
12:13:07  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has joined company #1
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12:15:56  <Ammler> !date
12:15:56  <Tycoon> Ammler:  5 Apr 2073
12:19:32  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has changed his/her name to ANtonio_AFK
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14:44:23  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio_AFK has changed his/her name to Anstonio
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16:48:03  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has joined company #1
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17:01:13  <Tycoon> *** Anstonio has left the game (connection lost)
17:01:13  <Tycoon> *** Game paused (not enough players)
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19:27:01  <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
19:27:03  <Tycoon> *** R682818 joined the game
19:50:22  <Chris_Booth> hello
19:50:25  <Tycoon> <R682818> hi
19:52:02  <Chris_Booth> want a new game?
19:52:17  <Tycoon> <R682818> I dont care to be honest
19:52:23  <Tycoon> <R682818> bigger cities = more money for the LRVs
19:52:45  <Tycoon> <R682818> then again the other companies have a monopoly on freight, but its profitable already for me
19:53:08  <Tycoon> <R682818> if you want to reset it, go ahead
19:54:18  <Chris_Booth> dont build your own network
19:54:26  <Chris_Booth> just run your trains on their lines
19:54:42  <Tycoon> <R682818> all I use is Light Rail Vehicles anyway (LRV, or Trams to Europe)
19:54:48  <Tycoon> <R682818> just wondering, you in NA or Europe?
19:55:02  <Tycoon> <R682818> so I dont mix anyone up on terms
19:55:06  <Chris_Booth> i am english
19:55:14  <Tycoon> <R682818> k
19:55:19  <Chris_Booth> but metro LRV or tram
19:55:23  <Chris_Booth> they are all the same
19:55:37  <Chris_Booth> and i speek in MPH not those stupid KM/h
19:55:41  <Tycoon> <R682818> :P
19:55:55  <Chris_Booth> are you american or candian?
19:55:59  <Tycoon> <R682818> American
19:56:02  <Tycoon> <R682818> New York
19:56:11  <Chris_Booth> second best city in the world
19:56:18  <Tycoon> <R682818> home of the New York City Subway, and, its cash. strapped. system. :|
19:56:38  <Ammler> Welcome to Obama :-)
19:56:50  <Tycoon> <R682818> I guess you guys are on IRC?
19:56:58  <Chris_Booth> but it is the biggest subway by length and apssenger nubmer in the world
19:57:05  <planetmaker> we are
19:57:08  <planetmaker> :)
19:57:08  <Chris_Booth> but london is still the best city in thw world
19:57:10  <planetmaker> hello
19:57:14  <Tycoon> <R682818> we all got Opinions
19:57:22  <Ammler> I like the london beer.
19:57:24  <Tycoon> <R682818> like how I hate the New Technology Trains since they cost too much in these times
19:57:38  <Tycoon> <R682818> what is it, 2 million for a new car?
19:57:44  <Tycoon> <R682818> they order almost 1000 of them?
19:57:46  <planetmaker> R68... you could join irc://, too :)
19:57:52  <Tycoon> <R682818> I know your IRC address
19:57:54  <planetmaker> forget the #
19:57:55  <planetmaker> ok
19:57:59  <Tycoon> <R682818> I just dont wanna use it ATM :D
19:58:06  <planetmaker> tsk
19:58:14  <Ammler> hehe
19:58:23  <Ammler> openttd is a good irc client, too.
19:58:24  <Chris_Booth> lucky the server isnt passworded
19:58:40  <Tycoon> <R682818> I only join when I enter the main server
19:58:43  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth joined the game
19:58:46  <Tycoon> <R682818> the IRC that is
19:58:54  <Ammler> what is your nick there?
19:59:00  <Tycoon> <R682818> where?
19:59:01  <planetmaker> why?
19:59:04  <Tycoon> <R682818> the IRC?
19:59:08  <Tycoon> <R682818> same nick as now
19:59:09  <Chris_Booth> i talk and everyone join the dev channel
19:59:24  <planetmaker> magic powers :)
19:59:26  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> not seen you arround befor
19:59:44  <Tycoon> <R682818> well I am only on right now cause I am off from school, Memorial Day
19:59:56  <Tycoon> <R682818> or swine flu for some other lucky guys in Queens
20:00:08  <Tycoon> <R682818> 27 schools was it, that they closed now?
20:00:22  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> green has mega jams
20:00:28  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has joined company #3
20:01:00  <Tycoon> <R682818> not enough capacity, or production
20:01:08  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> no
20:01:18  <Tycoon> <R682818> the steel mill is making nothing
20:01:24  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> he hasnt used waypoint or sperate stations to drop goods and pickup
20:01:24  <Tycoon> <R682818> or not...
20:01:39  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> if he used a drop way point and a pickup way point
20:01:45  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> then it wouldnt jam
20:01:55  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> or as i would do use 2 stations
20:01:55  <Tycoon> <R682818> the wrong trains on each side I guess?
20:01:58  <Tycoon> <R682818> theres two seperate stations
20:02:02  <Tycoon> <R682818> but steel trains on each side
20:02:12  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> they have the same name
20:02:15  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> both daston woods
20:02:19  <Tycoon> <R682818> ah
20:02:50  <Tycoon> <R682818> well theyre seperate in a sense
20:02:56  <Tycoon> <R682818> but the two sides are connected
20:03:13  <Ammler> Thraxian is newyork quy too, afaik?
20:03:29  <Tycoon> <R682818> well I am actually in their suburbs
20:03:31  <Chris_Booth> erm not sure
20:03:35  <Tycoon> <R682818> Town of Babylon, Long Island
20:03:38  <Tycoon> <R682818> 80 miles from the City
20:03:44  <Tycoon> <R682818> or 8.25 Rail fare
20:03:56  <Ammler> and new york is already bigger than my whole country :-)
20:04:01  <Tycoon> <R682818> or 2 hours in traffic on the Interstate 495 ;)
20:04:06  <Chris_Booth> erm ammler can you turn 90 degree turn of using IRC?
20:04:09  <Chris_Booth> please
20:04:21  <Ammler> !date
20:04:21  <Tycoon> Ammler: 19 Jun 2095
20:04:30  <Ammler> isn't that a bit too late :P
20:04:36  <Chris_Booth> well yeah
20:04:43  <Chris_Booth> but i didnt load this game
20:04:51  <Chris_Booth> and you are an member
20:04:52  <Chris_Booth> please
20:04:56  <Chris_Booth> trains look stupid
20:05:04  <Ammler> :-)
20:05:11  <planetmaker> @voice Chris_Booth
20:05:11  *** Webster sets mode: +v Chris_Booth
20:05:13  <planetmaker> do it
20:05:16  <Ammler> :-)
20:05:27  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> check hub 04
20:05:29  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> lol
20:05:47  <Chris_Booth> how?
20:06:01  <planetmaker> !rcon <optionname> <optionvalue>
20:06:01  <Tycoon> planetmaker: ERROR: command or variable not found
20:06:11  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> oops
20:06:22  <planetmaker> I'm too lazy to look up how it's called and you want it :)
20:06:58  <Chris_Booth> how do you look it up?
20:07:20  <planetmaker> hm... wiki? your config file?
20:07:39  <Chris_Booth> what wiki what config file?
20:07:43  <planetmaker> it's an advanced setting
20:07:54  <Chris_Booth> you have to remember i am an idiot
20:07:56  <planetmaker> you need to know its name and the possible values, probably 0 and 1
20:08:18  <Ammler> no, you aren't
20:08:22  <Chris_Booth> !rcon turn off 90 deg rail turns 1
20:08:22  <Tycoon> Chris_Booth: ERROR: command or variable not found
20:08:25  <Ammler> you just behave sometimes like
20:08:43  <Chris_Booth> ok i am a clown
20:09:01  <Ammler> that too, sometimes :-)
20:09:16  <Ammler> but also a nice guy,
20:09:19  <Ammler> sometimes
20:09:21  <Chris_Booth> lol
20:09:32  <Chris_Booth> sometimes i am also drunk
20:09:36  <Chris_Booth> and send abusive emails
20:09:38  <Tycoon> <R682818> im making extra cash off the pink guy XD
20:09:44  <Tycoon> <R682818> for patching up a dead spot
20:09:54  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> lol
20:10:45  <Chris_Booth> actualy looking at some of the layouts
20:10:53  <Chris_Booth> probs best not to turn it off
20:12:59  <Tycoon> <R682818> ey how do I use the identify command again?
20:13:23  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> identify coomand?
20:13:29  <Tycoon> <R682818> yeah
20:13:35  <Tycoon> <R682818> my nick is registered and I am using another client
20:13:35  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> for what?
20:13:38  <Tycoon> <R682818> the IRC server
20:13:53  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> /msg nickev identify password name
20:14:17  <Tycoon> <R682818> worked
20:14:39  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> cool
20:16:25  *** R682818_ has joined
20:16:42  <R682818_> well
20:17:01  *** R682818_ is now known as R682818
20:17:07  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> well this jam is stupid
20:17:13  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> bad building
20:17:19  <Tycoon> <R682818> it can be easily avoided?
20:17:25  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> yeah
20:17:27  <Tycoon> <R682818> :\
20:17:41  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> build 2 sperate stations
20:17:44  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> 1 called drop
20:17:48  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> 1 called pick up
20:18:02  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> and if you use more than 1 TL use way points to split them up
20:18:54  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> or use a uniform train length
20:22:53  <Tycoon> <R682818> jeez one small stretch of track makes me over 50,000 dollars a year
20:23:15  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> put the price up to the max
20:23:41  <Tycoon> <R682818> since i ma (semi) nice with prices, it is a modest 500 dollars a tile
20:23:47  <Tycoon> <R682818> am*
20:25:31  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> nice guys finish last
20:25:37  <Tycoon> <R682818> actually
20:25:39  <Tycoon> <R682818> not last
20:25:42  <Tycoon> <R682818> 4th out of 6
20:25:44  <Tycoon> <R682818> ;)
20:26:06  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
20:26:20  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> check greens train 31
20:26:22  <Tycoon> <R682818> plus my Light Rail system makes alot of cash for 2 lines
20:26:37  <Tycoon> <R682818> FAIL
20:26:45  <Chris_Booth> EPIC FAIL
20:26:53  <Tycoon> <R682818> no wonder why it loses money
20:26:56  <Tycoon> <R682818> it cant unload!
20:27:03  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> plus caps lock is the cruise control for cool
20:27:06  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> it can
20:27:08  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> and will
20:27:14  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> just take it ages
20:27:24  <Tycoon> <R682818> yeah will practially it cant
20:27:26  <Tycoon> <R682818> ooh UFO
20:27:26  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> and blocks all entrances
20:27:28  <Tycoon> <R682818> profit time
20:27:30  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> and cant exit
20:27:46  <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> how do you make profit from a UFO?
20:27:56  <Tycoon> <R682818> the track destroyed by the air raid
20:28:06  <Tycoon> <R682818> gets profit when I remake it, if it even gets service
20:28:06  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has joined company #3
20:28:15  <Tycoon> <R682818> hey check Green train 107
20:28:22  <Tycoon> <R682818> o wait the stations are long enough
20:29:14  <Tycoon> <R682818> now just wait for the Fighter Bombers...
20:29:17  <Tycoon> <R682818> any day now...
20:30:43  <Tycoon> <R682818> nothing ever happened *looks in both directions, walks away*
20:31:02  <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
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20:32:02  <Tycoon> <R682818> lol Yellow Train 26
20:32:12  <Tycoon> <R682818> three times as long as the platform
20:38:56  <Tycoon> <R682818> dude
20:39:00  <Tycoon> <R682818> another massive Green jam
20:46:49  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
21:02:22  *** R682818 has quit IRC
21:54:55  <Tycoon> *** R682818 has left the game (leaving)
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21:54:55  <Tycoon> *** Game paused (not enough players)
22:01:03  <Tycoon> *** Comm Cody joined the game
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23:31:48  <Tycoon> *** Mr. H joined the game
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23:44:03  <Tycoon> *** Game paused (not enough players)
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23:47:27  <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (enough players)

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