Log for on 18th June 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:10:52  *** [alt]buster has joined
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02:20:31  *** BoNes has joined
02:21:42  <BoNes> Hello all. I've jumped on here to find out what is going on with
02:21:42  <BoNes> I believe that the server is down.
02:22:17  *** BoNes has left
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02:25:25  <BoNes> !download
02:25:25  <Tycoon> BoNes: !download lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
02:25:41  <BoNes> win32
02:25:50  <BoNes> !download win32
02:25:50  <Tycoon> BoNes:
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06:39:24  <planetmaker> !info
06:39:24  <Tycoon> planetmaker: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'join!'  Year Founded: 1950  Money: 99808  Loan: 100000  Value: 1  (T:0, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected
07:27:38  *** [com]buster has quit IRC
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10:45:18  <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen joined the game
10:58:53  <Ammler> !content
10:59:03  <Tycoon> *** Ammler has updated content from BaNaNaS.
11:16:17  *** KenjiE20 has joined
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12:23:27  <fonsinchen> I think this page is not up to date:
12:32:55  <fonsinchen> The port is wrong and there are no newgrfs.
12:34:34  <Ammler> where do you get that link from?
12:35:08  <Ammler> !ip
12:35:08  <Tycoon> Ammler:
12:35:11  <Ammler> !url
12:35:11  <Tycoon> Ammler:
12:37:38  <Ammler> fonsinchen: does git also have something like tags?
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12:38:00  <KenjiE20> Ammler, it's about two clicks from any page
12:38:00  <Ammler> and then git up <tag> ?
12:39:43  <fonsinchen> I think git has tags, but I haven't used them
12:40:05  <fonsinchen> but you can always do "git checkout <revisision>"
12:41:21  <fonsinchen> where <revision> is that for example  875fc135 or 714743fa
12:41:51  <fonsinchen> and the link is here:
12:41:59  <fonsinchen> "Dev Server - online"
12:42:31  <fonsinchen> And it says "IS2.0-beta2" which is also wrong.
12:44:34  <fonsinchen> And basically all links on point to IS instead of cargodist.
13:00:35  <Ammler> the we was down
13:00:42  <Ammler> b
13:06:50  *** [com]buster has quit IRC
13:08:58  <fonsinchen> What is "we"?
13:19:10  <Ammler> +b =web ;-)
13:20:04  <Ammler> !blog
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14:16:21  <fonsinchen> !url
14:16:21  <Tycoon> fonsinchen:
14:17:06  <fonsinchen> still everything pointing to IS2 ...
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14:38:46  <Ammler> sorry, fonsinchen, Iam very slow today ;-)
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16:34:39  <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen has left the game (leaving)
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