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00:21:55 <PeterT> Ammler: who is that? 00:22:15 * Ammler is off :-P 00:22:28 <Ammler> that was a spamer... 00:23:16 <PeterT> oh :-) 00:23:26 <PeterT> now I see the #oftc conversation 00:25:17 *** Progman has quit IRC 00:51:08 *** PeterT is now known as PeterT-GeoIPfool 00:51:45 *** PeterT-GeoIPfool is now known as PeterT 01:20:47 *** snc has quit IRC 01:21:20 *** PeterT has quit IRC 01:24:42 *** snc has joined #openttdcoop.dev 01:28:15 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 01:45:22 *** snc has quit IRC 01:48:48 *** snc has joined #openttdcoop.dev 01:59:20 *** PeterT has quit IRC 02:07:46 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 02:52:48 *** PeterT has quit IRC 02:56:03 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 03:05:10 *** PeterT has quit IRC 03:11:45 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 03:45:44 *** snc has quit IRC 03:53:50 *** snc has joined #openttdcoop.dev 05:23:14 *** PeterT has quit IRC 05:25:33 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 05:33:09 *** snc has quit IRC 05:36:28 *** snc has joined #openttdcoop.dev 06:36:15 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop.dev 06:36:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^ 06:48:16 *** PeterT has quit IRC 06:52:07 *** Mucht has joined #openttdcoop.dev 06:52:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mucht 06:53:51 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 06:59:50 *** snc has quit IRC 07:00:04 *** master-sonic has joined #openttdcoop.dev 07:00:14 *** master-sonic is now known as snc 07:04:43 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop.dev 07:04:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o fonsinchen 07:32:23 <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen joined the game 08:01:55 *** einKarl has joined #openttdcoop.dev 08:11:10 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop.dev 08:16:34 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop.dev 08:30:38 *** PeterT has quit IRC 08:38:57 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 09:09:39 *** snc has quit IRC 09:10:01 *** snc has joined #openttdcoop.dev 09:12:23 *** PeterT has quit IRC 09:15:04 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 09:32:20 *** Chris_Booth is now known as Guest950 09:32:26 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.dev 09:32:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Chris_Booth 09:35:38 *** Guest950 has quit IRC 10:46:17 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.dev 10:46:17 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 10:47:27 *** PeterT has quit IRC 10:49:14 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.dev 13:51:17 <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 13:51:20 <Tycoon> *** vok11 joined the game 13:53:04 <Tycoon> *** vok11 has left the game (connection lost) 13:53:04 <Tycoon> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:12:46 <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen has left the game (connection lost) 15:14:35 *** Coco-Banana-Man has joined #openttdcoop.dev 15:20:18 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 15:23:28 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 15:35:07 *** OwenS has joined #openttdcoop.dev 16:29:20 *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop.dev 16:29:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o fonsinchen 16:43:05 <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 16:43:08 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel joined the game 16:46:03 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #9 16:46:35 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #1 16:54:14 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has left the game (leaving) 16:54:16 <Tycoon> *** Game paused (number of players) 17:09:23 *** NukeBuster has joined #openttdcoop.dev 17:32:26 <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 17:32:26 <Tycoon> *** NukeBuster joined the game 17:38:59 *** Yexo has quit IRC 17:48:23 <PeterT> !players 17:48:26 <Tycoon> PeterT: Client 71 (Dark Blue) is NukeBuster, in company 9 (Orléans Transport) 17:59:26 <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen joined the game 18:05:51 <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen has left the game (connection lost) 18:11:39 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel joined the game 18:13:50 <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen joined the game 18:13:57 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #9 18:14:18 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #1 18:39:21 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #9 18:41:01 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #1 18:48:49 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #9 18:53:48 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #1 19:01:57 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #9 19:02:05 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #1 19:02:21 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #9 19:02:49 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has joined company #1 19:03:18 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> lol 19:03:20 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> oops 19:03:28 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> dragged the rail into a window :P 19:03:51 <Tycoon> <Razaekel> nice 19:04:21 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> lol, talk about quick building 19:04:47 <Tycoon> <Razaekel> what's with all the tracks? 19:05:01 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> new mainline thingy i'm trying out 19:07:39 <Tycoon> <Razaekel> i wish wagon speed limits were removed 19:07:53 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> just upgrade the wagons :) 19:07:59 <Tycoon> <Razaekel> already did 19:08:05 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> ah maxed at 251 19:08:07 <Tycoon> <Razaekel> ore wagons are limited to 104km/hr 19:08:18 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> oh 19:08:22 <Tycoon> <Razaekel> rubber wagons are 160km/hr 19:10:00 <Razaekel> ammler, could you save the game, restart the server with wagon speed limits disabled, then reload the game? 19:14:05 <Ammler> @op Razaekel 19:14:05 *** Webster sets mode: +o Razaekel 19:14:09 <Ammler> do it self :-) 19:14:12 <Razaekel> or i could do it 19:14:15 <Razaekel> !rcon help 19:14:15 <Tycoon> Razaekel: ---- OpenTTD Console Help ---- 19:14:15 <Tycoon> Razaekel: - commands: [command to list all commands: list_cmds] 19:14:15 <Tycoon> Razaekel: call commands with '<command> <arg2> <arg3>...' 19:14:15 <Tycoon> Razaekel: - to assign strings, or use them as arguments, enclose it within quotes 19:14:15 <Tycoon> Razaekel: like this: '<command> "string argument with spaces"' 19:14:16 <Tycoon> Razaekel: you have 3 more messages 19:14:16 <Ammler> !getsave 19:14:16 <Tycoon> Ammler: !getsave <url>: downloads the save from given <url> 19:14:26 <Razaekel> !save 19:14:26 <Tycoon> Saving game... 19:14:33 <Ammler> he? 19:14:40 <Ammler> you need to do it locally 19:14:45 <Razaekel> really? 19:14:49 <Razaekel> !pause 19:14:50 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has paused the server. 19:14:52 <Tycoon> *** Game paused (number of players) 19:14:57 <Ammler> didn't I already told you? 19:15:03 <Razaekel> no 19:15:11 <Chris_Booth> cant you just use rcon wagon limit? 19:15:12 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings wagon 19:15:12 <Tycoon> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 19:15:12 <Tycoon> Ammler: vehicle.wagon_speed_limits = on 19:15:12 <Tycoon> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 19:15:21 <Ammler> !rcon set wagon_speed_limits 19:15:21 <Tycoon> Ammler: Current value for 'wagon_speed_limits' is: 'on' (min: 0, max: 1) 19:15:24 <Ammler> !rcon set wagon_speed_limits 0 19:15:24 <Tycoon> Ammler: ERROR: This command/variable is not available during network games. 19:15:28 <Ammler> Razaekel: ^ 19:15:43 <Razaekel> so, save, load in solo, change limits, save, upload, load? 19:15:51 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has left the game (leaving) 19:15:55 <Ammler> Razaekel: yep 19:16:25 <Razaekel> upload to where? 19:16:30 <Ammler> !getsave 19:16:30 <Tycoon> Ammler: !getsave <url>: downloads the save from given <url> 19:16:44 <Ammler> somewhere the server can wget to 19:16:48 <Razaekel> like? 19:16:57 <Ammler> filebin 19:17:25 <Ammler> tt-forums etc.... 19:17:32 <Ammler> blog... 19:17:33 <Razaekel> finebin it is 19:17:36 <Razaekel> er 19:17:37 <Razaekel> filebin 19:17:48 <Chris_Booth> the dev server uploader? 19:17:52 <Ammler> as long as the hoster doesn't have stupid script for download 19:17:58 <Razaekel> i dont know where that is, chris 19:18:06 <Ammler> and you don't have login 19:18:11 <Ammler> I assume 19:18:18 <Chris_Booth> i have the loging 19:18:35 <Chris_Booth> and the URL 19:19:00 <Razaekel> !getsave http://filebin.ca/gouujz/temp.sav 19:19:00 <Tycoon> Razaekel: couldn't execute "./bin/getsave.sh": no such file or directory 19:19:10 <Ammler> oh :-) 19:19:17 <Chris_Booth> although you may have changed it Ammler as the login i have it very old 19:19:22 <Chris_Booth> from the IS2 days 19:19:23 <Razaekel> !getsave http://filebin.ca/gouujz 19:19:23 <Tycoon> Razaekel: couldn't execute "./bin/getsave.sh": no such file or directory 19:19:28 <Razaekel> hurf durf 19:20:22 *** einKarl has quit IRC 19:21:51 <Ammler> !getsave http://filebin.ca/gouujz 19:21:51 <Tycoon> Ammler: couldn't execute "./bin/getsave.sh": permission denied 19:22:02 <Ammler> !getsave http://filebin.ca/gouujz 19:22:06 <Tycoon> Ammler: OK :-) 19:22:11 <Ammler> Razaekel: ^ 19:22:24 <Razaekel> !getsave http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/images/9/95/Raz-Temp1.sav 19:22:25 <Tycoon> Razaekel: OK :-) 19:22:41 <Razaekel> !loadsave 19:22:42 <Ammler> don't use our wiki 19:22:56 <Razaekel> oh 19:23:09 <Razaekel> how do i delete it? 19:23:19 <Ammler> you can't that is why you shouldn't use it :-) 19:23:28 <Razaekel> >.> 19:23:35 * Razaekel makes note for future reference 19:24:00 <Razaekel> ok, now how do i load the save? 19:24:11 <Razaekel> !load Raz-Temp1.sav 19:24:36 <Razaekel> !help 19:24:46 <Razaekel> !rcon list_cmds 19:24:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: alias 19:24:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: ban 19:24:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: banlist 19:24:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: cd 19:24:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: clear 19:24:48 <Tycoon> Razaekel: you have 55 more messages 19:24:54 <Razaekel> !rcon more 19:24:55 <Tycoon> Razaekel: ERROR: command not found 19:24:59 <Razaekel> hurf durf 19:25:11 <Chris_Booth> Razaekel: rcon ls 19:25:16 <Razaekel> !rcon ls 19:25:16 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 0) .. (Parent directory) 19:25:16 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 1) autosave/ (Directory) 19:25:16 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 2) uploads/ (Directory) 19:25:16 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 3) game.sav 19:25:16 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 4) 1973.sav 19:25:18 <Tycoon> Razaekel: you have 4 more messages 19:25:22 <Chris_Booth> rcon load n 19:25:23 <Razaekel> !rcon ls Raz-Temp1.sav 19:25:24 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 0) .. (Parent directory) 19:25:24 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 1) autosave/ (Directory) 19:25:24 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 2) uploads/ (Directory) 19:25:24 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 3) game.sav 19:25:24 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 4) 1973.sav 19:25:24 <Tycoon> Razaekel: you have 4 more messages 19:25:34 <Razaekel> ok 19:25:41 <Chris_Booth> and !more 19:25:41 <Razaekel> how do i show the rest of the messages? 19:25:43 <Razaekel> !more 19:25:43 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 5) desync_start_1961.sav 19:25:43 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 6) desync_start2.sav 19:25:44 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 7) desync_start.sav 19:25:44 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 8) start.sav 19:25:47 <Razaekel> !more 19:25:47 <Tycoon> Razaekel: you have no more messages 19:26:02 <Razaekel> !rcon ls/uploads 19:26:02 <Tycoon> Razaekel: ERROR: command not found 19:26:10 <Razaekel> !rcon load 2 19:26:10 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 2: Not a savegame. 19:26:17 <Razaekel> !rcon ls 2 19:26:17 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 0) .. (Parent directory) 19:26:17 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 1) autosave/ (Directory) 19:26:17 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 2) uploads/ (Directory) 19:26:17 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 3) game.sav 19:26:17 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 4) 1973.sav 19:26:18 <Tycoon> Razaekel: you have 4 more messages 19:26:31 <Razaekel> !rcon cd uploads 19:26:36 <Razaekel> !rcon ls 19:26:36 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 0) .. (Parent directory) 19:26:36 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 1) Raz-Temp1.sav 19:26:36 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 2) start.sav 19:26:44 <Razaekel> !rcon load 1 19:26:47 <Tycoon> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 19:26:52 <Tycoon> *** NukeBuster joined the game 19:26:53 <Ammler> you could also query the server :-P 19:26:54 <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen joined the game 19:27:16 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel joined the game 19:27:21 <Razaekel> !unpause 19:27:21 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has unpaused the server. (Use !auto to set it back.) 19:27:35 <Razaekel> byoo 19:27:40 <Razaekel> !auto 19:27:41 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has enabled autopause mode. 19:27:43 <Tycoon> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 19:27:57 <Razaekel> ok 19:28:03 <Razaekel> i get it now 19:28:07 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has left the game (leaving) 19:29:05 <Razaekel> !rcon ls 19:29:05 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 0) .. (Parent directory) 19:29:05 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 1) Raz-Temp1.sav 19:29:05 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 2) start.sav 19:29:10 <Razaekel> !rcon del 1 19:29:10 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 1: Failed to delete file 19:29:15 <Razaekel> !rcon del Raz-Temp1.sav 19:29:15 <Tycoon> Razaekel: Raz-Temp1.sav: Failed to delete file 19:29:23 <Razaekel> !pause 19:29:23 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has paused the server. 19:29:25 <Razaekel> !rcon del Raz-Temp1.sav 19:29:26 <Tycoon> Razaekel: Raz-Temp1.sav: Failed to delete file 19:29:35 <Razaekel> !getsave http://filebin.ca/kypgce 19:29:38 <Tycoon> Razaekel: OK :-) 19:29:45 <Razaekel> !rcon ls 19:29:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 0) .. (Parent directory) 19:29:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 1) Raz-Temp1.sav 19:29:46 <Tycoon> Razaekel: 2) start.sav 19:29:47 <Ammler> !auto 19:29:47 <Tycoon> *** Ammler has enabled autopause mode. 19:29:51 <Ammler> fixed 19:30:07 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel joined the game 19:30:08 <Ammler> Razaekel: [21:26] <Ammler> you could also query the server  19:30:09 <Razaekel> no it isnt 19:30:17 <KenjiE20> !rcon unpause 19:30:17 <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (manual) 19:30:21 <KenjiE20> fixed now 19:30:22 <Razaekel> ah 19:30:32 <Razaekel> nice 19:30:33 <Razaekel> thanks 19:30:51 <Ammler> not it is 19:30:53 <Ammler> !auto 19:30:53 <Tycoon> *** Ammler has enabled autopause mode. 19:31:00 <KenjiE20> that was already on 19:31:00 <Ammler> !rcon pause 19:31:00 <Tycoon> Ammler: [All] Tycoon: <KenjiE20> that was already on 19:31:01 <Tycoon> *** Game paused (manual) 19:31:04 <Ammler> !auto 19:31:04 <Tycoon> *** Ammler has enabled autopause mode. 19:31:05 <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (manual) 19:31:08 <Ammler> :-) 19:31:14 <Ammler> KenjiE20: I meant the command 19:31:37 <Ammler> it had no unpause 19:31:38 <KenjiE20> well it didn't unpause 19:32:05 <Ammler> s/not/now/ 19:35:08 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> argh... some of my road vehicles wo'nt start anymore :) 19:35:10 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> :( 19:35:48 <Tycoon> *** NukeBuster has joined company #9 19:36:05 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> lol, never mind. Didn't know i was spectator 19:36:11 <Chris_Booth> is nukebuster any relationship to combuster? 19:36:19 <Tycoon> <NukeBuster> nope 20:09:27 <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen has left the game (connection lost) 20:12:31 <Chris_Booth> !dl win64 20:12:31 <Tycoon> Chris_Booth: http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/cargodist/g17340e3e/openttd-cargodist-g17340e3e-windows-win64.zip 20:13:36 <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth joined the game 20:14:14 <Tycoon> <Chris Booth> someone likes maps like this 20:17:11 *** fonsinchen has quit IRC 20:18:11 <Tycoon> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost) 22:08:10 <Tycoon> *** Razaekel has left the game (leaving) 22:28:40 *** Progman has quit IRC 22:42:31 *** Coco-Banana-Man has quit IRC 23:02:19 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC 23:29:24 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 23:30:28 *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop.dev 23:56:49 *** NukeBuster has quit IRC 23:56:50 <Tycoon> *** NukeBuster has left the game (connection lost) 23:56:52 <Tycoon> *** Game paused (number of players)