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00:10:31 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 00:22:20 *** GT has left #openttdcoop.devzone 00:41:43 *** andythenorth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 01:07:06 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 01:07:51 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 01:35:50 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 02:26:24 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 02:47:41 *** dragonhorseboy has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 02:47:44 <dragonhorseboy> hey 03:27:09 *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC 03:36:44 *** dragonhorseboy has left #openttdcoop.devzone 05:17:54 *** Frankr has quit IRC 07:25:12 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:30:53 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:55:26 *** welshdragon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 09:36:09 *** Hyronymus has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:32:45 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:01:21 *** dragonhorseboy has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:01:24 <dragonhorseboy> hey 12:04:46 <andythenorth> hi 12:05:52 <dragonhorseboy> hey ;) 12:06:14 <dragonhorseboy> banging your head on more FIRS difficulity or doing something else for a change now? hehe :) 12:12:08 <andythenorth> dragonhorseboy: reading trunk, trying to figure out some patches.. Have you got your forum login yet? 12:14:46 <dragonhorseboy> I think the forum record's dead for certain, two requests and no automated reply .. so waiting for the weekday to figure out sharing an email account temporately for me to decide what new forum nick to sign up with 12:20:22 <dragonhorseboy> would ask someone else to try the sendpassword to check that its not just my account but dunno if that seem like a dumb request :p 12:44:43 <dragonhorseboy> andythenorth you mentioned some of your remaining tasks with FIRS was regarding to cargo chains .. care to tell me about any of them? (I can't find any reports on the dev page) 12:45:07 <andythenorth> dragonhorseboy: can't remember! sorry 12:45:15 <dragonhorseboy> its ok ;) 12:45:22 <dragonhorseboy> if you do and I'm here another time..just shoot it off :) 12:49:38 <dragonhorseboy> it'll be interesting to see the complete 'winterizing' of FIRS but I'll wait for all the bugs and so to be fixed out first considering not all players play temperate with any snowlines :) 12:54:53 <dragonhorseboy> oh and re that screenshot of your ottd folder before .. I actually started looking at ottd with 0.4.7 as far as I can recall 12:55:04 <dragonhorseboy> way pre-customindustrysupport naturally :) 12:55:36 <dragonhorseboy> I think it was like 0.7 or close that finally started having some support wasn't it? 12:57:22 <Rubidium> more like 0.6 12:57:42 <dragonhorseboy> oh ok 13:18:47 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 13:29:07 <PeterT> Hello Ammler 13:29:13 <PeterT> shall I seed that torrent/ 13:31:31 <PeterT> Ammler? 13:31:56 <dragonhorseboy> I'm not sure that user can wake off the keyboard yet :P 13:32:00 <dragonhorseboy> heh 13:32:09 <PeterT> he's active in #opentttdcoop 13:32:23 <dragonhorseboy> ah 13:34:52 <Ammler> Hello guys :-) 13:35:01 <PeterT> hi Ammler 13:35:17 <Ammler> PeterT: I don't care, it doesn't look like he is interested in using alternative services. 13:35:28 <PeterT> Ah, ok ;-) 13:35:50 <Ammler> the server does seed it, so you have max speed anyway ;-) 13:36:13 <Ammler> do you have ratio >0 already? 13:36:54 <PeterT> hmm? 14:32:42 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:57:17 *** dragonhorseboy has left #openttdcoop.devzone 15:00:52 *** PeterT_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:01:22 *** PeterT is now known as Guest1021 15:01:22 *** PeterT_ is now known as PeterT 15:01:57 *** Guest1021 has quit IRC 15:06:15 <PeterT> I must say Ammler, I have not seen a bad post from you 15:07:05 <Ammler> he? 15:07:35 <Ammler> what have I broken? :-) 15:07:39 <PeterT> on tt-forums 15:09:14 <Ammler> lol, a lot bad English ;-) 15:09:37 <PeterT> No, not really 15:13:10 <andythenorth> Ammler: what was your bananas improvement suggestion? 15:20:06 <Ammler> andythenorth: the total count to the public page: http://bananas.openttd.org/en/newgrf/ 15:20:35 <Ammler> now it does only show the release count 15:21:19 <Ammler> but also then, old newgrfs are in front, so my second thought is something like a monthly count. 15:22:32 <Ammler> trash the 2nd thought, but take the first serious :-) 15:23:30 <Ammler> the website is only for curiosity, you don't chose downloads there, you do that with the content service and there you have again another sorting. 15:24:19 <Ammler> but on the webpage, newgrfs which updates get automatically "penalties" :-) 15:24:25 <Ammler> with* 15:25:43 <PeterT> Ammler :-( > http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=853909#p853909 15:25:45 <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums • View topic - [Patch] Watch Other Companies GUI (at www.tt-forums.net) 15:26:37 <Ammler> PeterT: you like to revert your statement 20 minutes ago? 15:26:45 <Ammler> :-D 15:27:03 <PeterT> Ammler: No, you have good posts 15:27:09 <PeterT> I don't agree with that one though 15:28:44 <Ammler> dunno, did you ever participate in the #coopetition game? 15:29:35 <PeterT> no, not yet 15:29:43 <PeterT> can you explain why you think it's cheatish? 15:29:53 <Ammler> http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2009/03/27/coopetition-pz-game/ 15:30:20 <PeterT> so, what about it? 15:30:38 <Ammler> if I could watch my opponents what they are doing, e.g. "stealing" from the factory I supply goods etc. 15:31:03 <Ammler> else it could take some time until I see that. 15:31:20 <PeterT> so what? 15:31:43 <Ammler> you should not be able to watch others companies as player. 15:32:05 <PeterT> in a normal version, no 15:32:42 <Ammler> Well, I am quite sure, there will be a MP patch pack with this patch for 1.0 15:33:02 <PeterT> yes, Bilbo's pack? 15:33:14 <Ammler> e.g. 15:33:31 <Ammler> hmm? :-) 15:33:57 <Ammler> for example, doesn't matter who makes it, but someone will do such a release, I am quite sure. 15:34:01 <Ammler> which isn't bad. 15:34:15 <PeterT> yes 15:35:29 <Ammler> It looks like the only solution against this patch is to allow it and provide binaries. 15:35:52 <PeterT> I don't see how that is a solution against the patch 15:36:11 <Ammler> that's the point :'-( 16:03:08 *** KenjiE20 is now known as Guest1024 16:03:14 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:08:36 *** Guest1024 has quit IRC 16:19:13 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 16:20:16 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:25:55 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 16:26:19 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:31:12 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:24:11 <PeterT> Ammler? 18:24:13 <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: #openttdcoop - Feature #583 (Rejected): Distro change (CentOS 5) <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/583#change-1967> 18:25:15 <PeterT> how do you use the bouncer here? http://bnc.openttdcoop.org/ 18:25:49 <Ammler> you mean the webchat for the bouncer? 18:25:56 <PeterT> I'm not sure 18:25:57 <Ammler> I run a 2nd instance of ti 18:26:00 <PeterT> bnc.openttdcoop.org 18:26:10 <PeterT> so if I want to be online without my computer being online 18:26:42 <Ammler> well, we ofter that service to members 18:26:52 <Ammler> it is www.znc.in 18:27:31 <Ammler> my IRC server is openttdcoop.org:6697 instead of oftc.net 18:27:50 <Ammler> and openttdcoop is permanently connected 18:27:57 <PeterT> so bnc.openttdcoop.org is free? 18:28:03 <PeterT> permanent? that doesnt' sound good 18:28:48 <Ammler> well, that is the idea of the bouncer 18:29:05 <Ammler> to have one stable connection to this channels 18:29:32 <PeterT> what if I want the bouncer to disconnect, so I can use my regular client? 18:29:35 <Ammler> well, it is free for members :-) 18:29:52 <Ammler> the bouncer isn't a client 18:30:00 <Ammler> it is just something like a proxy 18:30:19 <Ammler> I guess, there exist wiki articels about it ;-) 18:30:40 <Ammler> I still use a "normal" irc client 18:30:41 <PeterT> I thought a bouncer is something like a client that stays connected for you while you are not online 18:31:36 <Ammler> that is a silly setup of some, they run a client on a server and connect to this server 18:31:41 <Ammler> console irc 18:31:51 <Ammler> e.g. irssi 18:31:58 <Ammler> or something 18:32:28 <Ammler> I call that "pseudo bouncer" ;-) 18:32:47 <KenjiE20> 'proxy' 18:34:36 <Ammler> he, KenjiE20 is one those :-P 18:35:17 <KenjiE20> weechat >>>> irrsi though 18:35:17 <Ammler> quite a recent irc client you run... 18:35:55 <KenjiE20> yea, .3.1.1 was a bug fix 18:36:06 <KenjiE20> .3.1 wasn't that long ago either, though 18:52:54 *** Hyronymus has quit IRC 19:00:16 *** PeterT|WebChat has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:01:47 *** PeterT|WebChat has quit IRC 19:20:51 *** GT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:21:58 <PeterT> Hello, GT, GeekToo 19:22:20 <Ammler> GT, key is installed... 19:22:29 <Ammler> what kind of VCS do you prefer? 19:26:14 <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: Redmine - Revision 3212: Refactor: Pull up several #find_project methods to ApplicationController <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3212> 19:38:43 <GT> Ammler: hg or svn 19:38:52 <PeterT> svn!! 19:41:19 <Ammler> GT: Mercurial is our favorite 19:41:44 <Ammler> you get most support with it, svn is no real issue either. 19:42:00 <Ammler> git you would need to support yourself ;-) 19:42:12 <Ammler> but the DevZone has git support. 19:42:50 <GT> Mercurial is perfectly fine with me, when you prefer that/ are most familiar with 19:42:52 <Ammler> GT: HG is the easiest to "Fork", which is very helpful 19:43:36 <Ammler> if you already have a HG repository, you could clone it to our server 19:43:54 <Ammler> name it the same as the identifier of the project 19:45:03 <GT> Not yet, but that should not be too hard 19:49:01 <Ammler> if it is, create the project and I will initialize the repo on the server so you can clone 20:03:09 *** PeterT has quit IRC 20:09:30 *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:10:49 <GT> hg clone 32bpp ssh://hg@hg.openttdcoop.org/32bpp 20:10:49 <GT> Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). 20:10:49 <GT> abort: could not create remote repo! 20:11:08 <GT> or should I use GeekToo@..... 20:11:25 <GT> Actually, tried that, and did not work either 20:12:09 <Ammler> hmm, where do you have that address from? 20:12:22 <Ammler> hg.openttdcoop.org isn't active yet. 20:13:04 <Ammler> you really like to make a project called 32bpp? 20:13:13 <Ammler> isn't that a bit too generic? 20:14:01 <Ammler> I had in mind to use that project as portal for subprojects 20:21:28 <GT> http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/home/wiki/New_location 20:21:45 <GT> Right, I'll reconsider the name 20:22:21 <GT> one of the subprojecte will be 32bpp_extra ( for the newgrf to be used for the extra sprites) 20:26:00 <Ammler> I would use - instead _ 20:26:17 <Ammler> better for links 20:27:05 <Ammler> yes, New location isn't in use yet. 20:28:01 <Ammler> how did you get that link? 20:28:17 <GT> See above, link on the wiki 20:28:38 <Ammler> yeah, but :-) 20:29:03 <Ammler> that wiki page is nowhere linked, is it? 20:29:34 <GT> http://dev.openttdcoop.org/search?q=ssh 20:29:40 <Ammler> well, the curent ssh url is ssh://ottdc@mz.openttdcoop.org/hg-repos/<project> 20:42:53 <GT> Ok, 20:43:26 <GT> Well, howto create a subproject? I can create a new project, but can I assign the parent? 20:47:02 <Ammler> http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/32bpp <-- it should have a "create subproject" right above 20:47:21 <Ammler> (http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/new?parent_id=32bpp) 20:47:50 <Ammler> I would be able to reassign, if needed. 20:47:52 <PeterT> I think it is time for me to register on the #openttdcoop devzone :-) 20:48:09 <Ammler> you have project? 20:48:13 <Ammler> or a bug? 20:48:15 <Ammler> :-) 20:48:22 <Ammler> or a patch :-) 20:48:26 <PeterT> no, none 20:48:36 <PeterT> login doesn't work now :-( 20:48:46 <Ammler> login? 20:49:42 <PeterT> trying to login? 20:50:01 <Ammler> https://dev.openttdcoop.org/account/register 20:53:19 <Ammler> hehe, GT, you like to time track? 20:58:14 <GT> time track? 20:58:23 <Ammler> never mind then 20:58:32 <Ammler> was just activated per default 20:59:18 <Ammler> reassigned to 32bpp 20:59:22 <GT> well, the direct link did work, but I don't think it created a subproject, admin help may be needed, button create subproject is not present 20:59:26 <Ammler> did you use my link above? 20:59:45 <Ammler> with parent_id 20:59:59 <GT> clone the repo: Illegal command 'hg init hg-repos/32bpp-extra' 21:00:05 <GT> ssh connect did work thoug 21:00:17 <Ammler> you need to clone 21:00:18 <GT> yes, with parent id 21:00:49 <GT> I did clone: hg clone 32bpp-extra ssh://ottdc@mz.openttdcoop.org/hg-repos/32bpp-extra 21:00:58 <Ammler> didn't work? 21:01:31 <Ammler> hmm, then do cd 32bpp-extra first 21:01:53 <GT> Nope, connection fine: The authenticity of host 'mz.openttdcoop.org (' can't be established. 21:01:53 <GT> RSA key fingerprint is 5f:2c:03:02:ff:02:e8:2b:7e:7a:a1:a3:9d:bd:f0:e7. 21:01:53 <GT> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? y 21:01:53 <GT> Please type 'yes' or 'no': yes 21:01:53 <GT> Warning: Permanently added 'mz.openttdcoop.org' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. 21:02:25 <GT> but then : Illegal command 'hg init hg-repos/32bpp-extra' 21:02:25 <GT> abort: could not create remote repo! 21:02:40 <Ammler> hmm, I thought, that is possible 21:03:53 <GT> Well, I guess you have to set it up on your side then, then I'll clone to my side 21:04:34 <Ammler> I need to test that furth 21:04:36 <Ammler> er 21:04:46 <Ammler> seems to be a permission issue 21:05:30 <Ammler> GT: Repo is there, please clone 21:06:21 <Ammler> http read access: http://mz.openttdcoop.org/hg/32bpp-extra/ 21:06:34 <Ammler> for the public :-) 21:13:30 <GT> OK, thanks, that did work, I'm off now, trying to fill it with something usefull 21:13:54 <Ammler> you are welcome :-) 21:15:03 <Ammler> GT, maybe also a small patch for openttd and your openttd-ezl to load that grf automatically, when 32bpp is enabled 21:15:58 <Ammler> still have no idea, what the "official" develper thinks about. 21:20:26 <GT> Well, it does make sense to me, then again, I'm off course in no way official 21:22:38 <Ammler> yeah, that is what I mean, would be nice to have some "official" support in that extra grf issue, else you will have to renumber again and again... 21:23:44 <Ammler> (nothing to do with ezl) 22:20:34 *** Frankr has quit IRC 22:20:56 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:23:40 *** GT has left #openttdcoop.devzone 23:07:05 *** ODM has quit IRC