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00:42:26 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 01:09:32 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 01:12:19 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 02:02:20 *** Frankr has quit IRC 02:15:16 *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC 02:56:28 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 03:54:02 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:49:40 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:53:28 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 08:05:53 *** Frankr has quit IRC 08:53:25 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:06:20 *** Frankr has quit IRC 11:06:36 *** Doorslammer has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:23:45 <DJNekkid> i _think_ i had a great idea... :) 11:23:53 <DJNekkid> the 2cc set trains ... 11:24:11 <DJNekkid> let them have "steps" on their running costs... 11:24:24 <DJNekkid> i.e. if they run on tracks that are slower then their max speed ... 11:24:55 <DJNekkid> then they wont need to use full power, and would thus be cheaper to fuel 11:41:19 *** Doorslammer has quit IRC 11:42:10 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:26:14 <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 15040: [IS] Update to trunk r19165 <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2/repository/revisions/15040> || Infrastructure Sharing patches - Revision 4: Update to trunk r19165 <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2-patches/repository/revisions/4> || Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 15039: (svn r19165) -Fix [FS#3629]: vehicle running costs shoul... <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2/repository/revisions/15039> || Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 15038: (svn r19164) -Update from WebTranslator v3.0: <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2/repository/revisions/15038> || Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 15037: (svn r19163) -Update from WebTranslator v3.0: <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2/repository/revisions/15037> || Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 15036: (svn r19162) -Update: the debian packaging; bring it in ... <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2/repository/revisions/15036> || Infrastructure Sharing - Revision 15035: (svn r19161) -Codechange: make the default size of the o... <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2/repository/revisions/15035> 12:27:46 <Hirundo> ^^ IS update at last :) 12:28:40 <Ammler> Hirundo: have you final solution, how you make your patch now? 12:28:51 <Ammler> or still fiddeling around? 12:29:43 <Hirundo> Still fiddling around, hg doesn't act the way I want 12:30:16 <Hirundo> Currently my work flow is as follows 12:30:29 <Hirundo> hg pull -r TRUNK_REV 12:32:04 <Hirundo> hg merge TRUNK_REV (merge algorithm set to internal:other) 12:32:31 <Hirundo> hg import -f --no-commit total.diff (total.diff containing all patches) 12:32:46 <Hirundo> hg commit -m "[IS] $MESSAGE" 12:33:16 <Hirundo> Problem is that hg merge does not delete removed files (i.e. infrastructure.cpp that does not exist in trunk) 12:33:32 <Hirundo> that causes hg import to fail for those files 12:39:57 <Ammler> Hirundo: hg purge before? 12:41:04 <Hirundo> my hg doesn't know purge, what does it do? 12:41:29 <Ammler> delete unversioned files 12:41:55 <Ammler> [extensions]\n hgext.purge = 12:42:05 <Ammler> in .hgrc 12:42:39 <Ammler> oh, you commit the merege 12:43:05 <Hirundo> I commit after applying the patch 12:43:43 <Ammler> well, that is just to make the is2 repo for the CF, right? 12:44:06 <Hirundo> a) for the CF and b) for human-readable diffs 12:44:25 <Ammler> but it is a kind of total diff 12:46:23 <Ammler> more interesting is, you work now with the patch queue, right? 12:46:28 <Hirundo> Yes 12:46:52 <Ammler> is that how you like it wanted it? 12:47:39 <Ammler> as easy as merge trunk in the existing is2 branch? 12:48:05 <PeterT> is there such a "delete unversioned files" command for svn? 12:48:17 <Ammler> PeterT: almost... 12:48:31 <PeterT> ok 12:49:35 <Ammler> for i in `svn st | sed -n -e 's/^\? //gp'`; do rm $i -Rf; done 12:50:18 <Hirundo> It's not quite how I'd prefer it, yet, but it's workable, far better than branches at least 12:50:33 <Ammler> yeah, but as easy as before? 12:50:45 <Ammler> as you used the single repo 12:51:03 <Ammler> or "as difficult" ;-) 12:51:51 <Ammler> GT was asking how he should make his extra zoom patch 12:58:23 <Hirundo> That depends on the structure of that patch 13:11:50 <Hirundo> I plan to create an FS entry for IS soon, at least for the first part of the patch queue 13:13:57 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 13:17:11 <Rubidium> planetmaker, Ammler, Foobar et al.: http://rbijker.net/openttd/translate.txt <- I'd like to make that post to get some more translations for the base packs. 13:17:58 <Rubidium> (then we should coordinate some release with these new translations just before 1.0.0) I'd say 13:48:58 <PeterT> Ammler? 13:49:03 <PeterT> http://paste.openttd.org/224131 13:49:05 <PeterT> any ideas? 13:55:51 <Hirundo> PeterT: What do you intend to do? 13:55:59 <PeterT> hg2svn patch 13:56:05 <PeterT> but the guys at #openttd already solved it 13:56:17 <PeterT> i had to change #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/sh 13:56:42 <PeterT> Hirundo: I'm making an HG patch for is2, and an svn patch for it 13:57:09 <Hirundo> If you wait until tonight new patches will be generated automatically, IIRC 13:57:20 <PeterT> I. CANT. WAIT 13:57:40 <PeterT> I want to test if is2 still applies cleanly over cdist 13:58:08 <Hirundo> I'll be changing more stuff today 13:58:46 <Hirundo> I'd recommend patience :) 14:03:02 <Ammler> Rubidium: maybe you might note, which strings already exisit? 14:03:39 <Ammler> https://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opengfx/repository/entry/docs/descriptions.ptxt 14:04:31 <Ammler> I guess, it shouldn't be that hard to add those, if pm is occupied, I could do that too :-) 14:06:12 <Ammler> would be nice to have 0.3 ready for the final 1.0 release 14:08:44 <Ammler> PeterT: just a note, that script wouldn't work for Tortoise, that needs a real svn patch. 14:08:55 <PeterT> what do you mean? 14:09:01 <PeterT> I just put it next to an hg patch 14:09:03 <Ammler> for IS2, I do a extra export of svn trunk 14:09:04 <PeterT> and ran it 14:09:15 <Ammler> and? 14:09:41 <Ammler> the issue is afaik with new files. 14:10:55 <Ammler> The script I use for creating the IS2 patch: http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/home/repository/entry/openttd/mkpatch.sh 14:11:43 <PeterT> well, I have my p1 patch 14:12:05 <PeterT> does this sound right? "extern const uint16 SAVEGAME_VERSION = CARGOMAP_SV;" 14:12:13 <PeterT> shouldn't it be an integer? 14:12:22 <PeterT> this is trying to patch is2 over cargodist 14:35:31 <Hirundo> CARGOMAP_SV is probably #define-ed somewhere 14:35:44 <PeterT> Ok 14:35:49 <PeterT> That's where I got a reject 14:35:58 <Hirundo> Not really surprising 14:36:06 <Hirundo> Could you look up the value of CARGOMAP_SV? 14:36:13 <PeterT> in saveload.cpp? 14:36:22 <PeterT> well, src/saveload/saveload.cpp 14:36:44 <Hirundo> probably in saveload/saveload.h around line 40 14:37:58 <PeterT> Line 349: #define CARGOMAP_SV 250 14:43:16 <Hirundo> in table/settings.h, find the sharing entries (9 in total) 14:43:43 <Hirundo> Then replace 139 with CARGOMAP_SV 14:44:03 <PeterT> hold on, I may have to re-apply 14:44:07 <PeterT> something went wrong with git 14:49:12 <Ammler> did you ever try the other way? apply cargodist to is2? 14:49:42 <Ammler> then you don't have to fiddle with git 14:50:09 <PeterT> I love git 14:50:19 <PeterT> that's true 14:50:22 <PeterT> I will try that 14:50:27 <Ammler> ah ok... 14:50:35 <PeterT> wait, then I have to fiddle with hg 14:50:38 <PeterT> which I know less about 14:51:15 <Hirundo> Is2 is smaller and easier to work with when merging, I think 14:51:53 <Rubidium> Ammler: yeah, I've thought about making such a note, but... then people will still translate it, or not translate it for languages that aren't translated yet 14:53:01 <Ammler> well, just not to annoy them, if they translate opengfx to german... 14:55:49 <Ammler> but that could then be used as kind of review... 15:02:19 <Rubidium> just 'quickly' post all translations for all strings in German, copying the one from OpenGFX from your repository 15:31:06 *** DJNekkid has quit IRC 15:45:19 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:24:52 *** PeterT_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:27:02 *** PeterT_ has quit IRC 16:37:53 *** PeterT_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:39:44 *** PeterT_ has quit IRC 17:25:00 <PeterT> @logs 17:25:00 <Webster> Logs: http://hyru.ath.cx:60080/~kenji/ottdcoop/ 17:40:39 *** ODM has quit IRC 18:02:30 *** DJNekkid has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:02:31 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:42:58 * Hirundo ponders using TransportType instead of VehicleType for IS 18:49:46 <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: Infrastructure Sharing patches - Revision 6: Make advanced settings related to sharing into array... <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2-patches/repository/revisions/6> || Infrastructure Sharing patches - Revision 5: Some code restructuring and parameter reordering. <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/is2-patches/repository/revisions/5> 18:52:31 <Ammler> Hirundo: do you have a little help, how to use the patch queue somewhere? 18:53:22 <Ammler> also patch generation failed... 18:53:31 <Ammler> http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/is2/trunk-patches/?C=M;O=D 18:54:44 <Ammler> IMO, the is2 repo is broken 18:55:18 <Ammler> also pulling to bitbucket fails 19:18:17 <Hirundo> please specify 'failed', 'broken' 19:19:29 <PeterT> openttd-is2-r-15040.p1.diff is 1.8 kb 19:25:29 <Hirundo> I agree that something went wrong there, I'll look at it tomorrow 19:25:41 <Hirundo> goodnight for now 19:26:14 <PeterT> Good night Hirundo 19:53:20 *** Frankr has quit IRC 19:56:14 <PeterT> How does one connect to OFTC via the #openttdcoop devzone bouncer? 20:05:06 <planetmaker> same as directly to oftc.net 20:05:23 <planetmaker> you just give a different irc server - the bouncer 20:05:48 <PeterT> Oh 20:05:59 <PeterT> planetmaker: just http://bnc.openttdcoop.org/? 20:06:49 <planetmaker> well... something like that. I don't quite recall. I configured it once and forgot. 20:06:57 <planetmaker> Of course you need your password to identify 20:07:03 <PeterT> where od I get a password? 20:07:28 *** PeterT_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:07:47 <planetmaker> From the person who creates the account for you ;-) 20:07:53 *** PeterT_ has quit IRC 20:21:16 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:28:04 *** PeterT_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:42:16 *** PeterT_ has quit IRC 20:43:18 <Ammler> Sali planetmaker :-) 20:43:33 <planetmaker> moin Ammler dear friend :-) 20:44:07 <Ammler> did you get the message from Rubi 20:44:34 <planetmaker> hm... no? 20:44:47 <Ammler> [14:16] <Rubidium> planetmaker, Ammler, Foobar et al.: http://rbijker.net/openttd/translate.txt <- I'd like to make that post to get some more translations for the base packs. 20:44:57 <Rubidium> oh, I already did that :) 20:45:50 <Rubidium> oh, that reminds me: planetmaker can you copy/whatever the makefile stuff from opengfx to opensfx so I can use docs/descriptions.ptxt there too? 20:45:57 <planetmaker> :-) And yes, I agree, procedure can be similar like for 1.0.0-beta1 20:46:28 <planetmaker> and yes, I can do that, too :-) 20:51:50 * Rubidium wonders how often to 'push out' the added translations though 20:51:59 <DJNekkid> :D 20:52:04 <Rubidium> got them all locally updated 20:52:46 <planetmaker> you mean you got them all e-mailed? 20:55:19 <Rubidium> no, I've got a checkout of all .ob[sm] files here that I've updated with the two languages posted in the forum 20:55:46 <Rubidium> I'm just wondering how often, e.g. every two weeks, to commit those changes to open[gs]fx 20:55:55 <Rubidium> (and to trunk) 20:57:16 <planetmaker> ah. 20:57:38 <planetmaker> Whenever there's a reasonable amount. 20:57:56 <Ammler> or release in front... 21:01:48 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:01:59 <DJNekkid> i SO need to finish the 2cc set soon! 21:02:38 <Rubidium> why? It's *never* finished 21:04:03 <Frankr> lol 21:07:55 <DJNekkid> well, there are still engines that isnt in... 21:08:02 <DJNekkid> that is drawn, and were in1.0.x 21:09:47 <DJNekkid> all steamers, and thoose american double-type engines 21:10:25 <Frankr> closer to finishing than WAS will ever be 21:11:06 <DJNekkid> hehe 21:11:21 <DJNekkid> WAS _probably_ needs a recode afterwards... 21:11:39 <DJNekkid> and, i BET it can be templated quite easy 21:11:47 <Frankr> :) 21:12:05 <Frankr> will most definitely need a recode 21:12:29 <DJNekkid> but: nutracks and 2cc is fun :P 21:12:36 <DJNekkid> +cargodist :) 21:12:54 <DJNekkid> the slow engines actually have a meaning :) 21:13:07 <PeterT> nutracks didn't work for me 21:13:13 <DJNekkid> oh? 21:13:22 <Frankr> well me and faddy are currently working through some running cost algorithms 21:13:26 <PeterT> perhaps, I was using an old version 21:13:34 <DJNekkid> you need 19056 or newer iirc 21:13:38 <PeterT> DJNekkid: I'll retry now. I'm very eger to check out the new rail types 21:13:39 <Frankr> or not as he has just gone offline 21:14:04 <Frankr> i've done a purchase cost algorithm now 21:14:24 <DJNekkid> Frankr: that is actually quite interesting ... imho should you check out RL fuel usage/hr 21:14:29 <Frankr> so we don't have to copy Pikkabirds costs, an A380 costs £3.3mill 21:14:38 <Frankr> in normal mode now 21:14:40 <DJNekkid> that IS nice! 21:15:01 <DJNekkid> i do love that expensive stuff should be expensive 21:15:05 <Frankr> it should make the game more balanced 21:15:16 <DJNekkid> assuming 3,3mill is xFF ? 21:15:23 <Frankr> it is based on 1/50 of reall life cost 21:15:26 <DJNekkid> (basecost 255) 21:15:38 <Frankr> i altered base cost 21:15:43 <DJNekkid> yup... 21:15:58 <DJNekkid> ofcourse, but 3,3 mill is value 255? 21:16:13 <Frankr> no 21:16:30 <Frankr> 3.3mill is value 205 21:16:37 <Frankr> CD 21:16:39 <DJNekkid> oki :) 21:17:16 <DJNekkid> so ... resolution of about 16k... 21:17:23 <Frankr> yh 21:17:30 <Frankr> exactly 21:17:37 <DJNekkid> i WISH "they" could make r and p-costs wordsize 21:17:48 <Frankr> yh, would make life easier 21:18:08 <Frankr> i really want to know if a range impementation is possible 21:18:12 <DJNekkid> for trains it isnt THAT much of a problem, as they can use about 6 different runningcosts... 21:18:31 <PeterT> DJNekkid: works now 21:18:39 <PeterT> DJNekkid: when is it going on BaNaNas? 21:18:39 <DJNekkid> PeterT: good shit :) 21:18:43 <Frankr> yh dj 21:19:10 <Frankr> we can use different running costs but not the way faddy would like 21:19:23 <Frankr> he wants a one off fee at an airport 21:19:32 <PeterT> why doesn't the 3rd rail construction look like 3rd rial? 21:19:46 <Frankr> all based on weight as like real life 21:19:47 <DJNekkid> nothing got new gfx yet 21:19:58 <Frankr> :) 21:20:13 <DJNekkid> and renum/grfcodec dont support it yet 21:21:52 <Frankr> dj how did you work out the costs for the 2cc set 21:22:14 <DJNekkid> well ... 21:22:15 <Frankr> as i have come across the inflation vs no inflation problem 21:22:20 <DJNekkid> a VERY good question... 21:22:41 <DJNekkid> look in the excel-sheet 21:22:52 <DJNekkid> its based on something that i _think_ MB once made 21:23:14 <DJNekkid> max speed counts quite alot... 21:23:17 <DJNekkid> power does 21:23:24 <DJNekkid> weight does... 21:24:24 <DJNekkid> but if you ask me, running costs _should_ be only based on RL fuel-usage 21:24:49 <DJNekkid> and you _can_ sort of add a landing fee 21:25:07 <DJNekkid> as you have separate landing sprite 21:25:18 <DJNekkid> thus can use use CB36 on that sprite 21:26:48 <Frankr> well that is nice to know 21:27:01 <Frankr> as faddy would like that 21:27:27 <DJNekkid> but PeterT: its not on bananas yet, i tried,but i could not log in the other day 21:27:42 <PeterT> try again 21:27:46 <PeterT> was there an error? 21:27:48 <PeterT> report it 21:27:51 <PeterT> to #openttd 21:28:19 <DJNekkid> i werent in the mood the other day :) 21:28:37 <Ammler> YIPPEE 21:28:50 <Frankr> ?? Ammler 21:28:53 <DJNekkid> you won over us in hockey? 21:29:29 <Ammler> that isn't finished, I guess 21:29:37 <Ammler> ski jumping 21:29:53 <Ammler> and now colongna :-) 21:30:44 <DJNekkid> nope, northug ;D 21:30:57 <DJNekkid> kristine saies hi Ammler :) 21:31:46 <DJNekkid> and she thinks your guy is hawt :) 21:32:27 <Ammler> hawt? 21:32:31 <Frankr> hot 21:32:38 * Ammler sends back the kiss :-P 21:32:45 <Frankr> :) 21:33:48 <Ammler> hmm, webstream for the other channel with the hockey broken, can't watch 21:33:57 <Ammler> 3:3 :-o 21:34:15 <Ammler> you norwegian like to beat us again? 21:34:17 <DJNekkid> try www.nrk.no ? 21:35:15 <DJNekkid> www.nrkol.no/video/nrk2.html 21:35:37 <Frankr> the curling team on that are certainly wearing some different trousers 21:35:59 <Ammler> This content is only available within Norway. If you are located elsewhere in Europe you can access the content here: 21:38:44 <DJNekkid> Frankr: indeed... 21:38:56 <Ammler> hehe 21:42:45 <DJNekkid> curling is a facinating sport... 21:48:17 <Frankr> yh dj 21:48:27 <Frankr> :) 21:48:56 <DJNekkid> and _hopefully_ will we take canada in the finals :) 21:49:24 <Frankr> :), did canada beat sweden the other day? 21:50:01 <DJNekkid> im not sure, probably... 21:50:05 <DJNekkid> norway > sweeden 21:50:11 <Frankr> :) 21:50:11 <DJNekkid> and canada beat norway 21:50:38 <Frankr> Britain lost against the swiss 21:50:46 <Frankr> even though they should have won 21:51:29 <Ammler> we lost against the Germans, where we should have won. 21:52:01 <Frankr> :) 21:56:05 <DJNekkid> there are too many coutnries that have a too red outfits... that is "our" color... 21:56:59 <Ammler> sorry, that is our :-P 21:57:50 <Frankr> lol 21:57:54 <Frankr> and part mine 21:58:39 <Frankr> although the "British" team are all Scots anyway 21:59:41 <DJNekkid> well, swizz + norway = red 21:59:52 <DJNekkid> but why is ... like ... germans red? 21:59:57 <Ammler> with a touch of white :-P 22:00:01 <DJNekkid> they should be black and yellow :)= 22:00:27 <Frankr> the British were in red and white as well 22:00:29 <DJNekkid> currently norway have a red suit with some SMALL white tripes on theright thie, and a black square at the bottom 22:00:40 <DJNekkid> but the brittish dont xcountry ski 22:00:56 <Ammler> Swiss is quite good right now 22:01:10 <DJNekkid> dario might do well... 22:01:12 <Ammler> not just cologna 22:03:54 <DJNekkid> hes #4 right? 22:04:41 <Ammler> #4? 22:05:19 <DJNekkid> number 4 on his chest 22:05:19 <Ammler> yes, he is :-) 22:05:34 <Ammler> 2nd right now 22:06:04 <Ammler> (aroundish) 22:06:31 <DJNekkid> yea 22:06:32 <Ammler> your #1 is sitting in back :-P 22:06:50 <Ammler> keeps his power for skating? 22:07:54 <DJNekkid> so they say :) 22:08:02 <Ammler> planetmaker: Rubidium, shouldn't we change the descritiption text change to readme.txt like in opensfx? 22:08:31 <DJNekkid> my greatest fear is that tjeckish dude 22:08:40 <Ammler> Bauer? 22:08:47 <DJNekkid> yea 22:09:44 <Rubidium> Ammler: don't really care, but... people have already translated it and changing it 'now' would make it a bit messy 22:09:47 <DJNekkid> afk abit... gotta get down to the disco:) 22:10:12 <Ammler> just wonder, if it is easy to just change it from url to readme.txt? 22:10:38 <Ammler> or would that need again care of translators? 22:13:03 <Rubidium> yes 22:15:18 <DJNekkid> :D 22:19:53 <Ammler> then we should do it, IMO 22:39:21 <planetmaker> Ammler: in OpenGFX or where? 22:48:16 <Ammler> planetmaker: yes, where else? 22:48:38 <planetmaker> What's your proposal for the text then? 22:48:59 <planetmaker> just skip the link? 22:50:31 <Ammler> planetmaker: might be enough, indeed. 22:53:18 <planetmaker> Rubidium: the "default" strings. Can they be treated the same as the descriptions? 22:53:37 <planetmaker> e.g. default = blubber original 22:53:45 <Rubidium> you mean be translated? 22:53:58 <planetmaker> default.de_DE = Tolle Übersetzung 22:54:00 <planetmaker> yes 22:54:13 <Rubidium> currently not :( 22:54:41 <Rubidium> and I'm not quite sure whether I would like to implement it 22:54:55 <Rubidium> file foo is missing. Tolle Uebersetzung 22:57:46 <planetmaker> But... you included those strings in your translation request? 22:58:53 <planetmaker> - bananas: Please redownload from BaNaNaS. 22:58:54 <planetmaker> - opengfx: Please redownload from official source. 22:58:56 <planetmaker> ^ or do they have another place where they are from? 23:00:07 <Rubidium> planetmaker: yes I did; I've got some ideas to make use of them later on, but currently it 'just' doesn't work 23:00:53 <planetmaker> ok. But so far then there's no point that I include in the Makefile the same mechanism for those as for the description 23:01:24 <Rubidium> planetmaker: yup 23:08:27 <planetmaker> Rubidium: translation capability for description added for OpenSFX 23:09:27 <Rubidium> thanks 23:09:55 <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: OpenSFX - Revision 71: Feature: Allow translations for the ingame description <http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opensfx/repository/revisions/71> 23:10:50 <planetmaker> webster is quick today 23:15:39 *** ODM has quit IRC