Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 2nd March 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:11:12  <Ammler> planetmaker: ^ that project might also need your Makefile help ;-)
00:12:19  <Ammler> it does install txt files to data/docs
01:22:12  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
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15:14:39  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: 32bpp-extra - Feature #768: Precoded pngs? <>
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16:05:13  *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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16:56:23  *** DJNekkid has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
17:29:14  <DJNekkid> planetmaker: i think you somehow broke the nutracks makefile abit...
17:30:58  <DJNekkid> #define's dont work
17:32:05  <DJNekkid> spots with #include also seems to break...
17:32:23  <DJNekkid> #include "sprites/nfo/a1a2a3.pnfo turned to
17:32:35  <DJNekkid> # 1 "sprites/blablabla"
17:33:22  <DJNekkid> and '# <some number> "<stdin"> 2' appears some places"
17:34:06  *** Doorslammer has quit IRC
17:38:07  <planetmaker> DJNekkid, it seems to me that you re-arranged nutracks.pnfo
17:38:25  <planetmaker> the very first line MUST be #include ... <nfo-header>
17:38:38  <planetmaker> and I think I commented that ;-)
17:39:18  <planetmaker> yes. You broke it in the last commit ;-)
17:39:32  <planetmaker> but I didn't comment on it
17:39:44  <planetmaker> just add ids.pnfo after the header file
17:40:24  <planetmaker> renum barfs if its header is preceeded by comments. That's why
17:40:40  <planetmaker> sorry for leaving no comment wrt that, though :-)
17:40:53  <DJNekkid> ahh! :D
17:40:58  <DJNekkid> that might make sense :)
17:41:06  <DJNekkid> *goes back 10 mintes*
17:41:18  <DJNekkid> planetmaker: i broke the last rev of nutracks! :D:D
17:42:04  <planetmaker> that's what I'm telling ;-)
17:42:16  * planetmaker hugs DJNekkid 
17:42:28  <DJNekkid> yey! guyhug! :D
17:42:44  * DJNekkid runs of and hugs Kristine as well :D
17:42:54  <planetmaker> nothing wrong with that... either way ;-)
17:44:53  <DJNekkid> hmm...
17:45:04  <DJNekkid> thoose still seem to dont work :(
17:45:34  <DJNekkid> and the almost-top-saies:
17:45:41  <DJNekkid> # 1 "<stdin>"
17:45:54  <DJNekkid> # 1 "<built-in>"
17:45:57  <DJNekkid> etc
17:46:14  <planetmaker> yes. use "
17:46:24  <planetmaker> file names have to be quoted
17:46:32  <DJNekkid>
17:47:47  <planetmaker> uhm... the repo has no ids.pnfo
17:47:48  <DJNekkid> <-- nutracks.pnfo
17:48:57  <DJNekkid> pushed
17:51:19  <planetmaker> uhm... shouldn't the rail labels be quoted in ", too?
17:52:12  <DJNekkid> not the includes?
17:52:23  <DJNekkid> ehm
17:52:25  <DJNekkid> definitions
17:52:27  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: Nutracks - Revision 17: Add: Ids.pnfo and possible other changes <> || Redmine - Revision 3363: Fixes some context menu links broken by r3478. <> || Redmine - Revision 3362: Verify issues are updated by HTTP PUT only. Regression from r3486. <> || Redmine - Revision 3361: Refactor: Decouple building Issue and TimeEntry objects in #issue_update. <>
17:52:58  <DJNekkid> atleast i've never done that for the 2cc set...
17:53:14  <DJNekkid> unless the definition actually need a quote
17:53:27  <DJNekkid> i.e. #define STUFF "STUFFZOR"
17:53:37  <DJNekkid> then STUFF is replaced by "STUFFZOR"
17:53:50  <planetmaker> oh... those are defines.
17:53:51  <planetmaker> I see
17:53:58  <DJNekkid> but do a "make"
17:54:06  <planetmaker> you forgot to add required pcx
17:54:14  <DJNekkid> and look in sprites/nutracks.nfo
17:54:34  <DJNekkid> bah
17:54:59  <DJNekkid> ushed
17:55:01  <DJNekkid> *p
17:56:28  <planetmaker> you didn't use defines. And you'll need to either quote the labels (like cargo labels) or define them
17:56:34  <planetmaker> quote is better
17:56:42  <planetmaker> defines can't start with number
17:56:48  * planetmaker has to leave not for today
17:57:06  <DJNekkid> oh...
17:57:46  <DJNekkid> but what about the highspeed?
18:07:09  <Rubidium> not fast enough
18:07:35  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: Nutracks - Revision 18: Add: 120.pcx <>
18:18:49  <DJNekkid> apparently )
18:20:45  <DJNekkid> btw, can someone test and see if you get a CentOS testpage on ?
18:31:06  <DJNekkid> nvm, its tested and works :)
18:31:12  <planetmaker> just quick check before I'm really off: does it work with quoted labels for you, DJNekkid ?
18:31:25  <DJNekkid> no...
18:31:36  <DJNekkid> #define "STUFF" 01
18:31:40  <DJNekkid> didnt work
18:31:54  <DJNekkid> and thoose <stdin> etc is still there
18:32:49  <Ammler>
18:32:52  <Webster> Title: Website overview for (at
18:33:57  <planetmaker> DJNekkid, try to replace 120R by "120R". And similar
18:34:11  <planetmaker> without define
18:34:21  <planetmaker> if you use define it works this way
18:34:30  <planetmaker> #define STUFF "120R"
18:34:52  <DJNekkid> even if the 120R is 00 ?
18:34:53  <DJNekkid> 01
18:34:55  <DJNekkid> 02, etc
18:34:59  <planetmaker> Look at how you use cargo labels in 2cctrainset. Exactly the same way this has to work here, too
18:35:03  <planetmaker> like "WOOD" etc pp
18:35:15  <planetmaker> #defines 120R won't work
18:35:20  <DJNekkid> but!
18:35:22  <planetmaker> #define R120 will work
18:35:23  <DJNekkid> its an ID
18:35:36  <planetmaker> something you define CANNOT start with 0-9
18:35:40  <planetmaker> it must be A-Z
18:35:43  <DJNekkid> currently it is:
18:36:03  <DJNekkid> #define RAIL_(E)<number> 00
18:36:11  <DJNekkid> or... 0x
18:36:31  <planetmaker> #define R120 01
18:36:34  <planetmaker> would work
18:36:41  <DJNekkid> but it dont :)
18:36:52  <planetmaker> too bad ;-)
18:36:58  <DJNekkid>
18:37:13  <planetmaker> got to run. Sorry
18:38:15  <DJNekkid>
18:38:51  <DJNekkid>
19:05:48  <DJNekkid> planetmaker: i know you arent here, but i reverted to rev9, and there it works the way im used to
19:19:16  <DJNekkid> !logs
19:19:18  <DJNekkid> !log
19:19:20  <DJNekkid> @log
20:12:17  *** welshdragon has quit IRC
20:15:47  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: 32bpp-extra - Feature #768: Precoded pngs? <>
20:31:52  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: 32bpp-extra - Feature #768: Precoded pngs? <> || 32bpp-extra - Feature #768: Precoded pngs? <>
21:16:06  *** Beardie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
21:16:16  <Beardie> Hello, Ammler are you there?
21:18:36  <Ammler> Beardie: I shouldn't answer :-)
21:19:06  <Beardie> Ammler: O really? LOL, nice to speak to you in a while :D
21:19:22  <Ammler> ?
21:19:50  <Beardie> Sorry
21:20:03  <Beardie> Nice to speak to you, its been a while.
21:20:10  <Ammler> ah, ok :-D
21:20:29  <Beardie> lol
21:20:31  <Beardie> Anway
21:20:37  <Beardie> Got a curious question :)
21:21:06  <Beardie> I know that you can relate to issues together, but can you merge 2 issues?
21:22:32  <Ammler> well, close one as dublicate
21:23:44  <Beardie> ok
21:23:46  <Beardie> lol
21:23:53  <Beardie> just either are same thing
21:24:08  <Beardie> but have different information
21:34:01  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: World Airliners Set - Feature #486 (Closed): Factory Colours as CC <> || World Airliners Set - Feature #214: Factory Colours as CC (Purchase List) <> || World Airliners Set - Bug #212 (Closed): Autorenew Reset Subtype to 0 <> || World Airliners Set - Bug #212 (Assigned): Autorenew Reset Subtype to 0 <>
21:34:44  <Ammler> Beardie: yes, but closing one does "force" you to continue on one thread
21:35:02  <Ammler> and you have a link on them
21:35:16  <Beardie> I sorted it XD
21:35:22  <Beardie> As you can see above XD
21:38:45  <PeterT> Hi all
21:38:57  <PeterT> is there any way to get autopilot to join multiple channels with a command?
21:39:05  <PeterT> or do I need to write a plugin for that?
21:39:17  <Ammler> you could use Avignon :-P
21:39:24  <PeterT> Too complicate
21:39:25  <PeterT> d
21:39:36  <Ammler> and don't repeat your questions all the time...
21:39:52  <PeterT> Did I repeat that?
21:40:01  <Ammler> around 10 times ;-)
21:40:05  <PeterT> Sorry, well, I'm just wondering if I should make a plugin now
21:41:18  <Ammler> ap+ has no plugin support
21:41:28  <Ammler> only custom commands and callbacks
21:41:55  <Ammler> what you need to do is a patch, I guess
21:42:43  <Ammler> Beardie: if you close a ticket because of dublicate, you should use the mechanism of the tracker
21:42:44  <planetmaker> re
21:43:00  <Beardie> the whaaaaaaaa?
21:43:11  <Ammler> now, the closed ticket has no reference to the open ticket...
21:43:17  <PeterT> Ammler: Ok, that's a better word
21:43:51  <andythenorth> hi hi
21:43:56  <andythenorth> what a silly BROS meltdown
21:44:07  <Beardie> I know
21:44:09  <andythenorth> :|
21:44:14  <Beardie> its stupid
21:44:28  <Rubidium> what do you expect with the conflicts it already had
21:44:32  <Beardie> thouigh i think Ameecher become the very thing he was not trying to find abou the previous admin.
21:45:30  <Beardie> If that makes sense XD
21:46:58  <Beardie> Doesn't matter anyhow, hope it all fixes itself.
21:48:10  <Ammler> planetmaker: I changed the sorting "Decending Date", is it better now?
21:49:34  <Ammler> andythenorth: you know, can the error in firs be ignored?
21:51:24  <planetmaker> I think that's nice Ammler :-)
21:51:41  <andythenorth> Ammler: which error in FIRS?  On the nightly build server
21:52:00  <planetmaker> andythenorth: there's one, two compile warnings / errors
21:52:25  <planetmaker> they're not severa afaik, but I don#t recall 100%
21:53:10  <andythenorth> I have one error locally
21:59:10  <Ammler> I have documented it with a ticket
22:00:13  <Ammler> planetmaker: which is definitly useless :-)
22:00:37  <Ammler> instead of unix2dos, which produces a error...
22:01:00  <planetmaker> ok...
22:01:17  <planetmaker> then I need a good solution
22:01:51  <Ammler> andythenorth:
22:02:23  <Ammler> I would say, it was better before
22:02:31  <Ammler> or move it to bundle_zip
22:16:47  <Ammler> planetmaker: or which <tool> 2>/dev/null
22:17:31  <planetmaker> hm, that's possible.
22:28:08  <planetmaker> DJNekkid: I see now what you mean.... I'll investigate. Sorry for the trouble
22:28:10  *** ODM has quit IRC
22:29:30  <Ammler> mäh, no trouble
22:29:48  <Ammler> just confusing...
22:30:38  <planetmaker> nah. nutracks' error are somewhat caused by my commits.
22:31:45  <PeterT> What does the setting "responsiveness = 2" do?
22:49:56  *** welshdragon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
22:53:35  <Ammler> XeryusTC: how do I give the station a pavement
22:53:46  <XeryusTC> pavement?
22:54:32  <Ammler> ground
22:54:51  <Ammler> the grf I made to place houses manually
22:55:02  <Ammler> but it doesn't have ground
22:56:00  <XeryusTC> the first dword is the tile in the baseset to use as ground sprite
22:56:18  <XeryusTC> mind though that it gets translated for maglev and monorail
22:56:29  <XeryusTC> by adding the offset for their ground sprites
22:56:57  <Ammler>
22:57:01  <XeryusTC> (so always build using normal rail basicly, and you wont have problems)
22:57:23  <Ammler> I don't care about monorail and maglev, yet
22:57:35  <XeryusTC> oh nasty
22:57:39  <Ammler> it is just to place the houses manually
22:57:45  <XeryusTC> you use the sprite you want to edit as the ground sprite
22:58:11  <XeryusTC> look at property 09 for stations on the wiki :P
22:58:17  <XeryusTC> as it would be too complicated to explain now
22:58:23  <XeryusTC> as i did plan to go to bed half an hour agao :P
22:58:23  <Ammler> ok :-)
22:58:40  <Ammler> but I can look at your station grf
22:58:59  <XeryusTC> hehe
22:59:01  <XeryusTC> pick an easy one
22:59:05  <XeryusTC> like Alderville :P
22:59:27  <XeryusTC> Berlin is friggin' huge
23:00:02  <XeryusTC> 180+ realsprites, took me 3 days to code and align properly
23:17:40  <Beardie> Hey Guys, DJNekkid you around mate?
23:17:58  <PeterT> Beardie: welshdragon reset your password
23:18:14  <Beardie> I know PeteT, your behind again XD
23:18:20  <PeterT> *you're
23:18:28  <Beardie> I was in #bros with him sorting it out :)
23:18:31  <welshdragon> :P
23:18:34  <Beardie> whatever lol
23:19:42  <Beardie> No DJNekkid?
23:21:10  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: World Airliners Set - Feature #223 (Closed): A380-900 Greyscale <> || World Airliners Set - Revision 603: Finished Feature #223 A380-900 Greyscale, Added to Forums <>
23:21:29  <Beardie> Heres my WAS update, finally sorted A380-900 out
23:21:47  <Beardie> it will be the biggest plane you can get for OpenTTD ever!
23:21:59  <Beardie> 1000 passengers :)
23:36:21  <Webster> Latest update from devactivity: World Airliners Set - Feature #514 (Assigned): (Scheme) An225 Old & New <> || World Airliners Set - Feature #581 (Rejected): An 124 <>
23:47:30  <PeterT> What does the setting "responsiveness = 2" do?
23:47:37  <PeterT> also, what is "pause_level = 0"
23:48:00  <Ammler> pause_level is min_active_clients for old openttd
23:48:25  <Ammler> responsiveness is hmm no idea either
23:48:50  <Ammler> I would guess, the time it answers, kind of spamflood protection

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