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00:01:42 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 00:14:30 <PeterT> may I very selfishly use your webchat to link people to my server channel? 00:14:53 <PeterT> like so: http://irc.openttdcoop.org:6677/?channels=sn 06:08:18 <Brot6> Swedish Rails - Revision 58:4066af18fc5a: Change: Make use of the build date variable for depots;... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/swedishrails/repository/revisions/4066af18fc5a 06:10:13 *** Seberoth2 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 06:17:42 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 06:46:56 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:33:02 <Brot6> Swedish Rails - Revision 59:a94f7a1d6247: Change: Don't show snowy tracks in snow-covered depots (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/swedishrails/repository/revisions/a94f7a1d6247 08:26:09 <Brot6> Swedish Rails - Revision 60:92bf9e490b10: Fix (r58): Introduction date for modern electric depots... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/swedishrails/repository/revisions/92bf9e490b10 09:04:16 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 439:85d2081e3b7f: Doc: Also document railtypes 'build_date' for d... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/85d2081e3b7f 09:11:02 <Ammler> [02:14] <PeterT> may I very selfishly use your webchat to link people to my server channel? <-- fine with me, you might not have that many users so we reach the limit again... 09:14:04 <Rubidium> is that about the server admin thing? What's the point of providing a webchat when you *require* them to have an IRC client and be familiar with IRC? If they would use webchat that would imply they are not familiar with it/have a client and thus they don't comply with the requests 09:17:41 <Ammler> respecting IRC "netiquette" might be easier than installing IRC client :-) 09:18:11 <Ammler> and some of our regulars simply prefer the web client specially, if you aren't on your own pc. 09:18:25 <Ammler> the qwebirc is quite a nice client. 09:21:21 <Rubidium> can it actually join multiple channels? 09:26:04 <Ammler> yes, should be possible, I use the client for my bouncer 09:29:41 <planetmaker> moin Ammler :-) Had a good trip back? 09:30:48 <planetmaker> Ammler: I just answered http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=48892 You might have the link / files I don't finde 09:30:50 <planetmaker> -e 09:30:50 <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums • View topic - Installation problems.. (at www.tt-forums.net) 09:30:54 <Ammler> yeah 09:31:39 <Ammler> first, I sit on a seat, which someone else came around 5 mins later and reclaimed it 09:31:51 <Ammler> she reserved it 09:31:52 <planetmaker> meh 09:32:58 <Ammler> every seat in ICE has power box 09:33:12 <planetmaker> wow. Must be newest generation then. 09:33:14 <Ammler> so it wasn't a problem 09:34:37 <Ammler> that is something, swiss trains lack, might be because your akku usually survives a Swiss travel :-) 09:34:47 <planetmaker> :-) 09:52:10 <Brot6> Swedish Rails - Revision 61:dadc1b704f0a: Fix: Alignment of straight overlay tracks (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/swedishrails/repository/revisions/dadc1b704f0a 09:56:10 *** Seberoth2 has quit IRC 09:56:13 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:03:13 *** ODM has quit IRC 10:31:16 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:08:39 <planetmaker> tsk... this AppliArt with his own music set claimed full copyright on the whole OpenMSX makefile... 11:10:44 <Ammler> hehe 11:52:05 <Rubidium> Ammler: that nobody uses DOS graphics is somewhat of an overstatement; people are still downloading the DOS version of TTDPatch (32 downloads in the last 14 days vs 154 for Windows which would imply 1 in 6 TTDPatch users uses DOS) 11:52:29 <Ammler> yep, that is MB :-) 11:52:56 <Brot6> OpenMSX - Feature #1029 (New): new songs from ApliArt (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1029 11:54:57 <Rubidium> Ammler: do you really think he has a Russian and English Windows? 11:55:58 <Rubidium> French I could believe, but those others I quite can't 11:56:09 <Ammler> well, I just liked to provoke a bit. 11:56:38 <Ammler> since nobody ever complained about missing dos newgrfs 11:56:51 <Rubidium> although... for every 1 TTDP nightly only 10 OpenTTD nightlies are downloaded 11:57:15 <planetmaker> :-) 11:57:28 <planetmaker> depends upon the definition of 'only'? 11:59:04 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 440:ecb6eb81a59d: Fix: using a parameter in a varaction2 expressi... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/ecb6eb81a59d 12:00:32 <Ammler> anyway, it is silly to provide both versions in same download 12:02:21 <Rubidium> yeah, that's the reason why we dropped the universal builds 12:04:26 <Rubidium> planetmaker: with AppliArt you might want to take especially good care in reviewing who actually made them 12:05:28 <planetmaker> yes 12:06:04 <planetmaker> do you know anything specific, Rubidium ? 12:06:11 <Rubidium> timidity shows the copyright 12:06:18 <planetmaker> or do you recognize ... ^ 12:06:35 <planetmaker> I don't have timidity 12:06:55 <Ammler> you should have, then you would also see, if instruments got dropped :-) 12:07:00 <planetmaker> :-) 12:07:13 <planetmaker> I guess I should try to get it run 12:07:20 <Rubidium> which says "Jim Redfarn <somewhere 2000>" or "Bomi/MIDIpapa, hjbomanns@t-online.de" 12:07:33 <planetmaker> :-O 12:07:34 <Rubidium> all tracks are renamed to AppliArt though 12:07:39 <planetmaker> wonderful 12:07:54 <planetmaker> thanks for sharing that... 12:07:58 <planetmaker> damn 12:08:18 <Ammler> planetmaker: maybe you should allow a special openmsx makefile license 12:08:23 <Yexo> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jim.redfarn/MidiPage.htm <- midi music from jim redfarn 12:08:24 <Webster> Title: Midi (at homepage.ntlworld.com) 12:08:39 <Ammler> so someone can use your makefile also for not GPL stuff 12:08:42 <planetmaker> :-) Thanks, Yexo 12:08:53 <planetmaker> Ammler: in what respect? 12:09:13 <planetmaker> I allow anyone to use it under GPL v2. 12:09:31 <planetmaker> I can certainly allow people to use it with another license, if they ask me 12:09:44 <Yexo> Rubidium: can you name 2 or 3 songs from ApliArt that have jim redfarn copyright? 12:11:04 <planetmaker> I guess one should always be cautious, if people suddenly come with a collection of <whatever> :-( 12:11:09 <Rubidium> badweather, besharp, bstblues, noworksong 12:11:14 <Rubidium> ooze 12:14:24 <Rubidium> and yet another author Henrik Mikkelsen 12:14:36 <Rubidium> the music doesn't sound bad or something though 12:16:42 <Rubidium> soulboogie crashes my timidity :) 12:17:03 <Rubidium> it's jim redfarn (2006) 12:17:05 <Ammler> he, doe the GRF made with your makefile really needs to be GPL anyway? It is just a tool to make it... 12:17:30 <Rubidium> Ammler: I don't see why 12:17:46 <Rubidium> otherwise *all* NewGRFs would need to be GPL due to grfcodec being GPL 12:18:06 <Ammler> I think, planetmaker "claimed" that sometimes ;-) 12:18:23 <planetmaker> I didn't. 12:18:45 <Yexo> ooze.mid is ooze blues from redfarn 12:18:46 <Rubidium> in any case, if you didn't add GPL headers to the makefile you should :) 12:18:53 <planetmaker> Ammler: grfcodec is a tool. Not in the repo 12:19:05 <planetmaker> But if the repo contains gpl stuff, the whole repo needs to be gpl 12:19:17 <planetmaker> Rubidium: yes, I should. I didn't. 12:19:48 <Rubidium> planetmaker: that's not true; you can have parts of a project under GPL and other unrelated parts in something else 12:20:18 <Rubidium> so it's perfectly fine for the makefile to be GPL and the thing that is made by the makefile to fall under CC-BY-NC-ND-NN 12:20:48 <planetmaker> really? 12:21:21 <Yexo> planetmaker: I'll leave the next action to you, perhaps mail jim redfarn first or just remove all apliart 12:21:31 <Yexo> +midi files 12:21:34 <planetmaker> Yexo: ok, thx 12:22:25 <Rubidium> http://paste.openttd.org/225981 12:30:50 <planetmaker> e-mail sent to Jim Redfarn 12:34:10 <Brot6> OpenMSX - Feature #1029 (Rejected): new songs from ApliArt (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1029 12:34:10 <Brot6> OpenMSX - Feature #1029 (Rejected): new songs from ApliArt (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1029#change-2695 12:39:45 <Yexo> should it also be removed from the forum? after all it are the same files 12:40:12 <planetmaker> I like to hear what AppliArt has to say 12:40:19 <Rubidium> maybe the original authors have allowed it/given him the proper rights 12:40:29 <planetmaker> I'll ask for that in due time, when I have answer from either of them 12:40:39 <planetmaker> or maybe AppliArt removes it himself 12:41:00 <Yexo> even if he has the proper rights he should say "I'm AppliArt, and I want to show you my latest creation(s)." 12:41:04 <planetmaker> I just made sure that _I_ don't distribute them ;-) 12:41:19 <planetmaker> should not? ;-) 12:41:46 <Yexo> erhm, yes :p 12:46:43 <Yexo> sheshot.mid sounds a lot like "damn hot" from http://members.fortunecity.com/ajsmidi/alpcond/alpha_04/d.html (which says "An Original Pop/Rock/Jazz Composition & MIDI Sequence By Henrik Mikkelsen" 12:46:44 <Webster> Title: Alpha Page The D's Condensed - Jack's "MIDI Music" (at members.fortunecity.com) 12:51:42 <planetmaker> oh yes 12:52:19 <planetmaker> Yexo: can you add that to the OpenMSX thread, please? 12:52:29 <planetmaker> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=46479&start=380 12:52:30 <Webster> Title: Transport Tycoon Forums • View topic - OTTD Music Replacement Project (at www.tt-forums.net) 12:52:48 <Yexo> sure 12:56:42 <planetmaker> thanks 13:14:34 <Hirundo> Do randomaction2s allow returning CB results? OpenTTD seems to allow it, but I can't find a reference in the specs 13:17:52 <planetmaker> Yexo: not only that file is still in there, he didn't remove all Jim Redfarm stuff either 13:18:08 <planetmaker> at least according to rubi's timidity output 13:18:37 <Yexo> which other files did he not remove? 13:18:54 <Yexo> oh ,indeed 13:19:15 <Yexo> ooze.mid was also from jim redfarm btw :) 13:19:27 <planetmaker> I didn't want to tell exactly. He should know after all. 13:19:46 <planetmaker> and after I found two, I stopped checking actually 13:19:55 <planetmaker> and I didn't mean ooze 13:21:19 <Yexo> accent.mid has no "Copyright:" line in the output while boomgroove.mid has "Copyright: Copyright (C)" (no name) so I highly doubt both of these were made by him either (let's say at least one of them not) 13:22:40 <planetmaker> badweather and ... indeed ooze :-) 13:22:51 <planetmaker> but, yeah. I doubt anything is by him 13:23:06 <planetmaker> I can't trust him anymore 13:23:33 <planetmaker> but I'm curious what (if at all) Jim Redfarn will answer. Maybe he gives me permission... 13:28:48 <planetmaker> Yexo: nice, now the year as parameter works again with NML :-) 13:29:18 <planetmaker> Thus I can swap the comment on the depot year definition again :-) 13:35:47 <planetmaker> Yexo: I got a fatal newgrf error: read beyond end of pseudo sprite 13:35:58 <Yexo> uhoh 13:36:06 <planetmaker> just swap the comment on the MODERN_DEPOT_YEAR in header.pnml on swedishrails 14:00:07 <Yexo> planetmaker: fixed 14:00:21 <planetmaker> \o/ 14:01:39 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 441:181572f45ace: Fix: a python-string has no position attribute (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/181572f45ace 14:01:39 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 442:5f45a3dad395: Revert (r434, r436): it did actually use the co... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/5f45a3dad395 14:01:39 <Brot6> Swedish Rails - Revision 62:1005fcbdf930: Change: Add GPL information to all source files (except... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/swedishrails/repository/revisions/1005fcbdf930 14:03:59 <Hirundo> Yexo: Does returning strings from varaction2s actually work ? 14:04:10 <Yexo> no 14:05:01 <Hirundo> What is needed to make it work? 14:07:02 <Yexo> when a string is encountered as return value a DCxx (or D0xx?) id should be reserved for it and the xx part returned 14:07:10 <planetmaker> where we're at "what needs work": http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-index.php?page=Action0Houses#Cargo_acceptance_watch_list_20_ <-- I assume that this needs some custom function. Does something similar already exist where I could start from? 14:07:22 <Yexo> when generating the output an action4 should be written for all strings with an allocated id 14:08:35 <Yexo> planetmaker: seee def railtype_list(value, prop_num) in action0properties.py 14:08:49 <planetmaker> I will. Thanks 14:08:53 <Yexo> but maybe it's easier to do the other (simpler) house properties first 14:09:10 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:09:11 <planetmaker> all others are just adding. I did that 14:09:47 <planetmaker> but adding all but one seemed wrong to me ;-) 14:09:59 <Yexo> ah, nice :) 14:10:53 <planetmaker> though... the flags also need some custom function. They're part of two properties 14:11:13 <Yexo> see roadveh_speed_prop(value) for that :) 14:11:22 <planetmaker> :-) 14:11:55 <Yexo> Hirundo: and the allocated ID should be remembered so if one string is returned multiple times only 1 stringid is used 14:13:14 <Hirundo> I'll work on randomaction2 first, leaving that bit out for now 14:14:04 <Yexo> can you also take a look at #983? can that one be closed now? 14:16:25 <Hirundo> Yes, it can be closed 14:17:40 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Feature #983 (Closed): changes to handling expressions (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/983#change-2696 14:18:22 * Ammler removed highlight on GRF... :-D 14:18:34 <planetmaker> Yexo: looking at the list. action0properties.py:205: why 14:18:37 <planetmaker> return len(self.railtype_list) * 4 + 2 14:18:39 <planetmaker> the +2 14:18:47 <planetmaker> I'd expect +1 14:18:53 <Yexo> +1 for the byte that is the property number 14:19:00 <Yexo> and +1 for the byte that is the length of the list 14:19:07 <planetmaker> ah, ok :-) 14:28:17 <PeterT> <Rubidium> is that about the server admin thing? What's the point of providing a webchat when you *require* them to have an IRC client and be familiar with IRC? <-- that's a very valid point, but then couldn't you say that qwebirc is an IRC client? 14:33:22 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 443:b4b880554e51: Codechange: optimize some copmarison expression... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/b4b880554e51 14:40:35 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 444:6275f607fa38: Change: make sure 'num < param[num]' is written... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/6275f607fa38 14:43:59 <Brot6> Swedish Rails - Revision 63:a1f41499b13a: Change: Make introduction year for modern depots access... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/swedishrails/repository/revisions/a1f41499b13a 14:52:09 <planetmaker> where do the definitions for bitset properties to? 14:52:12 <planetmaker> global_constants? 14:52:32 <planetmaker> and house property09 is pretty stupid for a bitset. 14:52:48 <planetmaker> you can't be 1x1, 1x2, 2x1 and 2x2 at the same time :-P 14:53:09 <planetmaker> nor do I consider stadium and church to be compatible settings ;-) 14:55:31 <Yexo> make a few constants (BUILDING_1x1, BUILDING_1x2, BUILDING_IS_CHURCH, BUILDING_HAS_ANIMATION) and document that they should be or-ed together 14:57:04 <planetmaker> well, that handling is like cargobits. 14:58:24 <Yexo> houses will need some special attention anyway as multiple tiles of a 2x1/1x2/2x2 building need consecutive ids 14:58:41 <Yexo> "There should be no property 8 setting between the first tile and the additional tiles." <- I hate those random requirements in the spec 15:02:18 <planetmaker> yeah, those will be fun... 15:02:57 <planetmaker> I guess I will skip over all those specialities for now; but I should add TODOs in the code 15:03:52 <Yexo> if you do also open an issue for each one 15:04:02 <planetmaker> good point 15:04:02 <Yexo> that way the issue tracker stays a central location for all open issues 15:09:49 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 15:09:53 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:53:31 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:07:36 <planetmaker> would http://paste.openttd.org/225982 properly represent http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-index.php?page=VarAction2Houses ? 16:08:58 <Yexo> yes 16:09:00 <Hirundo> Do houses have 'real' random bits in 5F? 16:09:10 <Yexo> but uses spaces instead of tabs 16:09:29 <planetmaker> yes. I do. But only after I finish it. Then it's one replace 16:10:03 <Yexo> Hirundo: yes 16:10:14 <Yexo> planetmaker: maybe "random" should be reserved for the global var 5F 16:10:19 <planetmaker> hm... why then pseudo-random? 16:10:58 <Yexo> you could also leave it out complete, the docs already say "TTDPatch has a better way to randomize things" 16:11:13 <planetmaker> ok 16:11:24 <planetmaker> deleted 16:18:56 <Brot6> nml: compile of r444 failed - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/nml/nightlies/ERROR/r444 16:19:07 <planetmaker> hmpf... houses looked moderately easy. Until one looks at each property in detail :S 16:19:19 <Brot6> ogfxplus: compile of r30 failed - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/ogfxplus/nightlies/ERROR/r30 16:19:24 <planetmaker> which nearly means to do something special for each 16:19:41 <Brot6> swedishrails: compile of r63 failed - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/swedishrails/nightlies/ERROR/r63 16:19:43 <Brot6> Following repos didn't need a nightlies update: 2cctrainset (r557), 32bpp-extra (r36), airportsplus (r50), bros (r12), comic-houses (r70), firs (r1010), fish (r375), heqs (r320), newgrf-makefile (ERROR r100), newgrf_makefile (ERROR r100), nmts (r16), nutracks (r69), opengfx (r460), openmsx (r57), opensfx (r94), snowlinemod (r12), worldairlinersset (r643) 16:23:34 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 445:ab36db90a338: Fix (r443, r444): forgot to update the regressi... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/ab36db90a338 16:24:08 <Yexo> nml failed because I didn't update the regression test, swedishrails failed because the new nml version failed 16:25:34 <planetmaker> thanks. I was just starting to investigate 16:36:30 <Ammler> Yexo: it doesn't use the new version because it didn't build 16:36:41 <Ammler> so still r428 was used for swedishrails 16:36:46 <planetmaker> that's what he told ;-) 16:36:59 <Ammler> he? 16:37:12 <Yexo> I didn't write it down clear enough, but that was indeed the same that I found out 16:37:16 <planetmaker> nml failed. SER failed because NML failed 16:37:28 <Ammler> planetmaker: that isn't true 16:37:33 <planetmaker> ? 16:37:39 <Ammler> ser didn't fail because of nml failed 16:37:45 <Yexo> SER failed because it needs the new nml version and it was the old nml versoin was used 16:37:46 <planetmaker> it should, though 16:37:48 <Ammler> as ser still used the successful build 16:38:03 <Ammler> yep, that might be the reason 16:38:03 <planetmaker> SER cannot work with the old NML 16:38:11 <Yexo> that's why it failed 16:38:14 <planetmaker> ^ 16:38:16 <planetmaker> :-) 16:38:23 <Yexo> but normally using the last succesful build is perfectly ok 16:38:27 <Ammler> the 2m-man knows it :-) 16:39:26 <Ammler> but nice to see, the regression test works :-) 16:39:41 <planetmaker> :-) 16:40:01 <Ammler> why did ogfx+ fail? 16:40:05 <Ammler> same reason? 16:40:09 <Yexo> yes 16:40:21 <Yexo> the aircrafts -> aircraft change 16:40:36 <Yexo> I only wonder why there are no nice error message for either ogfx+ or swedishrails 16:40:47 <planetmaker> Yexo: that should be no reason ;-) 16:40:53 <planetmaker> I changed that with ogfx+ 16:41:12 <Ammler> Error while parsing input file 16:41:13 <Yexo> planetmaker: yes, but since the nml from yesterday didn't have the change yet it failed 16:41:19 <planetmaker> true 16:41:22 <Ammler> do we need to enable some debug level? 16:41:29 <Yexo> nope 16:42:01 <Ammler> is your local output more verbose? 16:42:16 <planetmaker> I doubt 16:42:59 <Yexo> http://paste.openttd.org/225983 <- yes 16:43:06 <Yexo> # 16:43:06 <Yexo> NML: "sprites/aircraft.pnml", line 8: Unrecognized identifier 'FEAT_AIRCRAFT' encountered <- that's the important line 16:43:17 <Yexo> this was with nml r428 btw (yesterdays nightly) 16:55:01 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #1030 (New): use textstack for 'design speed' (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1030 17:52:45 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Feature #995: Handle errors more gracefully (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/995#change-2697 18:48:34 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Feature #1031 (New): support for houses (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1031 19:08:55 *** Seberoth2 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:16:43 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 19:40:00 *** Seberoth2 is now known as seberoth 20:44:05 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 20:45:13 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3809: New language en-GB (#5648 thank to Tom Knight for work) (winterheart) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3809 20:45:13 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3810: Refresh locales (winterheart) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3810 21:46:36 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:50:50 <planetmaker> @base 10 16 20003 21:50:50 <Webster> planetmaker: 4E23 21:55:57 *** seberoth has quit IRC 22:10:29 <Rubidium> just use 10 10 \w20003 22:12:46 <Rubidium> oh, even 11 00 \w20003 22:13:42 <Rubidium> or whatever; you'll get the gist of it I hope 22:15:35 <planetmaker> yes. But \w doesn't work in NML ;-) 22:15:50 <planetmaker> and a convenient function doesn't yet exist 22:16:14 <planetmaker> so it's 11004E23 :-) 22:18:16 <Rubidium> yep 22:27:16 <Yexo> version_openttd(1, 1, 0, 20003) <- is that syntax ok? 22:29:06 <planetmaker> yes. 22:29:32 <planetmaker> there should be means to leave out the last argument to indicate a release 22:30:13 <Yexo> that is a good idea 22:30:43 <Yexo> you'll still have to generate an error yourself, is that ok? (ie that function will just return a constant number) 22:31:21 <planetmaker> yes. 22:31:27 <planetmaker> an error is not always wanted 22:31:33 <planetmaker> maybe just a behavioural change. 22:31:37 <planetmaker> Like I want now ;-) 22:31:38 <Yexo> my thoughts exactly :) 22:32:55 <planetmaker> I cannot put switch statements within an if ... else ... block? 22:33:21 <Yexo> no 22:33:28 <planetmaker> ah, damn 22:33:49 <planetmaker> so it's another switch then :-) 22:34:05 <Yexo> if you really need that you'll have to work around it by putting the graphics block linking to that switch in anif ... else block 22:34:35 <planetmaker> nah. I want the graphics. Just upon different conditions 22:34:40 <Yexo> or do the version check in another switch block and use that to switch 22:34:45 <planetmaker> ^ 22:34:58 <planetmaker> [00:33] <planetmaker> so it's another switch then :-) <-- :-) 22:35:53 <planetmaker> I can't query the build_date of depots before r20003 after all 22:35:57 <planetmaker> :-) 22:36:19 <Yexo> http://paste.openttd.org/225984 <- that is what I mend 22:36:49 <Yexo> if you query a variable that is not available the first range of the switch is always chosen 22:36:53 <Yexo> you could also use that 22:38:24 <planetmaker> well, that even works without change and if then. 22:38:29 <Yexo> http://paste.openttd.org/225985 <- openttd versions before r20003 will always ues depot_old 22:39:03 <planetmaker> But I want the switch condition to be different (build_date vs. days_since_0). Such another switch of if is needed 22:40:34 <planetmaker> another switch is not a big problem :-) 22:40:42 <planetmaker> It just means a bit copy & paste 22:40:52 <planetmaker> and more lengthy identifier names ;-) 22:45:53 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 446:08a7873e639e: Feature: add version_openttd as builtin functio... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/08a7873e639e 22:51:09 <planetmaker> Yexo: return value of the function is boolean. true if version bigger? 22:51:36 <Yexo> no, return value is the openttd version in the format so you can compare it to the actual openttd version 22:51:48 <Yexo> if (openttd_version > version_openttd(1, 1, 0, 20003)) { <- you'll need something like that 22:52:06 <Yexo> or should that comparison be builtin too? 22:52:07 <planetmaker> ah, right, that way :-) 22:52:18 <Yexo> as you'll always want to compare it 22:52:33 <planetmaker> hm... not sure 22:52:53 <planetmaker> but I find no place where I wouldn't want to compare it 22:53:21 <Yexo> so return true if it's at least the given version? 22:53:34 <planetmaker> but ... 22:54:00 <planetmaker> maybe someone has somewhen another idea 22:54:39 <Yexo> I'll leave it like this for now then 22:54:47 <planetmaker> yup 23:00:00 <planetmaker> hm, already 7 varation2 per depot 23:11:54 <planetmaker> hm 23:12:55 <planetmaker> NML: Unsupported operator in action2 expression: 12 23:13:06 <planetmaker> > not supported then 23:15:30 <Yexo> no, not yet 23:15:42 <Yexo> and it's not a 5 minute job either 23:16:12 <planetmaker> well. max(a-b,0) works just as fine :-) 23:16:12 <Yexo> you could maybe work around it by doing "param[x] = xx > yy; switch (...., param[x]) " 23:26:05 <planetmaker> http://paste.openttd.org/225986 <-- what's the issue here? 23:26:19 <planetmaker> if I replace the 2nd ternary statement by the simple 1975 all is ine 23:28:22 <Yexo> the ternary operator is not yet supported by the varaction2 code that complete expression is evaluated via the actionD code 23:28:27 <Yexo> and the actionD code doens't support max 23:28:36 <planetmaker> that's just parameter assignment 23:28:51 <planetmaker> right, yeah 23:29:15 <Yexo> does it work if you do #define HAS_DEPOT_VERSION openttd_version > version_openttd(1, 1, 0, 20003) ? 23:29:24 <Yexo> that code does support the > operator 23:31:29 <planetmaker> well. it works. there. Till an internal NML error much later 23:31:47 <planetmaker> Error: (ValueError) "need more than 4 values to unpack". 23:31:49 <Yexo> if you run nml2nfo with the -s flag you'll get a stacktrace 23:33:03 <planetmaker> http://paste.openttd.org/225987 23:35:45 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Bug #1032 (New): support all operators for both actionD and varaction2 or ... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1032 23:37:39 <Yexo> fixed :) 23:37:51 <Yexo> but nml-output is not supported for a lot of features currently 23:38:07 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 447:6be3f0536e06: Fix: nml output for switch-blocks with non-cons... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/6be3f0536e06 23:40:27 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 23:41:55 <planetmaker> http://paste.openttd.org/225988 <-- follow up 23:45:07 <Yexo> fixed that one too 23:45:13 <planetmaker> :-) 23:46:23 <planetmaker> it compiles now :-) 23:46:29 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 448:4dbb3d285243: Fix (r414): missed one return statement when ad... (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/4dbb3d285243 23:46:53 <Yexo> great :) 23:51:07 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 23:56:09 *** welshdragon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone