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00:47:24 *** Frankr has quit IRC 01:49:17 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 03:45:11 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3841: Fix typos in the examples. #5823 (edavis10) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3841 03:45:11 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3842: Add :view_issues_index_bottom hook. #5169 (edavis10) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3842 03:45:11 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3843: Updating CHANGELOG for 1.0 (edavis10) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3843 03:45:11 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3844: Adding 1.0 stable branch to prepare for 1.0.0 RC (edavis10) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3844 04:45:09 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3845: Added an official favicon.ico (edavis10) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3845 04:45:09 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3846: Merged r3845 from trunk. (edavis10) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3846 06:49:31 <Brot6> Example NewGRF Project - Revision 121:2ad72e53a301: Fix (r120): Version detection failed for modi... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/newgrf-makefile/repository/revisions/2ad72e53a301 08:00:46 <Brot6> Example NewGRF Project - Revision 122:abf5e5b2eb0e: Feature: [make_changelog] Make output of the ... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/newgrf-makefile/repository/revisions/abf5e5b2eb0e 09:00:47 <Brot6> Example NewGRF Project - Revision 123:2710ff31e84e: Fix (r122): Type (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/newgrf-makefile/repository/revisions/2710ff31e84e 10:03:54 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:52:19 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:55:48 <andythenorth> @seen frosch123 11:55:48 <Webster> andythenorth: frosch123 was last seen in #openttdcoop.devzone 3 days, 17 hours, 28 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <frosch123> so nvar==0 is a special case where the result is var1C & 0x7FFF 14:46:24 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:46:54 <Brot6> HEQS "Heavy Equipment" Set - Revision 353:f11fbea074ba: Change: renamed psds to make them easie... (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/heqs/repository/revisions/f11fbea074ba 14:46:54 <Brot6> HEQS "Heavy Equipment" Set - Revision 354:4854f3a514fe: merge (sorry Ammler) (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/heqs/repository/revisions/4854f3a514fe 14:47:39 <Ammler> that isn't funny :-P 14:47:57 <Ammler> instead of saying sorry, you could do it proper 14:48:15 <Ammler> easier for you and nicer repo 14:50:36 <Ammler> it is specially a shame, if you need to merge your own changesets 14:53:27 <andythenorth> I have no idea why I need to merge them 14:53:38 <andythenorth> it just happens 14:53:46 <Ammler> just do hg rollback, hg up, and hg ci 14:53:49 <Ammler> and you are fine 14:54:00 <andythenorth> too late now 14:54:11 <Ammler> well, it isn't the first time 14:54:42 <andythenorth> probably won't be the last :) 14:54:59 <Ammler> I meant, not the first time I told you how to solve it 14:55:04 <andythenorth> I don't really understand vcs 14:55:32 <Ammler> imo, hg merge is simply to easy for you 14:56:10 <planetmaker> andythenorth: in principle it's easy 14:56:24 <planetmaker> hg push: if successful, everything done is final 14:56:27 <Ammler> maybe we can setup the hook, so ti doesn't allow push of merges anymore 14:56:38 <planetmaker> Ammler: definitely not 14:57:18 <planetmaker> if hg push is not successful (remote heads): do a hg rollback 14:57:22 <planetmaker> hg up 14:57:28 <planetmaker> and then again the same hg ci you did before 14:57:39 <Ammler> hg pull maybe 14:58:01 <planetmaker> hm, yes. instead of the hg up a hg pull -u 14:58:04 <Ammler> but in the most cases, they even don't need to pull :-) 14:58:55 <andythenorth> is a merge so bad? All it usually means is that there were two heads, and now there are one :) 14:59:18 <Ammler> andythenorth: well, it isn't, but why did you need to "sorry" me? 14:59:33 <andythenorth> because I know it troubles you :) 14:59:43 <Ammler> it troubles the repo 14:59:53 <andythenorth> to what extent / why? 15:00:14 <Ammler> well, not the merge you did now, that is the wost case 15:00:24 <planetmaker> The only bad thing about it is: it's an unnecessary commit 15:00:25 <Ammler> as you merged yourself 15:00:40 <Ammler> planetmaker: it does also unsync the repos 15:00:53 <andythenorth> planetmaker: helps bump the commit numbers higher :P 15:00:56 <Ammler> revision can diver 15:00:59 <planetmaker> :-P 15:01:37 <andythenorth> "we'll never get to FIRS 2k without merges" 15:01:46 <Ammler> andythenorth: all fine, but please hold me out of it 15:01:56 <planetmaker> ? 15:02:04 <Ammler> no need for a highlight 15:02:07 <planetmaker> ah :-) 15:02:31 <planetmaker> well. obviously it was well-anticipated what would follow :-P 15:02:52 * andythenorth is having a slow day :D 15:03:15 <Ammler> yes, the effect was exactly the opposite as andy liked 15:03:26 <planetmaker> andythenorth: generally: a good idea is to use hg pull -u when you start on a repo on a new day 15:03:36 <planetmaker> or generally before you commit anything to the repo 15:03:38 <Ammler> or simply before push 15:03:46 <planetmaker> Ammler: no. Before commit 15:03:58 <Ammler> well, you can rollback the commit 15:04:04 <Ammler> but indeed 15:04:11 <planetmaker> Ammler: keep it simple 15:04:19 <andythenorth> there was nothing to pull. 15:04:23 <andythenorth> I guess I forgot to hg up 15:04:28 <planetmaker> know ways to fix mistakes doesn't beat not making them 15:04:31 <Ammler> andythenorth: that is why it was even worse :-P 15:04:56 <Ammler> you merged yourself, that is the ugliest merge :-) 15:05:23 <Ammler> the 2nd bad is when you merge because of forgotten pull 15:05:33 <Ammler> (1 commit) 15:05:58 <Ammler> it is fully ok to merge >1commits 15:06:42 <Ammler> just watch the nml repo, 5 differnet active devs and afaik no merges 15:07:22 <Ammler> I need to clean my ears now :-) 15:08:41 <Ammler> @monoloque 15:30:06 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:07:13 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:17:31 <Hirundo> Ammler: I had to abort pushes and rebase my commits manually a few times, that could've been merges 16:17:59 <Ammler> and why didn't you merge? 16:18:28 <planetmaker> what's the adv. of rebase vs. merge? 16:18:29 <Ammler> well, I already said, that >1 commits isn't bad 16:18:45 <Ammler> planetmaker: you can't rollback more commits 16:18:49 <Ammler> or can you? 16:18:57 <planetmaker> no, I can't 16:19:06 <Ammler> so you can do a rebase 16:19:45 <Hirundo> advantage is that rebase keeps the repo cleaner, IMO 16:19:57 <Hirundo> I'm not paid per-commit :) 16:19:58 <Ammler> it keeps the repo identical to the server 16:20:06 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 16:20:11 <Brot6> heqs: update from r352 to r354 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/heqs/nightlies/r354 16:20:44 <Ammler> but rebase might be advanced stuff 16:20:52 <Ammler> so in that case, merge is fine too 16:20:57 *** welshdragon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:21:46 <Brot6> newgrf_makefile: update from r120 to r123 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/newgrf_makefile/nightlies/r123 16:22:03 <Alberth> and a happy evening to all 16:22:23 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 16:22:45 <Ammler> hello Alberth :-) 16:22:57 *** welshdragon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:23:14 <Brot6> openmsx: update from r86 to r90 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/openmsx/nightlies/r90 16:25:24 <Brot6> worldairlinersset: update from r652 to r655 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/worldairlinersset/nightlies/r655 16:25:24 <Brot6> Following repos didn't need a nightlies update: 2cctrainset (r573), 32bpp-extra (r36), airportsplus (r52), bros (r12), comic-houses (r70), firs (r1074), fish (r386), grfcodec (r169), nforenum (r377), nml (r555), nmts (r16), nutracks (r86), ogfxplus (r39), opengfx (r466), opensfx (r96), snowlinemod (r15), swedishrails (r139) 16:52:03 *** welshdragon is now known as waelshdragon 16:54:47 *** waelshdragon is now known as welshdragon 17:44:26 <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3847: Translation updates (winterheart) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/redmine/repository/revisions/3847 17:47:29 <planetmaker> oh, moin Alberth 17:48:46 * planetmaker wonders whether http://hg.openttd.org/openttd/trunk.hg/rev/78fee4b4003b should result in changes to NML 17:50:39 <Rubidium> yes! 17:51:02 * Alberth agrees 17:51:13 <Rubidium> you could e.g. change it in such a way that it's superior to grfcodec and finished 17:51:49 <Alberth> the former is easy, the latter may be a bit more work :) 17:53:53 <planetmaker> :-) 17:56:06 <Hirundo> only 3 issues left for 0.1.0... that's doable 17:57:25 <planetmaker> Hirundo: many action0s are still missing. 17:57:32 <planetmaker> well. some 17:57:32 <Hirundo> what's wrong with 'nml' instead of 'nmlcodec', 'nml2nfo', 'nml2grf' etc? 17:57:46 <planetmaker> nml can't be used as it's the class name 17:58:00 <planetmaker> at least that is what I was told. I'm no python guru 18:00:05 <Alberth> package name :) 18:00:23 <planetmaker> :-) 18:00:29 <Hirundo> 'what about 'nmlc' (NML compiler) ? 18:00:41 <Alberth> fine by me 18:00:49 <Alberth> nicely general :p 18:01:03 <planetmaker> fine with me, too. IIRC I proposed something like that, though I might not have documented it 18:01:19 <planetmaker> and iirc yexo was fine with it, too 18:01:46 <planetmaker> so... we have an agreement on that? :-) 18:01:53 <Hirundo> it's already assigned to you :) 18:02:15 <Alberth> just edit the patch :) 18:02:32 <planetmaker> ah, ok :-) 18:02:50 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Patch #1040: name of the main script (Hirundo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1040#change-2882 18:03:05 <frosch123> just call it "better_codec" 18:03:06 <planetmaker> I think I did that myself :-P 18:03:33 <planetmaker> Hirundo: Alberth would it make sense to allow the grfid use the normal string interface, too? 18:03:56 <planetmaker> reasoning: it'd allow me to write it into the custom_tags.txt by the makefile 18:04:14 <planetmaker> backdraw: it's not a translatable string anyway, thus it'd be somewhat conceptually wrong 18:04:31 <Hirundo> grfids need some thought anyway 18:04:59 <Hirundo> it's a string in grf {..}, and a number in deactivate(..) 18:05:35 <Alberth> and a combination of strings and numbers in the spec :) 18:06:22 <frosch123> and it's something which could be collected from all released grfs and be put in some library to reference other grfs 18:06:57 <frosch123> like bibtex or so 18:07:09 <Alberth> grfids.txt :) 18:07:41 <Alberth> splendid idea frosch123! 18:09:10 <frosch123> well, referencing other grfs is quite rare :) but maybe just because it is so tedious 18:09:32 <frosch123> no idea about checking ranges of grfids though 18:10:18 <Alberth> I am not even sure there is a range other than 0 - 0xffffffff 18:10:23 <Hirundo> ttdpatch contains some "super-awsome" bit magic for that 18:10:24 <planetmaker> [20:06] <frosch123> and it's something which could be collected from all released grfs and be put in some library to reference other grfs <-- grf crawler? 18:10:59 <planetmaker> Alberth: 0xFFxxxxxx are special and should *normally* not be used 18:11:12 <planetmaker> or those should be forbidden to use varaction2 or only with warning 18:11:20 <planetmaker> (it's basesets only) 18:11:37 <Rubidium> base sets must not be referenced 18:11:45 <Rubidium> and actually, in OpenTTD you can't 18:11:47 <planetmaker> and that 18:15:17 <Ammler> planetmaker: only last byte is free, afaik 18:15:35 <planetmaker> Ammler: how so? 18:15:52 <planetmaker> I can choose any four bytes, except the first being FF 18:15:59 <Ammler> The extra newgrf file, part of OpenTTD base sets, have to have a GRF ID starting with FF "OT". The fourth letter may not be "W" nor "D" which are reserved for the openttdd.grf file. OpenGFX defines 01 for its extra newgrf. 18:16:06 <planetmaker> and I better don't choose a combination which is already taken 18:16:33 <planetmaker> ah... yes 18:16:46 <planetmaker> there was some odditiy in the code. 18:17:07 <planetmaker> you're right. Is it actually documented? hm... might be that even I did.. not sure 18:17:08 <Ammler> well, 0xFF... is part of it 18:17:23 <Ammler> or opposite :-) 18:18:23 <planetmaker> Is there a maximum python version which is permissible for nmlc? :-) 18:18:37 <Ammler> check setup.py 18:18:47 <Ammler> oh, max 18:19:26 <Alberth> 2.x only I'd say 18:19:41 <Ammler> doesn't yexo already use 3.0? 18:19:58 <Alberth> 3.x will at least break on the 'print', and possibly at some other points too 18:21:25 <Alberth> print "foo" does not work in 3.x, and we have such code in nml 18:22:05 <Ammler> hen I had python-ply in mind 18:22:19 <planetmaker> So... http://pastebin.org/399982 <-- version error like that? 18:22:31 <planetmaker> or should I add error also for python >= 3.0? 18:22:52 <planetmaker> I think it might rather only then give a warning like "some things do not (yet) work"? 18:23:03 <planetmaker> as it might be a goal to get rid of that? 18:23:10 <planetmaker> not now, but maybe long-term? 18:23:39 <Alberth> error text is fine, except a python 3 user never sees it :) 18:23:54 <Alberth> there is a way to get the version number, wait a sec 18:24:45 <planetmaker> if sys.version >= '3.0' sys.warning('WARNING: Sorry, python 3.0 or later is not yet supported. Some parts may not work.') 18:27:19 <Alberth> sys.version_info 18:30:12 <planetmaker> that changed (again?) in 3.1 18:30:24 <Alberth> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/238408/ 18:30:25 <planetmaker> though... Changed in version 3.1: Added named component attributes 18:30:26 <Webster> Title: Paste #238408 | LodgeIt! (at paste.pocoo.org) 18:30:27 <planetmaker> is not that bad 18:31:17 <planetmaker> hm, ok 18:33:43 <Alberth> eventually, we should move to python 3, but first the libraries need to move. I don't know their status though. 18:34:28 <Alberth> also, everybody except ubuntu still defaults to python 2 18:34:44 <Rubidium> suse 11.3 too? 18:34:56 <Alberth> oh, perhaps not 18:35:30 <planetmaker> http://pastebin.ca/1901934 <-- like that maybe? 18:35:36 <Rubidium> I don't know, only that it's release rather recently 18:36:47 <Alberth> planetmaker: +if ( (version[0] < 2) or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] < 5) ) <-- programming too much C ? :) 18:37:06 <planetmaker> uhm... maybe? 18:37:42 <planetmaker> is it wrong? 18:37:58 <planetmaker> well... : missing :-) 18:38:08 <Alberth> if version[0] < 2 or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] < 5: 18:38:17 <Alberth> oh, and a ) just before the end 18:39:06 <planetmaker> I'd like the parts of the or expression in brackets. It helps IMHO readibility 18:39:24 <planetmaker> but the outer brackets can go 18:40:09 <Alberth> parentheses :) 18:40:26 <planetmaker> he. yeah. :-) 18:40:31 <planetmaker> always a bad word to translate 18:40:46 <Alberth> I am not much in favor of using parentheses around a simple compare, but it is your patch 18:41:19 <planetmaker> well... it should be consistent ;-) 18:41:27 <Alberth> I also learned to use parentheses only recently :) 18:41:33 <planetmaker> he 18:41:46 <planetmaker> they help me to avoid mistakes, though 18:41:57 <Alberth> (instead of 'brackets') 18:42:02 <planetmaker> ah :-) 18:42:39 <Rubidium> planetmaker: { <- curly bracket; if that's curly, then the non-curly bracket must be square, i.e., [ 18:42:47 <Rubidium> (just a simple trick to remember it) 18:43:06 <planetmaker> eh? 18:43:24 * Alberth learns a new way of using sys.exit() 18:43:31 <planetmaker> and... what does that have to do with parenthesis vs. bracket? 18:44:02 <Rubidium> planetmaker: it's a trick to remember that ( can't be a bracket 18:44:07 <Alberth> + sys.warning('WARNING: Sorry, python 3.0 or later is not yet supported. Some parts may not work.') <-- sys.exit() imho 18:44:36 <planetmaker> you're right. Thanks 18:45:26 <Alberth> I seem to be missing a change in the main program (I'd expect one in the help text at least) 18:46:15 <Alberth> hmm, that does not exist 18:46:25 <planetmaker> r555 is my version. 18:46:44 <planetmaker> 555:66137d800f57 18:48:17 <Alberth> there are a few strings containing 'NML' in main.py, perhaps change those too? 18:49:21 <planetmaker> you mean the error strings? 18:49:45 <Alberth> yes 18:50:08 <Alberth> it is quite normal to prefix error message with the name of the application 18:50:32 <planetmaker> yep. I'd use small letters, though? 18:50:43 <planetmaker> nmlc instead of NMLC 18:50:44 <Alberth> yes 18:51:03 <Alberth> and a rename of nml2nfo itself 18:51:14 <Alberth> and a link in the regression makefile 18:51:50 <planetmaker> very good point 18:52:36 <planetmaker> http://pastebin.ca/1901942 18:53:27 <Ammler> will you also rename the package to nmlc? 18:53:37 <Ammler> project* 18:54:07 <Ammler> NewGRF Meta Language Compiler 18:54:49 <Alberth> I'd keep the same name, but yexo should decide that imho 18:54:54 <planetmaker> Ammler: only the script can have that. The python 18:55:06 <planetmaker> nmv... I meant to delete the line :-P 18:55:29 <Ammler> so nmlc is the nml wrapper only? 18:55:47 <Alberth> Ammler: 'nml' leaves room for other programs in the same project 18:55:58 <Ammler> :-) 18:56:05 <Alberth> nmlc is one application (and currently the only one) 18:56:59 <Alberth> but perhaps we may have nmlpp (a nml pretty printer) or so, although these are difficult to make. 18:57:13 <Ammler> or nmld (decompiler) 18:57:48 <Alberth> current state is that such functionality would be merged into nmlc 18:58:05 <Alberth> but it would be a possibility 19:01:06 <Alberth> planetmaker: I'd keep the "to grf" instead of "into grf" in the setup.py. Also, the layout seems broken. 19:02:06 * Ammler wonders, if I shall post my trunk updates of cpp to the official threads 19:02:30 <Alberth> cpp? 19:03:06 <Ammler> our/my little client patch pack 19:03:14 <planetmaker> he 19:03:40 <Ammler> filter sign needed updates during hotkeys change 19:11:13 <Alberth> planetmaker: proposed change of the description http://paste.pocoo.org/show/238438/ 19:11:14 <Webster> Title: Paste #238438 | LodgeIt! (at paste.pocoo.org) 19:11:28 <Alberth> mostly layout, and a "then" -> "than" at the end 19:11:48 <planetmaker> yes. And it needs simpeler -> simpler ;-) 19:12:00 <planetmaker> (something I fixed here already) 19:12:37 <planetmaker> besides I do think that it's a compiler, so convert -> compile seems appropriate to me... 19:12:53 <Alberth> sure 19:13:27 <Alberth> you can also use 'transform' :p 19:13:36 <planetmaker> ;-) 19:13:43 <planetmaker> modify? 19:14:04 <Alberth> nah, that implies you destroy the source 19:14:17 <Alberth> (to me, at least) 19:14:32 <planetmaker> probably Shakespeare has a nice word for it, too... :-) yes, you're right. I'm being silly 19:17:19 <planetmaker> to is better than into, yes 19:23:03 <planetmaker> hm... why doesn't setup.py report the updated description for me? :S 19:23:16 <planetmaker> even after a make clean 19:23:28 *** Hirundo_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:23:52 <Alberth> python setup.py --long-description 19:24:24 <planetmaker> doh. Thanks! :-) 19:24:26 *** Hirundo has quit IRC 19:24:26 *** Hirundo_ is now known as Hirundo 19:26:15 <planetmaker> comparing apples and pears always fails :-) 19:26:39 <Alberth> comparing for equality is trivially to decide :) 19:26:51 <planetmaker> hehe. Very true 19:30:06 <Ammler> Alberth: how to setup a ignore rule for every lang file except english.txt? 19:30:27 <Ammler> (you as regex pro :-) 19:31:10 <Alberth> negative matching is quite non-trivial 19:31:27 <Alberth> in python, there is a negative match in RE 19:31:28 <Ammler> hmm, wouldn't work anyway 19:31:49 <Ammler> as the other files are already in the repo 19:31:52 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 556:3203a01b3f23: Change #1040: Rename the main script into nmlc ... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/3203a01b3f23 19:31:52 <Brot6> Swedish Rails - Revision 140:275e4b5ec418: Change: [Makefile] The name of the NML compiler changed (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/swedishrails/repository/revisions/275e4b5ec418 19:31:53 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ - Revision 40:2b30452169e7: Change: [Makefile] The name of the NML compiler changed (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfxplus/repository/revisions/2b30452169e7 19:32:15 <Alberth> Ammler: that's not a problem, you can add ignored files to the repo 19:32:23 <Ammler> yes 19:32:46 <Ammler> but I like that if for example I grep for a language id, only english.txt will show up 19:33:17 <Brot6> Example NewGRF Project - Revision 124:f8a3be28f66c: Change: The name of the NML compiler changed (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/newgrf-makefile/repository/revisions/f8a3be28f66c 19:33:42 <Alberth> I tend to do that grepping in the sources rather than src/lang 19:34:29 <Rubidium> language id? 19:34:58 <Rubidium> which one? The windows or grf language id? 19:35:06 <Alberth> you could make a grepenglish script 19:36:44 <Ammler> ah, it doesn't matter 19:37:15 <Ammler> Rubidium: string id* 19:37:28 <Ammler> or how you call those 19:37:43 <Ammler> STR_CONFIG_SETTING_POPULATION_IN_LABEL for example 19:37:47 <Rubidium> yes, string ids 19:37:55 <Alberth> Ammler: grep -r STR_ src/lang | grep english.txt 19:38:04 <Ammler> Alberth: yesyes 19:38:14 <Rubidium> grep STR_ src/lang/english.txt ? 19:38:38 <Rubidium> even so, I hope you won't use those in NML 19:38:40 <Alberth> Ammler is trying very hard to avoid typing that :) 19:38:54 <Ammler> but then you have only those and not the one from source 19:39:19 <Rubidium> Ammler: and you think there are more string ids in the source? 19:39:22 <Alberth> they are the same, aren't they? 19:39:29 <Ammler> not? 19:39:44 <Rubidium> Ammler: where would those strings be defined? 19:42:20 <Ammler> defined in src/lang, but used in src/, I guess :-/ 19:43:32 <Rubidium> there is only ONE base language which is used to determine the string table (table/strings.h) 19:43:37 <Rubidium> that's english.txt 19:43:40 <Ammler> something quite bad about mq is that you can't apply a single patch 19:43:49 <Ammler> you have to move those around in the series 19:44:00 <Rubidium> so there won't be strings in other languages that aren't in english.txt (and don't cause warnings about them not being in the master language) 19:44:11 <Ammler> yes 19:44:14 <Alberth> hg pqop -a ; patch -p1 < .hg/patches/3rdpath 19:44:18 <Ammler> I like to ignore nonenglish :-) 19:44:49 <Ammler> Alberth: but then I can't rebase 19:45:04 <Ammler> how do you update such a patch? 19:45:41 <Alberth> not really 19:45:42 <Ammler> I didn't apply all patches as I rebased 19:45:53 <Ammler> that was my fault :-) 19:46:30 <Alberth> I am still puzzling about the best way to move along in hg 19:47:50 <Alberth> simplest way seems to be making a 'dev' branch, and merge updates from default into it, but then you cannot modify things you have committed 19:47:56 <Ammler> hmm, maybe I can teach patch to behave like merge then creating stupid rej file 19:48:20 <Rubidium> Ammler: patch --help will help you 19:48:36 <Alberth> mpatch can also be useful 19:49:01 <Ammler> -m 19:52:29 <Ammler> patch: invalid option -- 'm' 19:52:39 <Ammler> now, I am confused 19:52:45 <Alberth> --merge ? 19:53:16 <Alberth> at least, my patch man page has no -m 19:54:12 <Ammler> yes, --merge worked 19:54:20 <Ammler> but the helptext does show -m 19:54:59 <Alberth> looks like a bug :) 19:55:24 <Alberth> then you should get the <<< and >>> lines 19:56:09 <Ammler> now I need to teach hg to use --merge 20:01:14 <Alberth> I'd expect that you can specify a merge program 20:01:27 <Alberth> euhm, patch program, of course 20:01:43 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 557:a838c4bba213: Fix (r536): Wrong indentation broke version det... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/a838c4bba213 20:08:21 <Alberth> planetmaker: your last change contains tab characters 20:08:41 <planetmaker> aaahr. I specifically CHANGED my programme.... 20:12:01 <Alberth> and I now wonder about use of ERROR and WARNING in setup.py, they seem a bit out of place, por at least WARNING does 20:12:04 <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 558:560c382e94f5: Fix (r557): Tabs are evil. Using them here repe... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nml/repository/revisions/560c382e94f5 20:12:55 <Alberth> I should make a hg hook script that rejects anything with a tab in it :) 20:14:03 <Alberth> I think there is an example in the hg book 20:15:01 <planetmaker> :-) That might be a good hook :-) 20:16:07 <planetmaker> http://hg.mozilla.org/tamarin-redux/raw-file/tip/utils/hooks/tamarin-commit-hook.py 20:21:34 <Alberth> oh, code is finished already :) 20:28:01 <planetmaker> good night 20:33:10 <Alberth> good night pm 20:40:47 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 20:46:48 <Ammler> trailing whitespace is also nice 20:50:57 <frosch123> trailing whitespace and mixed tabs/spaces are the root of all evil 21:07:46 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 21:25:09 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 21:27:22 *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:51:39 <Brot6> HEQS "Heavy Equipment" Set - Revision 355:3f2f5d3e2148: Change: progress on hi-rail truck (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/heqs/repository/revisions/3f2f5d3e2148 22:12:41 *** Seberoth has quit IRC 22:54:09 <Brot6> OTTDBash - Revision 1:d7ccb64ce12d: Feature: new command to merge patches from mq (Ammler) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ottdbash/repository/revisions/d7ccb64ce12d 22:57:25 <Brot6> #openttdcoop Client Patch Pack - Revision 2:0a45b79eeea7: r20007: update FilterSignList (Ammler) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/clientpatches/repository/revisions/0a45b79eeea7 22:57:25 <Brot6> #openttdcoop Client Patch Pack - Revision 3:4a41ee62ae81: r20146: update client patch pack (Ammler) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/clientpatches/repository/revisions/4a41ee62ae81