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00:08:49 *** ODM has quit IRC 00:44:55 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 00:48:06 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 01:31:25 <Brot6> AdmiralAI - Revision 75:00069000d893: Fix: r74 also for trainmanager (yexo) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ai-admiralai/repository/revisions/00069000d893 03:45:50 *** Lakie has quit IRC 07:39:14 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:49:46 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 07:58:45 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 08:12:12 <planetmaker> moin 08:34:58 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 08:41:18 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 08:55:56 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:19:38 * Terkhen wonders why the bulk trucks don't appear ingame anymore 10:19:53 <planetmaker> train or RV? 10:19:57 <Terkhen> RV 10:20:29 <Terkhen> I also tried recompiling an old revision, but they still don't appear 10:21:08 <planetmaker> which one should I watch out for? 10:22:10 <Terkhen> hmmm... the trams don't appear either 10:22:13 <Terkhen> only the flatbed trucks 10:22:36 <planetmaker> Bulk Truck Mk I + Mk II ? 10:23:06 <Terkhen> Bulk Truck MkI + MkII + Mk III + all trams are missing 10:23:22 <planetmaker> it's the refit probably 10:23:42 <planetmaker> I have the MkI + MkII in 1970 with FIRS 0.5.2 10:23:54 <Terkhen> hmmm... I see 10:23:59 <planetmaker> But they transport only vegies, scrap metal and lumber 10:24:10 <Terkhen> but they used to appear in vanilla temperate 10:26:59 <planetmaker> ah 10:27:09 <planetmaker> bitmask(CC_BULK) and so on 10:27:42 <planetmaker> that changed 10:27:47 <planetmaker> in NML 10:28:02 <planetmaker> all cargo class definitions need revision 10:28:10 <planetmaker> by making them a bitmask 10:28:32 <Terkhen> oh 10:28:42 <Terkhen> okay, thank you :) 10:28:52 <planetmaker> no problem :-) 10:29:43 <planetmaker> nasty thing as it didn't break the newgrf 10:33:41 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 10:44:31 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:49:35 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Road Vehicles - Revision 25:cabd5b906450: Update: Some vehicle properties are now set us... (Terkhen) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-rv/repository/revisions/cabd5b906450 10:57:20 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Road Vehicles - Revision 26:e6d6a8fece61: Fix: Allow the bulk truck and the flatbed truc... (Terkhen) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-rv/repository/revisions/e6d6a8fece61 11:05:22 <Brot6> Berries - Feature Request #1837 (New): Password only requestable by known people (Spike) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1837 11:06:30 * Rubidium waits for the bananas berry 11:07:10 <Rubidium> although that would be a tautology 11:07:25 <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #1404 (Closed): Copy Sand staithe sprites and modify for ... (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1404#change-4654 11:13:34 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:44:16 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:49:56 <Terkhen> http://devs.openttd.org/~terkhen/patches/index.php?source=ogfx-rv/refit_capacity_callback.diff <-- this code fails to change the capacity for cargos that are being used as the default for the truck in a given climate; for example, fruit in tropic or sugar in toyland will use the vehicle capacity instead of the one at the callback 11:50:15 <Terkhen> I have no clue about why this happens 11:50:49 <planetmaker> Terkhen: there's a nasty difference between cb36 and cb15(?) 11:50:51 <frosch123> Terkhen: because of the cb15/36 mess 11:50:53 <planetmaker> both change capacity 11:51:27 <frosch123> http://wiki.ttdpatch.net/tiki-index.php?page=VehicleRefitting 11:51:42 <planetmaker> and if the primary cargo in a climate should differ, then it fails, if you don't use both CB. 11:52:02 <Terkhen> wow, that is indeed a nasty mess 11:52:31 <Terkhen> okay, I'll try using both callbacks then 11:52:52 <frosch123> note that they return different things 11:52:59 <Terkhen> :/ 11:53:11 <frosch123> cb15 returns the plain capacity, cb36 returns the capacity before applying cargo multipliers 11:54:48 <frosch123> alternatively change ottd behaviour to always call cb15 (also in purchase list), but i have no idea what might break by that, and whether everything needed is available :) 11:55:57 <Terkhen> thank you, I'll see if I can fix this mess 12:08:16 <frosch123> http://devs.openttd.org/~frosch/texts/capacityadventure.txt <- there is also some old thought, but some plans got changed, and i lost track of what was already archieved and what needs still doing :) 12:08:51 <frosch123> but iirc i managed to fix the refit-to-zero-capacity-deadlock, and the inconsistencies between purchase list and ingame-refitting 12:12:16 <Terkhen> oh, behaviour changes even between different vehicle types? 12:12:38 <frosch123> some of the most nasty inconsisties are already fixed 12:12:56 <frosch123> like, in the old days you could end up with a different capacity when refitting back to original cargo :) 12:14:15 <frosch123> take a look at Engine::GetDisplayDefaultCapacity() and GetVehicleCapacity() for differences between vehicle types 12:20:27 <Terkhen> my initial impression is that, ignoring the inconsistencies, CB36 is only required for setting different capacities for both cargos in aircrafts 12:21:16 <Terkhen> that's my principal problem with understanding these callbacks; I don't see the need for two different callbacks that do almost the same thing 12:22:02 <frosch123> hehe, i do not know either why cb36 capacity was every introducted 12:22:11 <frosch123> i think it was a mistake 12:22:32 <frosch123> however, cb36 result behaves like the properties, i.e. with cargo multipliers; while cb15 does not 12:22:57 <frosch123> so, calling always calling cb15 is a good start 12:27:12 <Terkhen> yes, that solution makes sense 12:28:21 <Terkhen> isn't that "capacity multiplier" property equivalent to weight? 12:30:20 <frosch123> maybe, but it is different for different vehicletypes 12:31:11 <frosch123> similiar, but not the same 12:31:58 <frosch123> maybe it's a cominbation of weight and volume or so 12:35:08 <frosch123> anyway, there are some flaws in the capacityadventure proposal. e.g. the proposal allowed to make vehicles refittable/not-refittable by returning capacity 0 in cb36. but that caused quite some trouble, so now it is tied to the simple property from action0 12:42:25 <Terkhen> capacity multipliers are currently only set for the standard cargos you mention on the txt? 12:43:34 <frosch123> yeah, for slot 0, 1, and 5 (which are passenger, mail and goods in most cases) 12:57:41 <Terkhen> IMO they are a bit inconsistent... I guess that we can't just scrap them because existing NewGRFs rely on them 12:59:40 <frosch123> removing them completely gives no advantage, you could use cb15 then 12:59:57 <frosch123> imo the potential of cb36 is that it can deal with unknown cargo types 13:00:15 <frosch123> but that would require that the capacity multiplier can be set by the newcargo-providing grf 13:00:48 <Terkhen> hmm... you are right 13:02:30 <Terkhen> cb15 would be used for known cargo types; if it fails, cb36 would be called and it would let the cargo "decide" using its capacity multiplier 13:04:05 <Terkhen> heh... and to think that I wanted to spend the first part of the day doing something simple :P 13:04:21 <frosch123> :p 14:10:28 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 15:18:09 <Terkhen> would it make sense to evaluate cb15 if we are not in the default configuration OR if the vehicle is set to use the first refittable cargo type? 15:20:07 <planetmaker> what? 15:20:27 <frosch123> Terkhen: i guess just evaluate always :) 15:22:01 <Terkhen> planetmaker: http://devs.openttd.org/~terkhen/patches/index.php?source=hack_cb_15.diff <--- this is what I mean 15:22:31 <Terkhen> let's see what happen if I just always evaluate it 15:23:30 <frosch123> i guess changes in purchase list are more likely to affect newgrfs in some way 15:32:31 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:35:23 <Terkhen> http://devs.openttd.org/~terkhen/patches/index.php?source=always_call_cb_15.diff <--- this works for me too, but I wonder how many sets it breaks 15:36:00 <frosch123> doesn't that break mail capacity? 15:36:05 <planetmaker> we'd need to test some... 15:36:20 <Terkhen> probably 15:36:46 <Terkhen> I'll start by coding an aircraft test grf 15:40:02 <planetmaker> hm, that only affects aircraft? 15:40:52 <Terkhen> it affects all vehicle types, but it probably breaks CB36 for passengers/mail in aircrafts 15:41:26 <frosch123> doesn't it even set mail capacity to 0 once cb15 is enabled? 15:42:30 <Terkhen> hmmm... the BAe 146 in aviators aircraft seems to use callbacks to modify both passengers and mail capacities, and it works in the patched version 15:43:23 <Terkhen> frosch123: the mail capacity is set to zero at the beginning of the functions already 15:44:00 <frosch123> yes, that's my point :s 15:44:16 *** Lakie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:44:35 <frosch123> so if cb15 returns early, it is never set to something non-zero 15:45:02 *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:45:44 <Terkhen> that it should be breaking mail? I agree... probably aviators aircraft is only using cb36 and that's why it seems to work 16:05:18 *** avdg has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:19:43 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #1838 (New): NZR X Class (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1838 17:19:43 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #1839 (New): NZR X Class (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1839 17:21:55 <Brot6> ai-admiralai: update from r73 to r75 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/ai-admiralai/nightlies/r75 17:23:28 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #1839 (Closed): NZR X Class (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1839 17:23:28 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #1839 (Closed): NZR X Class (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1839#change-4656 17:23:46 <Brot6> firs: update from r1509 to r1511 done (3 errors) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/nightlies/r1511 17:24:24 <Brot6> Following repos didn't need a nightlies update: 2cctrainset (r651), 32bpp-extra (r39), airportsplus (r69), basecosts (r22), belarusiantowns (r7), comic-houses (r71), fish (r415), frenchtowns (r4), grfcodec (r788), heqs (r504), indonesiantowns (r38), manindu (r5), metrotrackset (r56), newgrf_makefile (r232), nml (r1034), nutracks (r117), ogfx-trains (r90), ogfx-trees (r41), opengfx (r554), openmsx (r97), opensfx (r97), smts (r19), 17:24:24 <Brot6> snowlinemod (r45), swedishrails (r188), swisstowns (r21), transrapidtrackset (r15), ttdviewer (r26), ttrs (r23), worldairlinersset (r667) 17:33:29 <Terkhen> http://devs.openttd.org/~terkhen/patches/index.php?folder=callbacks/ <--- using that grf as a test, the only difference between trunk and patched is that when refitting to passengers, in the patched version the passenger value from CB15 takes precedence 17:34:05 <Terkhen> of course I had to correct when is mail capacity evaluated 17:35:30 <Terkhen> I still have to check if there are any differences in other newgrf sets, but IMO this behaviour for CB36 aircraft mail capacity is good 17:37:32 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:37:51 <Terkhen> hi andythenorth 17:37:58 <andythenorth> hi Terkhen 17:41:25 <planetmaker> ho andythenorth 17:46:38 <frosch123> Terkhen: looks fine :) 17:46:57 <Terkhen> frosch123: thanks :) 17:47:21 <Terkhen> I'm coding a patch to compare capacities more quickly, I want to see if it breaks something 17:50:25 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 17:51:13 <planetmaker> that was a silent and short intermezzo of his ;-) 17:51:58 <Terkhen> :P 17:52:03 <frosch123> "his andyness"? 18:18:32 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #1840 (New): 6K (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/1840 18:47:35 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:13:59 <Brot6> 32bpp-ez-patches: update from r21152 to r21176 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/32bpp-ez-patches/testing/r21176 19:22:06 <Terkhen> hmmm... I found a difference; in the patched version, the chimaera from 2cc has 0 capacity for passengers instead of 400 19:23:28 <planetmaker> he 19:24:30 <Brot6> clientpatches: update from r21152 to r21177 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/clientpatches/testing/r21177 19:25:47 <Terkhen> wow, this thing is a monster :) 19:26:32 <Brot6> serverpatches: update from r21152 to r21178 done (19 errors) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/serverpatches/testing/r21178 19:27:54 <planetmaker> the 2cc Chimera? 19:29:27 <Terkhen> yes, just running it for a year cost a king's ransom 19:29:42 <planetmaker> DJN likes it EXPENSIVE 19:30:22 <planetmaker> maybe it also has speed-dependent running costs. Who knows. 2cctrainset has it 19:31:32 <andythenorth> frosch123: you were working on something for shifting color selectively in grfcodec? 19:31:58 <frosch123> yes, but it needs polishing 19:32:27 <frosch123> http://devs.openttd.org/~frosch/example1403.png 19:33:57 <Terkhen> hmm... even after coding these callbacks in nml, I can't understand their nfo version at all 19:34:11 * planetmaker hugs Terkhen 19:36:07 <frosch123> Terkhen: i do not understand nml generated nfo either :) 19:36:55 <frosch123> maybe one of the ahy magicians can :p 19:37:11 <planetmaker> that's not so bad actually... 19:37:24 <planetmaker> but generally these switch statements in nfo are not much fun 19:38:16 <frosch123> planetmaker: well, i fear somewhen we need a newgrf debugger during the grf loading stage 19:39:06 <planetmaker> hm... yes, maybe 19:39:13 <planetmaker> ingame it works already, though :-) 19:39:37 <frosch123> yes, ingame is fine, but i mean for all the action679d stuff :) 19:40:10 <planetmaker> :-) yeah... that's a mystery 19:40:12 <frosch123> during coding mi2 i was totally lost in between as i had no idea how to debug it 19:40:47 <frosch123> for hand-written nfo grf2hml was quite fine, but for nml-generated it is useless :) 19:42:07 <planetmaker> hm... yeah... it's too easy to write too complicated if then else there :-) 19:43:31 <frosch123> hmm, maybe nml could create actionCs with line number information 19:52:50 <Terkhen> http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/2cctrainset/repository/entry/sprites/nfo/mus/chim.pnfo <--- if any nfo magician can help me... I want to understand what are CB15 and CB36(capacity) doing, and if it is possible that any of them can return 0 under some case 19:53:13 <frosch123> + for (char **s = this->strings; s < lastof(this->strings); s++) free(*s); <- <= or endof() 19:53:29 <frosch123> wrong channel :) 20:00:06 <Terkhen> meh 20:00:16 <Terkhen> there are many differences with other train sets too 20:00:42 <Terkhen> and I'm only checking the engine callback (with the default cargo) 20:03:05 <frosch123> the ingame one won't differ much 20:14:27 <frosch123> Terkhen: that engine does not distinguish cb15 between purchase list and ingame 20:16:08 <Terkhen> I still can't see why it returns 0 if cb15 is given priority... I can't make much sense of the nfo code, but given that there are defines for the capacity amounts, I doubt that it is intented to return 0 20:16:25 <frosch123> cb15 returns 0 if the cargoclass is not mail, armored or paaenger+express 20:16:58 <frosch123> line 120 - 125 20:17:47 <Terkhen> oh 20:18:29 <Terkhen> so the value for normal passengers is actually missing? 20:18:33 <Terkhen> (from cb15) 20:18:36 <frosch123> yes 20:18:51 <frosch123> quite weird usage of cargo classes, if you ask me :) 20:19:39 <Terkhen> the other sets with problems are NARS (cattle car having capacity of 8 instead of 9) and UKRS (a lot of different vehicles with different capacities, some of them even halved) 20:19:48 <frosch123> but considering lines 113-118, maybe the tourist line shall just get duplicated 20:20:07 * Terkhen tests 20:21:10 <frosch123> Terkhen: maybe add some printf or whatever in VehicleGetVariable to test whether the grfs access variables unavilable in purchase list 20:24:05 <Terkhen> okay 20:26:04 <Terkhen> yes, the problem with the chimaera is solved just by copying the extra pax line in 113-118 so the problem with this set is something minor 20:26:25 <V453000> frosch123: hi :) would it be possible to add an option to manual industries to totally disable oil rigs in temperate? 20:26:49 <V453000> so that oil behaves like in tropic/arctic with default industries 20:27:20 <frosch123> possible? yes. but then i would have to add 20 (?) switches for all industries... 20:27:26 <V453000> :| 20:28:13 <frosch123> why do you hate oilrigs so much? :) 20:29:28 <V453000> they arent random enough :) 20:29:35 <V453000> oil wells make much better balance over the whole map 20:31:44 <V453000> oh no, there is only fixed date of 1960 :( 20:32:22 <V453000> wouldnt it be possible to make it variable ? setting that to like 10 000 would be quite useful :) 20:34:34 <frosch123> hmm, you mean extending the bool switches to a year... 20:34:37 <frosch123> sounds better :) 20:38:31 <frosch123> would that make mi2 interesting for a #ccop server? :p 20:39:08 <planetmaker> frosch123: at some stage I'll canibalize parts of mi2 and name that OpenGFX+ Industries ;-) 20:39:19 <frosch123> haha 20:51:42 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 21:02:19 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 22:23:05 *** avdg has quit IRC 22:24:40 *** avdg has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:37:02 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:42:46 *** Lakie` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:49:53 *** Lakie has quit IRC 22:56:48 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 23:09:58 *** Lakie` has quit IRC 23:20:17 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 23:32:21 *** ODM has quit IRC 23:34:33 *** Yexo has quit IRC 23:34:44 *** Yexo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 23:50:18 *** thgergo has quit IRC