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00:39:38 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 02:42:10 *** thgergo has quit IRC 05:26:31 *** Lakie has quit IRC 05:33:00 <Brot6> Bundles Update: gc6b7016d 2011-01-14 cargodist (http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/cargodist) 08:34:57 <Brot6> Polish PKP Set - alpha2.1.zip (BarthVader) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/1331/alpha2.1.zip 09:11:30 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:14:39 <V453000> pkp set is on devzone? :O 10:14:42 <V453000> didnt know 10:37:07 * planetmaker didn't either ;-) 10:37:19 <planetmaker> it seems to be new here; it hasn't got a repo so far 10:37:33 <planetmaker> but... of course it's heartily welcome :-) 10:58:38 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:26:17 *** ODM has quit IRC 11:36:45 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:45:20 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:04:25 *** LordAro has quit IRC 12:06:13 *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:44:57 <Brot6> MailAI - Revision 7:883cc800d297: - Small tweaks and bugfixes in SwitchBuilder, RoadStationBuilder (Hephi) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ai-mailai/repository/revisions/883cc800d297 12:49:18 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 13:31:13 <Brot6> ogfx-landscape: compile of r20 still failed (#2169) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/ogfx-landscape/nightlies/ERROR/r20 13:31:22 <Ammler> immer noch kaputt 13:32:16 <planetmaker> :-( 13:39:18 <Ammler> [14:32] <darix> Ammler: saschpe is working on it already. <-- :-) 14:49:01 *** DanMacK has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:49:06 <DanMacK> Hey all 14:51:10 <planetmaker> heya DanMacK :-) 14:57:40 <DanMacK> How goes it? 15:02:43 <DanMacK> brb 15:02:50 *** DanMacK has quit IRC 15:22:17 *** DanMacK has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:22:24 <DanMacK> Back 15:32:41 <planetmaker> welcome back :-) 17:07:07 <Brot6> nml: compile of r1131 still failed (#2167) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/nml/nightlies/ERROR/r1131 17:17:19 <Brot6> Following repos didn't need a nightlies update: 2cctrainset (r718), 32bpp-extra (r39), ai-admiralai (r75), ai-aroai (r10), ailib-common (r21), ailib-direction (r17), ailib-list (r32), ailib-string (r29), ailib-tile (r16), airportsplus (r70), basecosts (r22), belarusiantowns (r8), bros (r45), comic-houses (r71), firs (r1627), fish (ERROR r520), frenchtowns (r6), grfcodec (r818), heqs (r567), indonesiantowns (r41), manindu (r6), 17:17:19 <Brot6> metrotrackset (r56), narvs (r5), newgrf_makefile (r254), nml (ERROR r1131), nutracks (r138), ogfx-industries (r3), ogfx-landscape (ERROR r20), ogfx-rv (r78), ogfx-trains (r201), ogfx-trees (r42), opengfx (r593), openmsx (r97), opensfx (r97), smts (r19), snowlinemod (r45), spanishtowns (r10), swedishrails (r193), swisstowns (r22), transrapidtrackset (r15), ttdviewer (r26), ttrs (r24), worldairlinersset (r671) 17:29:33 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:54:17 *** Lakie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:39:00 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #2162: SJ V4 (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2162#change-5362 18:59:51 <Brot6> 32bpp-ez-patches: compile of r21793 still failed (#2069) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/32bpp-ez-patches/testing/ERROR/r21793 19:00:31 <Brot6> clientpatches: compile of r21793 still failed (#2171) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/clientpatches/testing/ERROR/r21793 19:01:19 <Brot6> serverpatches: compile of r21793 still failed (#2080) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/serverpatches/testing/ERROR/r21793 19:16:03 <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Support #2172 (New): Removing myself from project by mistake (BarthVader) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2172 19:30:44 <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Support #2172 (Closed): Removing myself from project by mistake (BarthVader) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2172 19:30:44 <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Support #2172 (Closed): Removing myself from project by mistake (Ammler) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2172#change-5363 20:52:15 <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Support #2173 (New): Problem with TortoiseHg "abort: authorization failed" (BarthVader) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2173 20:56:59 <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Support #2173: Problem with TortoiseHg "abort: authorization failed" (Ammler) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2173#change-5364 20:59:00 *** BarthVader has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:59:03 <BarthVader> Is this working? 20:59:23 <Ammler> yes, it is :-) 21:00:02 <BarthVader> So, according to tutorial which I found here 21:00:18 <Ammler> yes, what abou it? 21:00:31 <BarthVader> I added files to the repo, commited, then I tried to push 21:00:39 <BarthVader> But i got that error 21:00:42 <Ammler> where did you push to? 21:01:04 <BarthVader> https://BarthVader:***@push.openttdcoop.org/pkp-trainset 21:01:14 <BarthVader> where *** is my password 21:01:26 <Ammler> ok, looks fine, what is your error? 21:01:44 <BarthVader> abort: authorization failed [command interrupted] 21:03:45 <BarthVader> so? 21:04:32 <Ammler> maybe ssl issues? 21:04:40 <Ammler> did you install hg quite recently? 21:04:46 <Ammler> BarthVader: ^ 21:05:05 <BarthVader> Yes, a few hours ago 21:05:22 <Ammler> could you try to push to http://BarthVader:***@unsecure-push.openttdcoop.org/... 21:06:53 <BarthVader> Still the same error 21:07:33 <Ammler> and you are sure, the pw you use is right? 21:07:56 <BarthVader> yes 21:08:06 <BarthVader> Checked it a few times 21:08:19 <Ammler> push without password 21:08:23 <planetmaker> any strange characters? 21:08:25 <planetmaker> in the pw 21:08:30 <Ammler> then you need to type thepassword while pushing 21:08:30 <BarthVader> Tried, but I'll try again 21:09:07 <BarthVader> @planetmaker: No 21:09:47 <BarthVader> @Ammler: Still nothing, doesn't ask for password, just posts the same error. 21:11:12 <Ammler> you push with tortoisehg gui? 21:11:21 <BarthVader> yes 21:12:19 <Ammler> it doesn't ask for password? 21:12:25 <BarthVader> Nope 21:12:31 <Ammler> did you edit hgrc or mercurial.ini with auth? 21:14:02 <BarthVader> mercurial.ini, yes 21:14:13 <Ammler> maybe that is wrong? 21:14:23 <Ammler> could you remove the password there 21:14:36 <BarthVader> Give me a second 21:14:59 <Ammler> if you add [auth], you don't need the auth in the url anymore 21:16:38 <Ammler> also be aware, that username and password is case sensitive 21:17:52 <BarthVader> Removed auth in mercurial.ini, still doesn't work 21:20:03 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Bug #2174 (New): Blinking flag (Terkhen) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2174 21:20:06 <Ammler> hmm 21:20:25 <Ammler> but you got a dialog to enter the pw? 21:20:50 <BarthVader> No 21:20:57 <BarthVader> I entered in in path 21:21:01 <Ammler> then it does still use the pw from somewhere 21:21:04 <BarthVader> Moment, please 21:22:00 <BarthVader> Removed pass from both hgrc and mercurial.ini, still doesn't work 21:22:44 <Ammler> but you have now a dialog to enter the pw? 21:22:47 <BarthVader> No 21:22:51 <BarthVader> Still nothing 21:23:16 <Ammler> hmm, the push url is just https://BarthVader@push.o.og ? 21:23:25 <Ammler> no :pw? 21:23:45 <Ammler> somewhere your system seems to cache a wrong pw 21:24:14 <Ammler> you can btw. also try to visit the repo via browser, does that work? 21:24:20 <BarthVader> URL is as you said 21:24:59 <Ammler> can you paste the url 21:26:19 <BarthVader> https://BarthVader@push.openttdcoop.org/pkp-trainset 21:27:21 <BarthVader> I think I found a mistake. 21:27:49 <Ammler> yes, you pushed 21:27:59 <BarthVader> URL seen above had alias "default-push" 21:28:05 <Ammler> https://push.openttdcoop.org/pkp-trainset/rev/eae21322949f 21:28:21 <BarthVader> The one with alias "default" was wrong 21:28:50 <BarthVader> Corrected it, thanks for help an sorry for bothering 21:28:53 <BarthVader> *and 21:29:08 <Ammler> well, fine if it finally worked 21:29:27 <BarthVader> Have a nice evening 21:29:27 <Ammler> default-push should overrule default on push 21:29:43 <BarthVader> But it didn't 21:29:58 <Ammler> anyway, it doesn't matter, you can still change the url in the gui 21:30:06 <BarthVader> Yes 21:30:08 <BarthVader> Bye 21:30:12 <Ammler> tschüss 21:30:14 *** BarthVader has quit IRC 21:32:05 <Ammler> another nml project, it seems :-) 21:36:34 <Brot6> 2cc train set - Feature #2175 (New): Parameter for train type availability (Terkhen) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2175 21:41:46 <planetmaker> the polish one? 21:43:08 <planetmaker> cool 21:45:19 <Brot6> Polish PKP Set - Revision 0:eae21322949f: Feature: added everything (BarthVader) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/pkp-trainset/repository/revisions/eae21322949f 21:46:54 <Terkhen> :) 22:00:19 <Ammler> people usually just don't think for the first commit :-) 22:00:39 <Ammler> as you can't remove anything 22:01:26 <Terkhen> :D 22:14:42 <DJNekkid> frosch123: you dont happen to be around do you 22:14:43 <DJNekkid> ? 22:15:01 <frosch123> when i am around, then i am around 22:15:19 <DJNekkid> i saw you reply to my tt-forums post, but im not sure how much wiser i got... 22:15:42 <frosch123> you assign param20 only in some cases 22:16:03 <frosch123> also the "assign only when not defined yet" looks weird 22:16:22 <frosch123> as long as you did not assign param20, you can compare it with whatever, it will never skip 22:16:41 <DJNekkid> so if i set the 2nd last line on top instead it shuld work? 22:17:14 <frosch123> why do you need param20 at all? 22:17:35 <DJNekkid> its planetmaker that gave me the initial idea a couple of days ago... 22:17:48 <DJNekkid> i could probably use param0, but that didnt work out either... 22:17:49 <frosch123> hmm, oh, you wrote you are using it later 22:17:59 <planetmaker> well, but not to go with un-defined parameters ;-) 22:18:05 <frosch123> ok, well, then assign it at the very top to 0 (i guess) 22:18:11 <frosch123> and remove to 80 from the other assignments 22:18:16 <planetmaker> ^^ 22:18:33 <DJNekkid> just PARAM20 00 FF FF <value> ? 22:18:48 <DJNekkid> (-1 * 0 0D -->) 22:19:48 <frosch123> yes 22:22:11 <DJNekkid> so that 80 is just when the parameter is new? 22:26:33 <frosch123> you need that 80 only to set default values for user-supplied parameters 22:26:47 <Yexo> yes, but keep in mind that as soon as you change parameter 22, parameter 20 is no longer "new" 22:27:29 <DJNekkid> still getting metro tracks... :( 22:29:46 <DJNekkid> witch means param20 is set to 2 somehow 22:31:01 <Rubidium> # oh oh oh, it's magic... you know ;) 22:32:18 <DJNekkid> not far fetched :P 22:32:42 <Yexo> DJNekkid: why do you mix action7 and action9? 22:32:49 <Yexo> not sure that causes any problems, but it might 22:32:53 <frosch123> DJNekkid: you could start ottd with "-dgrf=2" and watch for the grfname and "SkipIf:" stuff 22:34:26 <Yexo> DJNekkid: try changing all the action7 you have in that piece of code to action9 22:35:34 <Yexo> if I'm reading the code correctly action7 is skipped during the "init" stage, so param20 is set to 2. In the later stages param20 is not changed anymore because you use operator 80 instead of 0 22:36:12 <frosch123> but he should have added an initialisation of the variable at the top in the mean time :) 22:36:41 <Rubidium> DJNekkid: but with witches everything is magic 22:37:16 <Yexo> true, but initialization to 0 add the top and changing the operators from 80 to 0 will still result in the value being changed to 2 due to the action7/9 issue 22:37:18 <DJNekkid> i changed thoose to 00 22:38:20 <DJNekkid> setting parameters and things isnt really where my knowledge lays :P 22:40:00 <DJNekkid> in the folling: http://pastie.org/1461915 this happens: 22:40:01 <Webster> Title: #1461915 - Pastie (at pastie.org) 22:40:42 <DJNekkid> 10: not skipping, test was true 22:40:55 <DJNekkid> 11: skipping 1 sprite, test was true 22:41:08 <DJNekkid> ehm, test was false on the top one there... 22:41:26 <DJNekkid> 13: jumping to label at F0 at line20, test was true 22:42:50 <DJNekkid> but i didnt set PARAM20 to 02 anywhere, as that was skipped at 11 22:44:59 <frosch123> 9 * 9 0D \b08 80 FF FF \d0 // Set PARAM20 to 0, just so it can be compared <- s/80/00/ 22:45:37 <Yexo> unless there is more code that changes it, that shouldn't matter 22:45:50 <DJNekkid> -1 * 0 0D PARAM20 80 00 FF \d0 ? 22:46:13 <frosch123> Yexo: it does not reset after initialisation 22:46:20 <frosch123> so the action 7/9 thingie triggers 22:46:25 <Yexo> ah, true :) 22:46:35 <frosch123> -1 * 0 0D PARAM20 00 00 FF \d0 22:46:58 <frosch123> -1 * 0 0D PARAM20 00 FF FF \d0 actually 22:47:22 <Yexo> DJNekkid: "PARAM20" == "\b08", that is a bit confusing. It might be correct, but are you sure you don't reuse parameter 8 for something else? 22:47:49 <DJNekkid> Yexo: i know its confusing, i thought i had set it correctly, but apparently not, but no, im not useing it to something else 22:52:00 <DJNekkid> oki, it now got default tracks, let me test with the 2ccset 22:52:20 <DJNekkid> takes a while to get out of and start a new game with that debug thingy :) 22:52:30 <DJNekkid> and bam! apparently that works too :D 23:11:27 <DJNekkid> thanx mates :D 23:12:08 *** LordAro_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 23:14:19 *** LordAro_ is now known as LordAro 23:15:52 <Brot6> Nutracks - Revision 139:50a9e5502d71: Add: Autodetect a few trainsets, thanx yexo, frosch for the... (DJNekkid) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/nutracks/repository/revisions/50a9e5502d71 23:20:34 *** ODM has quit IRC 23:31:32 *** DanMacK has quit IRC 23:37:28 *** LordAro has quit IRC 23:41:36 <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Support #2173 (Closed): Problem with TortoiseHg "abort: authorization failed" (BarthVader) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2173 23:41:36 <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Support #2173 (Closed): Problem with TortoiseHg "abort: authorization failed" (Ammler) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2173#change-5365