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00:34:31 *** supermop has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 00:58:42 *** supermop has quit IRC 01:15:53 *** supermop has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 05:36:32 *** supermop has quit IRC 10:25:47 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 13:40:00 *** supermop has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:35:26 *** Lakie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:03:32 *** Lakie has quit IRC 15:03:54 *** Lakie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:06:19 *** avdg_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:07:26 *** SmatZ- has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:07:49 *** XeryusTC2 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:10:49 *** avdg has quit IRC 15:10:49 *** SmatZ has quit IRC 15:10:49 *** XeryusTC has quit IRC 15:10:49 *** avdg_ is now known as avdg 16:47:57 <Brot6> OpenGFX - Revision 624:536d8eb7c187: Codechange: Split the rail vehicles file (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opengfx/repository/revisions/536d8eb7c187 17:23:34 <Brot6> OpenGFX - Revision 625:f66b514f2524: Codechange: Rework NML-alignment templates for rail vehicles (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opengfx/repository/revisions/f66b514f2524 17:33:43 <Brot6> OpenGFX - Revision 626:15f2562705f0: Change: Fix offsets in NML template a bit (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opengfx/repository/revisions/15f2562705f0 17:33:43 <Brot6> OpenGFX - Revision 627:9ba03dbee699: Codechange: Apply NML templates also to rail wagons in base grf (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opengfx/repository/revisions/9ba03dbee699 17:54:27 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:01:12 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:01:27 <andythenorth> bonsoir 19:53:16 <Brot6> CHIPS Station Set - Revision 109:81612b48b54a: Add: graphics for Parcels Office (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/chips/repository/revisions/81612b48b54a 19:53:35 <andythenorth> Yexo: ^ that one is quite simple to code I reckon 19:53:38 <andythenorth> no magic needed ;) 20:21:29 <andythenorth> planetmaker: wrt CHIPS + menus... 20:21:36 <andythenorth> I could add a parameter :P 20:21:55 <planetmaker> what, where stations are? 20:22:40 <planetmaker> honestly, they simply don't belong there ;-) 20:23:20 <andythenorth> they might during testing :P 20:23:26 <planetmaker> it's like "let others cleanup after me" 20:23:57 <andythenorth> I mean they could default to their own class / menu 20:24:05 <andythenorth> with a debug option for me 20:24:08 <planetmaker> because, if every station grf did that, you'd have a glorious mess 20:24:17 <planetmaker> And you'll already have that, if you use too many station grf 20:24:19 <planetmaker> s 20:24:33 <andythenorth> hmm 20:24:49 <andythenorth> it could be a compile time option, but that's a bit of a headache 20:25:20 <planetmaker> quite frankly: why? to save one mouse click during testing? 20:25:47 <planetmaker> open, select, pin station window. 20:26:24 <planetmaker> and when actually testing, you don't need to even close it for a newgrf refresh 20:28:29 <planetmaker> the only real improvement which could be made is keyboard shortcuts to select the single station tile lists via keyboard 20:28:45 <planetmaker> but maybe I just don't know the key shortcut ;-) 20:28:59 <planetmaker> also, vehicle templates are confusing... 20:29:19 <andythenorth> ? 20:29:20 <planetmaker> 17 width? or 16 in diagornal view? and is it 22? or 24 height in |? 20:29:40 <planetmaker> nothing to do with chips, though :-) Just what I'm pondering ;-) 20:30:18 <planetmaker> I've trains with both dimensions, all claim to be full 8/8 length. But which actually are? ;-) 20:30:39 <andythenorth> check pikka's templates 20:30:44 <andythenorth> assuming they're accurate that is 20:30:50 <andythenorth> they're on pikka wiki 20:30:53 <planetmaker> yes, I know. I do have them 20:31:14 <planetmaker> But they're not the only vehicles around ;-) 20:31:26 <andythenorth> ach 20:31:30 <andythenorth> if only they were :P 20:31:33 <Lakie> I think I checked pikka's templates, they are correct sizes, but from memory the offsets got a little iffy in places. 20:31:38 <andythenorth> the game needs more dictators 20:31:52 * andythenorth would like to be elected dictator please thankyou 20:32:33 <planetmaker> well, you're welcome. :-P 20:32:43 <planetmaker> now face the mirror and give commands :-P 20:32:47 * andythenorth wonders how to code a station tile 20:34:55 <andythenorth> hmm 20:34:56 <andythenorth> GRM 20:38:38 <Brot6> DictatorAI - Revision 107:26409184c338: - Aircraft network: add a check so we need at min 1 aircr... (krinn) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ai-dictator/repository/revisions/26409184c338 20:38:38 <Brot6> DictatorAI - Revision 108:c20aa7c8b3e7: - Restrict aircraft route to 0 aircraft when both airport... (krinn) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ai-dictator/repository/revisions/c20aa7c8b3e7 20:40:49 <andythenorth> pah 20:40:53 * andythenorth blew up the gam 20:40:54 <andythenorth> e 20:43:43 <andythenorth> oh ffs 20:46:16 *** XeryusTC2 is now known as XeryusTC 20:49:32 <andythenorth> hmm 20:49:47 <andythenorth> not knowing about GRM might be the cause of my crash 20:51:12 <andythenorth> nope 20:51:22 <andythenorth> not understanding station spec was 20:51:24 <andythenorth> fixed :D 21:12:02 *** welshdragon has left #openttdcoop.devzone 21:18:55 <Brot6> CHIPS Station Set - Revision 110:0b7f05eac841: Change: (work in progress) add Parcels Office tile (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/chips/repository/revisions/0b7f05eac841 21:21:31 <Yexo> * andythenorth blew up the game <- do you have a diff for CHIPS that causes openttd to crash? 21:21:35 <Yexo> if so, can you upload that? 21:21:49 <andythenorth> I don't have a diff 21:21:59 <andythenorth> I could undo in my editor until I find it 21:22:09 <andythenorth> one cause was only specifying one layout for a station 21:22:12 <Yexo> do you still know what code it was related to? 21:22:29 <Yexo> ah, one layout for a station is a known one (at least known by me :p) 21:24:59 <andythenorth> spec implies it's allowed 21:25:42 <Yexo> and I guess it makes sense for non-track tiles 21:25:55 <Yexo> for track tiles however it doesn't make sense at all 21:26:28 <Yexo> so yes, there is some valid case for it, but it's very small and I haven't been bothered yet to fix it 21:28:37 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 21:37:27 *** Lakie has quit IRC 22:09:50 <Brot6> CHIPS Station Set - Revision 111:af7597902f48: Change: work in progress on Parcels Office (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/chips/repository/revisions/af7597902f48 22:09:55 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 22:25:14 <Brot6> OpenGFX - Revision 628:d166dc54cd03: Change: Apply Pikka's templates to temperate rail, monorail ... (planetmaker) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/opengfx/repository/revisions/d166dc54cd03 22:29:51 <Brot6> CHIPS Station Set - Revision 112:f9760ea26600: Change: work in progress on Parcels Office (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/chips/repository/revisions/f9760ea26600 23:42:30 <Brot6> Nutracks - Feature #2498 (New): Medium speed track GFX (oberhuemer) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2498