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00:23:16 *** Zuu has quit IRC 01:40:32 *** Mark has quit IRC 02:00:35 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 02:18:50 *** Zuu has quit IRC 03:05:18 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Feature #2762: epoch and region parameters (oberhuemer) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2762#change-9669 03:06:24 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Feature #3620: Force 32 bpp (oberhuemer) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/3620#change-9670 05:02:34 *** [1]Mark has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 05:02:36 *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark 06:52:29 *** JVassie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:43:02 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:43:12 *** andythenorth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 08:30:37 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Support #2750: Tracking Table (oberhuemer) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2750#change-9671 08:39:16 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 09:05:31 *** JVassie has quit IRC 10:37:45 *** Hirundo has left #openttdcoop.devzone 10:37:55 *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:48:55 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Feature #3620: Force 32 bpp (michi_cc) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/3620#change-9672 12:55:31 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Support #2750: Tracking Table (Eddi) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2750#change-9673 16:16:14 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Feature #2762: epoch and region parameters (Eddi) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2762#change-9674 16:51:00 <Brot6> Dutch Trains 2.0 - Support #3632: list of vehicles to be drawn (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/3632#change-9675 16:53:28 <Brot6> Dutch Trains 2.0 - Support #3632: list of vehicles to be drawn (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/3632#change-9678 17:01:53 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:13:25 <Brot6> grfcodec: update from r896 to r897 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/grfcodec/nightlies/r897 17:19:48 <Brot6> nml: update from r1821 to r1822 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/nml/nightlies/r1822 17:26:52 <Brot6> Dutch Trains 2.0 - Support #3632: list of vehicles to be drawn (Voyager1) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/3632#change-9679 17:56:18 *** [1]Mark has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:56:21 *** Mark is now known as Guest2839 18:02:01 *** Guest2839 has quit IRC 18:39:06 *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark 18:42:48 *** Mark has quit IRC 18:48:41 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 18:51:42 <Hirundo> planetmaker: did you commit in the wrong NML branch yesterday? 19:05:19 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:51:11 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - a_test_trailer.png (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/2456/a_test_trailer.png 20:10:37 *** JVassie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:05:13 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 21:05:26 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:28:37 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:43:16 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 21:46:47 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:47:32 <Brot6> BANDIT - palette_key.png (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/2457/palette_key.png 21:48:53 *** andythenorth is now known as Guest2865 21:48:54 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:48:54 *** Guest2865 has quit IRC 21:52:30 *** andythenorth is now known as Guest2866 21:52:30 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:54:00 *** Guest2866 has quit IRC 22:00:26 *** andythenorth is now known as Guest2867 22:00:27 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:02:09 *** Guest2867 has quit IRC 22:10:25 *** andythenorth is now known as Guest2869 22:10:26 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:11:22 <Brot6> BANDIT - palette_key.png (andythenorth) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/2458/palette_key.png 22:12:21 *** Guest2869 has quit IRC 22:20:15 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 22:23:14 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:24:48 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 22:44:13 *** JVassie has quit IRC 23:14:26 <Brot6> Tutorial - Revision 39:1e7276327d30: Implemented ships chapter according to chapter_plan.txt. Som... (Zuu) @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/gs-tutorial/repository/revisions/1e7276327d30 23:30:30 *** ODM has quit IRC