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00:12:47 *** Beardie has quit IRC 00:12:47 *** Frankr has quit IRC 00:12:55 <Brot6> World Airliners Set - Revision 796:77e91c680eb9: Added more spaces in plane names in puchase list to... XBeardie27X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/worldairlinersset/repository/revisions/77e91c680eb9 00:15:40 <Brot6> worldairlinersset: update from r795 to r796 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/worldairlinersset/push/r796 06:21:59 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:00:04 *** Zuu has quit IRC 07:47:15 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:09:02 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:10:15 <frosch123> https://secure.openttd.org/wiki/Frosch/New_Results <- new crap for review :) 12:12:02 <michi_cc> frosch123: How about getting to the additional act2 scopes first? :p 12:16:16 <frosch123> who knows, they are more detailed already 13:17:29 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains renders - Revision 288:675d0313b6d9: Add: Model and render of CS2400 engine XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains-render/repository/revisions/675d0313b6d9 13:54:11 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains - Revision 678:f87543865168: Feature: Add and use 32bpp CS2400 sprites XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains/repository/revisions/f87543865168 13:54:12 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains - Revision 679:62ccb60fdf3b: Merge with default XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains/repository/revisions/62ccb60fdf3b 13:55:08 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains - Revision 680:acea52615122: Feature: Use 32bpp CS2400 sprites XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains/repository/revisions/acea52615122 13:55:08 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains - Revision 681:2987eb9eb1b9: Feature: Re-use rendered graphics for toyland diesels XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains/repository/revisions/2987eb9eb1b9 13:55:08 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains - Revision 682:2d8fcb98350a: Feature: Re-use rendered graphics for toyland monorail XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains/repository/revisions/2d8fcb98350a 13:57:59 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Bug #4176 (New): Sprite offset mistakes XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4176 13:59:48 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Bug #4177 (New): Mixed up sprites. XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4177 14:01:00 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4178 (New): Incorrect ground/concrete texture. XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4178 14:04:17 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains - Revision 683:67c307255f18: Feature: Use 32bpp CS2400 sprites XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains/repository/revisions/67c307255f18 14:04:17 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Trains - Revision 684:96dfd881f34d: Feature: Use 32bpp CS2400 sprites XXotic750X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/ogfx-trains/repository/revisions/96dfd881f34d 14:59:23 *** Lakie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:02:35 *** Lakie has quit IRC 16:32:59 <Hirundo> frosch123: Interesting crap :-) I'll dump my 2c below 16:36:02 <Hirundo> best result values for autoslope/foundations: no clue really, I've never worked with foundation code in either newgrf or ottd 16:38:31 <Hirundo> The whole slope check / tilegroup idea makes a lot of sense to me 16:43:41 <Hirundo> Although AFAIK there's nothing that can't really be done by NewGRF now (though it requires a lot of coding), what's needed is a method to provide that information to OpenTTD 16:48:27 <Hirundo> So perhaps the information should best be provided as part of the industry/airport layout (and maybe add non-rect layouts for objects as well?) 16:48:59 <frosch123> currently newgrfs cannot draw default foundations 16:49:00 <Hirundo> Then the special cases (building on foundations on wednesdays only) can still be handled via callback 16:49:10 <frosch123> and they cannot check the result of autoslope 16:49:59 <frosch123> *result slope 16:50:44 <Hirundo> Does OpenTTD know the result slope, when calling the callback? 16:51:09 <frosch123> depends :) 16:51:22 <frosch123> it actively knows the slope of the tile being checked 16:51:30 <frosch123> and it somewhat less knows the slope of the surrounding tiles 16:52:15 <frosch123> i remember that we discussed adding a cb-specific 60+x variablwe 16:52:37 <frosch123> to check the result slope of surrounding tiles for autoslope cb 16:53:31 <frosch123> but that is likely way too complicated compared to what is suggested now 16:54:09 <frosch123> a property might be nice for the slope check, but not if you still have to do the same checks in the autoslope and draw fondations cbs 16:54:17 <frosch123> so, they would need some way to refer to the layout 16:54:50 <frosch123> however, relying on a layout after construction turned out quite troublesome for airports 16:55:07 <frosch123> if the layout changes, hangars are suddenly in different spots and such :p 16:55:17 <frosch123> or if the layout misses there is no longer any hanger information... 16:55:44 <frosch123> so, using a layout in the autoslope and draw foundation stuff is not so good either 16:55:52 <Hirundo> You can store the information in the industry 16:56:01 <Hirundo> I presume it's all for the 'missing grf' problem? 16:57:03 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:59:06 <Hirundo> Anyways, we' 16:59:11 <Hirundo> dammit 16:59:38 <Hirundo> Anyways, we've discussed the acceptance stuff already, no comments from my side 17:00:35 <Hirundo> I'm not sure I agree about CB 37 17:01:14 <Hirundo> Currently, cargo is either 'Required' or 'Waiting to be processed', depending on presence of production CB 17:01:36 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:04:20 <Hirundo> It should IMO be possible to choose between these two, not showing the cargo at all, or showing the cargo with some other status (e.g. 'Available for production increases' or whatever) 17:05:17 <Hirundo> While you could move that to CB 3A, that breaks the (accepted/produced/other info)-sequence 17:07:34 <frosch123> hmm, yeah, it should be "show as accepted" instead of "show nothing" 17:07:47 <Hirundo> About CB 3B, a variable to evaluate the presence of nearby newobjects would be most useful 17:08:30 <Hirundo> And circular newobject search 17:09:07 <Hirundo> Also you may want to provide an x/y offset for the new object 17:11:56 <Hirundo> The success/failure feedback should also be usable for the default field planting / tree cutting 17:12:35 <Hirundo> Then you can also add 'cut a tree, but don't produce cargo' 17:14:55 <Brot6> nml: update from r1966 to r1967 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/nml/nightlies/r1967 17:16:00 <Hirundo> It may be nice to call the production CB on succes / failure (with a new flag bit, next to '256 ticks' and 'cargo arrival') 17:16:07 <Hirundo> So you can instantly produce cargo like the lumber mill 17:16:32 <Hirundo> <-- end of 2c, bbl 17:16:48 <frosch123> thanks for the input :) 17:21:24 * Yexo has a c module to replace the lz77 code in nml, however so far it's slower than the python version 17:21:39 <frosch123> :o 17:25:08 <Rubidium> I reckon converting everything to the c format takes more time than the compression would 17:25:22 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Bug #4177 (Closed): Mixed up sprites. XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4177 17:25:23 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 152:fc63e5b83135: Fix: sprites were mixed up causing wrong graphics to be show... XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/fc63e5b83135 17:25:23 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Bug #4177 (Closed): Mixed up sprites. XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4177#change-11384 17:25:49 <Yexo> yep, that's likely the problem 17:39:29 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 153:84d2d4642108: Fix: alignment of some houses (part of #4176) XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/84d2d4642108 17:42:34 <Brot6> ogfx-trains: update from r672 to r684 done (1 warnings) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/ogfx-trains/nightlies/r684 17:49:34 *** Frankr has quit IRC 17:56:27 <Hirundo> Yexo: How do you transfer the data to the C format and back? 17:57:06 <Yexo> if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#:lz77_encode", &stream, &stream_len)) 17:57:08 <Yexo> and PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(output, out_len); 18:00:39 <Hirundo> hmm.. I presume PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(output, out_len) takes a C pointer/size and creates a python object 18:04:29 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:04:38 <Hirundo> For the other way around you can easily get a pointer/size out of the array (buffer_info() is even exposed to python) so that shouldn't be a problem either 18:07:46 <Rubidium> EHLO Alberth 18:08:04 <Alberth> hi hi 18:11:04 <Alberth> playing too much with smtp servers? 18:11:35 <Rubidium> I haven't netcatted into one lately 18:13:24 <Yexo> Hirundo: I think !PyArg_ParseTuple already does that, stream is an uninitialized pointer before that call 18:13:42 <Yexo> and I haven't seen any documentation about having to clean up the value after, so i can only presume it points to the buffer contents 18:14:49 <Hirundo> I'd indeed assume so 18:15:10 <Hirundo> How much slower is the C version? 18:15:16 <Alberth> docs speaks of how references are created, taken, and stolen :) 18:16:17 <Yexo> on zbase extra it was 4s for the python version (total time for nmlc) vs 7s for the version with c lz77 18:17:16 <Hirundo> 4 seconds? wasn't that with cache? 18:17:26 <Yexo> nope 18:17:36 <Hirundo> ah 18:17:38 <Yexo> it was only one grf though, and the smallest 18:17:40 <Hirundo> missed the 'extra' part 18:18:28 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Bug #4176 (Closed): Sprite offset mistakes XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4176 18:18:29 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 154:ffb635fef493: Fix: alignment of industry sprites (Fixes #4176) XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/ffb635fef493 18:18:29 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Bug #4176 (Closed): Sprite offset mistakes XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4176#change-11385 18:18:36 <Rubidium> zbase_extra the smallest? 18:18:57 <Hirundo> Could you paste a diff somewhere, so I can play around with it? 18:19:05 <Rubidium> arctic, toyland and logos are smaller for me 18:19:14 <Rubidium> but then I'm not compressing 18:20:05 <Rubidium> grrr... Zeph... when are those new sprites coming? ;) 18:20:15 <Yexo> Hirundo: http://devs.openttd.org/~yexo/nml/clz77.diff 18:20:31 <Yexo> oh, I think it was logos 18:21:29 <Yexo> Hirundo: it's a pretty naive conversion of the python code to c 18:21:41 <Yexo> it might be better to rip parts out of grfcodec 18:22:59 <Rubidium> that's 102 sprites, lots of huge (640x50) or tiny sprites (1x1) 18:24:18 <Brot6> zBuild - Revision 52:adbef16b6f8e: Fix: sprite swaps and alignment XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbuild/repository/revisions/adbef16b6f8e 18:28:04 <Hirundo> What's the point of the memset to 0xFF? Debugging? 18:31:39 <Yexo> yep 18:31:42 <Yexo> that can be removed 18:32:16 <Yexo> code can probably be sped up in several places, it also needs a general cleanup 18:32:17 <Yexo> this just works, but that's basically it 18:36:24 *** Zuu_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:41:07 *** Alberth has quit IRC 18:41:08 *** Zuu has quit IRC 18:41:08 *** seberoth has quit IRC 18:41:09 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC 18:43:26 *** seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:44:35 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:53:38 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:59:41 <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 2873:85ef98ba562e: Add: Indonesian translation (Yoursnotmin... XAlberthX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/firs/repository/revisions/85ef98ba562e 19:18:26 <planetmaker> good evening 19:18:56 <Brot6> zbuild: update from r50 to r51 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/zbuild/nightlies/r51 19:19:47 <Alberth> hi planetmaker 19:24:50 <Brot6> firs: update from r2872 to r2873 done (2 warnings) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/nightlies/r2873 19:27:44 <Brot6> worldairlinersset: update from r791 to r796 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/worldairlinersset/nightlies/r796 19:35:22 <Brot6> zBase - Revision 136:24e1c5fc7f07: Add: Corrected river edge sprites, coast level river edge sprites... XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbase/repository/revisions/24e1c5fc7f07 19:35:25 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4157 (Closed): river edges XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4157#change-11386 19:35:25 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4156 (Closed): 16 different river slopes XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4156#change-11387 19:35:25 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4154 (Closed): canal sides too small XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4154#change-11388 19:38:07 <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - cb_15f.patch XandythenorthX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/3196/cb_15f.patch 19:38:11 <Brot6> zBase - Revision 137:700e880d97d5: Fix: Correct textures in temperate 2x1 hotel. (Bug #4173) XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbase/repository/revisions/700e880d97d5 19:38:11 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4173 (Closed): towns/temperate/1519-1523 stages XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4173#change-11389 19:42:49 <Brot6> zBase - Revision 138:64e2ae8f5db5: Fix: Correct number of construction stages in temperate flats 151... XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbase/repository/revisions/64e2ae8f5db5 19:43:30 <Rubidium> planetmaker: shouldn't you be on vacation? 19:43:50 <Rubidium> I see a nice dump of sprites though 19:44:15 <planetmaker> Well, I'm back from Switzerland as planned. And will go for an extended Baltic Sea weekend early Friday :) 19:44:45 <planetmaker> And... Switzerland is as beautiful as postcards want you make believe... :-) 19:45:25 <Rubidium> want to code some sprite? 19:45:35 <Brot6> zBase - Revision 139:e611f8b99ad9: Fix: Correct render of ground sprite for first construction stage... XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbase/repository/revisions/e611f8b99ad9 19:45:35 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4150 (Closed): towns/temperate/1501-1506 XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4150#change-11390 19:46:52 *** Koclak has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:47:36 <frosch123> planetmaker: transfering illegal money from switzerland to russia? 19:47:49 <Koclak> rusia 19:47:53 <planetmaker> not to Russia. To Liechtenstein ;-) 19:48:23 <Koclak> brazzers.com? pwd ? 19:48:52 <V453000> I think you have a troll here guys :) 19:48:57 <frosch123> liechtenstein? i associated "baltic sea" to somewhere else 19:49:04 *** Koclak has quit IRC 19:49:21 <frosch123> V453000: dorpsgek is not here, so i could not kick him 19:49:35 <V453000> looks like he got bored already :D 19:49:38 *** Koclak has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:49:47 <V453000> since when do bots have vacations? 19:51:26 <Alberth> brot6 rulez here 19:51:42 <planetmaker> oh, that way :-) No, money is safe already, frosch123 :-) 19:52:19 <Brot6> zBase - Revision 140:d235941daa21: Add: Elevator for temperate office block 1440-1443. (Bug #4079) XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbase/repository/revisions/d235941daa21 19:52:19 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4079 (Closed): zbase/towns/temperate/1440-1443/64_0005 is empty XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4079#change-11391 19:53:00 <frosch123> V453000: neither brot nor webster are my dogs 19:53:00 <Koclak> m 19:53:20 <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Industries - Bug #4179 (New): DevZone compile failed XcompilerX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4179 19:53:30 <V453000> what? :D 19:53:46 <Koclak> how to dwonload pass ? 19:53:49 <Koclak> hellp 19:53:56 <Koclak> im newbie mrc 19:54:00 <Alberth> try #tycoon :) 19:54:02 <Koclak> please ! 19:54:37 <V453000> write /join #tycoon 19:54:40 <V453000> and ask there 19:54:48 <V453000> they know everything 19:55:15 <Alberth> Koclak: there are no passwords here 19:55:26 <V453000> esp not for porn sites I think 19:55:49 <Koclak> ooo :( 19:56:10 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 155:49f588cc7ba8: Add: extra river slope sprites and river mouth sprites XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/49f588cc7ba8 19:56:50 *** Koclak has quit IRC 19:57:04 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4157 (Reopened): river edges XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4157#change-11392 19:57:30 <V453000> I really wonder what people like this one have going through their mind 19:57:34 <Rubidium> 70+% ;) 19:58:10 <Alberth> V453000: in particular, how do you end up here :) 19:58:37 <V453000> them you mean 19:59:26 <Alberth> or us, but that's less likely :) 20:05:47 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 156:04be220e3431: Add: elevator XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/04be220e3431 20:07:42 <Brot6> zbuild: update from r51 to r52 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/zbuild/push/r52 20:11:05 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4171: 2x2 steel mill building has only tiles with a building XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4171#change-11393 20:12:31 <Brot6> firs: update from r2872 to r2873 done (2 warnings) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/push/r2873 20:12:55 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4157: river edges XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4157#change-11394 20:14:22 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4157: river edges XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4157#change-11394 20:15:50 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4178 (Closed): Incorrect ground/concrete texture. XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4178#change-11395 20:16:39 <Rubidium> boohoo... now my sprite numbers in the description are wrong :( 20:18:58 <planetmaker> muh :-( 20:19:23 <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #4180 (New): Don't build Iron Works once Steel Mill is avail... XandythenorthX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4180 20:19:39 <Rubidium> http://rbijker.net/openttd/32bpp_description.txt <- still so much to do 20:20:30 <Rubidium> http://rbijker.net/openttd/32bpp_todo.txt <- somewhat friendlier 20:21:10 <Brot6> zBase - Revision 141:ff34d92b5a33: Add: Temperate house. (Bug #4149) XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbase/repository/revisions/ff34d92b5a33 20:21:10 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4149 (Closed): sprites in towns/temperate/1492-1495 unclear XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4149#change-11396 20:21:12 <planetmaker> were parts of ogfx+trains already ported? 20:21:34 <Rubidium> no 20:24:00 <Brot6> zBase - Revision 142:882a80474b07: Fix: Increase height of heliport building. XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbase/repository/revisions/882a80474b07 20:24:14 <Brot6> rust: compile of r23 still failed (#4102) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/rust/nightlies/ERROR/r23 20:24:50 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4167: heliport too low XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4167#change-11397 20:26:55 <Rubidium> darn it ... no new zbase build today anymore :( 20:27:44 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 157:4374e3a3ed1b: Add: a couple of houses XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/4374e3a3ed1b 20:28:39 <planetmaker> takes longer than 90 minutes already? :-O 20:28:45 <Rubidium> yep 20:29:07 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4151: weird named directories XzephyrisX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4151#change-11398 20:29:51 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4151: weird named directories XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4151#change-11399 20:30:32 <Rubidium> planetmaker: 18:24:04 - 20:07:17 20:34:19 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 20:35:55 <planetmaker> wow, that's quite some compilation time :S 20:36:04 <Brot6> zBase - Bug #4167: heliport too low XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4167#change-11400 20:36:40 <Rubidium> for me it's only a few seconds though ;) 20:36:50 <Rubidium> yay for caching and not compressing sprites 20:37:01 <planetmaker> :-) 20:37:23 *** ODM has quit IRC 20:44:56 <Brot6> make-nml: compile of r14 still failed (#4048) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/make-nml/nightlies/ERROR/r14 20:57:57 *** avdg has quit IRC 20:58:02 *** seberoth has quit IRC 20:58:15 *** avdg has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:58:24 <Brot6> dach: compile of r54 still failed (#4104) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/dach/nightlies/ERROR/r54 20:58:29 *** seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:00:51 <Brot6> Following repos rebuilds successful without any difference to earlier nightlies builds: fork-ogfx-trains, opengfx (12 warnings), bandit (1 warnings) (Diffsize: 8191), cets (195 warnings), friss (Diffsize: 2160), manindu (Diffsize: 2), newgrf_makefile (Diffsize: 1), dutchtrains, fork-fork-ogfx-trains, swisstowns (Diffsize: 51), britrains (7 warnings) (Diffsize: 67278), metrotrackset, dutchroadfurniture (Diffsize: 203965), spanishtowns 21:00:51 <Brot6> (Diffsize: 8), frenchtowns, ogfx-rv, fish (1 warnings), dutchtracks, ogfx-landscape (2 warnings) (Diffsize: 1320), swedishrails (Diffsize: 1836), uselesstracks, german-townnames (Diffsize: 5042), belarusiantowns (Diffsize: 72), indonesiantowns (1 warnings) (Diffsize: 350), debugveh (Diffsize: 989), airportsplus (Diffsize: 6970) 21:01:02 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 158:8ec83949cf68: Add: rail waypoint XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/8ec83949cf68 21:01:58 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 21:10:06 <Brot6> zBaseBuild - Revision 159:d7cbb18e99d5: Add: some mask sprites XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbasebuild/repository/revisions/d7cbb18e99d5 21:14:54 *** michi_cc has quit IRC 21:20:34 *** michi_cc has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:30:47 <Brot6> zBuild - Revision 53:f5012c717ac5: Add: some river edges, slopes, houses and waypoint XRubidiumX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/zbuild/repository/revisions/f5012c717ac5 22:15:10 *** Frankr has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:30:42 *** Beardie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 22:55:22 <Brot6> zbuild: update from r52 to r53 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/zbuild/push/r53 22:58:15 *** Zuu_ has quit IRC 23:02:41 *** Beardie has quit IRC 23:30:17 <Brot6> World Airliners Set - Revision 797:4db779c5ca8b: Added ATR 72-200 Finnair and Alpha 72-200 Liveries XBeardie27X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/worldairlinersset/repository/revisions/4db779c5ca8b 23:34:58 *** beardie has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 23:36:06 <Brot6> worldairlinersset: update from r796 to r797 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/worldairlinersset/push/r797 23:50:54 <Brot6> World Airliners Set - Revision 798:3e2455858d40: Fixed A340-300 Sprites Assignment To Wrong Planes XBeardie27X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/worldairlinersset/repository/revisions/3e2455858d40 23:55:30 <Brot6> worldairlinersset: update from r797 to r798 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/worldairlinersset/push/r798 23:56:33 <Brot6> worldairlinersset: [push] openSUSE API (osc) not reachable, sleep an hour and try again... 23:57:10 <Brot6> World Airliners Set - Revision 799:a0f0fbf3401f: Fixed A319 Brussels Flashing Colours XBeardie27X @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/worldairlinersset/repository/revisions/a0f0fbf3401f 23:59:19 <Brot6> World Airliners Set - Revision 800:7cb0f2a8b61b: Massive update to the Coding table, and fixed F100 XFrankX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/worldairlinersset/repository/revisions/7cb0f2a8b61b