Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 8th November 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:10:01  *** LordAro has quit IRC
00:33:10  <Brot6> DictatorAI - Revision 238:5e449a96c6c6: - Fix bug with loading game XkrinnX @
00:38:19  <Brot6> DictatorAI - Revision 239:ba7ee04584f9: - Fix bug in airport with seduce town XkrinnX @
00:55:47  <Brot6> DictatorAI - Revision 240:b969ebdf53b8: - erf, fixing errors and mess with versions XkrinnX @
03:04:31  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
07:54:36  *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
08:11:20  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
08:11:37  <andythenorth> planetmaker: have you got a train framework already? (opengfx trains?)
08:12:30  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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09:02:16  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
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11:16:04  <planetmaker> andythenorth, yes and no. Rather more 'no' than 'yes'
11:16:19  <planetmaker> I might also take a closer look at DutchTrainSet2 for some inspiration
11:16:22  <andythenorth> frameworks are fun
11:16:32  <andythenorth> if you framework it, you can give DanMacK a config file
11:16:36  <andythenorth> and let him add his own trains
11:16:46  <andythenorth> FISH is quite nice for that
11:17:54  <planetmaker> I'm still quite scared to throw another big abstraction layer on it. I'm currently pondering options
11:18:00  <planetmaker> maybe similar also to cets
11:18:57  <planetmaker> but I surely shall look at FISH for that, too
11:19:48  <andythenorth> FISH is very pythony
11:19:54  <andythenorth> which might not suit you :)
11:20:06  <andythenorth> I find the abstraction actually helps tbh
11:20:27  <V453000> aka andy went wtf
11:20:36  <V453000> also hi :)
11:21:35  <andythenorth> I like having objects in scope
11:21:42  <andythenorth> when you have objects you can write methods
11:21:51  <andythenorth> and also I like having a template language with repeats
11:30:14  <V453000> :)
11:30:24  <V453000> I understand that but that doesnt mean it isnt wtf :P
11:44:05  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
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11:55:27  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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13:49:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
13:56:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:00:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:07:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:14:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:14:49  <Ammler> hmm, ^Spike^, doing something?
14:18:35  <Ammler> ^Spike^: it is not possible that the cimarosa mysql did write some data to the haydn mysql?
14:20:10  <Ammler> because I made some tests with devzone upgrade there
14:21:00  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
14:21:03  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:21:17  <Ammler> I have no clue how to fix this
14:21:48  <Ammler> planetmaker: you see, server down since half an hour, nobody noticed ;-)
14:22:19  <andythenorth> hmm
14:22:40  <andythenorth> could bundles server make docs available outside the zip?
14:22:48  <andythenorth> i.e. so FIRS readme etc is online?
14:22:56  <Ammler> you can publish every kind of file
14:23:14  <Ammler> like we publish the translation reports
14:23:24  <Ammler> or yes, readme, changelog etc.
14:24:24  <andythenorth> is it just a configuration item?
14:24:50  <Ammler>
14:24:52  <Ammler> yes
14:25:46  <Ammler> it depends, if it makes sense for all projects or your project only, either I change the default publisher or we add a files file to your repo
14:28:01  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:29:53  <Ammler> andythenorth: which file would you like to publish additionally?
14:30:50  <Ammler> docs/*.txt maybe?
14:35:03  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:35:35  <andythenorth> Ammler: docs/*.txt makes good sense
14:36:16  <Ammler> <-- you are aware, it does that already for releases?
14:36:33  <Ammler> I can add that for the other targets too
14:37:56  <andythenorth> I thought I'd seen it somewhere :)
14:37:57  <Ammler> and it basically only makes sense to add those because they need processing, source files you can get via hg.o.o
14:38:12  <andythenorth> adding it for push and nightlies would be useful
14:38:14  <Ammler> or right now via hgweb.o.o
14:39:20  <Ammler> I would not like to touch the mysql stuff, as ^Spike^ added replication, so we basically need to wait for him
14:41:11  <Ammler> ok, next push/nightlies, those 2 files will be published too
14:41:11  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
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14:41:35  <andythenorth> thanks
14:41:54  <Ammler> @topic mysql broken, we wait for the expert ;-)
14:41:54  <Webster> Ammler: (topic [<channel>]) -- Returns the topic for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
14:41:59  <Ammler> @topic add mysql broken, we wait for the expert ;-)
14:41:59  *** Webster changes topic to "Talk about things hosted and developed on | Downloads log: | Sandbox passwords are the same as the usernames | mysql broken, we wait for the expert ;-)"
14:42:04  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:42:30  <Ammler> @undo
14:42:30  *** Webster changes topic to "Talk about things hosted and developed on | Downloads log: | Sandbox passwords are the same as the usernames"
14:43:03  <Ammler> @topic add mysql broken (dev,hg), we wait for the expert ;-)
14:43:03  *** Webster changes topic to "Talk about things hosted and developed on | Downloads log: | Sandbox passwords are the same as the usernames | mysql broken (dev,hg), we wait for the expert ;-)"
14:43:34  <Ammler> @topic add #openttdcoop mysql broken (blog/wiki), we wait for the expert ;-)
14:49:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
14:53:49  *** andythenorth is now known as Guest5007
14:56:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:00:12  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:07:05  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:14:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:21:03  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:28:03  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:35:04  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:39:28  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
15:42:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:49:03  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:51:53  *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
15:56:02  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
15:56:56  <Alberth> oops :(
16:00:09  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:07:04  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:14:03  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:21:07  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:28:06  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:35:12  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:42:15  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:46:08  *** LordAro has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:49:21  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
16:50:53  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
16:56:05  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
17:00:13  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
17:07:10  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
17:14:06  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
17:14:37  <andythenorth> hmm
17:14:43  <andythenorth> add brot to /ignore ?
17:16:54  <Ammler> do I need to silence it?
17:17:10  <Ammler> well, yeah, feel free to ignore brot
17:17:37  <Ammler> @topic get -1
17:17:37  <Webster> Ammler: mysql broken (dev,hg), we wait for the expert ;-)
17:17:47  <Ammler> I can't fix it mysql ^ :-(
17:18:01  <Ammler> hehe, s/mysql/myself
17:18:39  <Ammler> I give him some time, else I will try it...
17:21:09  <Brot6> Unable to connect to Failed.  Response code = 500.  Response message = Internal Server Error.
17:21:41  <andythenorth> so it's not just needing restarted? :)
17:24:43  * ^Spike^ whistles :)
17:27:02  <Ammler> @topic remove -1
17:27:02  *** Webster changes topic to "Talk about things hosted and developed on | Downloads log: | Sandbox passwords are the same as the usernames"
17:27:15  <Ammler> andythenorth: disk size limit
17:27:46  <Ammler> @topic remove #openttdcoop -1
17:29:35  <andythenorth> does it have a dedicated mysql partition?
17:29:39  <andythenorth> or is it using /var or something?
17:29:59  <Ammler> just quota
17:30:07  <^Spike^> quota of the container
17:30:13  <^Spike^> still got enough space free on the LV
17:30:23  <Ammler> so the fix would have been easy, if I wuld have looked closer :-P
17:30:54  <Ammler> i just assumed, it is something with the migation :-)
17:31:10  <^Spike^> i hope i don't have to finish this one: Assumptions........ ;)
17:31:35  <Ammler> assumtions make work easier
17:31:43  <^Spike^> .... wrong
17:31:54  <^Spike^> assumptions are the mother of all f*****
17:32:02  <Ammler> fun
17:32:14  <^Spike^> the stars actually represent more then 3 letters :)
17:32:18  <Ammler> :-)
17:33:03  <Ammler> * means 0-indefinit
17:39:24  <andythenorth> assume makes an ass out of you and me
17:53:20  <Brot6> DictatorAI - Revision 241:0dff82d8772b: - Decrease town rate bonus to rating score XkrinnX @
18:06:20  <Brot6> firs: update from r3186 to r3188 done -
18:11:46  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3187:783dfcd82685: Add: proxy graphics file for Arable Farm... XandythenorthX @
18:11:46  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3188:113fb2ef88fc: Feature: basic support for construction ... XandythenorthX @
18:17:20  <andythenorth> Ammler: interesting, FIRS bundle now shows some .txt files, but not all
18:17:24  <andythenorth> for example test_docs.txt is missing
18:25:15  <Ammler> I just added readme and changelog like in the releases
18:25:41  <Ammler> you wanna publish docs there?
18:25:54  <Ammler> you would need to process it first
18:27:25  <Ammler> as said, it is possible to publish everything
18:27:39  <Ammler> right now this is a change made in .default
18:28:45  <andythenorth> it would be nice to publish all docs
18:31:43  <Ammler> what is the advantage to publish them instead using file browser of hg.o.o, dev.o.o hgweb.o.o?
18:32:39  <Ammler>
18:32:41  <andythenorth> they're compiled
18:32:50  <andythenorth> so don't show in repo
18:32:50  <Ammler> yes, that makes sense
18:33:08  <andythenorth> not *all* docs are compiled, but some ;)
18:33:20  <Ammler> that is possible
18:33:46  <Ammler> so firs should publish docs/*.txt ?
18:34:16  <andythenorth> please :)
18:35:06  <Alberth> standalone would make sense imho, all the stuff around it is cumbersome
18:36:30  <Ammler> standalone?
18:37:59  <andythenorth> standalone means...?
18:39:04  <Ammler> brot is silent?
18:39:11  <Ammler> Brot6: rss
18:39:12  <Brot6> Ammler: incorrect usage, ask for help using 'Brot6: help rss'
18:39:20  <Ammler> Brot6: rss show newgrfs
18:39:21  <Brot6> Ammler: lemme fetch it...
18:39:21  <Brot6> Ammler: using old data
18:39:21  <Brot6> Ammler: Channel : NewGRFs: Activity
18:39:21  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3188:113fb2ef88fc: Feature: basic support for construction ... XandythenorthX @
18:39:21  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3187:783dfcd82685: Add: proxy graphics file for Arable Farm... XandythenorthX @
18:39:25  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #4481 (Assigned): New Coal Mine Sprites XDanMacKX @
18:39:48  <Brot6> Canadian Railway Set - Revision 0:7cdc1c66b4e6: Add: Build system and dummy NewGRF XplanetmakerX @
18:39:48  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #4481: New Coal Mine Sprites XDanMacKX @
18:39:48  <Brot6> Finnish Trainset - Feature #4529 (New): Beta/taster list... Xkyosuke1989X @
18:39:48  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #465: Guano Mine XDanMacKX @
18:39:51  <Brot6> Finnish Trainset - Support #4527 (New): Moving of sprites and sfx to DevZone repository Xkyosuke1989X @
18:39:56  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3189:603747c0bef1: Feature: add custom publisher config XAmmlerX @
18:44:14  <Ammler> adding it to branch 0.6 was a accident :-P
18:44:30  <Alberth> standalone means to me, without border/java stuff around it
18:45:31  <Ammler> andythenorth: theoretically, you could make your own index.html :-P
18:46:26  <Brot6> firs: update from r3188 to r3190 done -
18:46:39  <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Revision 172:291302ce9f7e: [Compiler] publish some text files also push and ni... XAmmlerX @
18:46:39  <Brot6> DevZone Help Center - Revision 173:26542be769a0: [Compiler] Fix: create md5file of existing files on... XAmmlerX @
18:47:05  <Ammler> andythenorth:
18:47:12  <Ammler> easy to understand, right?
18:47:36  <andythenorth> yup
18:48:10  <Ammler> also see the difference between %{BUILD}/translations & %{BUILD}/docs/*.txt
18:49:50  <andythenorth> yup
18:50:03  <Ammler> R; 	Required, if this file doesn't exist, the DevZone does announce fatal error, the remaining files will be published to <branch>/ERROR/<rev> (inclusive flag "5" - does also generate a md5sum file)
18:50:04  <Ammler> 5; 	a md5sum with same name but extension .md5
18:50:06  <Ammler> E; 	Warning, the lines in this file will be counted and announced as (XX errors)
18:50:07  <Ammler> L; 	Files will be moved to subdirectory log like logfiles
18:50:36  <andythenorth> hmm
18:50:40  <andythenorth> could log compile times :P
18:50:56  <Ammler> the logfile does that too
18:51:29  <andythenorth> ah :)
18:51:45  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3190:a948cb78685b: Feature: add custom publisher config XAmmlerX @
18:52:22  <Ammler> [   30s] + make -j1 bundle_zip 'ZIP=7za a' 'ZIP_FLAGS=-tzip -mx9' 'NML_FLAGS=-c --nfo firs.nfo'
18:52:23  <Ammler> [   85s] + mv firs-r3190-build.err.log error.log
18:54:45  <Ammler> `sed "/^#/d;s|%{BUILD}|$RPMBUILDDIR/BUILD/$REPO|g;s|%{ARCH}|$ARCH|g;s|%{VERSION}|$NVER|g;s|%{RPMBUILDDIR}|$RPMBUILDDIR|g" $FILES`
19:01:10  <Ammler> those infos cann all be found in the .devzone config guide
19:01:30  <andythenorth> neat
19:03:57  <Ammler> or just tell me, I am happy to config for you :-)
19:04:09  <andythenorth> right now what you've done looks great
19:04:33  <Ammler> the script is just awesome :-P
19:15:52  <Brot6> firs: update from r3190 to r3191 done -
19:16:19  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3191:bf40d71de368: Change: add comments to the publisher co... XAmmlerX @
20:04:39  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3192:0ab1ed7b23a3: Codechange: started adding default const... XandythenorthX @
20:05:51  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
20:06:16  <Brot6> firs: update from r3191 to r3192 done -
21:27:20  *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone
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22:21:42  <Ammler> @topic add move bundles/dev to
22:21:42  *** Webster changes topic to "Talk about things hosted and developed on | Downloads log: | Sandbox passwords are the same as the usernames | move bundles/dev to"
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22:35:53  *** Brot6 is now known as Guest5045
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