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01:21:35 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 14:30:11 *** dihedral has quit IRC 14:30:13 *** dih has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:30:51 *** dih is now known as dihedral 16:47:35 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 17:25:29 <Brot6> opengfx-clone: compile of r993 failed - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/opengfx-clone/nightlies/ERROR/r993 17:32:06 <Brot6> opengfx: compile of r993 still failed (#4628) - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/opengfx/nightlies/ERROR/r993 18:27:18 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:53:23 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:19:15 *** ODM has quit IRC 19:21:44 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 20:22:55 <Brot6> firs: update from r3262 to r3263 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/push/r3263 20:23:21 <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3263:84078abe5efe: Feature: Catalan translation (Bassals) XandythenorthX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/firs/repository/revisions/84078abe5efe 20:50:06 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 21:20:32 <Brot6> firs: update from r3263 to r3264 done - http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/push/r3264 21:20:44 <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 3264:04cdf0890fbd: Fix(r3263): Catalan language had the wro... XAlberthX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/firs/repository/revisions/04cdf0890fbd 21:34:38 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:36:17 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 21:38:20 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:43:33 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 21:46:49 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 23:37:27 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Revision 723:cdd47eb1aee6: Codechange: separate internal tables and ext... XoberhuemerX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/projects/cets/repository/revisions/cdd47eb1aee6 23:37:27 <Brot6> Central European Train Set - Bug #4631 (New): DevZone compile failed XcompilerX @ http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/4631