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01:48:39 *** tycoondemon2 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 01:48:40 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 04:01:46 *** Webster` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:04:00 *** Webster is now known as Guest4944 04:04:00 *** Webster` is now known as Webster 04:04:30 *** Guest4944 is now known as Guest4946 04:04:49 *** Hirundo has quit IRC 04:05:12 *** Guest4946 has quit IRC 04:05:14 *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:05:19 *** Terkhen has quit IRC 04:05:44 *** Terkhen has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:55:50 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 09:51:38 *** FooBar has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 10:25:02 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:31:30 <^Spike^> i take it that everything works ok, as i heard nothing anymore? 11:32:11 *** Supercheese is now known as Guest4975 11:32:17 *** Supercheese has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:36:50 <Alberth> no news is good news eh? 11:37:51 *** Guest4975 has quit IRC 11:51:18 *** yorick has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 13:26:06 <^Spike^> i rather ask/check :) 13:26:24 <^Spike^> it's better to check/ask then do nothing at all and then hear: You did nothing about it! 13:26:32 <^Spike^> (real life experience :)) 13:29:49 <Alberth> I am not aware of anything not working currently, but then again, I am not using the server either :) 13:29:59 <Alberth> but thanks for asking :) 18:11:27 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 19:15:11 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 19:40:09 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 21:05:46 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 21:34:19 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 22:08:08 *** FooBar has quit IRC 22:10:25 *** LSky` has quit IRC