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01:17:09 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #514-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 36 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/514/ 03:20:09 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 06:29:43 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 07:14:47 *** LSky` has quit IRC 07:33:02 <V453000> !!! :D memory error fixud 07:33:30 <planetmaker> memory error? 07:34:41 <V453000> [NewGRF Meta Language - Bug #7004] (Closed) MemoryError 07:35:49 <planetmaker> ag 07:35:56 <planetmaker> *ah 12:00:42 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #515-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 40 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/515/ 12:58:38 <DevZone> Project eints-test (Actual template) build #167-push: SUCCESS in 14 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/eints-test/167/ 13:04:26 <DevZone> Project eints-test (Actual template) build #168-push: SUCCESS in 11 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/eints-test/168/ 13:10:38 <DevZone> Project eints-test (Actual template) build #169-push: SUCCESS in 4 min 19 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/eints-test/169/ 13:38:24 <DevZone> Project opengfx-mars build #167-push: SUCCESS in 2 min 21 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/opengfx-mars/167/ 13:38:33 <DevZone> Project Townnames - German build #109-push: SUCCESS in 8.3 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/german-townnames/109/ 13:38:34 <DevZone> Project NML - NewGRF Meta Language build #374-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 47 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/nml/374/ 13:50:57 *** tycoondemon2 has quit IRC 14:09:11 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #516-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 37 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/516/ 14:30:46 <DevZone> Project opengfx-mars build #168-push: SUCCESS in 2 min 11 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/opengfx-mars/168/ 14:30:54 <DevZone> Project Townnames - German build #110-push: SUCCESS in 7.6 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/german-townnames/110/ 14:30:55 <DevZone> Project NML - NewGRF Meta Language build #375-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 21 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/nml/375/ 14:31:58 *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:50:36 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #517-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 29 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/517/ 15:30:28 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:36:08 *** V453000 has quit IRC 15:36:26 <frosch123> bye coop 15:36:38 *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:36:57 <frosch123> oh, so it's not completely dead 15:42:43 *** Yexo has quit IRC 15:43:08 *** Yexo has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:43:18 <frosch123> ^Spike^: planetmaker: i think you need to kill or reboot something :) 15:43:53 <planetmaker> hm? 15:44:07 <frosch123> devzone is completely loaded 15:44:24 <frosch123> doesn't deliver anything but also gives no error 15:44:48 <planetmaker> works like a charm here, cpu usage also minimal 15:45:01 <planetmaker> mem usage at 1/3 of allocated 15:45:15 <frosch123> true, now it's over 15:45:21 <V453000> something DYING? :D 15:46:42 <planetmaker> dying is old school. Nowadays we just zombify :P 15:47:01 <frosch123> zombifycation is an interesthing term 15:47:06 <planetmaker> frosch123, nml's problem with test-building wrong rev should also be fixed now 15:47:22 <frosch123> nice :) 15:47:58 <planetmaker> needed slight twist to checking whether we build tip 15:48:10 <planetmaker> long hash vs. short hash issue :) 15:48:36 <planetmaker> ead02102eb439f60931216f9f86c6958c860e177 != ead02102eb43 15:49:01 <planetmaker> when comparing strings that is 15:59:27 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:17:35 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 16:30:54 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:45:21 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:48:22 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 16:52:33 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #518-push: SUCCESS in 5 min 1 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/518/ 17:35:33 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #519-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 51 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/519/ 17:48:24 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 17:53:41 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:31:40 *** gelignite has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:33:26 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 18:40:39 <DevZone> Project road-hog build #464-nightlies: SUCCESS in 37 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/road-hog/464/ 18:46:00 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #520-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 45 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/520/ 20:43:02 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:47:23 <DevZone> Project yeti build #95-push: SUCCESS in 4 hr 59 min: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/yeti/95/ 22:17:57 *** LSky` has quit IRC 22:20:07 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 23:06:01 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 23:34:24 *** gelignite has quit IRC