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02:00:07 *** oskari89 has quit IRC 02:06:57 *** skyem123 has quit IRC 02:28:28 *** gelignite_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 02:35:47 *** gelignite has quit IRC 02:39:05 *** Supercheese is now known as Guest4335 02:45:34 *** Guest4335 has quit IRC 03:55:49 *** Supercheese has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 04:24:48 *** gelignite_ has quit IRC 11:23:25 *** skyem123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 11:39:54 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 12:29:32 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 12:32:59 *** Supercheese has quit IRC 12:33:25 *** Supercheese has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 13:00:46 *** gelignite has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 14:16:26 *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 15:13:03 <DevZone> Project 2ccts build #609-push: SUCCESS in 2 min 35 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/2ccts/609/ 16:37:01 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone 16:47:05 <Alberth> http://devs.openttd.org/~alberth/diffs/eints_revert frosch123 some first steps for better reverting behavior; 10-60 isn't enough it seems to bring us into clear water, I needed hack 99 too 16:47:05 <Alberth> The deeper issue seems to be to me atm, that we have time stamps associated with texts, as well as with changes. I am pondering whether the latter are really needed, ie can a change in itself change time stamp without changing the time of a string too? 16:47:51 <DevZone> Project hungarian-set build #19-push: SUCCESS in 37 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/hungarian-set/19/ 16:47:59 <Alberth> hi hi DevZone 16:48:41 <frosch123> what when confirming an outdated string without changing it? 16:48:45 <frosch123> is that a change? 16:48:46 <DevZone> Project OpenGFX+ Industries build #121-push: SUCCESS in 50 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/ogfx-industries/121/ 16:49:32 <Alberth> currently, I am thinking it should be a change in time stamp of that string 16:49:41 <Alberth> no idea what the code currently does 16:50:12 <Alberth> but "out of date" compares change stamps with text stamps, which looks fishy 16:51:57 <Alberth> webtranslate/data.py:190: if lchg.base_text != btext or lchg.stamp < btext.stamp: 16:52:55 <Alberth> so maybe change the Text.stamp semantics (which is now @ivar stamp: Time stamp of creation of this text.) 16:53:44 <Alberth> unless we want to keep duplicate texts at different moments in time separate 16:53:59 <Alberth> but I see no good reason for that 16:55:04 <Alberth> other direction is to keep the chg.stamp, and use that as "last modified/checked" date 16:55:17 <frosch123> hmm, i expected get_lng_change to lose the last parameter "base_text" 16:55:21 <frosch123> but you do not touch that 16:58:19 <frosch123> well, tbh i somewhat lost the overview how eints shall behave it what cases :p 16:58:40 <DevZone> Project World Airliner Set build #1561-push: SUCCESS in 9 min 13 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/worldairlinersset/1561/ 16:59:14 <DevZone> Project OpenGFX build #190-push: SUCCESS in 10 min: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/opengfx/190/ 17:00:06 <Alberth> so maybe we should first decide that? 17:00:25 <frosch123> i started with adding some regression tests 17:00:39 <frosch123> just to traverse the complete state graph and somehow document/define it for me 17:00:57 <frosch123> currently i have no idea how eints treats the timestamps and last_upload and stuff 17:01:25 <frosch123> esp. when the translation is specific to a base language text 17:02:30 <DevZone> Project 2ccts build #610-push: SUCCESS in 3 min 48 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/2ccts/610/ 17:02:50 <Alberth> ok, let's try to agree on that first then 17:04:01 <Alberth> btw http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/7860 and http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/6675 looks like duplicates? 17:04:50 <Alberth> I checked the lang_sync script and indeed it doesn't set the override flag 17:05:18 <frosch123> yes, they are duplicates :) 17:05:33 <Alberth> one of the patches in my queue just discards that check for base languages, as upload is the only way for a base language to change 17:05:45 <Alberth> for translations, I am not sure 17:05:47 <frosch123> yup, i agree with that part 17:06:09 <frosch123> no, upload for translations should not override it 17:06:17 <frosch123> (by default) 17:06:33 <Alberth> we could add a --override flag for them, but it might discard entered translations, which seems too dangerous to allow from eg a script 17:07:09 <Alberth> so my conclusion was not to add such a flag; if you want it, upload manually 17:07:29 <frosch123> the hg and svn script always upload before downloading, to let eints merge the stuff 17:07:41 <frosch123> so, they would never want to replace translations when uploading 17:08:01 <Alberth> except for a very quick user :p 17:08:35 <Alberth> but ok, that problem doesn't exist thus, let's keep it as it is then 17:08:45 <frosch123> drawback of the current svn/hg approach is, that people cannot revert changes from eints via the vcs 17:08:54 <frosch123> since eints will always commit them again 17:09:01 <frosch123> but i don't consider that a problem 17:10:06 <Alberth> maybe that should be considered in more detail when we have a better view of desired behavior 17:25:35 <frosch123> anyway, diffs 10 to 60 look fine to me 17:32:51 <Alberth> ok, thanks 18:15:40 <DevZone> Project Building sprite test project build #100-nightlies: SUCCESS in 37 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/sprite-tests/100/ 18:46:07 <DevZone> Project eints build #61-push: SUCCESS in 18 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/eints/61/ 18:46:41 <Alberth> we need lots of tests, 18 seconds is so very non-impressive :p 21:21:27 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone 22:03:51 *** skyem123 has quit IRC 22:34:38 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 23:05:17 <DevZone> Project xussrset - Trains from Russia build #1295-push: SUCCESS in 6 min 56 sec: https://jenkins.openttdcoop.org/job/xussrset/1295/ 23:18:39 *** gelignite has quit IRC