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00:53:05 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 08:14:41 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 08:14:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Zuu 08:38:20 *** Zuu has quit IRC 09:46:31 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 10:24:17 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 13:04:50 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 16:38:38 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 16:42:03 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 17:13:05 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 17:21:18 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 17:21:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Zuu 17:38:12 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 18:09:32 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 18:57:34 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:04:09 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 19:14:03 *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:14:03 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o andythenorth 19:15:18 *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:15:18 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth 19:15:40 <Alberth> revision? 19:16:36 <planetmaker> !revision 19:16:36 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Game version is r24719 19:16:43 <planetmaker> but I'd update to last nightly 19:16:46 <planetmaker> !update 19:16:46 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Update starting... 19:16:49 <planetmaker> :-) 19:17:03 <planetmaker> 24751 19:17:06 <Alberth> oh, we have a useful /topic here nowadays 19:17:15 <planetmaker> topic updates itself 19:17:20 <planetmaker> and there's always !revision 19:17:39 * Alberth pats /topic 19:17:53 <Alberth> right, let's build a new program 19:18:00 <planetmaker> new program? 19:18:54 <Alberth> yeah, program 24751 19:19:34 <Nachtigall> Update done: OpenTTD r24751 19:22:59 <planetmaker> !content 19:22:59 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Connection established 19:22:59 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 19:22:59 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Nothing to download 19:23:05 <planetmaker> !content 19:23:07 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content Update] Expect timeout triggered! 19:23:07 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Downloading 6 file(s) (195054 bytes) 19:24:00 <planetmaker> !download lin64 19:24:00 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r24719/openttd-trunk-r24719-linux-generic-amd64.tar.bz2 19:24:06 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2370 19:24:06 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2371 19:24:06 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 606 19:24:06 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 970 19:24:06 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 1025 19:24:06 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2368 19:24:06 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] All 6 downloaded 19:24:08 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] (you need to rescan(ai|game|newgrf) to have the new content loaded) 19:26:37 <andythenorth> so 24751? or 24719? 19:26:41 <planetmaker> 24751 19:26:56 <andythenorth> meh, latest build on openttd.org is 24752 19:26:57 <planetmaker> I wonder why it wasn't updated properly 19:27:03 <planetmaker> yes. that's today 19:27:09 <andythenorth> :) 19:27:13 <planetmaker> I guess I could update again for that 19:27:28 <andythenorth> I don't mind, I just can't figure out the path on binaries server ;) 19:27:38 <Nachtigall> Update done: OpenTTD r24752 19:27:51 <planetmaker> ups... I only wanted to update the download link... 19:28:12 <planetmaker> I guess... todays nightly, Alberth , r24752. Sorry 19:28:23 <planetmaker> !update 19:28:23 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Update starting... 19:28:25 <Nachtigall> Update done: OpenTTD r24752 19:28:32 <planetmaker> !download 19:28:34 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: !download autostart|autottd|autoupdate|lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x 19:28:38 <planetmaker> !download lin64 19:28:38 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r24719/openttd-trunk-r24719-linux-generic-amd64.tar.bz2 19:28:40 <planetmaker> hm 19:29:53 <Alberth> 51 -> 52 update is quick, just a few translation files :) 19:31:30 <Zuu> Which goal should we use? 19:32:03 <andythenorth> which GS? Or which settings? 19:32:11 <Zuu> Which settings 19:32:16 <planetmaker> which are our options? nocargoal, silicon valley, important neighbours,... ? 19:32:29 <andythenorth> +1 for NCG 19:32:35 <andythenorth> how many players? 19:32:37 <andythenorth> V453000: you in? 19:33:03 <andythenorth> I think it's about 10k per player on 7 years 19:33:09 <andythenorth> assuming NUTS 19:33:11 *** peter1138 has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:33:28 <andythenorth> we failed gold on last game with 3 players by about 200t or so :P 19:33:37 <andythenorth> if I hadn't been eating dinner for 20 mins, would have made it ;P 19:33:45 <Zuu> at 12500 on 7 years? 19:33:57 <peter1138> so what's the shiz 19:34:31 <andythenorth> Zuu: 12.5k per cargo? 19:34:37 <Zuu> Yep 19:34:40 <andythenorth> try it 19:34:47 <andythenorth> I've never got gold before :P 19:34:48 <Zuu> That is the default settings 19:34:49 <andythenorth> maybe we can 19:35:33 <planetmaker> !restart 19:35:33 <Nachtigall> Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 19:35:45 <Zuu> No other bids? 19:35:58 <andythenorth> Zuu: set low costs? 19:36:01 <Nachtigall> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 19:36:01 <Nachtigall> Thank you for playing r24719. 19:36:05 <Nachtigall> Server has exited 19:36:05 *** Nachtigall has quit IRC 19:36:13 *** Nachtigall has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:36:13 <Nachtigall> Autopilot engaged 19:36:13 <Nachtigall> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} - Nightly Server' 19:36:14 *** Webster changes topic to "http://nightly.openttdcoop.org/nightly/game.log | r24719 | !content, !update, !install, !restart, !getsave, !rcon <openttd command>" 19:36:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachtigall 19:36:18 <andythenorth> Zuu: I don't know what frosch sets, but cheap vehicles and cheap industry funding :P 19:37:13 <planetmaker> !ip 19:37:20 <planetmaker> !url 19:37:20 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: www.openttdcoop.org 19:37:22 <planetmaker> !ip 19:37:37 <Alberth> no intellectual proprties :) 19:38:00 <planetmaker> :D 19:38:15 <planetmaker> hm... server still runs 24719. why ever... going to fix it manually 19:38:18 <planetmaker> !exit 19:38:28 <Nachtigall> Server closed down by admin 19:38:30 <Nachtigall> Server has exited 19:38:31 *** Nachtigall has quit IRC 19:39:45 *** Nachtigall has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:39:45 <Nachtigall> Autopilot engaged 19:39:45 <Nachtigall> Starting new game: '{#openttdcoop} - Nightly Server' 19:39:45 <Nachtigall> Landscape: temperate 19:39:45 <Nachtigall> Dimensions: 256x256 19:39:45 <Nachtigall> Starting year: 1950 19:39:45 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachtigall 19:39:46 *** Webster changes topic to "http://nightly.openttdcoop.org/nightly/game.log | r24752 | !content, !update, !install, !restart, !getsave, !rcon <openttd command>" 19:39:52 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 19:39:56 <planetmaker> there we go 19:40:02 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 19:40:05 <Nachtigall> *** Strontium joined the game 19:40:06 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:40:06 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:40:27 <peter1138> gosh, it's green! 19:40:33 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:40:35 <Nachtigall> *** peter1138 joined the game 19:41:04 <Nachtigall> *** Strontium has started a new company (#1) 19:41:31 <planetmaker> we still need the map :-) 19:41:53 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> isn't this a map? 19:42:22 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:42:22 <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 19:42:24 <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker joined the game 19:42:26 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> ho :-) 19:42:28 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> it seems a bit goalless though 19:42:39 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> yes. We don't yet have the / a map 19:42:51 <andythenorth> Zuu is making it 19:43:01 <planetmaker> wonderful :-) 19:43:09 <Zuu> I only need to upload it now. 19:43:30 <planetmaker> just anywhere ... !getsave URL 19:43:41 <planetmaker> where wget works :-) 19:43:55 <planetmaker> !dl lin64 19:43:55 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r24752/openttd-trunk-r24752-linux-generic-amd64.tar.xz 19:45:22 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> it doesn't seem to work 19:45:28 <Nachtigall> *** alb3rth joined the game 19:45:56 <planetmaker> what doesn't work, rubi? 19:46:14 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> my !getsave command 19:46:25 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> ah yes, only from IRC 19:46:44 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> argh... could you load that save for fun please? 19:46:52 <planetmaker> sure 19:46:53 <Zuu> !getsave http://devs.openttd.org/~zuu/mp/NoCarGoal-game-2012-11-16.sav 19:46:53 <Nachtigall> Zuu: OK :-) 19:46:59 <Ammler> planetmaker: hard to read topic? 19:47:08 <Ammler> but I should add "run !install" :-) 19:47:17 <Ammler> !install 19:47:20 <Nachtigall> Ammler: install done, please run !restart 19:48:02 <planetmaker> !getsave http://rbijker.net/openttd/test.sav 19:48:02 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: OK :-) 19:48:07 <planetmaker> !rcon pwd 19:48:07 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: /home/ottdc/svn-nightly/autopilot/save/ 19:48:11 <planetmaker> !rcon cd uploads 19:48:14 <planetmaker> !rcon ls 19:48:14 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 0) .. (Parent directory) 19:48:14 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 1) NoCarGoal-game-2012-11-16.sav 19:48:14 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 2) test.sav 19:48:14 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 3) nocargoal20121113.sav 19:48:14 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 4) nocargoal20121111.sav 19:48:14 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: you have 11 more messages 19:48:20 <planetmaker> !rcon load 2 19:48:22 <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players) 19:48:24 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:48:25 <Nachtigall> *** peter1138 joined the game 19:48:25 <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker joined the game 19:48:27 <Nachtigall> *** Strontium joined the game 19:48:27 <Nachtigall> *** alb3rth joined the game 19:48:31 <planetmaker> just for fun before start :-) On rubi's request 19:48:33 <andythenorth> mm 19:48:35 <andythenorth> curry 19:48:40 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:48:42 <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth joined the game 19:48:44 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> title game suggestion ! 19:49:03 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> right rubi? 19:49:05 <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (leaving) 19:49:11 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> yup 19:49:22 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> it's quite heavily timetabled ;) 19:49:52 <Ammler> !update 19:49:52 <Nachtigall> Ammler: Update starting... 19:49:54 <Nachtigall> Update done: OpenTTD r24752 (run !install) 19:49:59 <Ammler> better? :-) 19:50:17 <planetmaker> yup :-) ty, Ammler. And how should I know about this change? 19:50:23 <Ammler> topic 19:50:30 <planetmaker> the topic is not instructive. Just a summary of available commands to me 19:50:35 <planetmaker> not a sequence 19:50:42 <planetmaker> which it might be. But how should I know? 19:51:05 <planetmaker> ok, real game? Ready for it? 19:51:17 <planetmaker> !rcon load 1 19:51:19 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 19:51:27 <Ammler> true, well now you do, someone should add it to the admin wiki 19:51:38 <peter1138> server is restarting, please wiat 19:51:43 <peter1138> what devilry is this! 19:51:44 <planetmaker> I got the same 19:51:49 <planetmaker> Just wondering, too 19:51:55 <Ammler> but I doubt you read there :-P 19:52:07 <planetmaker> oh. I guess we miss newgrfs, peter. maybe 19:52:18 <planetmaker> and thus can't re-join as we normally would 19:52:23 <peter1138> yeah 19:52:24 <planetmaker> smells fishy this behaviour 19:52:31 <peter1138> the error message is behind the please wait message. nice. 19:52:33 <planetmaker> ah, yes 19:52:33 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 19:52:33 <Nachtigall> *** Strontium joined the game 19:52:35 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:52:50 <peter1138> that's 1 bug found ;) 19:53:00 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:53:00 <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 19:53:01 <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker joined the game 19:53:03 <planetmaker> see. testing :-) 19:53:09 <peter1138> missing... stuff... 19:53:27 <peter1138> uh 19:53:33 <Nachtigall> *** Zuuu joined the game 19:53:36 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> maybe pause the game 19:53:39 <andythenorth> peter1138: this? http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/releases/0.8.0-test-1/ 19:53:44 <peter1138> basic platforms, brick freight, container freight, us stations & *ahem* uk waypoints 19:53:45 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> so we can see what we want to do and such 19:53:46 <planetmaker> andythenorth, the fence code is buggy 19:53:48 <Zuu> !pause 19:53:48 <Nachtigall> *** Zuu has paused the server. 19:53:49 <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players) 19:53:51 <planetmaker> in FIRS 19:54:04 <andythenorth> planetmaker: there are totally bugged sprites somewhere 19:54:08 <peter1138> uk payments. i remember who coded that... 19:54:10 <andythenorth> I haven't figured where yet 19:54:11 <planetmaker> andythenorth, yes. that's them 19:54:14 <planetmaker> fences 19:54:23 <andythenorth> I somehow broke old code 19:54:25 <Zuu> peter1138: openttdcoop grf pack 19:54:30 <andythenorth> I don't recall touching it though :P 19:54:33 <planetmaker> !grf 19:54:33 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: http://www.openttdcoop.org/wiki/GRF (Version 8.0) 19:54:37 <planetmaker> ^^ peter1138 19:54:44 <peter1138> i thought everybody stuck to banananananananananas grfs these days :S 19:54:49 <Zuu> OpenTTD should show a flag in the newgrf list on content that is available on bananas. :-) 19:55:11 <planetmaker> Zuu, it kinda does... after you updated 19:55:23 <Zuu> Without that its hard to know what in your long list of newgrfs is on bananas and not. 19:55:40 <planetmaker> Zuu, but you update. and check again. And then you know all missing is non-bananas 19:55:45 <andythenorth> I should draw a banana icon? :P 19:55:48 <Ammler> doesn't it show the path anymore? 19:56:05 <Alberth> not if you don't have the newgrf :p 19:56:07 <Zuu> planetmaker: I mean from the POV when deciding which NewGRFs to include in a game. 19:56:18 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> I'll do the petrol thing 19:56:20 <planetmaker> Zuu, oh, I see. Yes, that makes a lot of sense 19:56:56 <Ammler> the file path was good sign to know it 19:57:01 <peter1138> ouch 19:57:04 <peter1138> that pack contains: 19:57:10 <peter1138> jpset_trew.GRF (64KB) 19:57:12 <planetmaker> I'll start with wheat then, I guess (or grain) 19:57:17 <peter1138> jpset_trew.grf (106KB) 19:57:22 <peter1138> in the same dir 19:57:28 <planetmaker> nice :-) 19:57:47 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:57:47 <Nachtigall> *** peter1138 joined the game 19:57:51 <Nachtigall> <peter1138> \o/ 19:57:55 <Ammler> how do windows user handle that? 19:58:09 <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:58:09 <peter1138> you either overwrite or ignore 19:58:11 <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth joined the game 19:58:18 <planetmaker> so... we have no specific town we need to focus on. Just much cargo, right? 19:58:30 <andythenorth> hmm 19:58:35 <andythenorth> petrol, grain, goods 19:58:46 <andythenorth> none of those are complementary :) 19:58:48 <andythenorth> harder :P 19:59:08 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> where is the moneymaker? 19:59:21 <Ammler> !help 20:00:46 <peter1138> hmm 20:00:52 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> from Målfors to Brynhammar 20:00:55 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ? 20:01:21 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> only 3 oil wells 20:01:24 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> petrol will be hard :O 20:01:30 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> I'm ready for making the oil/petrol one 20:01:38 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> it'll be done in time, I know it 20:01:52 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> goods is way easy 20:02:02 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> everything makes goods :P 20:02:12 <Nachtigall> <peter1138> ok, so i guess i just realised you're playing a coop game 20:02:12 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> Though some plan to get off the ground is good. If that can be combined with petrol goal that is perhaps good. 20:02:14 <Nachtigall> <peter1138> pom te pom 20:02:16 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> with previous one we hit 30k with 3 oil wells well before the final time 20:02:22 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> peter1138: play on your own :) 20:02:46 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> move all grain to "central grain mill"? 20:02:47 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> just unpause and I'll start building the oil one 20:02:57 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> planetm4ker: only centralise if it's convenient 20:02:59 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> I know what and how I want to do it 20:03:02 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> otherwise go for shortest haul 20:03:07 <planetmaker> it is, I think in this case 20:03:08 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> shorter = faster delivery 20:03:18 <Nachtigall> *** peter1138 has started a new company (#2) 20:03:18 <planetmaker> we still need the money, andythenorth 20:03:24 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> central often = train jam 20:03:30 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 20:03:33 <planetmaker> not with coop build style ;-) 20:03:40 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ho 20:03:45 <Zuu> Shall I unpause? 20:03:47 <planetmaker> !rcon set min_active_clients 1 20:03:47 <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [All] andythen0rth: I've seen 200 jammed maglevs :P 20:03:48 <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 20:03:55 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> there we go 20:04:05 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> perhaps not then :-) 20:04:15 <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has joined company #1 20:04:23 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> money money money 20:04:31 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> someone doing pax? 20:04:48 <Alberth> andythenorth: what firs do I need? 20:04:54 <andythenorth> Alberth: http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/releases/0.8.0-test-1/ 20:05:07 <Alberth> thanks 20:05:58 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> old heqs :) 20:06:00 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> has a bug 20:06:28 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> which engine? 20:06:33 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 20:06:48 <Nachtigall> *** alb3rth joined the game 20:06:55 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> we've been using whatever with NUTS 20:07:18 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> I could start with PAX, if there is room for it in our budget 20:07:24 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> you should 20:07:30 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> we need money maker, pax is good 20:07:58 <V453000> !dl win64 20:07:58 <Nachtigall> V453000: http://binaries.openttd.org/nightlies/trunk/r24752/openttd-trunk-r24752-windows-win64.zip 20:08:05 <Nachtigall> * planetm4ker built the first grain connection 20:08:15 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> feel free to build a pax MM 20:08:25 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> Im doing pax now 20:08:30 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> from "pax" 20:08:32 <Nachtigall> <V453000> o/ 20:08:32 <Nachtigall> *** V453000 joined the game 20:09:16 <Nachtigall> <V453000> andy you should try nuts like 2000+ that is more fun :P 20:09:38 <Nachtigall> <V453000> for a short-term game that is :) 20:17:22 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> money money 20:21:50 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I guess I need 12k for a train 20:22:00 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> k 20:22:11 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> there's some :) 20:22:25 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> done 20:22:27 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> ty 20:24:57 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 20:39:34 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> 90° turns on?! 20:39:59 <Nachtigall> <peter1138> apparently o_O 20:49:31 <Ammler> run !setdef after loading 20:54:19 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> outch 20:54:25 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> oops 20:54:43 <Nachtigall> *** peter1138 has left the game (leaving) 20:54:49 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> oil will be very difficult 20:55:21 <Alberth> build a new oil well? 20:55:31 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> 1/4 of our money. Shall I build one? 20:55:33 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> can afford 20:55:39 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> build several :P 20:55:45 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> prospecting... 20:55:47 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> I halved the industry contstruction costs 20:56:21 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> it's prospect though :( 20:56:41 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> someone already connecting Strömarp oil wells? 20:56:44 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> yup 20:56:58 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I'll get us another 20:57:54 <Alberth> servicing switched on? 20:58:19 <planetmaker> seems like. I feel like calling !setdef 20:58:26 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> though why are the ratings of the stations so much lower than last time? 20:58:36 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> Are my settings too broken? :-p 20:58:38 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> default station algo 20:59:36 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> that explains why the oil chain doesn't have enough to chain up to gun-ho (or whatever) 21:00:08 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> and why production isn't around 100-150% higher 21:00:18 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> also no planes for supplies :) 21:02:05 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> try another prospect 21:08:33 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 21:09:06 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> we're so not winning :) 21:13:42 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> oh we got bronze :) 21:13:56 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> and there's a bug in the GS 21:14:02 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> Yeah, and I built us a HQ 21:14:18 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> we have ~290 days to go in 1955 and it says: can you get to silver before 1957 21:14:28 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> we will barely make 1956 21:14:50 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> we got killed :P 21:15:38 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> The game will end at the beginning of 1957 21:15:52 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> The news is hower wrong 21:16:03 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> obiwan 21:16:26 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> It probably switch news message type too early or so. 21:26:13 <Nachtigall> <V453000> holy shit you have Train reversing: At end of line only in Difficulty settings 21:26:15 <Nachtigall> <V453000> :) 21:26:53 <planetmaker> may I set our "normal" settings? reverse in stations, no 90°, no servicing, if not needed? 21:27:12 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> if you like to 21:27:26 <Nachtigall> <V453000> not my call but I suggest to :) 21:30:11 <planetmaker> lool. 2nd gen tanker wagon. Default cargo: livestock 21:30:19 <V453000> that is likely :) 21:30:33 <planetmaker> probably like fishoil 21:30:39 <Nachtigall> <V453000> no, just fish 21:30:42 <Nachtigall> <V453000> try :) 21:31:04 <Nachtigall> <V453000> holy shit this is like drunk 21:31:10 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> w 21:31:10 <Nachtigall> <V453000> clay pits are glowing 21:31:13 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> :o 21:31:15 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> who is actually still building? 21:31:15 <Nachtigall> <V453000> white/blakc colour in map window 21:31:18 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> oh that 21:31:21 <Nachtigall> <V453000> wow :D 21:31:24 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> frosh did that 21:31:34 <Nachtigall> <V453000> ohhh 21:31:34 <Alberth> move the mouse away from the industry legend :) 21:31:36 <Nachtigall> <V453000> I see now 21:31:39 <Nachtigall> <V453000> :D 21:31:42 <Nachtigall> <V453000> industries on drugs 21:32:13 <Nachtigall> <V453000> hm no livestock here? 21:32:20 <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has started a new company (#3) 21:32:38 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> no livestock in basic economy 21:32:40 <planetmaker> there's lifestock. or vehicles would not offer it 21:32:46 <Nachtigall> <V453000> I see ... there still are vagons refittable for it :D 21:32:55 <planetmaker> hm 21:32:56 <Nachtigall> <V453000> but there are no industries that would produce it 21:33:14 <Nachtigall> <V453000> but I 100% agree that it would make more sense to make default cargo oil 21:33:22 <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has joined spectators 21:33:44 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> or cola. or milk. or water. or chemicals 21:33:48 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 21:33:52 <Nachtigall> <V453000> fishies :> 21:34:06 <Nachtigall> <V453000> oil is best, oil is in all climates except toyland 21:34:20 <Nachtigall> <V453000> in toyland it is probably cola; could be beer or plastic too, not sure 21:34:26 <Nachtigall> <Strontium> no, we can't reach gold before 1957!... 21:34:29 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> \o/ 21:34:35 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ho 21:34:41 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> we had more players too :P 21:34:43 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> goods is hard :P 21:36:33 <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> V45, what doe the numbers with engines and wagons mean? 21:37:12 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> I would suggest that the numbers are the generation of an engine 21:37:22 <Nachtigall> <Zuuu> And the color is the category 21:37:48 <Nachtigall> <V453000> planetm4ker: their rank in the class 21:37:52 *** Dom_ has quit IRC 21:37:56 <Nachtigall> <V453000> with the years you get higher ranks of trains 21:38:03 <Nachtigall> <V453000> in 1920 you start with rank 1 in each class 21:38:13 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> silver :) 21:38:19 <Nachtigall> *** Strontium has left the game (leaving) 21:38:21 <Nachtigall> <V453000> higher rank almost always means it is a better vehicle than its precedessor 21:38:25 <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> we had no strategy for goods :P 21:38:27 <planetmaker> nice. How do you make them there, V453000 ? 21:38:29 <Nachtigall> <V453000> therefore all trains are useful 21:38:31 <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (leaving) 21:38:38 <planetmaker> part of the name? 21:38:40 <Nachtigall> <V453000> just purchase menu sprites pm 21:38:44 <planetmaker> ah 21:38:58 <planetmaker> of course 21:39:07 <V453000> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20419525/PurchaseMenu.png 21:39:08 <V453000> like that 21:39:11 <Nachtigall> *** alb3rth has left the game (leaving) 21:39:17 <V453000> also to give the "ttdish" || separators 21:39:19 <Nachtigall> *** Zuuu has left the game (leaving) 21:39:46 <V453000> just like Zuu said now I see :) class/generation 21:39:54 <planetmaker> what's the skull? 21:40:02 <planetmaker> bad ass? 21:40:16 <V453000> yeah 21:40:20 <V453000> exceptional engines 21:40:21 *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 21:40:29 <planetmaker> thank you all for this nice game :-) 21:40:33 <V453000> those are out of the classes, their stats are worse than the normal 21:40:39 <planetmaker> even though we didn't make gold... silver we got :-) 21:40:50 <planetmaker> I see 21:40:53 <V453000> they are usable only because "being special" 21:40:59 <andythenorth> next time... 21:41:05 * andythenorth still hasn't got gold :P 21:41:09 <V453000> like slug, doombringer or the other weird monorail engines 21:41:16 <andythenorth> Zuu: did we playtest the GS ok then? 21:41:17 <andythenorth> :) 21:41:25 <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 21:41:26 <planetmaker> sorry, I don't really know them... first time today I played with this set 21:41:29 <Zuu> andythenorth: Sure. We found one bug :-) 21:41:39 <V453000> sure :) 21:41:46 <Zuu> Which I think I've fixed locally already. :-) 21:42:07 <V453000> I guess you noticed that every single cargo available in ECS/FIRS/others has its own colour of wagons, and has drawn sprites for full/empty wagons 21:42:18 <planetmaker> and we found an openttd bug as well with the reconnection and stacked errors 21:42:24 <V453000> so you can distinguish not only full/empty wagons, but also which cargo is in them in either full/empty state 21:42:32 <V453000> wow :d 21:43:00 <planetmaker> I didn't notice the different colour for different empty wagons. But that's good :-) 21:43:27 <V453000> it is, but if you play with firs it is a LOT to remember at the same time :D 21:44:11 <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker has left the game (leaving) 21:44:42 <Alberth> I really like the vehicle set, nice and colourful 21:44:55 <Alberth> I must play with it one day 21:45:48 <V453000> :) 21:46:05 <V453000> honestly you played just the early stages here, maglev is nicest 21:46:09 <V453000> monorail is a lot nicer than rail too 21:46:33 * andythenorth ponders unrealistically fast ships 21:46:38 <andythenorth> to compete with trains :P 21:46:48 <V453000> :DDD 21:46:57 <V453000> Alberth: http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/images/a/a0/ProZone20.png example of colours :P 21:47:35 <planetmaker> alberth, would another night do for playing as well? ;-) 21:48:05 <V453000> :D 21:48:07 <Alberth> V453000: it fits the landscape very wel :) 21:48:15 <V453000> yes, Mars :) 21:48:22 <V453000> I also think that it fits best there 21:48:40 <Alberth> planetmaker: we had far less money problems it seems, or is it because I joined later? 21:49:13 <V453000> nuts has (ridiculously) low costs as well :) 21:49:17 <planetmaker> Alberth, no, it worked well. Someone built money maker - which is always a good idea 21:49:30 <planetmaker> some early pax connections often work wonders 21:49:45 <Alberth> we should remember that for the next time :p 21:49:58 <V453000> yes, I think pax in FIRS is wayyy too profittable tbh :D 21:50:00 <planetmaker> last time I played we did so, too. Worked also ;-) 21:50:10 <planetmaker> (but it wasn't me who built it this time) 21:50:12 <V453000> on the other hand industries grow like crazy if supplied correctly 21:50:37 <Alberth> V453000: that's no problem, it means you can concentrate on building earlier in the game, instead of waiting for enough money 21:51:00 <V453000> +- :) I just thought the main focus on industries should be best 21:51:07 <V453000> ah you mean the costs 21:51:14 <Alberth> yes 21:51:18 <V453000> well yeah that is the purpose of the low costs :) so you can build all the time right from the start 21:51:41 <andythenorth> what do we think of FIRS 'basic' economy? 21:52:08 <V453000> I even readjusted wagon capacities, because if you start in 1920, the 1st gen wagons werent enough very soon as you had like 100 trains after just a few years 21:52:11 * Alberth mostly did wood :) 21:52:17 * Zuu bulit pax connections 21:52:53 <andythenorth> we were totally screwed by lack of planes 21:52:58 <Alberth> chain forest -> sawmill -> furniture -> good gives a nice challenge 21:53:23 <andythenorth> we needed supplies delivered 21:53:28 * Zuu was too tired to figure out which chains to use to get goods. :-p 21:53:44 <andythenorth> 'basic' lacks easy goods chains 21:53:47 <andythenorth> bit lame 22:00:48 *** andythenorth has left #openttdcoop.nightly 22:13:29 *** Zuu has quit IRC 22:20:56 *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.nightly 22:59:25 *** Dom_ has quit IRC