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17:00:26 *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 17:00:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Zuu 17:29:59 *** coopserver has quit IRC 17:30:08 *** coopserver has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 17:30:21 *** coopserver has quit IRC 17:35:42 *** coopserver has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 17:37:50 *** coopserver has quit IRC 17:46:57 *** coopserver has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 17:58:09 *** coopserver has quit IRC 17:58:34 *** coopserver has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 18:02:45 *** coopserver has quit IRC 18:03:30 *** coopserver has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 18:13:40 <planetmaker> !start 18:13:44 <planetmaker> :D 18:27:43 <Taede> feel free to try and set it up here using the guide and .pro as examples 18:27:51 <Taede> ill be here on and off 18:28:04 <Taede> and that way i can test teh accuracy of the page 18:28:33 <planetmaker> yep, I just started 18:28:48 <planetmaker> thanks :) 18:29:02 <Taede> ill update portnumbers on the site just now actually 18:31:30 <planetmaker> he, nice admin PW :P 18:43:30 <Taede> :D 18:43:48 <Taede> i think i was watching pirates of the carribean not long before i set them up 18:54:10 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.channels 18:54:10 <coopserver> planetmaker: #openttdcoop #openttdcoop.pro #openttdcoop.stable 18:54:44 <Taede> youll want to save that one for last 18:55:09 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.channels #openttdcoop #openttdcoop.stable #openttdcoop.pro #openttdcoop.nightly 18:55:09 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 18:59:15 <Taede> ill also need to improve debug-logging in soap v2 19:00:45 <Taede> i take it openttd has no reason to disconnect an adminclient once the connection is established properly? (aside from losing connection or invalid packets that is) 19:03:56 <planetmaker> not that I know. Doesn't mean there isn't any other than admin client saying 'good bye' or reasons you mentioned 19:06:17 <Taede> dont think soap/loa2 has one either. and theres not much useful log output 19:07:31 <Taede> (openttd does just say that the adminclient has disconnected, so theres probably something going on soapside or network-related 19:08:05 <Taede> just need to dig into networking at some point 19:08:22 <Taede> or put more of the lib into soap directly 19:09:38 <planetmaker> you probably can catch the connection terminated signal. Or detect a dead connection somehow 19:17:15 <planetmaker> !reload Soap 19:17:17 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:17:53 <planetmaker> !start 19:17:54 <coopserver> planetmaker: OFS location invalid. Please review plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:17:59 <planetmaker> aha 19:20:30 *** coopserver has quit IRC 19:21:54 <planetmaker> Taede, what do I need to do to restart coopserver? 19:24:52 *** coopserver has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:25:44 <planetmaker> !start 19:25:45 <coopserver> planetmaker: OFS location invalid. Please review plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:26:03 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:26:04 <coopserver> planetmaker: Global: /home/openttdserver/; #openttdcoop.nightly: /home/openttdserver/ 19:27:33 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation /home/openttd/svn-nightly/server 19:27:34 <coopserver> planetmaker: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 19:27:38 <planetmaker> !whoami 19:27:39 <coopserver> planetmaker: I don't recognize you. 19:27:52 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation /home/openttd/svn-nightly/server 19:27:52 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:27:56 <planetmaker> !start 19:27:57 <coopserver> planetmaker: OFS location invalid. Please review plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:28:04 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:28:04 <coopserver> planetmaker: Global: /home/openttd/svn-nightly/server; #openttdcoop.nightly: /home/openttd/svn-nightly/server 19:28:25 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation /home/openttdserver 19:28:25 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:28:47 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation #openttdcoop.nightly /home/openttdserver 19:28:48 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:28:50 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:28:51 <coopserver> planetmaker: Global: #openttdcoop.nightly /home/openttdserver; #openttdcoop.nightly: #openttdcoop.nightly /home/openttdserver 19:29:01 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation /home/openttdserver 19:29:01 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:29:03 <planetmaker> !config plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:29:03 <coopserver> planetmaker: Global: /home/openttdserver; #openttdcoop.nightly: /home/openttdserver 19:31:35 <Taede> nononono 19:31:44 <Taede> dont change the globals! 19:32:25 <planetmaker> I didn't mean to :) 19:32:32 <planetmaker> I set it back to what it was, though 19:32:33 <Taede> use !config channel plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:32:36 <Taede> :) 19:32:45 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:32:45 <coopserver> Taede: /home/openttdserver 19:32:53 <Taede> !config channel #openttdcoop.stable plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:32:54 <coopserver> Taede: ssh openttd@games.openttdcoop.org '~/svn-stable/server/{OFS}' 19:32:55 <planetmaker> looked / looks strange, though 19:33:17 <Taede> globals are not usually used really, they are just defaults 19:33:20 <planetmaker> !config channel #openttdcoop.nightly plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:33:20 <coopserver> planetmaker: /home/openttdserver 19:33:29 <Taede> most stuff should be set on a per-server basis 19:33:31 <planetmaker> !config channel #openttdcoop.nightly plugins.Soap.ofslocation ~/svn-nightly/server/{OFS} 19:33:31 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:33:39 <planetmaker> !config channel #openttdcoop.nightly plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:33:40 <coopserver> planetmaker: ~/svn-nightly/server/{OFS} 19:33:48 <planetmaker> !start 19:33:49 <coopserver> planetmaker: OFS location invalid. Please review plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:33:58 <planetmaker> !config channel #openttdcoop.nightly plugins.Soap.ofslocation ~/svn-nightly/server/ofs 19:33:58 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:33:59 <planetmaker> !start 19:34:01 <coopserver> planetmaker: OFS location invalid. Please review plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:34:04 <planetmaker> meh 19:34:10 <planetmaker> !config channel #openttdcoop.nightly plugins.Soap.ofslocation ~/svn-nightly/server/{OFS} 19:34:10 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:34:13 <Taede> [19:32:49] <@Taede> !config channel #openttdcoop.stable plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:34:16 <Taede> [19:32:49] <coopserver> Taede: ssh openttd@games.openttdcoop.org '~/svn-stable/server/{OFS}' 19:34:19 <Taede> look carefully 19:35:19 <Taede> hint: coopserver runs on a different vm than most openttd servers 19:35:50 <planetmaker> !config channel #openttdcoop.nightly plugins.Soap.ofslocation ssh openttd@games.openttdcoop.org '~/svn-stable/server/{OFS}' 19:35:51 <coopserver> planetmaker: The operation succeeded. 19:35:56 <planetmaker> right. of course :) 19:35:59 <planetmaker> !start 19:36:00 <coopserver> OpenTTD appears to be running already. Try !apconnect instead 19:36:05 <planetmaker> ach? 19:36:16 <planetmaker> !apconnect 19:36:16 <coopserver> Connecting... 19:36:16 <coopserver> Connection failed 19:36:55 <planetmaker> there's also no 3rd one 19:36:56 <planetmaker> hm 19:37:06 <Taede> 3rd one? 19:37:14 <planetmaker> stable / PZ / this one 19:37:37 <planetmaker> stable and PZ are running as openttd instances 19:38:22 <Taede> right, troubleshooting: try running ofs-start.py from the actual server directory and see what happens 19:38:58 <planetmaker> first fixing firewall 19:39:07 <Taede> yeah, sounds important 19:40:35 <Taede> tbh, the ports wrt to games.o.o should be reviewed 19:40:48 <planetmaker> I allowed the ports now as on the wiki 19:40:55 <Taede> thatll work 19:41:05 <planetmaker> that's what I tempered with. But just saw that stable was failing to advertize :) 19:44:41 <planetmaker> right, let's assume that now advertising works again 19:45:02 <planetmaker> !start 19:45:03 <coopserver> OpenTTD appears to be running already. Try !apconnect instead 19:45:06 <planetmaker> hm 19:45:14 <planetmaker> why would it say that? 19:45:23 <Taede> try running ofs-start.py from ~/svn-nightly/server/ to find out 19:46:02 <planetmaker> that doesn't complain. It forks an openttd into background :D 19:46:34 <planetmaker> so... wrongly configured dir? 19:48:46 <Taede> hmm 19:49:36 <planetmaker> !config #openttdcoop.nightly plugins.Soap.ChannelValue 19:49:36 <coopserver> planetmaker: Error: 'supybot.#openttdcoop.nightly' is not a valid configuration variable. 19:49:50 <Taede> !start 19:49:51 <coopserver> OpenTTD appears to be running already. Try !apconnect instead 19:49:55 <Taede> hm 19:50:32 <Taede> lemme turn off soap packet debugging, so botlog becomes usefull 19:51:19 <Taede> !reload Soap 19:51:19 <coopserver> Taede: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 19:51:30 <Taede> !reload Soap 19:51:34 <coopserver> Taede: The operation succeeded. 19:53:08 <Taede> !start 19:53:10 <coopserver> OpenTTD appears to be running already. Try !apconnect instead 19:53:20 <Taede> !apconnect 19:53:20 <coopserver> Connecting... 19:53:20 <coopserver> Connection failed 19:54:34 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.ofslocation 19:54:34 <coopserver> Taede: ssh openttd@games.openttdcoop.org '~/svn-stable/server/{OFS}' 19:54:39 <Taede> ah 19:54:54 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.ofslocationssh openttd@games.openttdcoop.org '~/svn-nightly/server/{OFS}' 19:54:55 <coopserver> Taede: Error: 'supybot.plugins.Soap.ofslocationssh' is not a valid configuration variable. 19:55:08 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.ofslocation ssh openttd@games.openttdcoop.org '~/svn-nightly/server/{OFS}' 19:55:08 <coopserver> Taede: The operation succeeded. 19:55:14 <Taede> you were trying to start stable again 19:55:16 <Taede> !start 19:55:17 <coopserver> Server is starting... 19:55:19 <Taede> brb 19:56:15 <planetmaker> omg :) 20:12:54 <Taede> back 20:12:56 <Taede> !apconnect 20:12:57 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:12:57 <coopserver> Connection failed 20:13:34 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.port 20:13:34 <coopserver> Taede: 3977 20:14:12 <Taede> !!config channel plugins.Soap.port 3996 20:14:17 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.port 3996 20:14:17 <coopserver> Taede: The operation succeeded. 20:14:28 <Taede> !apconnect 20:14:28 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:14:28 <coopserver> Connection failed 20:14:37 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.host 20:14:38 <coopserver> Taede: 20:14:50 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.host games.openttdcoop.org 20:14:50 <coopserver> Taede: The operation succeeded. 20:14:54 <Taede> !apconnect 20:14:54 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:15:09 <Taede> right, its now connecting to the right server now at least 20:17:27 <planetmaker> hm :) 20:17:50 <Taede> btw, this server advertises fine yet stable still seems to have trouble 20:28:22 <planetmaker> hm, true. Let me re-check 20:29:16 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.serverID 20:29:16 <coopserver> Taede: default 20:29:32 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.serverID goal 20:29:33 <coopserver> Taede: The operation succeeded. 20:30:11 <Taede> !apconnect 20:30:12 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:31:29 <Taede> not sure why the connection is failing 20:35:01 <planetmaker> ok, I messed up a bit the port config. Possibly got better now 20:35:19 <Taede> !apconnect 20:35:20 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:35:28 <Taede> brb 20:37:04 <planetmaker> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/show/ydgg9u3ifeH0gYoqJHvx/ <-- or do I still miss anything? 20:41:22 <Taede> dont see anything wrong tbh 20:41:34 <Taede> im assuming the outbound ports are in there just not pasted 20:43:36 <Taede> it does actually connect to nightly, just disconnects immediately 20:45:40 <Taede> !reload Soap 20:45:42 <coopserver> Taede: The operation succeeded. 20:45:55 <Taede> !apconnect 20:45:56 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:48:07 <Taede> !apconnect 20:48:08 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:48:09 <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Goal Server (www.openttdcoop.org) (Version r26358) 20:48:17 <Taede> mustve had a trailing space or something 20:49:05 <planetmaker> well, I changed things 15 minutes ago :) 20:49:05 <Taede> i re-set the password in soap, now it works 20:49:10 <planetmaker> oh :) 20:51:59 <Taede> !config channel plugins.Soap.autoConnect True 20:52:00 <coopserver> Taede: The operation succeeded. 20:52:35 <Taede> thats the basic connection set up anyway 20:52:41 <Taede> set up any others as you wish 20:53:29 <planetmaker> what you mean with other connections? 20:54:07 <Taede> other settings for this connection 20:54:32 * Taede needs to learn to be less consise sometimes 20:55:06 <Taede> theres like playAsPlayer, or passwordInterval 20:55:56 <planetmaker> ah, ok. These kind of settings :) 20:56:31 <Taede> yup, miscellanious section of config.py 20:56:46 <planetmaker> sorry, didn't read that thoroughly yet :) 20:56:59 <planetmaker> reminds me... wanted to fix link in wiki which points to it 20:58:36 <Taede> like a direct link you mean? 20:58:43 <planetmaker> yes. fixed 20:58:53 <planetmaker> the direct link was 404 :) 20:59:21 <Taede> ah, thx 21:09:19 <Taede> !info 21:09:19 <coopserver> Taede: #openttdcoop - Goal Server (www.openttdcoop.org), Version: r26358, date: Jan 01 1975, map size: 256x256, address: publicserver-new.openttdcoop.org:3983 21:25:31 <Taede> don't suppose you fancy transferring ps.o.o to the new ps, and setting up a coopserver.o.o? 21:34:26 <planetmaker> you mean the domain name? Hm... NOt today anymore. But... yes, should be done 21:34:36 <planetmaker> now I fancy a shower and some sleep tbh :) 21:34:46 <Taede> :D 21:34:53 <Taede> wont be too long here either 21:43:59 <planetmaker> you want a separate VM for coopserver? 21:44:47 <planetmaker> or just the name? 21:46:14 <planetmaker> !content 21:46:16 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 21:46:21 <planetmaker> !content update 21:46:27 <planetmaker> !content 21:46:28 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 22:03:43 <Taede> i'd be content with just a name, depends on what criteria you and spike use for determining when something needs a separate vm 22:04:03 <Taede> !contentupdate 22:04:04 <coopserver> Taede: Performing content update 22:04:05 <coopserver> Content server connection established 22:04:21 <Taede> !content 22:04:22 <coopserver> Downloading 10 file(s) (3319224 bytes) 22:05:04 <Taede> !content 22:05:05 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 22:05:17 <coopserver> Content server connection closed 22:10:28 <planetmaker> the criteria are fuzzy :) Something between 'too much work' and 'clean separation'. Depends on astrology 22:13:00 <Taede> just name then, its already set up 22:20:29 <planetmaker> ok, I'll try to see whether I can look into that tomorrow. For now a good night :) 22:21:13 <Taede> same here 22:21:17 <Taede> gnite 23:07:33 *** Zuu has quit IRC