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10:45:32 *** Happpy has quit IRC 12:08:28 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 14:29:07 *** Happpy is now known as Guest2936 14:29:52 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 14:31:16 *** Guest2936 has quit IRC 14:52:22 *** happpy has quit IRC 14:53:20 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 15:01:31 <Happpy> Hi planetmark just let you no that the screem shot don't work on the openttd 1.9 15:01:39 <Happpy> 1.9.p 15:01:44 <Happpy> 1.9.0 15:04:50 <planetmaker> hm, no? 15:05:29 <planetmaker> it works for me... ctrl + s 15:05:47 <Happpy> It's broken it show the tolbay 15:06:04 <Happpy> It dont show the tolbar 15:06:22 <planetmaker> eh? 15:06:31 <Happpy> Or the date in the game 15:06:32 <planetmaker> it shows the whole OpenTTD window including everything 15:06:43 <Happpy> Hmm 15:06:44 <Happpy> Ok 15:07:31 <planetmaker> works for me. If it doesn't for you - please open a bug report with exact details how to reproduce and an example 15:07:40 <planetmaker> at github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD 15:08:34 <Happpy> Ok 18:43:46 *** Happpy has quit IRC 19:44:58 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 19:45:30 <Happpy> Hi planetmark the opentrdcop websit the home bit is ofline 19:55:06 <Happpy> Planetmaker ar you ther 19:56:08 <planetmaker> wtf?! 19:56:19 <planetmaker> thx for notification 19:58:34 <Happpy> The uver bits from the opentrdcop websit works good just the home page 20:30:24 <Happpy> Do we no the problem or how lone it Will take planetmaker 20:35:23 <planetmaker> not yet 20:36:46 <Happpy> Ok let me no when info pop up or when it's fixs 20:37:20 <planetmaker> it's just www.o.o / blog.o.o as far as I see 20:39:07 <Happpy> Hmn 20:39:08 <Happpy> Ok 20:40:49 <Happpy> Ok so now what 20:41:24 <planetmaker> you need that right now for anything? 20:42:39 <Happpy> Hmm wil i had to go to this for the irc http://irc.openttdcoop.org/?channels=openttdcoop 20:42:56 <Happpy> For the irc 20:43:39 <Happpy> So no but i can wate 20:44:05 <planetmaker> irc.o.o works for me? 20:47:26 <Happpy> See i go to the opentrdcop home page to get the irc 20:47:47 <planetmaker> ah 20:50:16 <planetmaker> !rcon save 20:50:16 <coopserver> Not connected!! 20:50:19 <planetmaker> !apconnect 20:50:19 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:50:20 <coopserver> Connection failed 20:50:22 <planetmaker> !apconnect 20:50:22 <coopserver> Connecting... 20:50:23 <coopserver> Connection failed 21:45:30 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 21:45:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 21:52:22 <Happpy> Ok so we all back online now 21:52:34 <planetmaker> yes, seems like it 21:52:38 <planetmaker> thanks again for the notification 21:52:42 <Happpy> Np 21:53:30 <Happpy> Is it possible to set the admin power on the opentrdcop public server just in cace we had to do it a gen 21:56:34 <planetmaker> yes, I set that already :) 21:57:13 <Happpy> Sweet 21:57:17 <Happpy> Thanks 21:57:21 <planetmaker> np 22:05:29 <Happpy> What do you mean by private comuniation with the bot 22:17:19 <Happpy> Yeah i have try that but got nufing