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15:13:08 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 15:29:23 *** Happpy is now known as Guest4959 15:30:01 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 15:34:05 *** Guest4959 has quit IRC 17:38:39 *** happpy has quit IRC 18:58:12 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.nightly 20:35:08 <Happpy> Hi planetmark 20:55:12 <Happpy> I don't no what the problem whive the #openttdcoop welcome server It's not starting up 20:56:42 <Happpy> Aney way i don't whont to breack the sever so i leve it for now 20:56:51 <Happpy> Gn 21:09:00 *** Happpy has quit IRC