Log for on 10th May 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
03:13:47  *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC
03:58:44  <ProZone> *** Heliotose has left the game (connection lost)
03:58:52  <ProZone> *** Heliotose has left the game (connection lost)
03:59:09  <ProZone> *** Heliotose has left the game (connection lost)
05:01:44  *** Booth_ has joined
05:02:20  *** [1]Mark has joined
05:05:32  *** Kommer_ has joined
05:06:09  *** Booth has quit IRC
05:06:09  *** ProZone has quit IRC
05:06:09  *** Kommer has quit IRC
05:06:10  *** Mark has quit IRC
05:06:21  *** Booth_ is now known as Booth
06:59:13  *** ODM has joined
08:13:58  *** Webster has joined
08:13:58  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster
08:40:56  *** Kolo has joined
09:09:53  <XeryusTC> !password
09:10:24  <XeryusTC> !password
09:10:42  <XeryusTC> wack
09:12:34  <XeryusTC> hmm
09:12:40  <XeryusTC> no one is playing right?
09:13:03  *** ProZone has joined
09:13:03  <ProZone> Autopilot engaged
09:13:03  <ProZone> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop ProZone ('
09:13:03  <ProZone> @revision r16254
09:13:03  *** Webster changes topic to " - Advanced #openttdcoop gameplay | #7 (r16254) | STAGE: planning | visit"
09:13:20  <XeryusTC> !password
09:13:20  <ProZone> XeryusTC: quiets
09:13:28  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC joined the game
09:16:36  <XeryusTC> hmm, wtf
09:16:40  <XeryusTC> it unpaused :o
09:16:44  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
09:16:49  <XeryusTC> oh :P
09:16:53  <XeryusTC> booth was trying to join :P
09:16:58  <Booth> !password
09:16:58  <ProZone> Booth: quiets
09:17:10  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game
09:17:14  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> morning
09:17:24  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hello
09:21:12  *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark
09:21:16  <Mark> morning
09:21:24  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hey mark :)
09:21:46  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I think I may have built the factory wrong
09:22:06  <Mark> !password
09:22:06  <ProZone> Mark: paring
09:22:08  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> that's not very good :P
09:22:23  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> well i have room for the drop
09:22:31  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but no room for a pickup
09:22:37  <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost)
09:22:39  <ProZone> *** Mark #1 joined the game
09:23:03  <ProZone> *** Mark #1 has changed his/her name to Marx
09:23:05  <ProZone> *** Marx has changed his/her name to Mark
09:23:13  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> karl marx! :D
09:23:17  <ProZone> <Mark> :P
09:25:48  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> someone should go building an SLH
09:26:02  <ProZone> <Mark> i might after taking a shower
09:26:08  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i am finishing the factory area
09:26:14  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i think i have worked it out now
09:27:29  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> freeform map edges <3
09:27:48  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> same
09:32:05  <ProZone> *** Kolo joined the game
09:32:36  <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (connection lost)
09:33:10  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hmm, i think these 30 platforms should be enough :P
09:33:34  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i have gone for 16 at my drop
09:33:52  <ProZone> <Mark> after pz05 i'll never say enough again
09:33:55  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch gradual_jloading 0
09:33:55  <ProZone> XeryusTC: 'gradual_jloading' is an unknown setting.
09:34:02  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> :P
09:34:02  <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (connection lost)
09:34:11  <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (connection lost)
09:34:19  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> wise decision that is :P
09:34:40  <ProZone> *** Kolo joined the game
09:34:52  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> heh pwnt :P
09:34:52  <ProZone> <Mark> fail :P
09:35:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i know :'(
09:35:03  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch gradual_loading 0
09:35:15  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch town_growth_rate 0
09:38:13  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> only 26 platforms left :o
09:39:41  <ProZone> <Mark> nasty coal mine in my way
09:39:59  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> should've picked a better spot then :P
09:40:01  <ProZone> <Mark> :P
09:41:44  <ProZone> <Mark> well that came out pretty ugly
09:42:06  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> is that what your dad said to your mum?
09:42:40  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> heh :P
09:43:58  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> Factory pickup is now made
09:47:00  <ProZone> <Mark> there you have your SLH
09:47:11  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> heh, my drop station entry is becomming le ugly :s
09:47:43  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i have to go now
09:47:50  <ProZone> <Mark> cya
09:47:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but can someone build a merge to ML north at factory please?
09:48:09  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
09:48:09  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
09:54:48  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> this is one crappy entrance :o
09:55:02  <ProZone> <Mark> :)
09:55:24  <ProZone> <Mark> first train running
09:55:30  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yay!
09:55:32  <ProZone> <Mark> theyre cute
09:55:50  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> this looks just way too silly
09:55:57  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> and i can see 1k of them running already :D
09:56:19  <ProZone> <Mark> heh
09:56:22  <ProZone> <Mark> no factory
09:56:28  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> lol
09:56:30  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> fund it then :P
09:56:42  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> oh, not enough likeness :o
09:56:56  <ProZone> <Mark> its there
09:57:02  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yeah, i saw :P
09:57:04  <ProZone> <Mark> just wasnt connected
09:57:08  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> indeed
09:57:18  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> you were faster then me with the trees :P
09:57:22  <ProZone> <Mark> :P
09:58:21  <ProZone> <Mark> wow
09:58:31  <ProZone> <Mark> instant unloading
09:58:33  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> ?
09:58:36  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yeah
09:58:42  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i turned gradual loading off :P
09:58:48  <ProZone> <Mark> heh
09:58:50  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> it's faster on small trains usually :P
10:00:18  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> oh noes! breakdowns :s
10:00:22  <Mark> !rcon patch raw_industry_construction 1
10:00:22  <ProZone> Mark: you are not allowed to use !rcon
10:00:26  <Mark> @op
10:00:27  <Mark> !rcon patch raw_industry_construction 1
10:00:27  <ProZone> Mark: you are not allowed to use !rcon
10:00:32  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch vehicle_breakdowns
10:00:32  <ProZone> XeryusTC: Current value for 'vehicle_breakdowns' is: '1' (min: 0, max: 2)
10:00:35  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch vehicle_breakdowns 0
10:01:03  <XeryusTC> Mark: you want to build raw industries already?
10:01:36  <Mark> i want to set it to prospecting
10:02:55  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i really wonder how those huge tunnels will work out for throughput :o
10:03:12  <ProZone> <Mark> should be fine
10:04:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> Mark: feel like making an entry?
10:04:21  <ProZone> <Mark> no :P
10:04:35  <ProZone> <Mark> im going to my grandparents in a bit
10:04:41  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hmm, ok
10:09:59  <Kommer_> !password
10:09:59  <ProZone> Kommer_: igloos
10:10:02  <Kommer_> morning
10:10:06  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hello
10:10:09  *** Kommer_ is now known as Kommer
10:10:25  <ProZone> *** Kommer joined the game
10:10:28  <ProZone> <Kommer> how's the game going?
10:10:54  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> we got our first trains running :D
10:11:04  <ProZone> <Kommer> nice :)
10:12:07  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> Kommer: can you make another entry at the oil+wood stuff?
10:12:17  <ProZone> <Kommer> ill look at it in a minute, ok?
10:12:23  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> sure :)
10:12:35  <ProZone> <Kommer> you mean get them connected?
10:12:49  <ProZone> <Kommer> or make the entrance to the pickup?
10:12:49  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i need another entry for the pickup
10:12:59  <ProZone> <Kommer> thats a hard one :)
10:13:01  <ProZone> <Kommer> but i'll give it a go
10:13:13  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> and then i'll try to work some magic on the ML stuff :P
10:13:17  <ProZone> <Kommer> ok :)
10:13:33  <ProZone> <Kommer> the pickup entry needs to be at the bottom, because of the hill on the side of the map
10:13:43  <ProZone> <Kommer> so it wont be nice to look at i think
10:13:49  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> well, just terraform alot :P
10:14:00  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i made that entire hill :P
10:14:10  <ProZone> <Kommer> ow didnt know I could terraform the edge of the map
10:14:12  <ProZone> <Kommer> nevermind :)
10:17:25  <ProZone> *** AmmIer joined the game
10:18:10  <ProZone> <AmmIer> hmm, maglev
10:18:31  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> what else did you expect?
10:18:37  <ProZone> <AmmIer> :-)
10:19:11  <ProZone> <AmmIer> is 2x45 not enough?
10:19:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> it is
10:19:31  <ProZone> <AmmIer> but=
10:19:33  <ProZone> <AmmIer> ?
10:19:39  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> but it was decided to use CL2 for estethic reasons i think
10:19:45  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> at least on the ML :P
10:19:51  <ProZone> <AmmIer> :-)
10:20:26  <ProZone> <AmmIer> something left to do?
10:20:40  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> coal+ore
10:20:42  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> and slhs :P
10:25:14  <ProZone> <AmmIer> nice stell mill
10:25:32  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hehe :P
10:25:48  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> Kommer: quite annoying huh, building an entry for something like that :o
10:27:51  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> brb, shower
10:28:13  <ProZone> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
10:33:12  <ODM> !password
10:33:12  <ProZone> ODM: footed
10:33:20  <ProZone> *** 0DM joined the game
10:35:16  <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (leaving)
10:35:16  <ProZone> *** 0DM has left the game (connection lost)
10:41:53  <XeryusTC> back
10:45:35  <ProZone> <AmmIer> stations for 1 tile trains are going to be bigger then 5 tile stations
10:50:30  *** Webster has joined
10:50:30  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster
10:52:42  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> ugly hack is ugly :P
11:02:22  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> stupid power plant :o
11:04:54  <XeryusTC> !tunnels 1 8
11:07:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> so what's everyone up to?
11:11:50  <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (leaving)
11:11:50  <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost)
11:14:52  <Ammler> !gap 1 8
11:14:52  <ProZone> Ammler: You need 3 tunnels/bridges for trainlength 1 and gap 8.
11:18:39  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> brb
11:19:05  <Ammler> XeryusTC: use spectators for afk mode
11:19:18  <Ammler> !players
11:19:20  <ProZone> Ammler: Client 3 (Orange) is XeryusTC, in company 1 (OTT Transport)
11:19:20  <ProZone> Ammler: Client 18 (Orange) is Kommer, in company 1 (OTT Transport)
11:19:20  <ProZone> Ammler: Client 17 (Orange) is Kolo, in company 1 (OTT Transport)
11:19:20  <ProZone> Ammler: Client 19 is AmmIer, a spectator
11:19:46  <ProZone> *** Kolo has joined spectators
11:21:02  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> back
11:21:05  <XeryusTC> :o
11:21:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> what is everyone doing anyway?
11:21:39  <ProZone> <Kommer> was making a goods train. nothing more. need to work :/
11:25:48  <Ammler> well, all can pause unpause that server anyway.
11:25:52  <Ammler> !unpause
11:25:52  <ProZone> *** Ammler has unpaused the server.
11:25:54  <Ammler> !pause
11:25:54  <ProZone> *** Ammler has paused the server.
11:25:58  <Ammler> !auto
11:25:58  <ProZone> *** Ammler has enabled autopause mode.
11:26:05  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> :o
11:26:47  <ProZone> *** Kolo has joined company #1
11:27:42  <Ammler> hmm, I have an idea
11:28:13  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> oh?
11:31:43  <ProZone> *** Kolo has joined spectators
11:32:56  <ProZone> *** AmmIer has left the game (leaving)
11:32:56  <ProZone> *** AmmIer has left the game (connection lost)
11:35:22  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> the oil drop is semi connected :o
11:36:31  <XeryusTC> !gap 1 5
11:36:31  <ProZone> XeryusTC: You need 2 tunnels/bridges for trainlength 1 and gap 5.
11:38:50  <Ammler> works also ingame
11:39:49  <XeryusTC> heh :P
11:39:54  <ProZone> <Kommer> ?
11:40:18  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> Kommer: dont worry, the entire area is kind of a wtf :P
11:40:21  <ProZone> <Kommer> :P
11:40:31  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> seeing as i only planned global ideas :P
11:40:34  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> and not what goes where :P
11:42:24  *** StarLite has joined
11:44:20  <ProZone> *** tneo joined the game
11:45:18  <ProZone> <tneo> when did this game start?
11:45:24  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yesterday :P
11:46:44  <ProZone> <tneo> we should get notification of new games ... ;)
11:46:58  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> get onto irc more often :P
11:47:08  <ProZone> <tneo> even more?
11:47:18  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> also, it's in the topic from the PS channel :P
11:47:33  <ProZone> <tneo> there is no live in PRO for weeks and then suddenly a game is started and almost build already
11:47:44  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> we need slhs :P
11:47:46  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> still
11:48:30  <ProZone> <tneo> the topic on PS is way to long and I don't read that constantly...
11:48:46  <ProZone> *** tneo has left the game (leaving)
11:48:46  <ProZone> *** tneo has left the game (connection lost)
11:48:54  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> fair point :P
11:49:57  <tneo> well enjoy, going to get some sunshine... cu later
11:50:25  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> have fun
11:58:16  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> well,that's all the entry stuff to the oil/wood stuff done :D
12:02:02  <de_ghosty> !dl win32
12:02:02  <ProZone> de_ghosty:
12:03:31  <de_ghosty> !password
12:03:32  <ProZone> de_ghosty: sugars
12:03:46  <ProZone> *** de______Ghost joined the game
12:03:49  <ProZone> *** de______Ghost has joined company #1
12:04:06  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> ello
12:04:46  <ProZone> <de______Ghost> tl 1?
12:04:48  <ProZone> <de______Ghost> lol
12:04:58  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> jup :P
12:05:30  <ProZone> <de______Ghost> i don't think 4 platform a line will do odm for tl1 and maglev
12:05:52  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> 1 tile is unloaded really quickly ;)
12:06:26  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> anyway, go build us some more SLHs :P
12:07:17  <ProZone> <de______Ghost> o ur right
12:07:43  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> ofcourse i am :P
12:07:55  <de_ghosty> anyways time for bed
12:08:19  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> ok
12:08:21  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> cya
12:16:18  <XeryusTC> !players
12:16:20  <ProZone> XeryusTC: Client 3 (Orange) is XeryusTC, in company 1 (OTT Transport)
12:16:20  <ProZone> XeryusTC: Client 18 (Orange) is Kommer, in company 1 (OTT Transport)
12:16:20  <ProZone> XeryusTC: Client 17 is Kolo, a spectator
12:16:20  <ProZone> XeryusTC: Client 23 (Orange) is de______Ghost, in company 1 (OTT Transport)
12:17:35  <ProZone> *** de______Ghost has left the game (leaving)
12:17:35  <ProZone> *** de______Ghost has left the game (connection lost)
12:17:55  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost)
12:49:54  <ODM> 6 platforms actually
12:53:20  <ProZone> *** Kommer has joined spectators
13:06:20  <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (connection lost)
13:36:20  <ProZone> *** Kommer has left the game (leaving)
13:36:20  <ProZone> *** Kommer has left the game (connection lost)
13:38:38  *** Kolo has quit IRC
13:46:48  *** KenjiE20|SSH has joined
13:46:48  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20|SSH
13:48:29  <Booth> !password
13:48:29  <ProZone> Booth: tyrant
13:48:57  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game
13:55:49  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
13:56:49  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
13:56:49  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
14:10:05  *** Kolo has joined
14:10:41  <ProZone> *** Kolo joined the game
14:14:30  <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (leaving)
14:14:30  <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (connection lost)
14:18:34  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
14:30:37  <ProZone> *** tneo joined the game
14:32:05  <ProZone> *** tneo has left the game (leaving)
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14:37:12  <XeryusTC> !password
14:37:12  <ProZone> XeryusTC: welder
14:37:20  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC joined the game
14:42:38  <XeryusTC> !unpause
14:42:38  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has unpaused the server.
14:45:16  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch raw_industry_construction 2
14:53:18  <XeryusTC> !pause auto
14:53:18  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has paused the server.
14:53:23  <XeryusTC> !autopause
14:53:27  <XeryusTC> !pauseauto
14:53:44  <XeryusTC> !auto
14:53:44  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has enabled autopause mode.
15:19:47  *** KenjiE20 has joined
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16:09:49  <Booth> !password
16:09:49  <ProZone> Booth: tiding
16:09:59  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game
16:21:06  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> t
16:21:32  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
16:21:32  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
16:57:03  <XeryusTC> hmm
16:57:10  <XeryusTC> why is no one playing anymore? :o
16:57:36  <XeryusTC> !unpause
16:57:36  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has unpaused the server.
16:57:56  *** Kolo has quit IRC
16:58:25  <ProZone> *** AmmIer joined the game
16:58:27  <XeryusTC> !auto
16:58:27  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has enabled autopause mode.
16:58:50  <ProZone> <AmmIer> hello :-)
16:58:56  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yarr
16:59:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> see the mess that we call the wood drop :P
16:59:59  <ProZone> <AmmIer> wow
17:00:21  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> indeed :P
17:01:01  <ProZone> <AmmIer> but looks nice
17:01:09  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hehe, ty
17:02:07  <ProZone> <AmmIer> then only ore/coal drop is missing?
17:02:10  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yes
17:02:44  <ProZone> <AmmIer> looks like I am going to build that?
17:02:51  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> well, you could
17:02:59  <ProZone> <AmmIer> but?
17:03:07  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> but nothing :)
17:05:51  <Ammler> !setdef
17:05:51  <ProZone> *** Ammler has disabled wait_for_pbs_path, wait_twoway_signal, wait_oneway_signal, enabled no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns and set path_backoff_interval to 1
17:14:37  *** Mucht has joined
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17:23:32  *** Kolo has joined
17:27:25  *** Progman has joined
17:27:27  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> new slh build :D
17:29:21  <ProZone> <AmmIer> acient grfs in this game
17:29:26  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch refinery limit
17:29:26  <ProZone> XeryusTC: 'refinery' is an unknown setting.
17:29:30  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch refinery_limit
17:29:30  <ProZone> XeryusTC: 'refinery_limit' is an unknown setting.
17:29:38  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch oil_refinery_limit
17:29:38  <ProZone> XeryusTC: Current value for 'oil_refinery_limit' is: '16' (min: 12, max: 48)
17:29:41  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch oil_refinery_limit 48
17:31:36  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> ammler: yeah i just picked some grfs :P
17:31:45  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> mostly stations :P
17:32:03  <ProZone> <AmmIer> industries are double
17:32:13  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i know :P
17:32:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i added the old one too :P
17:32:24  <ProZone> <AmmIer> yep
17:32:52  <Booth> !password
17:32:52  <ProZone> Booth: foxier
17:33:02  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game
17:33:07  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> hello
17:33:20  <ProZone> <AmmIer> hi
17:33:26  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yarr
17:34:56  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> why does mark like bridges so much :s
17:35:12  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> they take up less room the tunnels
17:35:18  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> they dont
17:35:20  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> when 2 or 3 wide
17:35:43  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> people just build them so you need an extra ramp on or off
17:38:54  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i try and mix bridges and tunnels as much as possible
17:39:04  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but over diagonal bridges are better
17:39:34  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> that depends on how close you want to build everything to each other
17:39:45  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> as tunnels are better for keeping max speed
17:40:08  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> max speed doesnt make a differnce with 500MPH bridges
17:43:35  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> no slows i the joys of ott building
17:44:01  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> jup :P
17:44:49  <Ammler> brb
17:44:55  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> ok
17:44:58  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> central SLH is now complete
17:45:16  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> long bridges are long
17:45:26  <ProZone> *** AmmIer has joined spectators
17:45:41  <XeryusTC> !rcon reset_company 2
17:45:41  <ProZone> XeryusTC: Company deleted.
17:45:54  <ProZone> <AmmIer> you can trash my station or finish it
17:45:54  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ghosty
17:46:08  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> AmmIer: error i think
17:46:19  <ProZone> <AmmIer> maybe I am back in 1 h or dunno
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17:48:27  <ProZone> *** AmmIer has left the game (leaving)
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17:53:22  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> FFS my coal mine i was using just dies
17:53:32  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> we dont have a coal drop yet
17:54:02  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ooh
17:55:09  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> the industries are dieing to fast on this map
17:58:35  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> bah, train stuck in a prio
17:58:42  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> lol
17:58:48  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> where?
17:58:52  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> bbh 1
17:58:54  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> it's gone now
17:58:57  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> and it jammed too :o
17:58:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> :'(
17:59:05  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> one of the problems with ott
17:59:23  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> more a problem of a poorly constructed prio :P
17:59:37  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it was marks
17:59:49  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> but it wasnt constructed properly :P
17:59:55  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it was marks
18:00:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> so it was his error :P
18:00:29  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i dont usualy check marks work
18:00:37  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> he doesnt usualy make errors
18:00:47  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> well, he did now :P
18:00:57  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> why do we need priors in ott game?
18:01:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> accel is so fast
18:01:09  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and train is only 1 tile
18:01:23  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> because 10 1 tile trains piled up is still a jam
18:01:25  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i think it is wrong to build priors in this game
18:02:20  <Mark> !password
18:02:20  <ProZone> Mark: noodle
18:02:27  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> who is build or was building the coal / ore drop?
18:02:31  <Mark> !password
18:02:31  <ProZone> Mark: noodle
18:03:01  <ProZone> *** Mark joined the game
18:03:02  <ProZone> <Mark> evening
18:03:06  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> yarr
18:03:12  <ProZone> <Mark> map is started zoomed out :P
18:03:18  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> i know ;)
18:04:36  <ProZone> <Mark> woot 249 cratos
18:04:40  <ProZone> <Mark> crates
18:05:43  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> Chris Booth: you've been bribing?
18:07:29  <Booth> not me
18:07:40  <Booth> i am playing in SP
18:08:07  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> :o
18:19:42  <ProZone> <Mark> trains are actually using the central ML
18:27:09  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> jup :D
18:32:05  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
18:32:07  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> hmm, jam :s
18:32:17  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> quite massive one at that
18:32:24  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> almost all trains were in it :o
18:32:38  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> where?
18:32:48  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> near your factory pickup merge
18:32:48  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> BBH 01 by chance?
18:33:16  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> and a missing signal in bbh 1
18:33:46  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> the bridge gaps in BBH 01 are 2 long
18:34:16  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> maybe some are
18:35:29  <ProZone> *** Kolo joined the game
18:36:00  <Kolo> why does it have to be zoomed out all the way?
18:36:08  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i dont know
18:36:11  <Kolo> at start i mean
18:36:13  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> did that for me aswell
18:36:15  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> because i saved it like that :P
18:36:36  <Booth> 1SAVE
18:36:40  <Booth> !save
18:36:40  <ProZone> Saving game...
18:36:42  <ProZone> Game saved
18:36:52  <SmatZ> oneoneone
18:36:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> will it do it now?
18:37:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> one?
18:37:19  <SmatZ> you would need to save that game, load in singleplayer, zoom in, save, load at server
18:49:14  <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (leaving)
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18:49:33  <XeryusTC> SmatZ: the client list window is broken in this revision btw
18:49:51  <XeryusTC> the pin button is off and it doesnt have a background
18:50:01  <SmatZ> XeryusTC: yeah, it's fixed in r16255 :-/
18:50:10  <XeryusTC> heh, ok :)
19:00:32  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost)
19:09:09  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
19:09:09  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
19:15:35  <ProZone> *** Kolo has left the game (leaving)
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19:43:03  <Ammler> !playercount
19:43:03  <ProZone> Ammler: Number of players: 0
19:44:33  <XeryusTC> Ammler: you want to finsh what you started?
19:44:47  <Ammler> well, it is ok.
19:44:47  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch raw_industry_construction 1
19:45:10  <Ammler> maybe I do tomorrow sometime...
20:37:32  *** Kolo has quit IRC
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