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00:02:49 *** ODM has quit IRC 00:14:35 *** mark has quit IRC 00:47:09 *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttdcoop.pro 00:47:10 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20|LT 00:47:26 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 02:31:16 *** Progman_ has joined #openttdcoop.pro 02:38:44 *** Progman has quit IRC 02:38:44 *** Progman_ is now known as Progman 03:18:27 *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC 07:35:28 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.pro 07:35:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 07:46:03 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop.pro 07:46:03 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^ 08:09:38 *** Progman has quit IRC 08:09:51 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop.pro 09:17:33 *** mark has joined #openttdcoop.pro 09:17:33 *** Webster sets mode: +o mark 09:20:50 *** Progman has quit IRC 09:44:52 *** [com]buster has joined #openttdcoop.pro 09:44:52 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [com]buster 10:04:55 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 11:57:30 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.pro 11:57:30 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 13:59:33 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.pro 14:10:48 *** Chris_Booth is now known as Guest380 14:11:00 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.pro 14:14:11 *** Guest380 has quit IRC 15:31:17 *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop.pro 17:15:18 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 18:24:46 <mark> anyone up for a town building game? 18:24:53 <mark> ie. cover the entire map in a nice town 18:24:54 <^Spike^> sure... 18:25:11 <mark> with lots of water, mountains, trains, buses, boats, heliports, bridegs 18:25:11 <^Spike^> i need some work on my sbahn skills.. ;) 18:25:35 <mark> no huge repetive microproccors please 18:25:40 <mark> processors even 18:25:45 <^Spike^> :D 18:25:53 <^Spike^> i said i could use some work on it :) 18:26:01 <^Spike^> !save 18:26:02 <ProZone> Saving game... 18:26:04 <ProZone> Game saved 18:26:10 <^Spike^> !transfer 18:26:10 <ProZone> ^Spike^: !transfer gamenr save: transfer the save to our web 18:26:16 <^Spike^> !transfer 10 game.sav 18:26:18 <ProZone> ^Spike^: ProZoneGame_10_Final.sav 18:26:18 <ProZone> ^Spike^: Transfer done. (/home/openttd/website/prozone/save/game.sav->http://www.openttdcoop.org//files/ProZone_archive/ProZoneGame_10_Final.sav) 18:26:22 <mark> i might make a map tomorrow, then :P 18:26:24 <tneo> nah 18:27:12 <mark> we could have an RV network using highways and a primary and secondary sbahn 18:27:33 * mark gets a lot of ideas 20:13:35 <Ammler> !tweet our first tweet from the ProZone :-) 20:16:15 <Ammler> !tweet our first tweet from the ProZone :-) 20:16:15 <ProZone> Ammler: !tweet <status>: tweets the status to our Twitter: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 20:16:28 <Ammler> hmm 20:17:47 <Ammler> !tweet 20:17:47 <ProZone> Ammler: !tweet <status>: tweets the status to our Twitter: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 20:17:50 <Ammler> !tweet our first tweet from the ProZone :-) 20:17:50 <ProZone> Ammler: Tweet sent: http://twitter.com/openttdcoop 20:18:30 <Ammler> mäh, no Osai here :-) 21:02:59 <Chris_Booth> Ammler: why tweet the prozone? 21:04:10 <Ammler> Chris_Booth: why does that matter? 21:04:30 <Ammler> #openttdcoop != #openttdcoop only 21:06:05 <Chris_Booth> no it doesnt 21:06:20 <Chris_Booth> i think if you want to social network chooce a desent site 21:06:23 <Chris_Booth> like facebook 22:25:16 *** [com]buster has quit IRC 22:40:08 *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC 22:44:52 *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.pro 23:12:34 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.pro 23:12:34 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 23:20:26 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 23:45:45 *** ODM has quit IRC 23:55:36 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC