Log for on 14th December 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:08:59  *** Progman has quit IRC
00:29:05  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:29:07  <ProZone> *** avdg joined the game
00:29:19  <ProZone> <avdg> so green :p
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03:15:19  <uliko> avdg: better than trees :)
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20:08:12  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
20:08:12  <ProZone> *** uliko joined the game
20:23:00  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
20:23:00  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
20:23:00  <ProZone> *** avdg joined the game
20:23:04  <ProZone> <avdg> hi
20:23:53  <ProZone> <uliko> Evening
20:24:43  <ProZone> <uliko> Nice to see some more faces in here :)
20:24:45  <ProZone> <avdg> this game is a lot faster then the other one :p
20:24:48  <ProZone> <avdg> yeah
20:24:54  <ProZone> <avdg> spend too much time on the other one :)
20:26:13  <ProZone> <uliko> Wood exit could use some work
20:26:27  <ProZone> <uliko> Also I'm working on a 3rd from 06 to 07 if you want to help
20:26:28  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002151D:
20:26:55  <ProZone> <avdg> third lane?
20:27:02  <ProZone> <uliko> Yeah
20:27:08  <ProZone> <uliko> Factory is all jammed up with only 2
20:27:10  <ProZone> <avdg> till that splitter
20:27:24  <ProZone> <uliko> Start at 07 if you want since im working on 06
20:28:40  *** V453000 has joined
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20:29:48  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00021D1F:
20:33:09  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003729A:
20:36:29  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002EB1E:
20:39:49  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003739E:
20:40:14  <ProZone> <uliko> Going to be a tight fit :p
20:40:22  <ProZone> <avdg> its not that bad
20:40:36  <ProZone> <uliko> Hah we'll see about that
20:40:52  <ProZone> <avdg> as long a simple merge is good enough
20:43:10  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00037998:
20:46:11  <ProZone> <avdg> bleh
20:46:13  <ProZone> <avdg> prio
20:46:19  <ProZone> <uliko> "
20:46:21  <ProZone> <uliko> ?
20:46:30  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003729A:
20:46:51  <ProZone> <uliko> Not very good :p
20:47:43  <ProZone> <avdg> that line is done
20:47:47  <ProZone> <avdg> except that 1 spot
20:49:50  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002DF2F:
20:53:10  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002E244:
20:55:02  <ProZone> <avdg> prio problem fixed :)
20:55:16  <ProZone> <uliko> Nice
20:55:18  <ProZone> <uliko> Factory is getting worse :p
20:55:32  <ProZone> <avdg> we can connect that line
20:55:36  <ProZone> <avdg> hope the exits can hold them
20:56:02  <ProZone> <uliko> Well this game is a constant stream of upgrading stuff :p
20:56:30  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002E438:
20:56:41  <ProZone> <avdg> hmm
20:58:02  <ProZone> <avdg> do you want to connect that line?
20:58:08  <ProZone> <uliko> What line?
20:58:31  <ProZone> <uliko> If its done then connect it :)
20:58:52  <ProZone> <avdg> I'm done
20:59:02  <ProZone> <avdg> but I don't want to mess up the exit
20:59:04  <ProZone> <uliko> Then go ahead
20:59:10  <ProZone> <uliko> Well it's just one big mess anyway :p
20:59:49  <ProZone> <avdg> I'm really lazy with such things
20:59:51  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002DF3A:
21:00:07  <ProZone> <uliko> You have pretty much 4 lanes, 2 good 2 wood
21:00:15  <ProZone> <uliko> So make one of the wood join the other 3
21:00:20  <ProZone> <uliko> And it should be doable
21:00:30  <ProZone> <uliko> Bit like oil (but dont have the goods line be the merging one :p)
21:03:11  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002E920:
21:06:31  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002D621:
21:08:51  <ProZone> <uliko> Hmm
21:09:42  <avdg1> !tunnels 5
21:09:42  <ProZone> avdg1: !tunnels <trainlength> <gap>: Returns amount of tunnels/bridges needed. Formula: (<gap>+<trainlength>-2)/(<trainlength>+2)
21:09:47  <avdg1> @tunnels 5
21:09:47  <Webster> avdg1: For Trainlength of 5: <= 11 needs 2, 12 - 18 needs 3, 19 - 25 needs 4.
21:09:51  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002DF2C:
21:10:29  <ProZone> <uliko> Man if this fits im going to be happy :p
21:10:39  <ProZone> <avdg> using less signals at bridges, reduces jams :)
21:10:45  <ProZone> <avdg> ?
21:10:59  <ProZone> <uliko> At MSH01
21:13:11  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002E026:
21:16:12  <uliko> @tunnels 4
21:16:12  <Webster> uliko: For Trainlength of 4: <= 10 needs 2, 11 - 16 needs 3, 17 - 22 needs 4.
21:16:32  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002DD26:
21:16:40  <ProZone> <avdg> oh :p
21:17:06  <ProZone> <uliko> I think it might work!
21:17:16  <ProZone> <uliko> Too bad northbound lost its access to factory for now :p
21:19:52  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002E226:
21:21:12  <ProZone> <uliko> Ok lets see
21:23:12  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002DA1D:
21:23:27  <ProZone> <uliko> Hmm thats one damn long prio
21:23:29  <ProZone> <uliko> Oh well
21:26:32  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002D720:
21:28:40  <ProZone> <uliko> 3rd from 06 to 07 open for business
21:28:50  <ProZone> <uliko> Just need proper connecting to MSH01
21:28:52  <ProZone> <avdg> :)
21:29:52  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002DF3C:
21:31:17  <ProZone> <uliko> Seems to be working so far
21:32:23  <ProZone> <uliko> Creeping close to one million units delivered too .)
21:33:13  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002DC34:
21:36:33  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002D82C:
21:39:53  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00004C0E:
21:41:47  <ProZone> <uliko> Going to be semi-afk for 5m
21:41:57  <ProZone> * avdg goes off
21:42:03  <ProZone> <uliko> Ok :(
21:42:14  <ProZone> *** avdg has left the game (leaving)
21:42:14  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
22:07:12  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
22:07:13  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
22:07:15  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC joined the game
22:07:51  <ProZone> <XeryusTC> someone managed to change the north town drop station but not connect the new one xD
22:09:34  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost)
22:09:36  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
22:22:02  <uliko> Oh hi XeryusTC !
22:22:10  <XeryusTC> hey uliko
22:22:15  <XeryusTC> bedtime soon so i wont play :P
22:22:29  <uliko> Aw :(
22:42:31  <ProZone> *** uliko has left the game (leaving)
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