Log for on 5th May 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:26:29  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
01:26:55  *** Intexon has quit IRC
07:04:33  <V453000> !password
07:04:33  <ProZone> V453000: pastel
07:04:48  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
07:04:50  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
07:12:00  *** Progman has joined
07:18:20  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AC6C:
07:21:00  *** ODM has joined
07:21:00  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
07:27:50  <V453000> !unpause
07:27:50  <ProZone> *** V453000 has unpaused the server.
07:27:50  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:31:40  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00009C59:
07:35:00  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00009ACD:
07:38:21  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000099D8:
07:41:41  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00009C4D:
07:45:01  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00004B5D:
07:48:22  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000035EC:
07:51:42  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00004B6B:
07:55:02  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000496E:
08:04:17  <ProZone> <V453000> hi
08:04:18  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game
08:04:25  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> hi
08:04:35  <V453000> !auto
08:04:35  <ProZone> *** V453000 has enabled autopause mode.
08:04:57  <ProZone> <V453000> I added some oil and it looks like it works
08:05:48  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> yeah
08:05:51  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it looks good
08:06:25  <ProZone> <V453000> we need to look after pickups, after you added some trains yesterday, there suddenly were not enough goods trains
08:06:32  <ProZone> <V453000> -> goods piling up-> goods lost -> imbalance
08:07:51  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> will watch that one
08:08:23  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AACB:
08:08:29  <ProZone> <V453000> these trains are super cute
08:08:43  <ProZone> <V453000> maybe even better than steamers! :)
08:09:12  *** Vinnie_nl has joined
08:09:37  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we just need to generate enough traffic to fill our network now
08:09:51  <ProZone> <V453000> industries will grow or we can fund some
08:10:21  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> all oil is onle near SLH 04
08:10:33  <ProZone> <V453000> just fund it elsewhere
08:10:33  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and SLH 04 has alot connected already
08:10:43  <V453000> !rcon set raw_industry_construction
08:10:43  <ProZone> V453000: Current value for 'raw_industry_construction' is: '2' (min: 0, max: 2)
08:10:45  <V453000> !rcon set raw_industry_construction 1
08:10:50  <ProZone> <V453000> prospecting disabled
08:11:04  <ProZone> <V453000> that should give us more control
08:11:43  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000BDE1:
08:12:45  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i need to turn PBS of defaul again
08:12:51  <ProZone> <V453000> ??
08:12:53  <ProZone> <V453000> oh
08:12:55  <ProZone> <V453000> :D wtf
08:12:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I had a mad PBS game
08:13:26  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> map covered in a loop of rail
08:13:30  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 128^2
08:13:38  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> PBS very 7 tiles
08:13:40  <ProZone> <V453000> ah, progman did that a long time ago
08:13:48  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> yes the same
08:14:25  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> never changed the setting back to normal signals first though
08:14:28  <ProZone> <V453000> cant say I think it is good, but it is original at least :D
08:15:04  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C063:
08:18:24  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C5C7:
08:19:03  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
08:19:03  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:19:08  <V453000> gah
08:19:09  <V453000> !password
08:19:09  <ProZone> V453000: epochs
08:19:23  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:19:23  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:19:24  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
08:21:15  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
08:21:15  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:21:24  <V453000> !password
08:21:24  <ProZone> V453000: annuls
08:21:34  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:21:34  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:21:36  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
08:21:44  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C1B3:
08:24:43  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
08:24:45  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:24:56  <V453000> !password
08:24:56  <ProZone> V453000: annuls
08:25:04  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C71B:
08:25:09  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:25:09  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:25:12  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
08:28:25  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000BE58:
08:28:56  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
08:28:56  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:29:08  <V453000> !password
08:29:08  <ProZone> V453000: placid
08:29:28  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:29:28  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:29:31  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
08:29:58  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
08:29:58  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:30:08  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has unpaused the server.
08:30:28  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (general error)
08:30:30  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has enabled autopause mode.
08:30:32  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:30:40  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has unpaused the server.
08:30:42  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:30:52  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
08:31:45  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C424:
08:35:05  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C342:
08:35:35  <ProZone> <V453000> the little branch hubs are also a nice addition
08:38:26  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000026DA:
08:41:46  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C49F:
08:45:07  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000BE8D:
08:51:47  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000B541:
08:55:08  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000B3CB:
08:58:28  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000BCCB:
09:00:52  <ProZone> <V453000> there were some accesible prios in SLH 01a
09:01:48  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00005A27:
09:05:09  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00004657:
09:08:29  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000BCCB:
09:11:49  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00008F22:
09:14:22  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ooh sorry been AFK
09:14:28  <ProZone> <V453000> np :)
09:14:28  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> had some work to do
09:15:10  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000085A1:
09:15:24  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I just found some missing signal on the ML
09:15:28  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> @ SLH 02a
09:15:31  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> fixed now
09:15:37  <ProZone> <V453000> k
09:15:47  <ProZone> <V453000> there also was too short prio and dumb split
09:16:02  <ProZone> <V453000> I dont know what Vinnie thinks, saving 2 tiles? wtf...
09:16:11  <ProZone> <V453000> same as 02b
09:16:22  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> not sure
09:16:24  <ProZone> <V453000> later on that just can jam, just like it did in psg 204 where he did the same
09:16:51  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> he was building a 2+2 -> 2 mixer yesterday
09:17:01  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and I was telling him if he wanted to do that
09:17:09  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> all trains need to have equal merges
09:17:31  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> he then turned around said bullshit and ignored me
09:17:34  <ProZone> <V453000> lol
09:17:37  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> until I proved myself right
09:18:30  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00004560:
09:18:48  <ProZone> <V453000> YEY, south goods have less trains than north
09:18:54  <ProZone> <V453000> for a change
09:19:30  <ProZone> <V453000> added a few :)
09:21:50  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007DEF:
09:22:51  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> that fixes SLH 04
09:23:05  <ProZone> <V453000> farm at Dradhattan South went mad
09:23:09  <ProZone> <V453000> at least the cows
09:23:43  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we like mad cows
09:23:46  <ProZone> <V453000> aye
09:23:48  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> they make tasty burgers
09:24:16  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> just need some crazy grain for our buns now
09:25:11  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000496E:
09:28:31  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000A9CA:
09:29:19  *** ODM has quit IRC
09:31:51  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000A8CC:
09:35:12  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000A64F:
09:38:34  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F5BD:
09:41:52  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000BCCB:
09:45:12  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00000AE9:
09:47:45  <ProZone> <V453000> first 500
09:47:58  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I keep on finding fails by me
09:48:15  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> think that is the last one in SLH 04a
09:48:33  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000421E:
09:48:53  <ProZone> * V453000 didnt see the ML signal gap
09:49:27  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> just found another one
09:49:30  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> at north drop
09:49:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I am sure there is some kind of anti signal fairy
09:50:02  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> that just delete signals
09:50:02  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah
09:50:17  <ProZone> <V453000> that bitch is around all the time, day or night
09:51:53  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C7CB:
09:51:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> at this rate we will hit 1k train by tonight
09:52:13  <ProZone> <V453000> no, it will slow down
09:52:19  <ProZone> <V453000> we will need 4th rather soon :)
09:53:13  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> only in the middle though IMO
09:53:19  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> SLH 04 - 05
09:53:29  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> that is where most the traffic will be
09:53:43  <ProZone> <V453000> we will see :)
09:53:54  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> SLH 05b needs longer Piros
09:54:04  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah
09:54:18  <ProZone> <V453000> at least this one
09:54:44  <ProZone> <V453000> that one should be long enough
09:54:53  <ProZone> <V453000> 9 tiles already
09:55:07  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> was up will though
09:55:13  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C266:
09:57:32  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> the south raws drop is way oversized
09:57:42  <ProZone> <V453000> might not be
09:57:49  <ProZone> <V453000> wait when we connect full 3 lines :
09:57:51  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
09:58:27  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> north is going to need a 3rd line soon
09:58:33  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F5BD:
09:58:57  <ProZone> <V453000> that is kinda weird if there is 3 lines total and 3 of them would go to drop
10:05:14  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000A0AB:
10:05:37  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> should we build flip flops @ 2 -> 3
10:05:47  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> so tracks all get 2/3 of traffic?
10:05:47  <ProZone> <V453000> no need
10:06:09  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I know there is no need
10:06:15  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but would be a nice touch
10:06:17  <ProZone> <V453000> could provide better merger instead
10:06:27  <ProZone> <V453000> well, no need as in no use :)
10:07:44  <ProZone> <V453000> uhm
10:07:47  <ProZone> <V453000> that wont work well
10:08:07  <ProZone> <V453000> I would just make 3 linesfrom the goods pickup and join the other 3 into them
10:08:13  <ProZone> <V453000> possibly on the hill
10:08:34  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D79D:
10:08:45  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> see how that works
10:08:47  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> or not
10:09:37  <ProZone> <V453000> could make the 2->3 later then
10:09:41  <ProZone> <V453000> so it at least is close :)
10:10:01  <ProZone> <V453000> but well, meh now
10:10:04  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it works
10:10:07  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> for now
10:10:11  <ProZone> <V453000> ye
10:10:13  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> just force trains
10:10:40  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we will need a proper 3+2 -> there
10:10:56  <ProZone> <V453000> I think we can improve it when adding the 4th
10:11:33  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> same on the other side
10:11:39  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> they where just done cheap
10:11:45  <ProZone> <V453000> sure
10:11:55  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00009B41:
10:12:05  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
10:12:13  <V453000> !password
10:12:13  <ProZone> V453000: madder
10:12:28  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has enabled autopause mode.
10:12:45  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
10:12:45  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
10:13:31  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
10:13:51  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
10:13:51  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
10:13:51  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
10:13:55  <ProZone> <V453000> retarded thing
10:14:36  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> what is it? you network or you PC?
10:14:42  <ProZone> <V453000> network
10:14:46  <ProZone> <V453000> wifi of greater shit
10:14:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ooh low signal wifi
10:15:15  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000446A:
10:17:32  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> wtf are you just lazy has not gone
10:18:36  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007BE3:
10:21:55  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000080E3:
10:24:15  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> the lumberjack at Laningpool Woods must be insane
10:25:16  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00006154:
10:25:47  <ProZone> <V453000> hard work right there :)
10:25:58  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it was added as 64t
10:26:04  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> less than the farms
10:26:06  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> not 600t
10:26:12  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> now
10:26:44  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I am killing the RVs
10:26:50  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we don't need them anymore
10:26:52  <ProZone> <V453000> good
10:28:36  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00000520:
10:31:26  *** Vinnie_nl has quit IRC
10:31:57  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00000644:
10:35:17  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003F5E:
10:38:37  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00008093:
10:41:57  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007D12:
10:43:33  <ProZone> <V453000> oil for 02! :)
10:45:17  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00008027:
10:45:30  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> today is officialy my PC is broken day
10:45:36  <ProZone> <V453000> ?
10:45:49  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> had 16 task calls this morning
10:45:58  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> i generaly get 2 or 3
10:47:31  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
10:47:31  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
10:47:50  <V453000> !password
10:47:50  <ProZone> V453000: knifes
10:48:13  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
10:48:13  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
10:48:15  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
10:48:37  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000042D9:
10:50:02  *** KenjiE20 has joined
10:50:02  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
10:51:58  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007D8A:
10:51:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> evil forest 666tonnes a month
10:52:14  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
10:54:18  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> omg openttd come in welsh
10:54:21  <ProZone> <V453000> lol
10:54:24  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> what a waste
10:54:58  <ProZone> <V453000> idk I for example absolutely hate czech in games so I am fine with english everywhere
10:55:18  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00009F4D:
10:55:20  <ProZone> <V453000> for example in cnc3 Annihilator Tripod was translated as "trojnožka" which also means a 3-legged chair ... the fuck
10:55:34  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> lol
10:56:06  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> that is just the fact words don't 100% translate
10:56:27  <ProZone> <V453000> pretty much
10:56:46  <ProZone> <V453000> but I believe there could have been a better equivalent even in czech, the translation just was stupid
10:57:13  <ProZone> <V453000> but Annihilator Tripod is the best without a doubt anyway :)
10:57:40  <ProZone> <V453000> 600
10:57:48  <ProZone> <V453000> double sparta
10:58:14  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> XD
10:58:17  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> great film
10:58:24  <ProZone> <V453000> arr
10:58:38  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00000646:
11:00:01  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we should use the unit spata to mesure games
11:00:07  <ProZone> <V453000> :D
11:00:13  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> so a bad game will be 1 spata
11:00:16  <ProZone> <V453000> how many trains? 5 spartas! ooh cool
11:00:26  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> lol
11:00:33  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> much better than 1500 trains
11:00:37  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 5 spatas
11:00:39  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah
11:00:52  *** Intexon has joined
11:01:58  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F5BD:
11:02:52  *** Vinnie_nl has joined
11:08:39  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000740D:
11:13:53  <ProZone> <V453000> north looks like a problem coming :)
11:14:56  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
11:14:58  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
11:15:00  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it does
11:15:02  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> where?
11:15:28  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we need to rebuild that exit
11:15:30  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I see
11:15:38  <V453000> merge of drop and pickup
11:15:38  <V453000> !password
11:15:38  <ProZone> V453000: beeper
11:15:45  <V453000> I think 4th would be reasonable
11:18:04  <Chris_Booth> ok lunch time
11:18:07  <Chris_Booth> brbr
11:26:46  *** Intexon has quit IRC
11:32:07  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
11:32:07  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
11:32:57  <V453000> utter wifi borkdown happened
11:33:53  <V453000> !password
11:33:53  <ProZone> V453000: beeper
11:34:07  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
11:34:07  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
11:34:10  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
11:35:30  <ProZone> *** V453000 has joined spectators
11:35:30  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
11:49:45  <ProZone> <V453000> im wondering where do we want to start the expanding, if we start at the merge, the 4 lines have nowhere to go :)
11:50:13  <ProZone> <V453000> so I might start at the completely opposite side of map, and then head towards the actual problem
11:51:08  <ProZone> *** V453000 has joined company #1
11:51:08  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
11:51:59  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000E2E3:
11:53:29  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I am going to temp fix north exit then
11:53:43  <ProZone> <V453000> I started south 4th
11:55:19  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000028DF:
11:55:44  *** ODM has joined
11:55:44  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
11:58:10  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 4 track do not fit into 2
11:58:39  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000029E8:
12:02:00  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AE5F:
12:05:20  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00009862:
12:06:48  <ProZone> <V453000> hm
12:06:55  <ProZone> <V453000> goods train gone from north due to your jams :p
12:07:40  <ProZone> <V453000> oh
12:07:42  <ProZone> <V453000> hmm
12:07:44  <ProZone> <V453000> south just jammed
12:07:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ooh my god
12:07:58  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> big jam
12:08:40  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000024E2:
12:09:06  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
12:09:08  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:09:08  <V453000> !password
12:09:08  <ProZone> V453000: patter
12:09:38  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> almost done on the rebuild
12:09:40  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:09:56  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:09:56  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:09:57  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
12:10:40  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
12:10:40  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:10:44  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has unpaused the server.
12:10:46  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:10:55  <V453000> !password
12:10:55  <ProZone> V453000: dogmas
12:11:54  <ProZone> *** V453000 #1 joined the game
12:12:00  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00002263:
12:13:01  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> done
12:15:20  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000785F:
12:16:26  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> new merger is working better anyway
12:16:36  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has enabled autopause mode.
12:16:36  <ProZone> <V453000 #1> :)
12:17:46  <ProZone> *** V453000 #1 has left the game (connection lost)
12:17:46  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:17:50  <V453000> borkk
12:17:52  <V453000> !password
12:17:52  <ProZone> V453000: holing
12:18:01  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:18:01  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:18:04  <ProZone> *** V453000 #1 joined the game
12:18:07  <ProZone> * Chris Booth slap V453000's wifi
12:18:15  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> lets see if that help
12:18:36  <ProZone> <V453000 #1> hardly :)
12:18:41  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000695E:
12:20:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> when you jam stations it show up signal gaps nicely
12:20:10  <ProZone> <V453000 #1> :D
12:22:01  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000E98D:
12:22:54  <ProZone> <V453000 #1> complete
12:22:58  <ProZone> *** V453000 #1 has changed his/her name to V453000 #2
12:23:02  <ProZone> <V453000 #2> omg? :D
12:23:10  <ProZone> *** V453000 #2 has changed his/her name to V
12:23:18  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> you need to kick yourself
12:23:18  <V453000> !players
12:23:21  <ProZone> V453000: Client 143 (Orange) is V453000, in company 1 (Lunthill City Transport)
12:23:21  <ProZone> V453000: Client 99 (Orange) is Chris Booth, in company 1 (Lunthill City Transport)
12:23:21  <ProZone> V453000: Client 151 (Orange) is V, in company 1 (Lunthill City Transport)
12:23:22  <V453000> I know
12:23:26  <V453000> !rcon kick 143
12:23:26  <ProZone> V453000:                  CmdRenameSign      Chris Booth  date:2050-07-14  tile:00000000  p1:00000035 p2:00000000 text: price:0
12:23:36  <V453000> !rcon kick 143
12:23:36  <ProZone> V453000: ERROR: Invalid client
12:23:49  <ProZone> *** V has changed his/her name to V453000
12:23:53  <ProZone> <V453000> k
12:24:32  <ProZone> <V453000> k, now the other direction
12:24:43  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> hell
12:25:01  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> if i break that aswell the network will just be 1 jam
12:25:20  <ProZone> <V453000> well, it cant get much worse now :D
12:25:21  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003360:
12:26:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I wouldn't be to sure about that
12:27:31  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 3->4 then mix in the 2?
12:27:51  <ProZone> <V453000> any
12:28:25  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> easier said then done
12:28:29  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> with this traffic
12:28:41  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000DE1E:
12:28:51  <ProZone> <V453000> then dont say and do instead :p
12:30:05  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> slave driver
12:30:40  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
12:30:42  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:30:46  <V453000> !password
12:30:46  <ProZone> V453000: lacing
12:31:05  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:31:05  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:31:06  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
12:31:43  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
12:31:45  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:31:57  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:31:57  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:31:57  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
12:32:01  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000DAA2:
12:34:16  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> that wasn't me
12:35:22  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D79B:
12:38:42  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D79A:
12:42:02  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00007A1C:
12:43:34  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
12:43:34  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:43:42  <V453000> !password
12:43:42  <ProZone> V453000: unpaid
12:43:54  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has unpaused the server.
12:43:56  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:44:09  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
12:44:41  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ok 3 -> 4 built
12:44:51  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> now just to mix 2 tracks acrros that
12:44:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> across
12:45:22  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D717:
12:48:42  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000B01B:
12:49:28  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
12:49:38  <V453000> !password
12:49:38  <ProZone> V453000: podded
12:50:01  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
12:51:23  <ProZone> <V453000> 1 slh away from you
12:51:41  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> miles away from being done
12:52:03  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D910:
12:52:49  <ProZone> <V453000> YES
12:55:09  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ok done
12:55:23  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000C217:
12:58:43  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AF9A:
12:58:52  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> you have a bad prior in SLH 05a
12:59:14  <ProZone> <V453000> which one
12:59:27  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> its unfair on the ML trains
12:59:33  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> on the left bridge
12:59:38  <ProZone> <V453000> ?
12:59:49  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ooh not it isnt
12:59:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> must just have been a small jam
13:00:02  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> from releasing the trains
13:00:10  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ignore me
13:00:18  <ProZone> <V453000> :p
13:00:57  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> you can see by our graph when both 4th lines where completes
13:01:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and started
13:01:15  <ProZone> <V453000> he :)
13:02:03  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D595:
13:04:07  <ProZone> <V453000> what surprises me is that the goods trains rebalanced on their own
13:04:09  <ProZone> <V453000> very nice
13:04:19  <ProZone> <V453000> I expected we will have to re-arrange them
13:05:23  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000619D:
13:07:23  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> its good
13:07:53  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I am glad my VM switch screen button is working
13:07:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> getting alot of use
13:08:21  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> this is only screen that hasn't chaged today
13:08:29  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
13:08:44  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F118:
13:09:50  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> what should be do with the split on the south side?
13:09:53  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> looking rather hacked
13:10:09  <ProZone> <V453000> if we move it <-
13:10:17  <ProZone> <V453000> then we can make a proper merger for 4->3 to the drop
13:10:23  <ProZone> <V453000> now we dont have space for that
13:12:04  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000496E:
13:15:17  <ProZone> <V453000> yeyy :D
13:15:19  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> lol
13:15:22  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> these trains are to fast
13:15:24  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D599:
13:15:32  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
13:15:38  <V453000> !password
13:15:38  <ProZone> V453000: palate
13:15:40  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> was trying to make it so only 2 trains waited there
13:15:42  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> not 4
13:16:05  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
13:16:16  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> cloned them
13:16:21  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> so we will not loose them
13:17:24  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I did a better job in the south than in the north
13:17:47  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> may need to prior the north
13:18:07  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
13:18:34  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
13:18:44  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000027E8:
13:22:05  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00002956:
13:23:02  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> do you think SLH 04 need LL_RR now?
13:23:28  <ProZone> <V453000> probably not
13:25:25  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003FC8:
13:28:45  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00004541:
13:29:04  <ProZone> <V453000> the rigs obviously got the "grow as fuck" disease
13:30:30  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> there is a 500k rig in the
13:30:33  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> +5 others
13:30:39  <ProZone> <V453000> yes
13:30:39  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> so more than 1000k oil
13:31:10  <ProZone> <V453000> 666 trains
13:31:24  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> on our way to 3 spatas
13:31:30  <ProZone> <V453000> yarr
13:32:05  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000056CB:
13:35:25  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000BCA2:
13:38:45  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D716:
13:38:53  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
13:39:29  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> north is looking light on good trains
13:39:39  <ProZone> <V453000> yes because they are jammed here :)
13:41:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> its annoying that there is not way to fix trains in corners
13:41:11  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> due to the fact they grow
13:41:43  <ProZone> <V453000> well ... meh :)
13:42:06  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D615:
13:43:51  <ProZone> <V453000> maybe make the station larger :)
13:44:01  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> which one?
13:44:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> pickups?
13:44:09  <ProZone> <V453000> Wunfingwell City Lakeside
13:44:19  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> na
13:44:21  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 2 track will be fine
13:44:27  <ProZone> <V453000> not with 3 rigs
13:44:49  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> shall we take Pax from rigs?
13:44:55  <ProZone> <V453000> no
13:44:57  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> with unload only orders?
13:44:57  <ProZone> <V453000> no goods from ti
13:44:59  <ProZone> <V453000> it
13:45:26  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000AACB:
13:47:14  <ProZone> <V453000> 700
13:47:50  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 2 1/3 spatas
13:48:46  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F507:
13:50:34  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we have nice traffic now
13:50:40  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah
13:50:52  <ProZone> <V453000> I will have to go in several minutes though
13:51:06  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has enabled autopause mode.
13:51:10  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ok
13:51:30  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> then I may have to do some work
13:52:06  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00005ABC:
13:55:02  <ProZone> <V453000> k, I am off, later
13:55:06  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
13:55:08  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:59:59  *** uliko has quit IRC
14:00:17  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
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14:40:37  <V453000> !password
14:40:37  <ProZone> V453000: tailed
14:40:51  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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14:50:36  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
14:51:15  <V453000> !password
14:51:15  <ProZone> V453000: panned
14:51:46  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
14:51:50  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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14:53:26  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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15:20:13  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
16:10:50  <V453000> !password
16:10:50  <ProZone> V453000: panned
16:10:59  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:10:59  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:11:02  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
16:11:09  <ProZone> <V453000> haiooo
16:13:03  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> Holla
16:15:27  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00003F5E:
16:18:31  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
16:18:33  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:18:37  <V453000> !password
16:18:37  <ProZone> V453000: crises
16:18:47  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000F5BB:
16:18:59  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:18:59  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:19:01  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
16:20:05  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> Signal Spam!
16:20:11  <ProZone> <V453000> ? :)
16:20:30  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I am spaming the waiting bays at south goods exit
16:20:36  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> with signals
16:20:38  <ProZone> <V453000> ah
16:20:38  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> to improve flow
16:20:48  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> since line is so well packed by station
16:22:19  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I hate to say this but
16:22:25  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we may need a 5th soon
16:22:36  <ProZone> <V453000> I agree though :)
16:22:58  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> when we get 3 spatas we will need a 5th
16:23:01  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
16:23:03  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:23:07  <V453000> !password
16:23:07  <ProZone> V453000: cruxes
16:23:21  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:23:21  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:23:23  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
16:23:44  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
16:23:46  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:23:51  <V453000> ffs x.x
16:24:05  <V453000> !password
16:24:05  <ProZone> V453000: cruxes
16:24:14  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I gtg
16:24:20  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> home time
16:24:20  <V453000> k
16:24:24  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
16:24:25  <V453000> cya
16:24:28  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
16:24:28  <V453000> I will be leaving soon as well
16:24:34  <Chris_Booth> be back in 20
16:25:09  *** Chris_Booth is now known as Guest261
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17:28:28  <Vinnie_nl> !password
17:28:28  <ProZone> Vinnie_nl: cruxes
17:28:42  <Vinnie_nl> !password
17:28:42  <ProZone> Vinnie_nl: cruxes
17:29:24  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:29:27  <ProZone> *** Vinnie joined the game
17:30:39  <ProZone> <Vinnie> hmm
17:30:43  <ProZone> <Vinnie> i see
17:31:33  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has left the game (leaving)
18:03:24  *** Sylf has quit IRC
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18:39:09  <V453000> !password
18:39:09  <ProZone> V453000: hernia
18:39:16  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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20:59:30  <Chris_Booth> evening
21:00:12  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
21:00:12  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
21:00:14  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth joined the game
21:00:42  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 2 2/3 spatas
21:00:44  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> nice
21:00:52  <ProZone> <V453000> haiooo
21:01:01  <ProZone> <V453000> north jamd
21:01:26  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> is it ok now?
21:01:47  <ProZone> <V453000> I dont think :)
21:01:50  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> no
21:01:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> going back to raws drop
21:02:08  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00002A56:
21:05:28  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00002A50:
21:07:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> time to expand the raws drop?
21:08:28  <ProZone> <V453000> hmm
21:08:34  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I have improved the ML merger in the north
21:08:44  <ProZone> <V453000> I saw
21:08:48  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00002BC0:
21:08:50  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but 18 platforms are not great
21:09:21  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> on the otherhand south it doing fine
21:09:29  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> on 21
21:11:12  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> this self balancing industries idea
21:11:16  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> is working very well
21:12:38  <ProZone> <V453000> quite :)
21:12:56  <ProZone> <V453000> but we need more goods trains :d
21:14:39  <ProZone> <V453000> well, barely :)
21:15:49  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> this game has turned into the V453000 and Chris Booth crazy fest
21:16:07  <ProZone> <V453000> well, I dont mind it at all :)
21:17:09  <ProZone> <V453000> 5th required it seems
21:17:23  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> not tonight
21:17:26  <ProZone> <V453000> agree
21:17:28  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I am to sleepy
21:17:46  <ProZone> <V453000> we added one today already :p
21:17:50  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and 5th will requre alot of rebuilgin the in north and south drops
21:17:53  <ProZone> <V453000> would be kind ubermad if we added 2 per day ;)
21:18:07  <ProZone> <V453000> nono, drops can stay until about 6 lines
21:18:21  <ProZone> <V453000> so we can just make mergers like 5->3 in front of the drop
21:18:39  <ProZone> <V453000> well, north will need some touch
21:18:41  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> north need 3 lines in / out of drops
21:18:43  <ProZone> <V453000> south is fine
21:18:43  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah
21:18:49  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and expansion to 24 lines
21:23:24  <ProZone> <V453000> awesome game, and more insanity is yet to come
21:27:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> yes
21:28:14  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> shall we add 3rd to goods tomorrow as well?
21:28:18  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> so make 6th easy?
21:28:49  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000E2DE:
21:28:51  <ProZone> <V453000> probably
21:29:05  <ProZone> <V453000> we can make 5th first
21:29:07  <ProZone> <V453000> so goods have 2
21:29:23  <ProZone> <V453000> no need to merge that way
21:29:45  <ProZone> <V453000> later we can expand goods and make 6th, and merge with 7th
21:30:20  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> we should aim for 9
21:30:42  <ProZone> <V453000> or even 9 :)
21:30:48  <ProZone> <V453000> hell, 9 is a lot
21:30:51  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> 9 will be a ne ML record
21:30:53  <ProZone> <V453000> could make 4 for goods right away then
21:31:03  <ProZone> <V453000> pzg5 had 9 afaik
21:31:10  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> PZG 5 had 8
21:31:17  <ProZone> <V453000> k
21:31:29  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but only in a short seciont
21:31:31  <ProZone> <V453000> well meh
21:31:34  <ProZone> <V453000> more = more sparta
21:35:13  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> PZG 5 has 1 section of 9 lanes
21:35:19  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> due to bad building
21:35:23  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
21:35:25  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> or old building
21:35:31  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> rest is 7 or 8
21:35:56  <ProZone> <V453000> well, just have fun and go as high as possible is the case here imo :)
21:39:06  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> just looking at PZG 05 I am shocked at my building
21:39:20  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I want to dig it out of the achives and fix it
21:40:34  <ProZone> <V453000> no need to be ashamed at all
21:40:36  <ProZone> <V453000> it worked.
21:43:33  <ProZone> <V453000> btw mrPro Vinnie had played a TL2 game for the whole day on some noob server :D even with wrongly copied overflow station just like here
21:43:39  <ProZone> <V453000> I had to laugh
21:43:57  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> oops
21:44:12  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> is Vinnie not in you good books
21:44:34  <ProZone> <V453000> depends, mostly not
21:45:28  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> he is a good player. best a copying
21:45:34  <ProZone> <V453000> yes
21:45:36  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I would say an SML player
21:45:38  <ProZone> <V453000> especially my stuff
21:45:59  <ProZone> <V453000> declaring himself the proest pro after knowing one merger design I teached him
21:46:01  <ProZone> <V453000> cool.
21:46:27  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I hope that wasn't the V453000 priorless merger
21:46:33  <ProZone> <V453000> nono
21:46:35  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> which he got very wrong yesterday
21:46:51  <ProZone> <V453000> it was the "leave outer unmerged, mix the inner"
21:47:01  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> ooh those
21:47:03  <ProZone> <V453000> which is ... fairly effective
21:47:17  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it is on line with random flows
21:47:23  <ProZone> <V453000> quite
21:47:31  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> but not great if 1 flow is uniform
21:47:37  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah
21:47:48  <ProZone> <V453000> but hell, you mostly need to upgrade it anyway :)
21:48:12  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I use a varient of it here
21:48:18  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> on the south Merger
21:48:36  <ProZone> <V453000> sort of :)
21:48:50  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> mix 3 ->4
21:48:56  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> mix half of the 2
21:48:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> got bored
21:49:02  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> and confused
21:49:06  <ProZone> <V453000> :D
21:49:08  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> just jam the other 2 in
21:49:51  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> that half
21:49:57  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> no the hacked half
21:50:04  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
21:50:10  <ProZone> <V453000> why is that?
21:50:32  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> left side is left from old 3 + 3 ->3
21:50:58  <Vinnie_nl> dudes highlighting is on :)
21:51:06  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> hi Vinnie
21:51:08  <ProZone> <V453000> good, so you can read it and make your mind up
21:51:21  <Vinnie_nl> I never said i was pro
21:51:37  <ProZone> <V453000> oooh : D k
21:52:09  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D61D:
21:52:46  <ProZone> <V453000> but honestly, I dont care :)
21:53:54  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> yes it was
21:53:57  <ProZone> <V453000> k
21:53:59  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> I disabled it
21:54:33  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> it cuase a jam on an empty line
21:54:39  <ProZone> <Chris Booth> so IMO it wasn't needed
21:55:05  <ProZone> <V453000> probably not :)
21:55:29  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00002EDE:
21:58:49  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00000434:
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22:03:59  <ProZone> <V453000> anyway, gnight
22:04:09  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
22:04:09  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
22:04:17  <ProZone> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
22:04:20  <Chris_Booth> NIGHT
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