Log for on 17th October 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
07:39:38  *** ODM has joined
07:39:38  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
07:55:54  *** ODM has quit IRC
08:05:28  *** ODM has joined
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08:19:01  *** Progman has joined
12:19:12  *** ODM has quit IRC
14:24:08  *** LoPo has joined
16:11:09  *** TWerkhoven has joined
17:40:11  *** ODM has joined
17:40:11  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
18:19:20  *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined
20:07:13  <LoPo> !players
20:07:15  <ProZone> LoPo: There are currently no clients connected to the server
20:39:31  *** mfb- has joined
20:39:31  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mfb-
21:15:00  <LoPo> !players
21:15:02  <ProZone> LoPo: There are currently no clients connected to the server
21:55:16  <XeryusTC> hey LoPo
21:55:26  <LoPo> yo
21:55:30  <LoPo> whats up :)
21:55:36  <LoPo> !players
21:55:38  <ProZone> LoPo: There are currently no clients connected to the server
21:55:42  <XeryusTC> nm
21:55:44  <XeryusTC> over there?
21:55:57  <LoPo> ?
21:56:25  <XeryusTC> :)
21:56:33  <LoPo> ow you just sad hello? :P
21:56:35  <LoPo> hehe hi :D
21:56:43  <XeryusTC> :P
21:56:52  <LoPo> i thought you wanted something of me ;)
21:58:51  <V453000> XeryusTC always just wants to play, dont worry P
21:58:51  <V453000> :P
21:58:55  <XeryusTC> I want your babbys
21:59:43  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
21:59:45  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC joined the game
21:59:51  *** ODM has quit IRC
22:01:21  <ProZone> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
22:16:33  *** TWerkhoven[l] has quit IRC
22:25:46  *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC
22:44:22  *** mfb- has quit IRC
23:01:47  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
23:01:47  *** avdg has quit IRC
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23:29:08  *** Progman has quit IRC

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