Log for on 22nd April 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:19:44  *** Razaekel is now known as Guest1248
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20:05:41  *** LoPo has joined
20:05:48  <LoPo> hi?
20:11:11  <LoPo> !password
20:11:34  <LoPo> ow
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20:46:01  <V453000> you really still wanted to play that LoPo ?
20:46:23  <LoPo> just wanted to take a look :P
20:46:43  <LoPo> but if you want to begin something else, i dont mind
20:52:32  <LoPo> also, i think it was to bad that so little people wanted to play this game :
20:52:36  <LoPo> :|
20:52:57  <LoPo> but its time for something else :)
20:57:03  <V453000> I would say that is not too uncommon with a special pz game
20:57:10  <V453000> I built pzg13 mostly alone too
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