Log for on 28th November 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:08:07  *** Dom__ has joined
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01:31:04  <Dom_> !password
01:31:05  <ProZone> Dom_: batter
01:31:45  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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11:05:46  <Dom_> !password
11:05:46  <ProZone> Dom_: nuance
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12:28:26  <Dom_> !playercount
12:28:26  <ProZone> Dom_: Number of players: 0 (0 spectators)
13:53:53  *** Tray has quit IRC
13:54:05  <Dom_> ...
13:54:25  <V453000> ...?
13:54:36  <Dom_> :)
13:54:45  <Dom_> i was just dotting around
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15:10:28  <V453000> !passrod
15:10:34  <V453000> !password
15:10:34  <ProZone> V453000: toiled
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17:36:41  <mfb-> hi
17:36:53  <V453000> hi
17:38:45  <mfb-> somehow AU looks for the wrong server or something like that
17:38:48  <mfb-> !password
17:38:49  <ProZone> mfb-: toiled
17:38:58  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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17:39:26  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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17:39:28  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
17:39:44  <ProZone> <V453000> btw we need some articles on the wiki, like one about logic :P
17:39:58  <ProZone> <V453000> some general description of a few gates etc would do
17:40:44  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm.. not today :p
17:41:02  <ProZone> <V453000> and I think I am going to reduce the SML article to absolute minimum
17:41:08  <ProZone> <mfb> and tomorrow I am away from 5:30 to 2:00...
17:41:08  <ProZone> <V453000> cause currently it is just some wtf
17:41:10  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
17:41:17  <ProZone> <mfb> well, 2:00 friday actually
17:41:21  <ProZone> <V453000> doesnt hurry
17:43:23  <ProZone> <V453000> hm
17:43:29  <ProZone> <V453000> your rubber station has copper trains in it
17:43:47  <ProZone> <mfb> interesting
17:43:49  <ProZone> <V453000> them reversers need pf traps with large penalties
17:43:59  <ProZone> <V453000> because trains decide between terminus/dead end of reverser
17:44:21  <ProZone> <mfb> I had a wrong waypoint
17:44:24  <ProZone> <mfb> changed the order
17:44:30  <ProZone> <V453000> oooh
17:44:30  <ProZone> <mfb> and messed it up
17:44:37  <ProZone> <V453000> ok :)
17:44:38  *** [1]Mark has joined
17:45:20  <ProZone> <V453000> rubber bitch trains still not going in
17:45:26  <ProZone> <V453000> one just passed
17:45:36  <ProZone> <mfb> there we go
17:45:38  <ProZone> <V453000> ok interesting now one did
17:45:44  <ProZone> <mfb> changed lines again
17:45:50  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
17:46:06  <ProZone> <mfb> ok, back to normal operation
17:46:48  <ProZone> <V453000> you are getting a nice clutter of rails there
17:46:54  <ProZone> <mfb> :p
17:49:20  <ProZone> <V453000> back to raping wiki articles :)
17:51:34  *** Mark has quit IRC
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18:04:25  <ProZone> <mfb> good
18:04:31  <ProZone> <mfb> that is a reasonable size
18:05:09  <ProZone> <mfb> wtf
18:05:20  <ProZone> <mfb> train 554 is dumb
18:06:28  <ProZone> <mfb> oh, signal error
18:12:56  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
18:13:18  <ProZone> <V453000> was just about to ask why do you penalize one end :D
18:13:21  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm trains are stupid
18:13:32  <ProZone> <mfb> without, both trains waited at the other line
18:13:38  <ProZone> <V453000> lol
18:13:44  <ProZone> <V453000> use PBS
18:13:44  <ProZone> <mfb> yeah
18:13:54  <ProZone> <mfb> :D
18:14:02  <ProZone> <V453000> should work
18:14:08  <ProZone> <V453000> if not just make the entry signals 2way
18:14:56  <ProZone> <mfb> no, partially filled oil train :(
18:21:24  <ProZone> *** mfb has joined spectators
18:21:24  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
18:22:16  <Sturmi> !password
18:22:16  <ProZone> Sturmi: ginger
18:22:26  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:22:27  <ProZone> *** Sturmi joined the game
18:22:30  <ProZone> <Sturmi> plöp
18:23:40  <Mark> !password
18:23:40  <ProZone> Mark: ginger
18:23:46  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:23:47  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
18:23:48  <ProZone> <Mark> yo
18:23:49  <ProZone> *** Mark joined the game
18:24:18  <ProZone> <Sturmi> hi
18:25:00  <ProZone> <Mark> about time for ML expansion?
18:26:06  <ProZone> <Mark> i'll start expanding the south ml
18:26:24  <ProZone> <V453000> elo
18:26:26  <ProZone> <Mark> yo
18:27:21  <ProZone> <V453000> we have new pax and SML articles btw :)
18:27:31  <ProZone> <Mark> nice
18:36:29  <Mark> good job on those articles :)
18:36:34  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
18:37:24  <ProZone> <V453000> I gave S station a little twin
18:37:47  <ProZone> <Mark> oh nice
18:37:58  <ProZone> <Mark> should we add two tracks straight away?
18:38:04  <ProZone> <V453000> as you want
18:38:22  <ProZone> <Mark> probably better
18:38:28  <ProZone> <Mark> we only got 560 trains
18:38:30  <ProZone> <V453000> probably
18:39:12  <ProZone> <V453000> k then, 4 lines ready S :p
18:39:54  <ProZone> <V453000> mfb's fruit plantation was so kind to reposition itself
18:40:01  <ProZone> <Mark> :D
18:40:11  <ProZone> <V453000> and did it so happily that it increased production from 96 to 153
18:40:14  <ProZone> <V453000> the happiness
18:41:11  <ProZone> <Sturmi> the production increase is just an effect of the hard landing after it jumped away :D
18:41:33  <ProZone> <Sturmi> all the fruits fell down
18:42:07  <ProZone> <V453000> omg noobie uses bridges instead of tunnels
18:42:10  <ProZone> <V453000> stone him!
18:42:17  <ProZone> <Mark> :>
18:42:48  <ProZone> <V453000> nice ML movement!
18:42:57  <ProZone> <Mark> watch it or ill move you
18:43:03  <ProZone> <V453000> bitch
18:44:19  <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (general timeout)
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18:44:21  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
18:44:26  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah how else
18:44:32  <ProZone> *** Sturmi has joined company #1
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18:44:36  <ProZone> <V453000> :P
18:44:42  <ProZone> <Sturmi> :D
18:45:08  <ProZone> <V453000> hm which wiki article would I fuck up now
18:45:09  *** [1]Mark has joined
18:45:17  <[1]Mark> !password
18:45:17  <ProZone> [1]Mark: clamps
18:45:26  <ProZone> *** Mark joined the game
18:46:14  <ProZone> <V453000> Mark are you in a fucking jungle among monkeys and stuff again or what is with your connection :)
18:46:31  *** Progman has joined
18:46:40  <ProZone> <Mark> i am among monkeys but not in the jungle
18:46:47  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
18:50:56  <V453000> Building in Chaos still needs to be clean, e.g. no 90 degree turns when avoidable. Chaos is working without a plan, besides the points mentioned above. Whatever you build is up to your good judgement. There is no designated Mainline, as it will grow along the way.
18:51:01  <V453000> this line should get an award
18:51:36  <V453000> no degree turns = clean network, chaos is working, good judgement sounds really relative :D
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18:55:01  <ProZone> <mfb> jam!
18:55:12  <ProZone> <mfb> ah, I see expansion work
18:55:27  <ProZone> <Mark> yeah my fault
18:55:30  <ProZone> *** mfb has joined company #1
18:55:34  <ProZone> <V453000> ofc
18:59:24  <ProZone> <mfb> evil mode all the time
18:59:49  <ProZone> <mfb> non-parallel waypoints are evil
18:59:59  <ProZone> <Mark> why
19:00:05  <ProZone> <mfb> you have to think about them
19:00:37  <ProZone> <Mark> should put them further from the merge then
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19:01:31  <ProZone> <V453000> ooh, waypoint beauty movement
19:01:37  <ProZone> <V453000> thats new :(
19:01:37  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
19:01:41  <ProZone> <mfb> :D
19:01:47  <ProZone> <mfb> just practical reasons
19:02:02  <ProZone> <V453000> yeah I agree but you have 2 waypoints on higher ground
19:02:05  <ProZone> <V453000> not flat.
19:02:15  <ProZone> <mfb> that is beauty stuff
19:02:21  <ProZone> <mfb> (I don't care)
19:02:25  <ProZone> <V453000> :D k
19:04:43  <ProZone> <mfb> what
19:04:49  <ProZone> <mfb> why do we have food at drop S
19:04:59  <ProZone> <mfb> ah does not accept food
19:05:14  <ProZone> <V453000> I might have slightly reduced the town
19:05:36  <ProZone> <V453000> fixed
19:09:40  <ProZone> <mfb> oh crap
19:09:59  <ProZone> <mfb> now we have goods at drop S
19:10:17  <ProZone> <V453000> I wonder how the fuck that happens
19:10:25  <ProZone> <mfb> my fault
19:10:35  <ProZone> <mfb> transported goods from factory to drop
19:10:37  <ProZone> <mfb> and forgot "no loading"
19:10:51  <ProZone> <V453000> :D
19:10:58  <ProZone> <V453000> well that sucks ass
19:11:01  <ProZone> <V453000> :(
19:11:23  <ProZone> <mfb> rating will drop significantly
19:11:39  <ProZone> <V453000> we could actually fix all trains
19:11:41  <ProZone> <mfb> and pickup has 83%
19:11:43  <ProZone> <V453000> as they are 1 group
19:11:45  <ProZone> <V453000> by rebuilding the station
19:11:51  <ProZone> <mfb> right
19:11:53  <ProZone> <V453000> but...
19:12:04  <ProZone> <V453000> it will make a temporary wtf
19:12:07  <ProZone> <mfb> they just have... 8 orders? :D
19:12:09  <ProZone> <V453000> well not that big wtf
19:12:16  <ProZone> <V453000> oh no
19:12:27  <ProZone> <V453000> 4 orders + 4*4 conditionals
19:12:29  <ProZone> <V453000> k fuck it
19:12:48  <ProZone> <mfb> I see 7 drop S orders
19:12:51  <ProZone> <mfb> +-1
19:13:02  <ProZone> <Sturmi> 8
19:13:04  <ProZone> <V453000> ah yeah plus secondaries
19:13:14  <ProZone> <mfb> ?
19:13:17  <ProZone> <V453000> so 8 + 16 conditionals?
19:13:20  <ProZone> <V453000> not redoing that
19:13:34  <ProZone> <mfb> I think you can keep the links
19:13:35  <ProZone> <V453000> oh wait we have to
19:13:36  <ProZone> <V453000> it is a major issue
19:13:38  <ProZone> <mfb> if you add it in the right order
19:13:49  <ProZone> <V453000> true
19:13:59  <ProZone> <mfb> major issue? why?
19:14:18  <ProZone> <V453000> goods trains have less goods?
19:14:24  <ProZone> <V453000> less goods trains return to primary A
19:14:31  <ProZone> <mfb> rating is down to 32% and falling
19:14:36  <ProZone> <V453000> still
19:14:39  <ProZone> <V453000> it is something
19:14:41  <ProZone> <mfb> but there is an effect, of course
19:15:03  <ProZone> <V453000> stop all trains, redo orders?
19:15:05  <ProZone> <mfb> stop all trains to avoid implicit orders?
19:15:08  <ProZone> <V453000> yes that is a must
19:15:16  <ProZone> <mfb> ok
19:16:10  <ProZone> <mfb> drop S is empty soon
19:16:26  <ProZone> <mfb> k, everything stopped
19:17:26  <ProZone> <V453000> kept drop S to avoid invalid orders and conditional fuckup
19:17:40  <ProZone> <V453000> I think if you add new drop order behind Drop S, it will automatically re-link
19:17:46  <ProZone> <mfb> no
19:17:48  <ProZone> <mfb> in front of it
19:17:54  <ProZone> <V453000> make a test train better .)
19:20:36  <ProZone> <mfb> ok I killed 4 conditionals
19:23:27  <ProZone> <mfb> good
19:23:57  <ProZone> <V453000> got it solved? :)
19:25:58  <ProZone> <mfb> hmm gruborough woods does not make sense
19:26:08  <ProZone> <mfb> someone killed the rubber thing :D
19:27:14  <ProZone> <V453000> OH
19:27:16  <ProZone> <V453000> it was rubber? :D
19:27:22  <ProZone> <mfb> yeah
19:27:28  <ProZone> <V453000> :D I replaced with fruit
19:27:32  <ProZone> <mfb> :p
19:27:34  <ProZone> <V453000> it was in the way of the expansion
19:27:48  <ProZone> <V453000> the two industries look identical with X
19:29:17  <ProZone> *** Vinnie joined the game
19:29:21  <ProZone> <Vinnie> Hi
19:29:24  <ProZone> <mfb> hi
19:37:10  <mfb-> progress for 4th is a bit slow
19:37:38  <ProZone> <V453000> bitch Mark deserted
19:37:48  <ProZone> <mfb> SL N 04 looks crazy
19:38:03  <ProZone> <V453000> :)
19:38:58  <ProZone> <mfb> so many logic lines for 3 industries
19:42:39  <ProZone> <mfb> lol northern refit/injection merge
19:42:53  <ProZone> <mfb> if both entry signals are red, trains go to the dead end
19:44:29  <ProZone> *** Mark has left the game (general timeout)
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19:57:28  <ProZone> <Vinnie> ahh stupid trains
19:58:07  <ProZone> <mfb> right
19:58:18  <ProZone> <mfb> 255 orders and still stupid
19:58:41  <ProZone> <Vinnie> well they request arrows
19:58:47  <ProZone> <Vinnie> so they are stupid to me
20:01:25  <ProZone> <V453000> I so got the urge to nuke that transmitter :D
20:01:32  <ProZone> <mfb> :D
20:04:38  <ProZone> <mfb> you could build the exit or the entry ;)
20:05:04  <ProZone> <V453000> me? im shitting on wiki
20:05:10  <ProZone> <mfb> ah
20:05:48  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
20:28:02  <ProZone> <Vinnie> gn
20:28:05  <ProZone> *** Vinnie has left the game (leaving)
20:28:07  <ProZone> <mfb> gn
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20:31:00  <ProZone> <mfb> need more copper trains :(
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20:56:21  <mfb-> gn
20:56:28  <ProZone> <Sturmi> GN
20:56:52  <ProZone> *** mfb has left the game (leaving)
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