Log for on 18th December 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:03:09  *** Jam35_ has quit IRC
01:48:44  *** Progman has quit IRC
01:59:57  *** bootmii has joined
02:00:10  <bootmii> !password
02:00:10  <ProZone> bootmii: wrench
02:01:06  <bootmii> !password
02:01:07  <ProZone> bootmii: wrench
02:01:23  *** bootmii has left
06:12:23  *** Sturmi has joined
06:33:50  *** Sturmi has quit IRC
07:48:26  *** Mucht has quit IRC
07:57:00  *** ODM has joined
07:57:00  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
08:05:46  *** ODM has quit IRC
08:11:30  *** Gregor-PLNL has joined
08:54:43  *** Progman has joined
09:03:58  *** Dom_ has joined
10:14:52  *** Jam35 has joined
10:22:57  *** Jam35 has quit IRC
10:27:40  *** Jam35 has joined
10:33:14  *** Dom__ has joined
10:33:14  *** Dom_ has quit IRC
10:33:14  *** Dom__ is now known as Dom_
10:42:05  *** Jam35 has quit IRC
11:02:55  *** Dom_ has quit IRC
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12:08:07  *** Ryton has joined
12:42:22  *** Jam35 has joined
14:14:11  *** Jam35 has quit IRC
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14:51:28  *** Dom_ has quit IRC
15:27:20  *** Tray has joined
15:36:41  *** Maraxus has joined
16:03:35  *** Jam35 has quit IRC
16:04:00  *** Jam35 has joined
16:51:42  *** Sturmi has joined
17:00:28  *** Gregor-PLNL has quit IRC
17:16:04  *** Mucht has joined
17:16:05  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mucht
17:29:08  *** Dom_ has joined
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18:14:27  *** mfb- has joined
18:14:27  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mfb-
18:14:33  <mfb-> !playercount
18:14:33  <ProZone> mfb-: Number of players: 0 (0 spectators)
18:16:29  *** Gregor-PLNL has joined
18:33:43  *** Dom_ has joined
19:26:45  *** Dom_ has quit IRC
20:55:28  *** Mark has joined
20:55:29  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
21:41:55  *** Ryton has quit IRC
21:46:31  *** Mark has quit IRC
22:38:02  *** Gregor-PLNL has quit IRC
22:38:48  *** Mucht has quit IRC
22:42:56  *** bootmii has joined
22:43:06  <bootmii> !passwor
22:43:11  <bootmii> !password
22:43:11  <ProZone> bootmii: wrench
22:43:31  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
22:43:31  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
22:43:32  <ProZone> *** David joined the game
22:43:47  <mfb-> !auto
22:43:47  <ProZone> *** mfb- has enabled autopause mode.
22:43:49  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
22:43:51  <mfb-> ah
22:47:12  *** Tray has quit IRC
22:49:38  <bootmii> !help
22:50:30  <mfb-> you can change your nick in the console, simply type "nick yournick"
22:50:56  *** bootmii is now known as David
22:51:00  <V453000> open the console by the key under Esc
22:51:03  <mfb-> well that works, too :D
22:51:08  <V453000> ah or irc nick :)
22:51:25  *** David is now known as bootmii
22:51:30  <ProZone> *** David has changed his/her name to bootmii
22:51:43  <bootmii> ok
22:52:33  <ProZone> *** bootmii has left the game (leaving)
23:08:54  *** Jam35 has quit IRC
23:13:56  *** Sturmi has quit IRC
23:17:42  <bootmii> !password
23:17:43  <ProZone> bootmii: stings
23:18:00  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
23:18:03  <ProZone> *** bootmii joined the game
23:19:18  <ProZone> <bootmii> `
23:19:20  <ProZone> *** bootmii has left the game (leaving)
23:28:14  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
23:31:03  *** mfb- has quit IRC

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