Log for on 25th August 2013:
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20:57:15  <ProZone> Autopilot engaged
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20:57:16  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop ProZone | PZG23 (r25627) | STAGE: make new game | visit"
20:57:20  <V453000> hai
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20:57:49  <V453000> bai
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21:04:49  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop ProZone | PZG23 (r25627) | STAGE: make new game | visit"
21:05:08  <V453000> \o/
21:05:13  <V453000> hi ProZone
21:10:51  <mfb-> go for a regular network with 5k trains?
21:11:12  <V453000> cant say I will have enough time for that but go for it? :P
21:11:38  <V453000> problem with normal game is, you wont be able to play it with 3000+
21:11:45  <V453000> and someone has to finish it after that :D
21:12:30  <V453000> I would see a couple options, 1. small-ish map, normal game 2. FIRS with the 1 train/month worth of the exact amount of supplies mechanism we tried last time but I cant find the save
21:13:08  <V453000> perhaps breaking the 1800 on 256x256 record could be interesting for you? :P
21:16:03  <V453000> thoughts? :)
21:16:24  <mfb-> hmm
21:16:35  <V453000> :D
21:16:49  <mfb-> last game with 2600 was running fine
21:16:56  <mfb-> I think it is better without SRNW
21:17:31  <V453000> not sure about that
21:17:32  <mfb-> and 3k with primaries and then spam secondary trains looks possible
21:17:47  <V453000> probably :)
21:17:52  <V453000> pzg21 showed 3k is rather easy
21:18:00  <V453000> with TL3 ...
21:18:48  <mfb-> ah right, those 3k were fine as well
21:19:27  <V453000> it lagged quite heavily, but it was somewhat bearable I think
21:21:11  <mfb-> well, if pathfinding is an issue, some waypoints can help
21:21:41  <V453000> I wonder how much could that help
21:21:58  <mfb-> could reduce pathfinding to single hubs for secondaries
21:22:41  <V453000> well if you make a train yard for each SLH ... :)
21:22:55  <mfb-> for secondaries <- !
21:23:03  <V453000> exactly
21:23:07  <V453000> ... = then it could work too
21:23:10  <mfb-> no
21:23:16  <V453000> why not
21:23:16  <mfb-> I mean like steel, goods and so on
21:23:31  <V453000> sure but why not waypoints for SLs
21:23:34  <mfb-> as that keeps the total number of train groups reasonable :D
21:23:47  <V453000> you can have 1 train group per SLH
21:23:50  <V453000> if you think abou
21:23:51  <mfb-> for each cargo type?
21:23:53  <V453000> no
21:23:55  <V453000> mixed all
21:24:11  <mfb-> why would you like to have all trains from one SLH to take the same route on the MLs?
21:24:13  <V453000> if you think about it, having X drops accepting all cargoes would be quite effective anyway
21:24:19  <mfb-> ah okay
21:24:28  <V453000> for more spread -> more trains
21:25:08  <V453000> making the orderlists would probably be quite annoying but uhm worth it? :D
21:26:05  <mfb-> ^^
21:26:44  <V453000> I think generally the biggest factor for amount of trains is simply enough amount of ML
21:26:47  <V453000> longer ML, better
21:26:49  <mfb-> disadvantage: every drop needs a steel pickup
21:26:57  <mfb-> sure
21:27:03  <V453000> toyland has no steel :>
21:27:07  <V453000>  /mars? :)
21:27:34  <V453000> 3 secondaries though
21:27:49  <V453000> you can always play with goods only, like having opengfx+ industries that way
21:27:50  <mfb-> well...
21:28:05  <mfb-> I would not mess around with the industries too much
21:28:44  <V453000> toyland ftw for no steel
21:29:01  <V453000> though there still is the question of where you send goods
21:29:17  <mfb-> to the general drops
21:29:25  <V453000> I suppose
21:33:01  <V453000> well then think about number of hubs / drops and which trains to pick :)
21:33:12  <V453000> presumably the better acceleration the more fitting the goal
21:34:31  <V453000> and slower trains should consume less CPU just as well
21:35:07  <V453000> I think TL3 superstrong would need considerably smaller network than pzg21 did, to fit 5000 trains on it
21:35:51  <V453000> not even talking about CL being helpful
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21:38:35  <V453000> people are being relatively active lately so if you want to try something like that, better not miss the end of holidays :P
22:03:38  <mfb-> hmm
22:04:05  <mfb-> TL3 CL1.5
22:04:18  <mfb-> (that's what you call CL2)
22:09:58  <V453000> :D
22:45:21  *** Progman has quit IRC
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