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00:03:01 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC 00:05:08 *** Sylf_mobile has quit IRC 01:25:18 *** drivebyhobo has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:27:25 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 01:28:23 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 01:28:25 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 01:28:25 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 01:28:42 <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to Morphis 01:30:12 <Stablean> *** Morphis has left the game (leaving) 01:40:32 <Stablean> *** Drivebyhobo joined the game 01:41:52 <Stablean> *** Drivebyhobo has left the game (connection lost) 05:02:42 *** drivebyhobo has left #openttdcoop.stable 06:29:07 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:29:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^ 06:40:27 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:40:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 06:50:26 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:50:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 07:20:26 *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.stable 07:20:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster 08:38:40 *** ODM has quit IRC 08:49:19 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 08:49:19 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 09:05:38 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 09:05:39 <Stablean> *** Miguel SA joined the game 09:07:09 <Stablean> *** Miguel SA has left the game (connection lost) 09:07:09 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 09:35:16 <V453000> !date 09:35:16 <Stablean> V453000: 20 Mar 2050 10:29:15 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:29:15 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 10:31:02 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 10:31:35 <Stablean> *** V453000 has joined company #1 10:31:35 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 10:39:01 <V453000> !restart 10:39:02 <Stablean> V453000: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 10:40:01 <Stablean> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 10:40:01 <Stablean> Thank you for playing 1.0.4. 10:40:06 <Stablean> Server has exited 10:40:07 *** Stablean has quit IRC 10:40:33 *** Stablean has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:40:33 <Stablean> Autopilot engaged 10:40:33 <Stablean> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 10:40:33 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Stablean 10:43:52 <V453000> !content 10:43:53 <Stablean> V453000: Connection established 10:43:53 <Stablean> V453000: Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 10:43:53 <Stablean> V453000: (you need to !restart to have the new content loaded) 10:43:56 *** V453000 has left #openttdcoop.stable 10:43:56 *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:43:56 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o V453000 10:43:58 <V453000> !content 10:44:00 <Stablean> V453000: Expect timeout triggered! 10:44:00 <Stablean> V453000: Downloading 1 file(s) (309994 bytes) 10:44:00 <Stablean> V453000: (you need to !restart to have the new content loaded) 10:44:22 <V453000> !restart 10:44:22 <Stablean> V453000: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 10:45:02 <Stablean> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 10:45:02 <Stablean> Thank you for playing 1.0.4. 10:45:06 <Stablean> Server has exited 10:45:06 *** Stablean has quit IRC 10:45:13 *** Stablean has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:45:13 <Stablean> Autopilot engaged 10:45:14 <Stablean> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 10:45:14 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Stablean 10:47:09 <V453000> !rcon ls 10:47:09 <Stablean> V453000: 0) .. (Parent directory) 10:47:09 <Stablean> V453000: 1) autosave/ (Directory) 10:47:09 <Stablean> V453000: 2) uploads/ (Directory) 10:47:09 <Stablean> V453000: 3) restart.sav 10:47:09 <Stablean> V453000: 4) upgrade.sav 10:47:10 <Stablean> V453000: you have 38 more messages 10:47:12 <V453000> !rcon cd 2 10:47:15 <V453000> !rcon ls 10:47:15 <Stablean> V453000: 0) .. (Parent directory) 10:47:15 <Stablean> V453000: 1) StableTemp20a.sav 10:47:15 <Stablean> V453000: 2) StableTemp20.sav 10:47:15 <Stablean> V453000: 3) StableArc08b.sav 10:47:15 <Stablean> V453000: 4) StableArc08.sav 10:47:16 <Stablean> V453000: you have 79 more messages 10:47:20 <V453000> !rcon load 1 10:47:24 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 10:47:35 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 10:47:39 <V453000> !rcon reset_company 1 10:47:39 <Stablean> V453000: Company deleted. 10:47:40 <V453000> !auto 10:47:40 <Stablean> *** V453000 has enabled autopause mode. 10:47:42 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (number of players) 10:47:58 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 11:05:38 *** ODM has quit IRC 11:11:05 *** greenlion_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:15:34 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 11:15:34 <Stablean> *** b52 joined the game 11:18:09 *** davis has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:42:43 <Stablean> *** Fishu joined the game 11:43:04 <Stablean> *** Fishu has started a new company (#2) 12:02:26 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:02:26 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 12:19:18 <Stablean> *** Weasel joined the game 12:20:23 <Stablean> *** Weasel has left the game (leaving) 12:29:46 <Stablean> *** b52 has left the game (leaving) 12:32:56 <Stablean> *** Fishu has left the game (leaving) 12:32:59 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 13:16:08 <Stablean> *** MrMouthy joined the game 13:24:12 <Stablean> *** MrMouthy has left the game (leaving) 13:25:59 <Stablean> *** DiMarcello joined the game 13:27:28 <Stablean> *** DiMarcello has left the game (leaving) 13:31:59 <Stablean> *** OG Matautas joined the game 13:34:52 <Stablean> *** OG Matautas has started a new company (#3) 13:34:54 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 14:06:50 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 joined the game 14:06:53 <Stablean> <OG Matautas> yo 14:06:56 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 has started a new company (#4) 14:22:36 <Stablean> *** OG Matautas has left the game (leaving) 14:23:55 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 14:24:01 <Stablean> <V453000> lo 14:24:32 <Stablean> <Ediz000> hello 14:24:52 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 14:31:14 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 has left the game (leaving) 14:31:16 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 14:36:45 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 14:38:40 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has started a new company (#5) 14:38:42 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 14:43:43 *** davis has quit IRC 15:52:49 <Stablean> *** skjoldborgen joined the game 15:53:08 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 15:57:36 <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#4) 15:58:21 <Stablean> *** skjoldborgen has joined company #4 15:59:47 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 16:01:17 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 16:01:45 <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #4 16:02:47 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 16:04:05 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 16:04:35 <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #4 16:04:48 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 16:07:41 <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #4 16:10:18 <Stablean> *** JR joined the game 16:11:30 <Stablean> *** JR has left the game (leaving) 16:13:13 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 16:13:58 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 16:17:00 <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #4 16:19:27 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 16:19:47 <Stablean> *** skjoldborgen has left the game (leaving) 17:40:19 *** Hirundo is now known as Someone 17:40:26 *** Someone is now known as Hirundo 17:54:49 <Stablean> *** XDreadNought joined the game 17:55:02 <Stablean> *** XDreadNought has left the game (leaving) 17:59:45 *** ODM has quit IRC 18:07:48 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:07:48 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 18:16:56 *** ODM has quit IRC 18:24:49 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:24:49 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 18:34:53 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 18:37:39 <Stablean> *** Speedy has started a new company (#4) 18:39:37 *** davis has joined #openttdcoop.stable 19:14:11 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving) 19:23:43 <Stablean> *** Fixer joined the game 19:25:23 <Stablean> *** Fixer has left the game (leaving) 19:27:12 <Stablean> *** OG Matautas joined the game 19:46:02 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 has left the game (connection lost) 19:49:17 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 19:49:35 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 19:52:39 <Stablean> *** Speedy has joined company #4 20:05:58 <Sylf> !date 20:05:58 <Stablean> Sylf: 28 May 1931 20:06:05 <Sylf> oh, a new game 20:13:16 <Stablean> *** OG Matautas has left the game (leaving) 20:31:09 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 joined the game 20:33:43 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 has left the game (leaving) 20:33:57 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 joined the game 20:35:16 <Stablean> *** Speedy has joined company #3 20:35:47 <Stablean> *** Speedy has joined spectators 20:36:16 <Stablean> *** Speedy has joined company #4 20:43:54 <Stablean> <Ediz000> offf 20:44:46 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 has joined spectators 20:44:48 <Stablean> *** Ediz000 has started a new company (#3)