Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:03:25 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (connection lost) 00:03:27 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 00:03:38 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 00:03:39 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 00:06:13 <Vinnie> !players 00:06:16 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 617 (Red) is DayDreamer, in company 1 (V & T & D Transport) 00:06:24 <Vinnie> !companies 00:06:27 <Stablean> Vinnie: Company 2 (Green): kuch3n Transport 00:06:27 <Stablean> Vinnie: Company 3 (Orange): Deez nuts co. 00:06:27 <Stablean> Vinnie: Company 4 (Blue): CharcoalDioxide Transport 00:06:27 <Stablean> Vinnie: Company 5 (Pale Green): Dominik Transport 00:06:27 <Stablean> Vinnie: Company 6 (Pink): Postma Transport 00:06:29 <Stablean> Vinnie: Company 8 (Grey): caner Transport 00:06:29 <Stablean> Vinnie: Company 9 (Brown): Sylf Transport 00:06:45 *** Vinnie has quit IRC 00:27:32 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 00:34:19 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (leaving) 00:34:19 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 00:51:38 *** DarthShrine_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 00:51:51 *** DarthShrine has quit IRC 00:51:52 *** DarthShrine_ is now known as DarthShrine 00:53:08 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 00:53:10 <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game 00:55:50 *** Vitus has quit IRC 01:09:35 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 01:18:01 *** kuch3n has quit IRC 01:56:17 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 02:09:17 *** DarthShrine_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 02:09:17 *** DarthShrine has quit IRC 02:09:18 *** DarthShrine_ is now known as DarthShrine 04:05:09 *** kuch3n has joined #openttdcoop.stable 04:05:43 *** kuch3n is now known as Guest3778 04:46:27 *** greenlion has quit IRC 04:58:55 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:00:30 *** DarthShrine has quit IRC 06:14:57 <Stablean> *** PlayerOneSVK has joined spectators 06:15:25 <Stablean> *** PlayerOneSVK has left the game (connection lost) 06:25:31 *** DarthShrine has joined #openttdcoop.stable 07:29:45 *** DarthShrine has quit IRC 07:55:46 *** DarthShrine has joined #openttdcoop.stable 08:13:27 <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving) 08:13:27 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 08:43:27 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 08:44:04 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 08:44:07 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 09:02:57 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 09:02:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 09:59:29 <Stablean> *** Mx joined the game 09:59:57 <Stablean> <Mx> hello 10:00:54 *** DarthShrine has quit IRC 10:00:59 <Stablean> *** Mx has left the game (leaving) 10:10:53 *** Vinnie has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:15:20 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ joined the game 10:15:43 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> hello 10:19:32 <Stablean> *** Tepo joined the game 10:19:56 <Stablean> <Tepo> hi guys 10:20:07 <Stablean> *** Tepo has joined company #1 10:21:06 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined company #2 10:21:44 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> reset would be nice guys, wouldnt be? 10:21:58 <Stablean> <Tepo> i don't know 10:22:28 <Stablean> <Tepo> last time i asked for reset i lost my op status on IRC channel :D 10:23:25 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> appropriate :p 10:39:31 <Vinnie> Hi ppl. 10:39:39 <Stablean> <Tepo> hey Vinnie 10:39:41 <Guest3778> Hello Vinnie 10:41:47 *** Guest3778 is now known as kuch3n 10:43:46 <Vinnie> No restart happend yet? 10:43:53 <Stablean> <Tepo> no 10:44:13 <Vinnie> then no openttd for me :( 10:44:38 <Stablean> <Tepo> lunch time 10:44:40 <Stablean> *** Tepo has joined spectators 11:06:56 <Stablean> <DayDreamer> hi guys 11:09:09 <kuch3n> hi dd 11:09:32 <Vinnie> Hello 11:13:04 *** greenlion has quit IRC 11:20:35 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:20:35 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 11:22:02 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined spectators 11:33:53 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined spectators 11:33:53 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 11:34:01 <Stablean> *** Tepo has left the game (leaving) 11:44:33 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined company #1 11:44:33 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 11:45:57 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined company #2 11:48:24 *** ODM has quit IRC 11:52:06 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 11:52:10 <Stablean> <DayDreamer> hello 11:52:28 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Fast, hide, admin in here! 11:52:31 <Stablean> <V453000> hi 11:52:58 <Stablean> <V453000> guess we can get a new game eh 11:53:14 <V453000> !content 11:53:14 <Stablean> V453000: Connection established 11:53:18 <Stablean> V453000: Downloading 1 file(s) (286893 bytes) 11:53:18 <Stablean> V453000: (you need to !restart to have the new content loaded) 11:53:49 <kuch3n> !content 11:53:49 <Stablean> kuch3n: you must be channel op to use !content 11:55:15 <V453000> !restart 11:55:15 <Stablean> V453000: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 11:55:20 <V453000> k back in a minute 11:56:01 <Stablean> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 11:56:01 <Stablean> Thank you for playing 1.1.0-beta2. 11:56:05 <Stablean> Server has exited 11:56:05 *** Stablean has quit IRC 11:56:27 *** Stablean has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:56:27 <Stablean> Autopilot engaged 11:56:27 <Stablean> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 11:56:27 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Stablean 11:56:32 <Stablean> V450000000000, now you can execute !-commands ;-) 11:56:49 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 11:56:57 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 11:56:59 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ joined the game 11:57:07 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Arctic, brrr 11:57:09 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 11:57:11 <Stablean> *** V453000 has joined company #1 11:57:13 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 11:57:25 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has started a new company (#2) 11:57:29 <Stablean> *** V453000 has joined spectators 11:57:33 <V453000> !auto 11:57:33 <Stablean> *** V453000 has enabled autopause mode. 11:57:33 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (manual) 11:57:38 <V453000> !rcon reset_company 1 11:57:38 <Stablean> V453000: Company deleted. 11:57:49 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 11:57:54 <V453000> hav fun :) 12:03:09 *** kuch3n_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:03:14 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has left the game (connection lost) 12:03:15 <kuch3n_> ty 12:03:16 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 12:03:26 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 12:03:27 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ joined the game 12:09:15 *** kuch3n has quit IRC 12:09:21 <Stablean> *** Tepo joined the game 12:09:28 <Stablean> <Tepo> hi 12:09:36 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> hi 12:10:26 <Stablean> *** Tepo has started a new company (#1) 12:12:58 <Stablean> *** PRO joined the game 12:13:41 <Stablean> *** PRO has started a new company (#3) 12:15:31 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 12:16:17 <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#5) 12:19:27 <Stablean> <Tepo> pro? 12:19:33 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ? 12:19:35 <Stablean> <Tepo> what are you doing please? 12:19:43 <Stablean> <Tepo> a 12:19:47 <Stablean> <Tepo> at sign ??? 12:20:09 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> station spread 12:20:34 <Stablean> <Tepo> i mean with forests 12:20:48 <Stablean> <Tepo> he can't leave me space? 12:22:10 <Stablean> <DayDreamer> station spread exploit .. call an Admin and they deleted him .. 12:23:06 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (leaving) 12:23:24 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 12:25:36 <Stablean> *** Tepo has requested an admin 12:25:44 <Stablean> <Tepo> http://i53.tinypic.com/2jb2muo.png is this allright? 12:25:59 <Stablean> <Tepo> red company 12:26:43 <Stablean> <Tepo> station spread abuse 12:27:06 <planetmaker> do they transport from them? Then it's ok to use the station spread 12:27:42 <Stablean> <Tepo> ah okay 12:28:05 <Stablean> <Tepo> just i don't like how he built it 12:28:16 <planetmaker> you don't have to ;-) 12:28:17 <Stablean> <Tepo> there is something as a cheating or so 12:28:29 <Stablean> <Tepo> don't know how to describe it, sorry :( 12:29:07 <Vinnie> Ahh newgame. Be there tonight folks 12:29:37 <Stablean> <Tepo> you can join me if you want, password ase as last game ;) 12:29:53 <Stablean> <Tepo> *same 12:29:54 <Ammler> !rcon set station_spread 12:29:54 <Stablean> Ammler: Current value for 'station_spread' is: '11' (min: 4, max: 64) 12:30:55 <Ammler> Tepo, that is not station spread abusing, those are different stations 12:31:10 <Stablean> <Tepo> i don't think so 12:31:33 <Stablean> <Tepo> he has 1x1 tile station next to the forest, same 2x2 station that you can see 12:31:39 <Ammler> oh, you mean the little 2 tile station? 12:31:57 <Stablean> <Tepo> then one tile of railroad and another 2x2 tile station with stationwalk next to a paper mill 12:32:12 <Ammler> yes, that is cheating 12:32:31 <Stablean> <Tepo> i call that abusign of station spread but you are an admin ;) 12:32:32 <Ammler> shall I reset the company? 12:32:44 <Ammler> !players 12:32:46 <Stablean> Ammler: Client 13 (Orange) is kuch3n^, in company 2 (kuch3n^ Transport) 12:32:46 <Stablean> Ammler: Client 15 (Green) is Tepo, in company 1 (Tepo Transport) 12:32:46 <Stablean> Ammler: Client 17 (Red) is PRO, in company 3 (PRO Transport) 12:32:46 <Stablean> Ammler: Client 19 (Blue) is Player, in company 5 (Golden Lines) 12:33:00 <Ammler> PRO, please explain your self 12:33:16 <Stablean> <Tepo> i guess he doesn't speak english 12:33:19 <V453000> !rcon ban 17 12:33:19 <Stablean> V453000: *** PRO has left the game (kicked by server) 12:33:19 <Stablean> V453000: *** PRO has left the game (connection lost) 12:33:19 <Stablean> V453000: Banned 1 client(s) 12:33:32 <V453000> :p 12:33:37 <Ammler> well, the ban might teach him :-) 12:33:46 <Ammler> !rcon reset_company 3 12:33:46 <Stablean> Ammler: CmdBuildRailroadTrack Tepo date:1902-08-25 tile:0003B7AE p1:0003B7AF p2:00000040 text: price:165 12:33:46 <Stablean> Ammler: Company deleted. 12:34:37 <Ammler> Player (in company 5), please rename, use !name 12:34:56 <Ammler> !rcon move 19 255 12:34:56 <Stablean> Ammler: *** Player has joined spectators 12:35:11 <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #5 12:35:16 <Ammler> !rcon move 19 255 12:35:16 <Stablean> Ammler: *** Player has joined spectators 12:35:21 <Ammler> Player (in company 5), please rename, use !name 12:35:37 <Stablean> <Player> how? 12:35:37 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 12:35:53 <Ammler> Player, read the last 2 words? 12:36:14 <Stablean> <Tepo> yo should !name Christoffer 12:36:20 <Stablean> <Tepo> ;) 12:36:46 <Stablean> <Player> ? 12:37:06 <Stablean> <Tepo> your name must be behind it 12:37:13 <Ammler> instead "?" "!name <yourname>" 12:37:59 <Stablean> <Player> i did not understand that quite... 12:38:14 <Stablean> <Tepo> actually you don't need to 12:38:20 <Stablean> <Player> ok 12:38:22 <Stablean> <Tepo> just write !name christoffer 12:38:28 <Stablean> <Tepo> it will work 12:38:37 <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to christoffer 12:38:43 <Stablean> <christoffer> ah 12:38:45 <Stablean> *** V453000 has started a new company (#3) 12:38:47 <Stablean> <christoffer> cool 12:38:49 <Stablean> <Tepo> :) 12:38:57 <Stablean> *** christoffer has joined company #5 12:39:06 <Stablean> *** V453000 has joined spectators 12:45:27 <Stablean> <Tepo> oh 12:53:21 <Stablean> <christoffer> This was a funny server 12:53:35 <Stablean> <Tepo> but? 12:53:41 <Stablean> <Tepo> isn't now? 12:53:49 <Stablean> <christoffer> just felt like sayin it 12:54:03 <Stablean> <christoffer> it is a fun server 12:54:13 <Stablean> <Tepo> :) 12:54:19 <Stablean> <christoffer> my speling is bad 12:56:50 <Stablean> <Tepo> lol 12:56:58 <Stablean> <Tepo> train stuck in the hill :D 12:56:58 <Stablean> *** Nite joined the game 12:57:28 <Stablean> <V453000> the info about multiplier 3 might be important :) 12:57:31 <Stablean> <V453000> hill effect is 2% tho 12:57:36 <Stablean> <Tepo> i knew 12:57:42 <Stablean> <Nite> Hi 12:57:56 <Stablean> <Tepo> just tought that this type of train is stronger 12:57:58 <Stablean> <Nite> should i be on the irc also while beeing here? 12:58:40 <Stablean> <Tepo> i am no 12:58:44 <Stablean> <Tepo> *not 13:01:07 <Stablean> *** Nite has left the game (connection lost) 13:01:50 <Stablean> <christoffer> Did i lose conection? 13:12:12 <Stablean> <christoffer> is anyone here? 13:12:15 <Stablean> <Tepo> me 13:12:35 <Stablean> <christoffer> i began to tink i were disconected 13:13:15 <Stablean> <Tepo> game will write you "You have been disconnected from the server" :D 13:13:24 <Stablean> <christoffer> ok 13:18:09 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined spectators 13:18:45 <Stablean> <Tepo> Okay, cya later 13:18:51 <Stablean> *** Tepo has left the game (leaving) 13:32:05 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined company #2 13:45:22 <Stablean> *** Heyfara joined the game 13:46:23 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 13:55:38 <Stablean> *** MrMouthy joined the game 13:55:42 <Stablean> <MrMouthy> Hi 13:57:00 <Stablean> *** Heyfara has left the game (leaving) 13:58:43 <Stablean> *** MrMouthy has left the game (leaving) 14:03:12 <Stablean> *** Lukeno1 joined the game 14:15:02 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 14:17:30 <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#4) 14:17:42 <Stablean> <Player> hi all 14:17:59 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> hi 14:18:13 <Stablean> <Player> i`m new so take me eazy xD 14:20:16 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 14:20:34 <kuch3n_> Horiczontal emoticons are depracted 14:20:35 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:20:37 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 14:20:42 *** kuch3n_ is now known as kuch3n 14:20:45 <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#7) 14:21:29 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 14:26:55 <Vinnie> !players 14:26:57 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 13 (Orange) is kuch3n^, in company 2 (kuch3n^ Transport) 14:26:57 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 33 (Dark Blue) is Lukeno1, in company 3 (Lukeno94 Transport) 14:26:57 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 19 (Blue) is christoffer, in company 5 (Golden Lines) 14:27:52 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined spectators 14:30:38 *** greenlion has quit IRC 14:31:22 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:31:43 *** greenlion has quit IRC 14:32:22 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:32:52 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> when do the first RVs come out with these grfs? xD 14:35:48 *** greenlion has quit IRC 14:36:40 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:40:32 <V453000> there is no newgrf for RVs iirc 14:40:36 <V453000> so just like normally 14:40:43 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> OK, ty 14:40:45 <V453000> which is ... 1945? 14:40:55 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> 1930 wasn't it? xD 14:45:08 <Stablean> *** christoffer has changed his/her name to Christoffer 14:45:31 <Stablean> *** Lukeno1 has changed his/her name to Lukeno94 14:46:26 *** greenlion has quit IRC 14:47:35 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:50:19 *** greenlion has quit IRC 14:50:25 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:59:02 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> slowly but surely making more money xD 15:14:08 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined company #2 15:21:57 *** greenlion has quit IRC 15:23:54 <kuch3n> 2-8-2 Mikado next yr 15:24:04 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> is that a help or not? xD 15:24:31 <kuch3n> 96km/h @ 236kN 15:25:02 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> fair enough 15:25:34 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> they'll replace my 2-8-0 Consolidations then 15:28:55 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:29:57 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 15:30:25 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> someone needs to make a Chuck Norris train, with infinite kN xD 15:36:36 *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:38:12 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ops 15:38:19 <Stablean> <Christoffer> hehe 15:38:31 <Stablean> <Christoffer> i have done that 3 times 15:38:58 <Stablean> <Christoffer> Ant its destroyed a long time... 15:39:12 <Stablean> <Christoffer> Making caos 15:39:38 <V453000> if you have too long power, it overflows and results in being 1HP/ 1kN 15:39:43 <V453000> *too high 15:44:29 *** greenlion has quit IRC 15:50:31 <planetmaker> !info 15:50:31 <Stablean> planetmaker: http://stable.openttdcoop.org 15:51:15 <Stablean> *** Tepo joined the game 15:52:45 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined company #1 15:53:05 <Stablean> *** Tepo has left the game (leaving) 16:11:08 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> nice one greens :D 16:25:49 <Vinnie> !players 16:25:51 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 13 (Orange) is kuch3n^, in company 2 (kuch3n^ Transport) 16:25:51 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 33 (Dark Blue) is Lukeno94, in company 3 (Lukeno94 Transport) 16:25:51 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 41 (Green) is DayDreamer, in company 1 (Tepo Transport) 16:25:51 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 19 (Blue) is Christoffer, in company 5 (Golden Lines) 16:45:06 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> lol, that new train is useless :D 16:45:17 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> a bit like Ipswich Town 16:56:02 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 16:56:45 <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #4 16:59:21 <Stablean> *** Vinnie joined the game 16:59:23 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 16:59:27 <Stablean> <Vinnie> hello 16:59:37 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> hi 16:59:52 <Stablean> <Christoffer> Hello 17:02:35 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 17:02:56 <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#6) 17:05:05 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost) 17:05:27 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined spectators 17:06:10 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> for who? xD 17:06:16 <kuch3n> ? 17:06:28 <Stablean> *** Tepo joined the game 17:06:32 <Stablean> <Tepo> hi again 17:07:22 <Stablean> <Lukeno94> and to think this company was about to go bust when I took it over :D 17:08:39 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 17:09:45 <Stablean> *** Speedy has started a new company (#4) 17:10:45 <Stablean> *** Vinnie has left the game (leaving) 17:12:58 <Stablean> *** Tepo has left the game (leaving) 17:23:44 <Ammler> server is ready for beta3 17:23:53 <kuch3n> Dont destroy it again please! 17:24:10 <Ammler> again? 17:24:26 <kuch3n> beta2M 17:24:48 <Ammler> :-P 17:25:04 <Ammler> !playercount 17:25:04 <Stablean> Ammler: Number of players: 5 (1 spectators) 17:25:18 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined spectators 17:25:33 <Ammler> shall I restart? 17:25:45 <Stablean> <Christoffer> why? 17:25:52 <Ammler> update to beta3 17:26:05 <Stablean> <Christoffer> is it so much better? 17:26:10 <Ammler> yes :-D 17:27:34 <Stablean> <Christoffer> can you load this game afther update? 17:27:40 <kuch3n> http://de.binaries.openttd.org/binaries/releases/1.1.0-beta3/changelog.txt 17:28:45 <Ammler> I would 17:28:51 <Ammler> I do just restart 17:28:58 <Ammler> loading other games isn't my job :-P 17:29:04 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has joined spectators 17:29:10 <Ammler> !restart 17:29:10 <Stablean> Ammler: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute! 17:29:14 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has left the game (leaving) 17:29:44 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has left the game (leaving) 17:30:01 <Stablean> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely 17:30:01 <Stablean> Thank you for playing 1.1.0-beta2. 17:30:05 <Stablean> Server has exited 17:30:05 *** Stablean has quit IRC 17:30:23 *** Stablean has joined #openttdcoop.stable 17:30:23 <Stablean> Autopilot engaged 17:30:23 <Stablean> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org)' 17:30:23 <Stablean> V450000000000, now you can execute !-commands ;-) 17:30:23 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Stablean 17:30:36 <Ammler> !revision 17:30:36 <Stablean> Ammler: Game version is 1.1.0-beta3 17:30:55 <Ammler> @topic change 1 s/beta2/beta3/ 17:30:55 *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop Welcome server. OpenTTD 1.1.0-beta3 | Admin channel (ask for op) | IF you prepare map, read http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Map_Preparation" 17:32:12 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 17:33:23 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 17:33:27 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 17:33:27 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 17:33:55 <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to Christoffer 17:33:59 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has joined company #5 17:33:59 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 17:34:15 <Stablean> *** Lukeno1 joined the game 17:34:43 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> yey, now I have to find where the hell I was working before. :( 17:38:04 <Ammler> hehe 17:41:44 <planetmaker> and you have to set your company password 17:43:23 <V453000> :p 17:43:43 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has joined spectators 17:43:56 <Stablean> *** Amm1er joined the game 17:44:18 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has joined company #5 17:44:51 <Ammler> !server_status 17:44:52 <Stablean> Ammler: 17:44pm up 24 days 1:29, 3 users, load average: 0.10, 0.09, 0.09 17:44:52 <Stablean> Ammler: Cpu(s): 0.0%us, 0.2%sy, 2.0%ni, 97.8%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st 17:44:53 <Stablean> Ammler: 14903 ottdc 30 10 35100 17m 4236 S 10 3.4 1:14.58 ./stable -c openttd 17:44:55 <Ammler> hmm 17:45:01 <Stablean> <Amm1er> I have lags 17:45:16 <Stablean> <Christoffer> me 2 17:45:27 <Ammler> !rcon status 17:45:27 <Stablean> Ammler: Client #5 name: 'DayDreamer' status: 'active' frame-lag: 2 company: 255 IP: 17:45:27 <Stablean> Ammler: Client #7 name: 'Christoffer' status: 'active' frame-lag: 3 company: 5 IP: 17:45:27 <Stablean> Ammler: Client #9 name: 'Lukeno1' status: 'active' frame-lag: 4 company: 3 IP: 17:45:27 <Stablean> Ammler: Client #11 name: 'Amm1er' status: 'active' frame-lag: 3 company: 1 IP: 17:45:32 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> I don't have much lag xD 17:45:36 <Ammler> !rcon frame_freq 17:45:36 <Stablean> Ammler: ERROR: command not found 17:45:39 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> and I have a tempermental connection so xD 17:46:00 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings freq 17:46:00 <Stablean> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 17:46:00 <Stablean> Ammler: network.sync_freq = 100 17:46:00 <Stablean> Ammler: network.frame_freq = 0 17:46:00 <Stablean> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 17:46:10 <Ammler> !rcon set frame_freq 17:46:10 <Stablean> Ammler: Current value for 'frame_freq' is: '0' (min: 0, max: 100) 17:46:12 <Ammler> !rcon set frame_freq 4 17:47:11 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> just in case you don't realize, I'm not stealing at Wreningpool Falls East, Christoffer 17:47:13 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> xD 17:47:15 <Stablean> <Amm1er> 1925 :-o 17:47:53 <Stablean> <Amm1er> hehe 17:48:07 <Stablean> <Christoffer> oh 17:48:15 <Stablean> <Christoffer> i see 17:48:18 <Stablean> <Christoffer> =D 17:48:24 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> you're moving wood-type stuff, I'm shunting oil ;) 17:48:38 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> I can't be bothered to have a theft argument, so I left the wood alone 17:48:40 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> xD 17:49:19 <Stablean> <Amm1er> the houses aren't now aware 17:49:25 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> ammler, you might want to repay your loan xD 17:49:45 <Stablean> <Amm1er> It's not my company :- 17:50:07 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> you're still running it atm, so :L 17:50:13 <Stablean> <Amm1er> I just prefer visiting company so I can see statistics etc. 17:50:17 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> ah 17:50:39 <Stablean> * Amm1er is just watching :-) 17:50:49 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> I see :) 17:51:27 <Stablean> <Amm1er> you like bridges :-P 17:51:42 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> me? xD yeah, as I can't really terraform, I need them xD 17:51:56 <Stablean> <Amm1er> oh tf is expensive? 17:52:06 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> very on this map 17:52:16 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> £12k per bit moved, at least 17:52:34 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> so you can end up with some bridges (not mine) at the water costing about £2 million 17:52:36 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> for 2 square 17:52:39 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> squares* xD 17:52:41 <Stablean> <Amm1er> hmm, I can't visit the newgrf gui? 17:52:45 <V453000> thats not very yet :p 17:52:55 <V453000> Ammler: cant edit running newgrfs 17:53:02 <V453000> or ... cant even see it 17:53:15 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> I can see it 17:53:17 <Stablean> <Amm1er> yes, but I also can't view the parameters 17:53:51 <Stablean> <Amm1er> that is a bug? 17:54:57 <Stablean> <Christoffer> the new trains are crap they cost alot and don't got any power or speed 17:59:35 <Stablean> <Christoffer> nice 18:08:35 <Stablean> *** Amm1er has joined company #2 18:09:40 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ joined the game 18:11:00 <kuch3n> Christoffer, the 2-8-2 Mikado is the best one now 18:11:44 <Stablean> <Amm1er> if I would start with a company and transport food from Fafingbridge to a town 18:12:02 <Stablean> <Amm1er> would that be stealing, as that company there doesn't transport food 18:12:06 <Stablean> <Amm1er> ? 18:12:08 <Stablean> <Christoffer> The 2-8-2 mikado is slow 18:12:20 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> it isnt 18:12:26 <DayDreamer> @@ (calc 24.57*19.98) 18:12:33 <DayDreamer> @@(calc 24.57*19.98) 18:12:37 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Amm1er: If you play in my company it would be ok 18:12:38 <DayDreamer> ? 18:12:43 <Stablean> *** MortCZ joined the game 18:12:55 <Stablean> <Amm1er> I just watching, visited your company to see some stats :-) 18:12:57 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> the Mountain is better than the Mikado, I prefer the Santa Fe to the Mikado 18:13:09 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Stasi :> 18:13:11 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> but can't be bothered to convert my dual Mikados into single Santa Fes 18:13:15 <Stablean> <Amm1er> yes :-= 18:14:19 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> If i can ask, which stats did you watched at? 18:14:45 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> now replacing my Mikados with Mountains xD 18:14:48 <Stablean> <Amm1er> the orders of the farm trains 18:15:19 <Stablean> <Amm1er> too many wheat trains at Hartborough 18:15:45 <Stablean> <Amm1er> it blocks lv trains 18:15:49 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ic 18:16:40 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ok, the mountain is a way better 18:16:55 <Stablean> <Christoffer> =D 18:17:01 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> xD 18:17:37 <Stablean> *** Amm1er has left the game (leaving) 18:17:39 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> hence why I've scrapped all my Mikados, and am in the process of introducing some dual Mountains 18:17:59 <Stablean> <Christoffer> Cool 18:19:10 <Stablean> <Christoffer> Wreningpool falls realy don't like me.... 18:19:16 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> why? xD 18:19:24 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> they like me ;) :L 18:19:26 <Stablean> <Christoffer> Im not sure 18:19:34 <Stablean> <Christoffer> The wood goes exelent 18:19:52 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> my oil is only Very Good xD 18:23:23 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined company #1 18:24:33 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> uh, Christoffer, what are you doing at Wreningpool? xD 18:27:20 <Stablean> *** PARKER joined the game 18:28:52 <kuch3n> Ammler: did i scared you ammler? :o 18:29:27 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> I love how cheap ships are to buy and aren't to run 18:33:11 <Ammler> kuch3n: no, needed the cpu power somewhere else 18:34:37 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> now its goodbye Santa Fe and hello Berkshires :) 18:44:19 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> yey, over £1 million at last xD 18:44:36 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ? 18:45:16 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> OK, thanks, now I have 2 million 18:45:18 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> xD 18:45:30 <Stablean> <Christoffer> =P 18:46:32 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> DayDreamer: I have to cross at fafingbridge, see !here pls 18:47:47 <Stablean> *** dario joined the game 18:50:19 <Stablean> <DayDreamer> and what i have to do with that? u choose pretty unsuitable place 18:50:45 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ouch :> 18:54:31 <Stablean> <DayDreamer> nice 18:54:45 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> the tf? 18:55:05 <Stablean> <DayDreamer> ..the train crash 18:56:16 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> stupid goddamn train routing, that route was fine :@ 18:56:44 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> EPIC FACEPALM 18:57:02 <Stablean> *** Lukeno1 has left the game (leaving) 19:04:57 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Christoffer, nice signal design.. 19:12:56 <V453000> !players 19:12:59 <Stablean> V453000: Client 5 (Green) is DayDreamer, in company 1 (Super Trans Corp.) 19:12:59 <Stablean> V453000: Client 7 (Blue) is Christoffer, in company 5 (Golden Lines) 19:12:59 <Stablean> V453000: Client 19 (Pink) is PARKER, in company 6 (PARKER Transport) 19:12:59 <Stablean> V453000: Client 13 (Orange) is kuch3n^, in company 2 (kuch3n^ Transport) 19:12:59 <Stablean> V453000: Client 17 (Green) is MortCZ, in company 1 (Super Trans Corp.) 19:13:01 <Stablean> V453000: Client 21 is dario, a spectator 19:13:06 <V453000> MortCZ: that might not be your company 19:13:09 <V453000> !rcon move 19:13:09 <Stablean> V453000: - Move a client to another company. Usage: move <client-id> <company-id> 19:13:09 <Stablean> V453000: - For valid client-id see 'clients', for valid company-id see 'companies', use 255 for moving to spectators 19:13:16 <V453000> !rcon move 17 255 19:13:16 <Stablean> V453000: *** MortCZ has joined spectators 19:15:32 <Stablean> *** MortCZ has left the game (leaving) 19:17:45 <Stablean> *** dario has left the game (connection lost) 19:19:53 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined spectators 19:22:11 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> boom 19:23:49 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> Hey 19:23:49 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx joined the game 19:24:21 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has joined company #4 19:25:05 <kuch3n> !players 19:25:08 <Stablean> kuch3n: Client 5 is DayDreamer, a spectator 19:25:08 <Stablean> kuch3n: Client 7 (Blue) is Christoffer, in company 5 (Golden Lines) 19:25:08 <Stablean> kuch3n: Client 23 (Pale Green) is Timmaexx, in company 4 (Grondstone Transport) 19:25:08 <Stablean> kuch3n: Client 19 (Pink) is PARKER, in company 6 (PARKER Transport) 19:25:08 <Stablean> kuch3n: Client 13 (Orange) is kuch3n^, in company 2 (kuch3n^ Transport) 19:30:50 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has left the game (leaving) 19:33:49 <Stablean> <Tepo> hi 19:33:49 <Stablean> *** Tepo joined the game 19:40:42 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> DD? 19:41:42 <DayDreamer> yes? - im not in the game, only on irc 19:41:54 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ah tepo is green 19:42:09 <Stablean> <Tepo> yes 19:42:15 <Stablean> <Tepo> but DD too 19:42:17 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> what you mean with lol? 19:42:35 <Stablean> <Tepo> that rail under bridge 19:42:44 <Stablean> <Tepo> and why so much transfering? 19:42:54 <Stablean> <Tepo> you are transfering food twice on it's way 19:43:05 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> cause of the long bridge 19:43:27 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> at Trenfingford 19:45:35 <Stablean> <Tepo> okay, and what about here? 19:45:47 <Stablean> <Tepo> *!here 19:46:14 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> cant get a 7TL line in the hills 19:46:38 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Suggestion? :) 19:46:44 <Stablean> <Tepo> do you need 7TL trains? 19:46:50 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> for the long bridge 19:47:16 <Stablean> <Tepo> make smaller bridges across the water 19:47:23 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> give me money :p 19:47:39 <Stablean> <Tepo> don't build across water ;) 19:48:25 <Stablean> <Tepo> or you can get your trains across near the power plant !here 19:48:50 <Stablean> <Tepo> not needed to build bridges :) 19:48:50 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> will test it 19:49:34 <Stablean> <Tepo> it remembers me... power plant... 19:49:42 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> huh? 19:49:52 <Stablean> <Tepo> i wanted to build there:D 19:50:03 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> :P 19:50:03 <Stablean> <Tepo> but i can find another one :) 19:51:25 <Stablean> <Tepo> Tommorow is monday right? 19:53:01 <Vinnie> yes i hate mondays 19:53:18 <Stablean> <Tepo> school... 19:53:25 <Stablean> <Tepo> everyone hate it 19:53:51 <Stablean> <Tepo> and if not school, work :) 19:58:32 <Stablean> <Christoffer> i bet my train swich wil give me huge income 20:02:19 <Stablean> <Tepo> these tunnelc can work better 20:02:34 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> me? 20:02:38 <Stablean> <Tepo> yes 20:02:48 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> ty 20:02:50 <Stablean> <Tepo> np 20:03:01 <Stablean> <Tepo> double bridges as well 20:03:27 <Stablean> <Tepo> left it doubled !until here 20:04:44 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (connection lost) 20:05:40 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has joined spectators 20:05:54 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has joined company #5 20:08:29 <Stablean> *** Tepo has left the game (leaving) 20:14:07 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Tepo, at !here are signals missing 20:14:52 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 20:17:55 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:18:57 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 20:20:25 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:25:03 *** DayDreamer1 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:26:11 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 20:29:08 <Stablean> *** Lukeno1 joined the game 20:31:36 *** DayDreamer1 has quit IRC 20:33:27 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:35:24 <kuch3n> DayDreamer: Your Company will be soon closed off 20:36:02 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> why is his company going to be closed? 20:36:14 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> income dropped to 0, trains stucked 20:36:30 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> ah, that sucks 20:36:40 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> and hes got a negative income 20:37:21 <Stablean> <Christoffer> No he don't 20:37:46 *** DayDreamer1 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:37:49 <Stablean> <Christoffer> his income is positive 20:37:55 <Stablean> <kuch3n^> Operating Profit Graph 20:38:17 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 20:38:59 <Stablean> *** Fixer joined the game 20:39:14 <Stablean> *** Fixer has left the game (connection lost) 20:43:44 *** DayDreamer1 has quit IRC 20:51:05 <Stablean> *** Amm1er joined the game 20:52:28 <Stablean> *** Playor joined the game 20:53:38 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:54:16 <Stablean> *** Playor has left the game (leaving) 20:54:21 <Stablean> *** Amm1er has left the game (leaving) 20:55:30 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 20:56:03 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:58:43 *** DayDreamer1 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:59:31 *** DarthShrine has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:03:03 *** DayDreamer2 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:05:25 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 21:05:28 *** DayDreamer1 has quit IRC 21:10:50 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:12:42 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 21:12:53 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:14:22 *** DayDreamer2 has quit IRC 21:14:45 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 21:21:05 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:23:49 <Stablean> *** Dominik joined the game 21:30:16 <Stablean> *** Dominik has left the game (leaving) 21:31:43 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 21:32:33 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 21:32:44 <Stablean> *** Speedy has started a new company (#4) 21:32:48 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined company #1 21:34:48 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined spectators 21:39:00 <Stablean> *** orudge joined the game 21:39:15 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> omg, ORudge, all hail xD 21:39:21 <Stablean> <orudge> Just looking ;) 21:39:24 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> :P 21:39:44 <Stablean> <Lukeno1> tis an honour to be on the same server as you SIRE xD (this is mrMann :L) 21:39:52 <Stablean> <orudge> Heh 21:40:22 <Stablean> *** orudge has left the game (connection lost) 21:40:44 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (connection lost) 21:41:51 <Vinnie> !players 21:41:53 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 27 (Dark Blue) is Lukeno1, in company 3 (Lukeno94 Transport) 21:41:53 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 7 (Blue) is Christoffer, in company 5 (Golden Lines) 21:41:53 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 39 (Red) is Speedy, in company 4 (Grondstone Transport) 21:41:53 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 19 (Pink) is PARKER, in company 6 (PARKER Transport) 21:41:53 <Stablean> Vinnie: Client 13 (Orange) is kuch3n^, in company 2 (kuch3n^ Transport) 21:59:15 <Stablean> *** Lukeno1 has left the game (leaving) 22:04:37 *** DayDreamer1 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:05:46 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 22:09:47 <planetmaker> an orudge here! 22:10:19 <kuch3n> what is this species? 22:11:32 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:12:37 *** DayDreamer1 has quit IRC 22:15:13 <Stablean> *** PARKER has left the game (connection lost) 22:21:26 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:25:49 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:26:04 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:26:19 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 22:26:38 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:26:54 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:28:18 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (connection lost) 22:28:24 <Stablean> *** otto joined the game 22:30:22 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:30:36 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:32:02 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:32:18 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:33:52 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:34:08 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:34:37 <Stablean> *** kuch3n^ has joined spectators 22:41:55 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:42:10 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:43:12 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:43:26 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:44:20 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:44:36 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:45:26 <Stablean> *** Speedy joined the game 22:45:41 <Stablean> *** Speedy has left the game (connection lost) 22:47:02 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game 22:50:14 *** Vinnie has quit IRC 22:54:11 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has joined company #1 22:55:08 <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (leaving) 22:55:49 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 23:04:25 <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to Lollipop 23:19:05 <Stablean> *** Christoffer has left the game (leaving) 23:19:05 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 23:19:46 <Stablean> *** otto has started a new company (#7) 23:19:48 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 23:20:26 <Stablean> *** Lollipop has left the game (leaving) 23:27:22 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 23:33:49 *** Stablean has quit IRC 23:33:49 *** planetmaker has quit IRC 23:37:34 *** Stablean has joined #openttdcoop.stable 23:37:34 *** planetmaker has joined #openttdcoop.stable 23:37:34 *** solenoid.oftc.net sets mode: +vov Stablean planetmaker planetmaker