Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:36:08 <Stablean> *** Hedonist joined the game 00:37:44 <Stablean> *** Hedonist has left the game (leaving) 00:40:22 <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game 00:42:02 <Stablean> *** Sylf has joined company #1 00:49:55 <Stablean> <dh2k3> hello 00:50:01 <Stablean> <Sylf> hi 00:50:08 <Stablean> <dh2k3> haven't seen you before here 00:50:32 <Stablean> <Sylf> I'm just another regular 00:51:03 <Stablean> <dh2k3> just new to this kind of server but not used to goals, etc. 00:51:37 <Stablean> <Sylf> I don't play goal server games eiter 00:51:53 <Stablean> <dh2k3> i used to admin for one before they shut it down 00:52:38 <Stablean> <dh2k3> time for costly buth worth it upgrades :) 00:59:36 <Stablean> <dh2k3> crud 00:59:45 <Stablean> <Sylf> D: 00:59:59 <Stablean> <dh2k3> do not remove signals else crash 01:01:30 <Stablean> <dh2k3> dear crash please clean up quickly otherwise I'm losing money :D 01:01:44 <Stablean> <Sylf> hehehe 01:09:25 <Stablean> <dh2k3> think I fixed some of the jams 01:10:59 <Stablean> <dh2k3> assuming the trains know which way they are going 01:20:27 <Stablean> <dh2k3> my cv goes up slowly but it's going good :) 01:20:41 <Stablean> <Sylf> cv? 01:20:47 <Stablean> <dh2k3> company value 01:20:50 <Stablean> <Sylf> ah 01:21:28 <Stablean> <dh2k3> green? 01:21:38 <Stablean> <dh2k3> not home 01:26:17 <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving) 01:42:00 <Stablean> <dh2k3> jams :( 02:14:27 <Stablean> *** dh2k3 has left the game (leaving) 02:14:27 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 04:12:52 *** Mazur has quit IRC 07:12:37 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 07:12:37 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 07:25:15 <Stablean> *** Ediz joined the game 07:28:03 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 07:28:06 <Stablean> *** popstim joined the game 08:40:12 <Stablean> *** popstim has left the game (leaving) 08:40:12 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 09:18:45 <Stablean> *** doonz joined the game 09:23:57 <Stablean> *** doonz has left the game (leaving) 09:41:55 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 09:45:06 <V453000> !players 09:45:08 <Stablean> V453000: Client 281 is Ediz, a spectator 09:45:11 <V453000> !rcon ban 281 09:45:11 <Stablean> V453000: *** Ediz has left the game (kicked by server) 09:45:11 <Stablean> V453000: *** Ediz has left the game (connection lost) 09:45:11 <Stablean> V453000: Banned 1 client(s) 09:48:57 <Stablean> *** haxx joined the game 09:51:14 <Stablean> *** haxx has left the game (leaving) 10:01:26 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 10:05:25 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 10:43:36 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:43:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur 11:07:51 <Stablean> *** BlackBeaver joined the game 11:08:15 <Stablean> *** BlackBeaver has left the game (leaving) 12:58:10 <Stablean> *** FlyPan joined the game 12:59:49 <Stablean> *** FlyPan has left the game (connection lost) 13:15:48 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 13:17:24 *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable 13:33:05 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 13:34:09 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (connection lost) 15:50:29 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 15:50:31 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx joined the game 16:15:28 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 16:15:29 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> hey 16:15:35 <Stablean> <V453000> ello 16:15:46 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost) 16:15:51 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> wanna join and coop? 16:15:57 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> okay... 16:15:57 <V453000> not really 16:16:31 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 16:17:46 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving) 16:21:20 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has left the game (leaving) 16:21:20 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 17:14:51 <Stablean> *** Ed joined the game 17:15:04 <Stablean> *** Ed has left the game (leaving) 17:32:43 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG joined the game 17:32:48 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ohhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiit :D 17:40:14 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has started a new company (#5) 17:40:14 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 17:59:06 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 17:59:11 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hey Troy 17:59:17 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hi 17:59:59 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Can join me if you want, but with these train prices companies going nowhere anytime soon :P 18:00:18 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> sure,like to have a look at it myself 18:00:38 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined company #5 18:00:46 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> £250k just for a maglev loco :/ 18:01:30 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> quite expensive yeah 18:01:46 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> poor accel too 18:01:54 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hmmm 18:02:22 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> pax isnt an option too 18:02:28 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> rates are halved 18:02:31 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah cos costs were halved 18:02:47 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Dunno what the map maker was thinking when they made this POS tbh... 18:03:10 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I mean its 2014 and half the map is empty.... 18:03:20 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx joined the game 18:03:23 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi 18:03:25 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> perhaps toyland because of the paxpayment and some OpenGFX 18:03:27 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> Hi 18:03:38 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> so there are no other train and RVsets 18:03:42 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hi 18:03:58 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yes i dont mind OpenGFX but im sure the train costs aren't default... 18:04:12 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> have the costs increased? 18:04:24 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> is inflation on for traincosts? 18:04:30 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I never remember OpenGFX being this espensive 18:04:40 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Doubt its inflation 18:05:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> And in the GRF window under OGFX+ Trains I see some parameters have been changed 18:05:34 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> err 18:05:44 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> where is the GRF window? 18:05:45 <planetmaker> enjoy the base cost grfs :-P 18:06:00 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Under the cog option 18:06:10 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> Newgrf settings? 18:06:16 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> No pm this is actually depressing no wonder this game is dead :/ 18:06:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yes 18:06:45 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> how do you check the parameters? 18:06:47 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> It's sad, noone wants to play toyland... 18:06:58 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> ah 18:07:00 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I dont think its just because of Toyland 18:07:06 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> well I don't like it too :P 18:07:06 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> 6 0 11 11 right? 18:07:09 <Ammler> !info 18:07:09 <Stablean> Ammler: http://stable.openttdcoop.org 18:07:09 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> There were plenty of players in the last game 18:07:11 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah Troy 18:08:09 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has joined spectators 18:08:13 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined spectators 18:08:15 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Think its time for a reset.... 18:08:42 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> yeah, me too 18:08:48 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> okay 18:08:54 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> when will the server restart? 18:09:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> When an admin decides to reset :P 18:09:16 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> if someone loads anice new map 18:09:16 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Is V around? 18:10:30 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has requested an admin 18:13:02 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> no-one in PS too 18:13:03 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hmm 18:13:13 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Is that tropic PS game still on? 18:13:45 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> what is still on? 18:13:51 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> it says 39 years 18:14:02 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So its a new game 18:14:28 <Ammler> new game available?= 18:14:40 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ammler PLEASE reset this server 18:14:51 <Ammler> !date 18:14:51 <Stablean> Ammler: 6 May 2015 18:14:55 <Ammler> just reset? 18:15:00 <Ammler> I can reset :-) 18:15:05 <Ammler> !rcon reset 18:15:05 <Stablean> Ammler: ERROR: command not found 18:15:07 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> new map too 18:15:09 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well a new map woudl be nice too :) 18:15:11 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> Toyland sucks 18:15:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> And a ban for whoever created this horrible game :D 18:15:23 <Ammler> reset does not change the clima 18:15:44 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> New game then please :) 18:15:47 <Ammler> !rcon list_commands reset 18:15:47 <Stablean> Ammler: ERROR: command not found 18:15:53 <Ammler> !rcon list_command reset 18:15:53 <Stablean> Ammler: ERROR: command not found 18:16:15 <Ammler> mäh, I have no clue anymore 18:16:31 <Ammler> I thoght, there is newgame and reset 18:16:37 <planetmaker> !rcon newgame 18:16:39 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:16:42 <planetmaker> :-) 18:16:44 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx joined the game 18:16:46 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG joined the game 18:16:51 <Ammler> what happen with reset?= 18:16:59 <planetmaker> did it ever exit? 18:17:02 <planetmaker> *exist 18:17:09 <Ammler> how is the other command called then? 18:17:21 <Ammler> the one, which just resets 18:17:24 <Ammler> restart 18:17:35 <Ammler> !rcon restart 18:17:35 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:17:42 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx joined the game 18:17:42 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG joined the game 18:17:57 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings clima 18:17:57 <Stablean> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 18:17:57 <Stablean> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 18:18:07 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings map 18:18:07 <Stablean> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 18:18:07 <Stablean> Ammler: game_creation.heightmap_rotation = 0 18:18:07 <Stablean> Ammler: game_creation.map_x = 9 18:18:07 <Stablean> Ammler: game_creation.map_y = 9 18:18:07 <Stablean> Ammler: gui.smallmap_land_colour = 0 18:18:09 <Stablean> Ammler: you have 2 more messages 18:18:09 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ummm 18:18:11 <Ammler> !more 18:18:11 <Stablean> Ammler: gui.semaphore_build_before = 1975 18:18:11 <Stablean> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 18:18:38 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings climate 18:18:38 <Stablean> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 18:18:38 <Stablean> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 18:19:21 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 18:19:31 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Is this it? :P 18:20:05 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> ö? 18:20:08 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> think so 18:20:20 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has started a new company (#1) 18:20:22 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:20:24 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> :D Was reading an article and now this new climate 18:20:43 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> no, i dont think so 18:20:53 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> no newgrf loaded at all 18:20:57 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I know :/ 18:21:23 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has started a new company (#2) 18:23:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Not even base costs, this map is gonna get very ugly very fast... 18:23:29 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> yep 18:23:32 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> already working on it :P 18:23:36 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> not the yellow from the egg 18:23:42 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> me too 18:23:48 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> but restart if you want 18:23:56 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> nothing against 18:24:37 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> he 18:24:52 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> you wanna fight? 18:24:52 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 18:26:28 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Guess i better join the partayyyyy 18:26:30 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has started a new company (#3) 18:26:34 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> :D 18:28:11 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> gd 18:28:25 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> breakdowns are on?!?!?! 18:28:31 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Woah i didnt know that 2cc are on 18:28:33 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lmao really? 18:28:45 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Party OVER. 18:30:53 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (connection lost) 18:31:05 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 18:31:24 <Ammler> !info 18:31:24 <Stablean> Ammler: http://stable.openttdcoop.org 18:31:27 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Someone call an admin so we can at least have a playable game? They never seem to answer my calls anymore... 18:31:43 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has requested an admin 18:31:49 <Ammler> you asked for set 18:31:54 <Ammler> reset* 18:31:59 <Ammler> I asked for new map 18:32:07 <Ammler> !rcon ls 18:32:08 <Stablean> Ammler: 0) .. (Parent directory) 18:32:08 <Stablean> Ammler: 1) archive/ (Directory) 18:32:08 <Stablean> Ammler: 2) StableToyS01a.sav 18:32:08 <Stablean> Ammler: 3) StableToyS01.sav 18:32:08 <Stablean> Ammler: 4) StableTempS02c.sav 18:32:09 <Stablean> Ammler: you have 26 more messages 18:32:23 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah but we expected a typical coop server game 18:32:27 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> I asked for a new map with some NewGRFs. please please please 18:32:27 <Ammler> shall I load an old map? 18:32:29 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> BREAKDOWNS are on... 18:32:59 <Ammler> !rcon load 4 18:32:59 <Stablean> Ammler: CmdBuildSingleSignal Timmaexx date:1945-12-06 tile:00009254 p1:00005000 p2:00000000 text: price:48 18:32:59 <Stablean> Ammler: CmdBuildSingleSignal Timmaexx date:1945-12-06 tile:00009254 p1:00005000 p2:00000000 text: price:0 18:32:59 <Stablean> Ammler: CmdBuildSingleSignal Timmaexx date:1945-12-06 tile:00009454 p1:00005000 p2:00000000 text: price:48 18:32:59 <Stablean> Ammler: CmdBuildSingleSignal Timmaexx date:1945-12-06 tile:00009454 p1:00005000 p2:00000000 text: price:0 18:33:01 <Stablean> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 18:33:06 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx joined the game 18:33:08 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG joined the game 18:33:10 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game 18:33:13 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ooh FIRS 18:33:15 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> :) 18:33:18 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> yeah 18:33:19 <Ammler> !rcon ls 18:33:19 <Stablean> Ammler: 0) .. (Parent directory) 18:33:19 <Stablean> Ammler: 1) archive/ (Directory) 18:33:19 <Stablean> Ammler: 2) StableToyS01a.sav 18:33:19 <Stablean> Ammler: 3) StableToyS01.sav 18:33:19 <Stablean> Ammler: 4) StableTempS02c.sav 18:33:20 <Ammler> !more 18:33:21 <Stablean> Ammler: you have 26 more messages 18:33:21 <Stablean> Ammler: 5) StableTempS02b.sav 18:33:23 <Stablean> Ammler: 6) StableTempS02a.sav 18:33:23 <Stablean> Ammler: 7) StableTempS02.sav 18:33:25 <Stablean> Ammler: 8) StableTempS01.sav 18:33:25 <Stablean> Ammler: 9) StableTropS01.sav 18:33:27 <Stablean> Ammler: you have 21 more messages 18:33:27 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has started a new company (#2) 18:33:28 <Ammler> !more 18:33:29 <Stablean> Ammler: 10) StableArcS01.sav 18:33:29 <Stablean> Ammler: 11) StableTemp64.sav 18:33:31 <Stablean> Ammler: 12) StableArc28.sav 18:33:31 <Stablean> Ammler: 13) stableTemp63fix.sav 18:33:33 <Stablean> Ammler: 14) StableTemp63.sav 18:33:33 <Stablean> Ammler: you have 16 more messages 18:33:38 <Ammler> you wanna keep that? 18:33:44 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> +1 18:33:55 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah as logn as breakdowns are off :D 18:33:57 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> looks very very familiar 18:33:59 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> *long 18:34:06 <Ammler> !setdef 18:34:06 <Stablean> *** Ammler has disabled wait_for_pbs_path, wait_twoway_signal, wait_oneway_signal, ai_in_multiplayer; enabled no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns, extra_dynamite, mod_road_rebuild, forbid_90_deg, rail_firstred_twoway_eol and set path_backoff_interval to 1, train_acceleration_model to 1 18:34:07 <Stablean> *** FlyPan joined the game 18:34:18 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Was thinking the same troy, isnt this the last game (before toyland)? 18:34:28 <Ammler> yes, it is 18:34:31 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> yeah, think so 18:34:46 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> i remeber 18:34:50 <Ammler> I can just load games 18:34:52 <Stablean> <FlyPan> evening 18:34:59 <Ammler> you can tell me, what I shall load :-) 18:35:01 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> g'evening 18:35:01 <Stablean> <Troy McClure> evenin' 18:35:04 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well im not complaining :D 18:35:04 <Ammler> I do not setup games 18:35:06 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi 18:35:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> We noticed Ammler :P 18:35:36 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has enabled autopause mode. 18:35:38 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (manual) 18:35:59 <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving) 18:37:15 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hmm where to start 18:37:22 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> thats the question 18:37:28 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> i'll take the south 18:38:48 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has joined spectators 18:38:48 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:38:48 <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:38:51 <Stablean> *** SoulRaiZor joined the game 18:39:10 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has joined company #2 18:39:10 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has joined company #2 18:39:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :) 18:39:22 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> :) 18:39:26 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> hi 18:39:32 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> hi 18:39:46 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi 18:41:31 <Stablean> <FlyPan> so i haven't played with coop in a long time and wondering how to play here 18:41:44 <Stablean> <FlyPan> can i just join any company or start my own? 18:42:07 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Start on your own or coop with other players if you're invited 18:42:22 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> hmm 18:42:33 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> horses move with 1kmh 18:42:45 <Stablean> <FlyPan> lol 18:47:20 *** TroyMcClure has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:49:38 <Stablean> *** FlyPan has started a new company (#3) 18:51:07 <V453000> !rcon set pah_backoff_interval 10 18:51:07 <Stablean> V453000: CmdBuildRailroadTrack MrD2DG date:1921-02-21 tile:0001B38D p1:0001B78F p2:00000050 text: price:592 18:51:07 <Stablean> V453000: CmdBuildRailroadTrack MrD2DG date:1921-02-21 tile:0001B98F p1:0001C18F p2:00000010 text: price:682 18:51:07 <Stablean> V453000: CmdBuildLongRoad SoulRaiZor date:1921-02-21 tile:0002AEB6 p1:0002AE86 p2:0000000A text: price:11352 18:51:07 <Stablean> V453000: 'pah_backoff_interval' is an unknown setting. 18:54:42 *** TroyMcClure has quit IRC 18:58:54 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :) 19:06:57 <Ammler> pha! 19:07:34 <Ammler> V, shall we remove that setting from setdef? 19:07:52 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> settings are fine i think 19:08:06 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hes talking to V :P 19:08:29 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> maybe.. :D 19:08:55 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> ..? There is another admin called V :P 19:09:21 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol look at income graph 19:10:03 <Stablean> <FlyPan> :) 19:11:18 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> lol flypan 19:11:38 <Stablean> <FlyPan> :) mini routes give no income 19:11:44 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> ya 19:12:20 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> hard to get income with those slow units 19:12:29 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 19:14:41 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> mh 19:14:46 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> trains drive at full spead 19:14:48 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> speed 19:15:09 <Stablean> <FlyPan> ? 19:15:16 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So do trams :P 19:15:16 <Mazur> V: you were missing a t in "path:. 19:15:29 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> doesnt matter how the track is going 19:15:39 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Huh? 19:15:45 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> hard to tell :D 19:16:00 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> normal they should get slower if they climb a hill 19:16:08 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> They do 19:16:19 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> not really 19:16:25 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> But realistic acceleration is on so its slightly different that using the game default 19:16:47 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Check the hill next to Ribaclara de Mar 19:16:57 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> our uphill trains slow quite a bit 19:17:20 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> yes, but i think its not very realistic, should be much more 19:17:51 <V453000> Ammler: nobody should use setdef here anyway I think 19:17:53 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> what can i do with those fences 19:17:56 <V453000> !rcon set path_backoff_interval 10 19:18:03 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Not really in real life if a train is going at a high speed before a climb it uses that speed to get over the hill 19:18:17 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> you can play with it 19:18:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 19:18:36 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> but whats the effect 19:18:50 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> There is none 19:18:52 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> lol 19:18:54 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Just decorative 19:19:04 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> depends... ^^ 19:19:22 <Ammler> V, well, they complain about settings 19:19:29 <Ammler> then I run !setdef 19:19:35 <Ammler> V453000: ^ 19:19:46 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well unless you want to block other players but doing it unnecessarily is something you can get banned for... 19:20:18 <Ammler> I removed the op requirement so everyone can run it 19:21:21 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has changed his/her name to Timmaexx_eating 19:21:25 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 19:21:27 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx_eating has joined spectators 19:22:32 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> lol 19:22:42 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> my longest track is ineffective 19:22:57 <Stablean> <FlyPan> haha like it should be 19:23:11 <V453000> hm 19:23:15 <V453000> then remove it please 19:23:28 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> lol 19:23:33 <V453000> or ... remove the path backoff interval 19:23:45 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> takes too long to send 50 units back home :D 19:23:49 <Stablean> *** SoulRaiZor has joined spectators 19:23:51 <Stablean> *** SoulRaiZor has started a new company (#4) 19:24:36 <V453000> !rcon set station_spread 19:24:36 <Stablean> V453000: Current value for 'station_spread' is: '9' (min: 4, max: 64) 19:24:40 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> lol 19:24:41 <V453000> !info 19:24:41 <Stablean> V453000: http://stable.openttdcoop.org 19:24:54 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> a bridge costs 2.000.000€ 19:25:02 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> doesnt matter how long it is 19:25:05 <V453000> water 19:25:15 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> No it doesnt check if its on water 19:25:33 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> check it for tram 19:25:49 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> If its not on a flat coast tile the water terraforminf costs (in the millions) are applied 19:25:50 <V453000> if you bridge removes water then it costs a lot 19:26:05 <Stablean> <SoulRaiZor> ya 19:26:09 <V453000> ... 19:28:49 <V453000> Ammler: hm, then either remove the path_backoff_interval change or allow op only please 19:32:05 <Stablean> *** SoulRaiZor has left the game (leaving) 19:32:37 <Stablean> *** FlyPan has left the game (connection lost) 19:34:27 <Ammler> V453000: well, op only does not fix it as I run it without thinking 19:34:37 <V453000> true :) 19:34:45 <V453000> then first option please :P 19:34:49 <Ammler> ok :-) 19:34:53 <Ammler> on ps too? 19:34:59 <V453000> no need there 19:35:12 <V453000> just here path backoff interval is good higher 19:36:15 <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game 19:36:21 <V453000> I want to see if making people not prefer PBS in all occasions would make people build better or if this server is condemned to being noob just cause it is stable 19:36:41 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Second one... 19:37:07 <Stablean> <V453000> why so?7 19:37:31 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I dont know, even when there are some nice stable constructions here people generally look down on this server 19:38:21 <Stablean> <V453000> I havent seen a nice construction here 19:38:36 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Wel i mean there have been nice networks 19:38:36 <V453000> or super rarely 19:38:41 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> (at least i think so) 19:38:55 <Stablean> <V453000> still very minor scale 19:39:10 <Ammler> !setdef 19:39:10 <Stablean> *** Ammler has disabled wait_for_pbs_path, wait_twoway_signal, wait_oneway_signal, ai_in_multiplayer; enabled no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns, extra_dynamite, mod_road_rebuild, forbid_90_deg, rail_firstred_twoway_eol and set path_backoff_interval to 1, train_acceleration_model to 1 19:39:18 <V453000> thank you Ammler :) 19:39:32 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hmm well when compared to most of the other servers out there its still pretty good 19:39:37 <V453000> !rcon set path_backoff_interval 19:39:37 <Stablean> V453000: Current value for 'path_backoff_interval' is: '10' (min: 1, max: 255) 19:39:43 <Stablean> <V453000> other servers do not exist for me 19:39:44 <Ammler> !rcon list_settings backoff 19:39:45 <Stablean> Ammler: All settings with their current value: 19:39:45 <Stablean> Ammler: pf.path_backoff_interval = 10 19:39:45 <Stablean> Ammler: Use 'setting' command to change a value 19:39:57 <Ammler> the comment tells that I changed it still 19:40:00 <Stablean> <V453000> because there are people who have generally 0 brain power 19:40:03 <Ammler> does not hurt :-P 19:40:05 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P Well okay then 19:42:45 <Stablean> <V453000> it is basically because it doesnt evolve, it has no way how to 19:42:48 <Stablean> <V453000> compared to PS 19:43:06 <Stablean> <V453000> the level of how things are built is constant here 19:43:21 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well thats because there are new players coming in all the time 19:43:21 <Stablean> <V453000> while PS has an archive and thus a way to learn from mistakes 19:43:31 <Stablean> <V453000> PS has new players too 19:43:45 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Which usually graduate from here :) 19:43:47 <Stablean> <V453000> but there new players can learn from the archive 19:43:49 <Stablean> <V453000> no 19:44:00 <Stablean> <V453000> who comes here he usually stays and has nothing to do with PS 19:44:10 <Stablean> <V453000> or at least the productive people 19:44:21 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hmmm 19:44:33 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well i dont know then.. 19:45:01 <Stablean> <V453000> dont know what? 19:45:25 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Why the level of construction stays the same... 19:45:57 <Stablean> <V453000> because there is nothing to look back at 19:46:00 <Stablean> <V453000> nothing to learn from 19:46:10 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So you want an archive? 19:46:14 <Stablean> <V453000> no 19:46:17 <Stablean> <V453000> absolutely not 19:46:31 <Stablean> <V453000> I am just saying this server by design cant get good probably 19:46:37 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol i was gonna say it would probably be shit 19:47:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well it doesnt have to be really.... wouldnt that just negate the PS & PZ? 19:47:28 <Stablean> <V453000> the archive here? 19:47:30 <Stablean> <V453000> hardly 19:47:41 <Stablean> <V453000> there would be so many savegames and majority of them useless 19:47:47 <Stablean> <V453000> actually all of them 19:47:47 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Not the archive i mean the purpose 19:48:09 <Stablean> <V453000> what purpose 19:48:16 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I though the purpose was start here, move onto PS to try more complex things then finally join and go pro zone... 19:48:29 <Stablean> <V453000> partially 19:49:07 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So theres not really a need to expect this server evolve into a complex construction making machine :P 19:49:14 <Stablean> <V453000> didnt say that 19:49:27 <Stablean> <V453000> but it should give good basics 19:49:38 <Stablean> <V453000> which it certainly wont with vast PBS usage 19:49:56 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well we always try to encourage new users to drop PBS abuse.... 19:50:06 <Stablean> <V453000> while you do it yourselves 19:50:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Do we? 19:50:18 <Stablean> <V453000> I think so 19:50:28 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> What do you consider overuse? 19:50:38 <Stablean> <V453000> PBS everywhere possible 19:50:44 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I only use it sometimes at terminal stations.... 19:50:51 <Stablean> <V453000> yes which also has no reason 19:51:06 <Stablean> <V453000> at least for primary pickups it totally doesnt 19:51:24 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Maybe but how is that overuse 19:51:30 <Stablean> <V453000> I dont say that is an overuse 19:51:32 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> What yur basically saying is you want no PBS at all? 19:51:58 <Stablean> <V453000> basically yes, with exceptions of special cases when PBS provides some real extra functionality 19:52:04 <Stablean> <V453000> or when it has a reason 19:52:23 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Allows for trains both entering and exiting at terminals, I think thats a valid use... 19:52:33 <Stablean> <V453000> or if block signals dont provide enough capacity 19:52:39 <Stablean> <V453000> no that isnt 19:52:45 <Stablean> <V453000> because you dont need it in primary pickups 19:53:03 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> If the station is producing a lot then why not? 19:53:17 <Stablean> <V453000> if the station is producing a lot then 2 platforms wont be enough 19:53:27 <Stablean> <V453000> and the load at X will reduce by adding platforms 19:53:49 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well the coop games here usually use 2 max for pickups when i build solo I normally increase with load 19:55:15 <Stablean> <V453000> what stops the "coop games here" using more than 2 19:55:34 <Stablean> <V453000> laziness I assume 19:55:40 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Probably laziness, 19:55:46 <Stablean> <V453000> :p 19:55:48 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hah beta em to it 19:55:50 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> *me 19:56:00 <Stablean> <V453000> not my problem 19:56:12 <Stablean> <V453000> but if your reason for using PBS is laziness then I cant really argue with you 19:56:22 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I never make coop games, usually its troy or CB but if they start using 2 platforms I try to stay consistant 19:56:46 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> No point adding more platforms onto some stations while others will continue building with 2 19:57:16 <Stablean> <V453000> which brings up another thing - coop here makes it suck 19:57:16 <Stablean> <V453000> but meh, off for tonight, cya 19:57:18 <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost) 19:57:32 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Bye 19:59:38 <Stablean> <Timmaexx_eating> re 19:59:48 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx_eating has changed his/her name to Timmaexx 19:59:56 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Was juust going to eat now :P 20:00:03 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has joined company #2 20:01:49 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So im gonna go eat now Sant Feliu needs scrap metal trains 20:02:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> If you're gonna deliver engineering supplies drop them !here and use trucks to take to each station 20:02:41 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> kay 20:02:55 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Same goes for any other area to make sure each mine gets enough per month :) 20:02:57 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has joined spectators 20:03:15 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game 20:03:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Brb 20:03:19 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi all 20:03:21 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> hey 20:03:23 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi 20:03:37 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> CB wanna join and coop? 20:03:54 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> ok sounds like a plan 20:04:30 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #2 20:04:49 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> so we are doing metal at the moment? 20:05:07 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> yep and engineering supplies 20:05:41 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I suggest only supply one mine for now 20:05:51 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> get that to boom then grown all of them 20:06:04 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> Sounds okay 20:06:24 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> MrD2DG what you think? 20:17:34 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:22:12 *** Intexon has quit IRC 20:22:27 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> those 3 will grow now 20:22:57 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> :) 20:39:37 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yeah 20:39:44 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but its slowing my progress 20:43:09 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> bk 20:43:19 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> wb we miss you MrD2DG 20:43:22 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> What was the pass again :P 20:43:24 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :) 20:44:45 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has joined company #2 20:44:53 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> NVM remembered 20:47:36 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> We doing Oil too now? 20:51:35 <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving) 20:52:53 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> done 20:52:58 *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:56:35 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I like my tracks loopy 20:56:45 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Noticed :) 20:56:48 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> :D 20:59:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> The sort stations are gonna need ES 20:59:33 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes 21:00:27 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> first oil train 21:00:37 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :) 21:01:10 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> we need more trains on our grown mines 21:01:22 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Add those first then 21:01:28 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I am now 21:01:34 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> K 21:01:47 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> we also need to decide on a loco/train lay out 21:01:53 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> ? 21:02:17 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> well this TL 3 with only 1 loco will not work with Lok 20000 21:02:35 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So you want to double..? 21:02:45 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not now, but would be ideal 21:03:00 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but doubling now would suck the big one 21:03:48 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hmm well if we wait by the time we get to that loco well have a lot more trains to manually double... 21:03:58 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Timma you there? 21:04:24 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Just checking :P 21:04:40 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> what do you want to do with the train issue? 21:05:36 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Dunno... suprised the Re360 (or 460?) cant handle TL3 21:06:06 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no your are a dictator 21:06:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> The SLH bit is easy.... 21:07:59 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Soo errr.... 21:08:46 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lets get a real SLH ML MSH and BBH structure going first 21:08:53 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ok 21:12:00 <Stablean> *** Iceman joined the game 21:14:35 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I was kinda hoping Pink would go bankrupt 21:14:41 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Better loco... Nice amount of TE 21:14:43 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol why? 21:15:02 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> so I could clean up my oil refinery 21:15:16 <Stablean> *** Iceman has joined company #4 21:15:32 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Iceman: that is not your company 21:15:35 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> You mean yellow 21:15:54 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes yellow 21:16:55 <Stablean> *** Iceman has left the game (leaving) 21:24:18 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :) 21:24:55 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> would have bean cheaper to make a drop in the off ramps 21:25:15 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah realised that :/ 21:26:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ugh so ugly 21:27:16 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> did you just look in the mirror XD 21:27:24 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :/ 21:28:38 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh 21:33:42 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol 21:33:43 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :/ 21:33:56 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> what's up? 21:34:03 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Need to move ES drop station 21:34:05 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> are RVs going to drive over rail bridges now? 21:34:17 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh didnt notice :P 21:34:23 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> ES drop can move 21:34:29 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I know 21:34:55 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> roro? 21:35:12 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> why not? 21:35:24 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I was going to do that, just asking 21:35:42 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Woah why down there 21:35:50 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I was gonna move iron or mine 21:35:50 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not sure 21:35:52 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> ok 21:36:15 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> then its all yours 21:37:36 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> that was a much easier SLH to make :D 21:37:45 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 21:41:48 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> oops wrong station 21:42:17 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> done 21:42:27 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yep 21:42:37 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> What about scrap metal station? 21:43:11 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Sant Feliu de Bellalt desvern hates use 21:43:14 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :/ 21:43:16 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> so not much 21:44:39 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> there we go 21:44:48 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Nice 21:45:25 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> It has a nice amount of TE 21:45:35 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Timma? 21:46:55 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> just do it 21:47:09 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> We need upgrade depots... 21:47:12 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> thats easy 21:47:14 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> And money... 21:47:17 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> thats hard 21:47:20 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 21:47:47 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Does the vallbaxia Es drop have a train servicing it? 21:48:16 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not yet 21:48:22 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> K 21:48:49 <Stablean> <Timmaexx> Good Night Guys, thanks for the cooperation :) 21:48:54 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P GN 21:49:00 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> gn Timmaexx 21:49:05 <Stablean> *** Timmaexx has left the game (leaving) 21:49:17 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> MrD2DG: this is the first time I have cooped with you in fucking ages 21:49:29 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol is it? 21:49:50 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes, properly 21:49:56 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Actually yeah i havent really played a stable game here in a while 21:50:00 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> that mess with troy last week doesn't count 21:50:06 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol 21:50:14 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I end up with Troy 21:50:24 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> and he is an annoying person 21:50:40 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> xD Well you coop with him an awful lot 21:50:46 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yeah 21:50:52 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> He was here earlier actually suprised he didnt come back 21:50:54 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> might be why I get annoyed 21:51:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol 21:51:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh better train 21:51:39 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> SNCF 150b? 21:51:43 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah 21:52:10 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> If i were you id enjoy your single-ness while it lasts, Troys boudn to be in this comp tomorrow :P 21:52:23 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no 21:53:08 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> We'll see ;D 21:57:16 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> done 3 of them now 21:57:21 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> for you SLH 21:57:27 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ok 21:57:33 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:57:47 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> only 2 depots but that covers all stations 21:57:55 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Nice 21:59:17 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> would you risk it for a chocolate biscuit? 21:59:31 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ofc :) 21:59:57 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you dirty boy 22:00:13 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol I dont even like them, and hows that dirty 22:00:36 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> what ever you do don't type that into urban dictionary 22:00:49 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> BRB :) 22:00:56 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> ok 22:02:07 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lmao 22:02:25 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you didn't 22:02:46 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thats disgusting xD 22:02:53 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> well you said you would do it 22:03:34 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thats dodgy slang im 17 and have never heard of that before :P 22:03:46 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> You've got weird interests CB ;) 22:04:10 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I only know it as I had a black house mate 22:04:16 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> that kept asking me 22:04:22 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> so I googled it 22:04:45 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol he asked you to do it with him xD 22:04:47 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> now you can say it to all your school friends 22:04:51 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no 22:04:52 <Stablean> *** DUJ joined the game 22:05:23 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Nah I think ill pass there gonna think i have some sorta fetish :P 22:05:33 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol 22:05:44 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> well you said you had it might as well act on it 22:06:03 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Before I knew what it was :/ 22:06:05 <Stablean> *** DUJ has started a new company (#3) 22:07:12 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Errrr petrol trains mixed in with oil... 22:09:06 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So whats happening at machine shop, metal pickup and petrol pickup with depots? 22:09:24 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> erm not sure 22:09:34 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> make them have a switcher 22:09:40 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> and depot after than 22:09:46 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Switcher? 22:10:16 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> reverser 22:10:20 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh 22:10:38 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I was thinking those might slow trains down a bit too much? 22:10:48 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> they are not that bad 22:10:54 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> aslong as we have enough 22:11:01 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hmmm... okay then 22:11:13 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> 1 can easyly take 3 platforms 22:12:31 <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game 22:12:34 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi Stablean 22:12:34 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hey sylf 22:12:36 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Sylf: 22:12:41 <Stablean> <Sylf> hey al 22:12:43 <Stablean> <Sylf> l 22:12:49 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I should read when tab auto completing 22:12:56 <Sylf> :p 22:13:50 <Stablean> <Sylf> interesting tram network someone has :p 22:14:02 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah 'interesting' :P 22:14:25 <Stablean> *** Sylf has started a new company (#5) 22:15:30 <Stablean> <Sylf> lol 22:15:34 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> what 22:15:58 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> That logn tram line 22:15:58 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you better spend my £6 well 22:16:10 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol only 6 :P 22:16:21 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no I was giving Sylf silly amounts of money 22:16:47 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> £106 now 22:16:51 <Stablean> <Sylf> wooooo 22:16:55 <Stablean> <Sylf> I'm rich now 22:17:09 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> MrD2DG: we don't need a reverser on a drop 22:17:19 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> SHIT 22:17:32 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> we are replacing at pickups 22:17:42 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> so no need for them on drops 22:17:52 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah i did that at the metal station forgot this was a drop 22:17:54 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 22:18:20 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> oh I can't give 50p to Sylf :'( 22:18:28 <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to XBorg 22:18:30 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P 22:18:39 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you can give 0 but not 0.5 22:18:58 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> upgrade time? 22:19:06 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> to what? 22:19:16 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> 150B? 22:19:20 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oohhh 22:19:24 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Actually maybe not 22:19:24 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> look at the trains 22:19:26 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> TE is SHIT 22:19:32 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> to late 22:19:36 <Stablean> *** XBorg has started a new company (#7) 22:19:40 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> we have 27 of them 22:19:50 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> WtH 22:19:54 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Who did that? 22:20:13 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> me 22:20:15 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :/ 22:20:43 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well i dunno if TE is enough or hp increase is enough to balance it 22:21:49 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> go to the NS? 22:23:08 <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving) 22:24:58 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Well it slows and more that the old train 22:25:04 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> As far as i can see 22:26:14 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Actually i dont know :/ 22:27:19 <Stablean> *** XBorg has left the game (leaving) 22:27:35 <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators 22:27:57 <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to Jason 22:28:06 <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game 22:28:11 <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving) 22:28:37 <Stablean> *** Jason has started a new company (#8) 22:33:01 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> or we could go for the E04 01 22:37:32 <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Laterzzzzz everyone 22:37:48 <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has left the game (leaving) 22:42:39 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> why is everyone doing passengers when there are some many nice industries? 22:46:03 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> i gave you that money to have some fun with 22:46:07 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> good luck all 22:46:09 <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I am off now 22:46:30 <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving) 22:47:11 <Stablean> <DUJ> Thanks 23:03:08 *** DayDreamer has quit IRC 23:22:05 <Stablean> *** DUJ has left the game (leaving) 23:46:12 <Stablean> *** Jason has left the game (leaving) 23:46:12 <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)