Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:04:21 <coopserver> *** Groninger has left the game 00:27:33 <coopserver> <JoeSchmoe> !reset 00:27:48 <coopserver> *** JoeSchmoe has left the game 00:27:49 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 00:34:54 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 00:34:59 <coopserver> *** Woodbutcher has joined 00:34:59 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 00:36:40 <coopserver> *** Woodbutcher has left the game 00:41:55 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 00:42:00 <coopserver> *** Hondak has joined 00:42:01 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 01:18:58 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 01:19:04 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 01:19:04 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 01:19:40 <coopserver> *** Hondak has left the game 01:19:56 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 01:20:15 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 01:20:22 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 01:20:22 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 01:21:20 <coopserver> <Player> !name dizzy 01:21:21 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to dizzy 01:22:17 <coopserver> *** dizzy has left the game 01:24:23 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 01:24:32 <coopserver> *** Troy McClure has joined 01:24:32 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 01:25:20 <coopserver> *** Troy McClure has left the game 01:48:11 *** BiG_MEECH has quit IRC 03:12:09 *** BiG_MEECH has joined #openttdcoop.stable 03:12:15 <BiG_MEECH> wooooOOOOoooOOOooOOO! 03:12:16 <BiG_MEECH> !date 03:12:16 <coopserver> Mar 01 2092 03:36:34 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 03:36:48 <coopserver> *** Big Meech has joined 03:36:48 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 03:38:34 <coopserver> *** Big Meech has left the game 04:54:44 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 04:54:55 <coopserver> *** Cameron has joined 04:54:56 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 04:54:56 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 04:57:14 <BiG_MEECH> yoyo! 04:57:19 <coopserver> <Cameron> yo 04:57:24 <BiG_MEECH> sup? 04:57:38 <coopserver> <Cameron> nothing much, gotta go to bed soon tho 04:57:44 <coopserver> <Cameron> :( 04:58:12 <BiG_MEECH> ah 04:58:21 <BiG_MEECH> !companies 04:58:21 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: Company '1' (Dark Blue): happy tran sport Transport, Founded in 1920, Vehicles owned: 124 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 04:58:22 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: Company '2' (Orange): Vinnie Transport, Founded in 1985, Vehicles owned: 104 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 04:58:23 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: Company '3' (Brown): Cameron Transport, Founded in 1928, Vehicles owned: 30 Trains, 9 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 04:58:24 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: Company '4' (Green): Bloggs & Co., Founded in 1944, Vehicles owned: 60 Trains, 1 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 04:58:25 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: Company '5' (Red): Groninger Transport, Founded in 1997, Vehicles owned: 121 Trains, 4 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 04:58:26 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: Company '6' (White): skyem123 Transport, Founded in 2019, Vehicles owned: 5 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 04:58:41 <BiG_MEECH> what time is it there? 04:58:49 <coopserver> <Cameron> 10 pm mst 04:59:36 <BiG_MEECH> ah 04:59:44 <BiG_MEECH> midnight here 05:07:39 <coopserver> <Cameron> gn 05:07:42 <coopserver> *** Cameron has joined spectators 05:07:43 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 05:07:46 <BiG_MEECH> seeya Boss 05:07:52 <coopserver> <Cameron> lol 05:08:00 <BiG_MEECH> whats funny? :) 05:08:15 <coopserver> <Cameron> "boss" 05:08:19 <BiG_MEECH> You are a boss 05:08:24 <BiG_MEECH> Boss Cameron 05:08:29 <coopserver> <Cameron> ... 05:08:34 <BiG_MEECH> Company 4 05:08:43 <coopserver> <Cameron> !name Boss Cameron 05:08:44 <BiG_MEECH> I mean Company 3 05:09:13 <BiG_MEECH> I think you need an underscore 05:09:24 <coopserver> <Cameron> !name Boss_Cameron 05:09:24 <coopserver> *** Cameron has changed his/her name to Boss_Cameron 05:09:29 <coopserver> <Boss_Cameron> ok den 05:09:30 <BiG_MEECH> :) 05:09:49 <coopserver> *** Boss_Cameron has left the game 05:27:14 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 05:27:17 <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined 05:27:17 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 05:27:24 <BiG_MEECH> yo 05:27:29 <coopserver> <V453000> heyo 05:27:36 <BiG_MEECH> not nice to see you 05:27:37 <coopserver> <V453000> noo mape? 05:27:42 <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game 05:27:45 <BiG_MEECH> I think so 05:27:53 <BiG_MEECH> with 0.6.1.XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 05:28:15 <V453000> xxxxxx 05:28:31 <BiG_MEECH> ade noo fish 2 noogrf? 05:28:52 <BiG_MEECH> on bananas? 05:30:24 <V453000> faku 05:31:00 <BiG_MEECH> I've never seen happy swear before 05:31:52 <BiG_MEECH> but if he does im sure it would be spelled incorrectly 05:31:56 <V453000> POINT IRRELEVANT 05:32:07 <BiG_MEECH> you're irrelevant 05:32:22 <V453000> he must have said fuekc u meech at least once 05:32:28 <BiG_MEECH> I dont thin kso 05:33:06 <V453000> !getsave https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20419525/StableNUTS97.sav 05:33:06 <coopserver> Starting download... 05:33:11 <coopserver> Savegame successfully downloaded 05:33:14 <V453000> !rcon ls 05:33:14 <BiG_MEECH> oh baby 05:33:15 <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory) 05:33:16 <coopserver> 1) autosave/ (Directory) 05:33:17 <coopserver> 2) uploads/ (Directory) 05:33:18 <coopserver> 3) desync_start.sav 05:33:21 <V453000> !content 05:33:22 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 05:33:23 <BiG_MEECH> V45000000000000 you can now execute !commands 05:33:28 <V453000> !content 05:33:29 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 05:33:36 <V453000> !content 05:33:37 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 05:33:43 <V453000> !content 05:33:44 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 05:33:49 <V453000> hm 05:34:02 <BiG_MEECH> ----> !Commands 05:34:06 <V453000> I might be doing it too quick :) 05:34:27 <BiG_MEECH> Taede brake it :P 05:34:52 <V453000> !restart 05:34:53 <coopserver> Game saved. Restarting server... 05:34:54 <coopserver> Server Shutting down 05:34:54 <coopserver> Disconnected from #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org) 05:35:14 <coopserver> Server is starting 05:36:41 <BiG_MEECH> lol 05:36:44 <BiG_MEECH> Im in game 05:37:43 <V453000> assfucking shit, gtg to work, will solve shit when I comer back if possible 05:38:00 <V453000> I mean when I get back to internet :P (work) 05:40:10 <BiG_MEECH> =\ 05:45:27 <BiG_MEECH> rcon load 1 05:45:56 <BiG_MEECH> rcon cd 2 :) 05:46:18 <BiG_MEECH> might help a bit 06:16:12 *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:21:12 <V453000> I still need the content update though 06:21:14 <V453000> !rcon ls 06:21:14 <coopserver> Not connected!! 06:21:18 <V453000> oh sure 06:21:21 <V453000> :D 06:21:26 <V453000> Taede: stuff borkde :D 06:21:30 <BiG_MEECH> reload 06:21:53 <BiG_MEECH> stop ? :) 06:21:58 <Djanxy> MEOW 06:24:30 * BiG_MEECH slaps Djanxy around a bit with a large fishbot 06:24:35 <BiG_MEECH> :) 06:24:42 <V453000> !reload soap 06:24:42 <coopserver> V453000: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 06:24:46 <V453000> oh 06:24:49 <V453000> well then 06:24:52 <V453000> !whoami 06:24:52 <coopserver> V453000: I don't recognize you. 06:24:54 <V453000> k 06:24:57 <V453000> screw you 06:25:03 <V453000> get to PS minions :D 06:25:19 <Djanxy> im there ! 06:25:23 <BiG_MEECH> !whoami 06:25:23 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: I don't recognize you. 06:25:29 <BiG_MEECH> :( 06:25:30 <BiG_MEECH> @op 06:25:39 <Djanxy> had to go there to find out what this new amazing nuts was all about :D 06:25:39 <BiG_MEECH> !commands 06:25:39 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: add, alert, announce, apconnect, apdisconnect, apropos, author, auto, ban add, ban list, ban remove, capabilities, capability add, capability list, capability remove, capability set, capability setdefault, capability unset, changename, channel, channels, cmd, commands, companies, config, content, contentupdate, contributors, cpu, cycle, date, default, defaultcapability, defaultplugin, 06:25:40 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: dehalfop, deop, devoice, ding, disable, dl, download, enable, export, flush, getsave, ghost, halfop, help, hostmask, hostmask add, hostmask list, hostmask remove, identify, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, info, invite, ip, ircquote, join, kban, key, kick, last, less, limit, list, load, lobotomy add, lobotomy list, lobotomy remove, lock, log, mode, moderate, more, net, nick, nicks, 06:25:41 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: op, part, password, pause, ping, playercount, players, plugin, quit, rcon, register, reload, remove, rename, rescan, restart, revision, rules, save, search, server, set password, set secure, setdef, shutdown, source, start, stats, status, tell, threads, transfer, unban, unidentify, unload, unlock, unmoderate, unpause, unregister, unrename, update, upkeep, uptime, username, version, voice, 06:25:42 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: and whoami 06:26:11 <BiG_MEECH> !lobotomy list 06:26:11 <coopserver> BiG_MEECH: I'm not currently lobotomized in any channels that you're in. 06:26:25 <Djanxy> lols 06:26:31 <BiG_MEECH> legit command 06:26:35 <Djanxy> idd 06:26:51 <BiG_MEECH> rcon reload V453000> 06:26:52 <BiG_MEECH> ? 06:27:43 <Djanxy> anyways, i approve of new nuts 06:27:43 <V453000> !rcon reload 06:27:43 <coopserver> Not connected!! 06:27:45 <V453000> doubt that 06:27:49 <V453000> screw this 06:28:41 <BiG_MEECH> lol 06:28:57 <BiG_MEECH> !content 06:29:29 * BiG_MEECH hugs +coopserver and gives it a big smootch 06:31:22 <BiG_MEECH> Whats up DJ? 06:31:46 <Djanxy> http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/ 06:31:47 <Webster> Title: Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet? (at hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com) 06:31:57 <BiG_MEECH> answer = no. 06:32:20 <Djanxy> actually, its 'nope' 06:32:26 <BiG_MEECH> yeah 06:32:28 <Djanxy> as the site will inform you 06:32:45 <BiG_MEECH> Ive always been puzzled as to the reprocuissions though of something like that as we dont know what we're fiddling with 06:33:06 <BiG_MEECH> like power overload causes all electrons to fall off atoms 06:33:15 <BiG_MEECH> that would be kinda neat, and fatal 06:33:16 <Djanxy> well if it destroys the world, then who cares 06:33:29 <BiG_MEECH> the UFO guys 06:33:37 <BiG_MEECH> I think Happy is one of the saucer people 06:33:43 <Djanxy> hah 06:33:58 <BiG_MEECH> trying to convert us to their way of speaking 06:34:03 <BiG_MEECH> noo speek 06:34:11 <Djanxy> then he has to play ttd all alone 06:34:42 <BiG_MEECH> aww 06:35:38 <BiG_MEECH> that makes me sade 06:51:53 *** BiG_MEECH has quit IRC 06:54:11 <Taede> !apconnect 06:54:11 <coopserver> Connecting... 06:54:12 <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org) (Version 1.3.3-RC1) 06:54:18 <Taede> !contentupdate 06:54:18 <coopserver> Taede: Performing content update 06:54:19 <coopserver> Content server connection established 06:54:25 <Taede> !content 06:54:26 <coopserver> Downloading 3 file(s) (2554472 bytes) 06:54:34 <Taede> !content 06:54:35 <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes) 06:55:09 <Taede> !rescan 06:55:09 <coopserver> Taede: Scanning content directories 06:55:17 <coopserver> Taede: Rescan completed 06:55:27 <coopserver> Content server connection closed 07:10:21 <Taede> V453000: server fixed 07:11:08 <V453000> (: ty 07:11:10 <V453000> !rcon ls 07:11:11 <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory) 07:11:12 <coopserver> 1) autosave/ (Directory) 07:11:13 <coopserver> 2) uploads/ (Directory) 07:11:14 <coopserver> 3) desync_start.sav 07:11:15 <V453000> !rcon cd 2 07:11:18 <V453000> !rcon ls 07:11:19 <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory) 07:11:20 <coopserver> 1) StableNUTS97.sav 07:11:21 <coopserver> 2) stable_161113.sav 07:11:22 <coopserver> 3) TTstable.sav 07:11:22 <V453000> !rcon load 1 07:11:23 <coopserver> Starting new game 07:11:25 <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org) (Version 1.3.3-RC1) 07:11:25 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 07:11:44 <Taede> http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Soap <-- handy tips 07:12:11 <V453000> tanks 07:12:14 <Taede> specially the bit at the bottom 07:13:12 <V453000> (: okay 07:13:16 <V453000> didnt know that page existed, thanks 07:13:47 <Taede> yw 07:14:22 <Taede> I only made it a few days ago, need to link it from the main wiki page 07:15:56 <V453000> done 07:15:56 <V453000> http://wiki.openttdcoop.org/Main_Page 07:16:19 <V453000> !dl win64 07:16:20 <coopserver> V453000: http://binaries.openttd.org/releases/1.3.3-RC1/openttd-1.3.3-RC1-windows-win64.zip 07:17:43 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, connecting clients, number of players) 07:17:48 <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined 07:17:48 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players) 07:17:48 <V453000> !auto 07:17:49 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 07:18:17 <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game 07:18:22 <V453000> looks worky :) 07:19:06 <Taede> ty 07:19:57 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 07:20:00 <coopserver> *** Djanxy has joined 07:20:00 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 07:21:44 <coopserver> *** Djanxy has left the game 07:23:03 <V453000> Djanxy? :P 07:23:11 <Djanxy> sup? 07:23:23 <V453000> leaving is prohibited? :D 07:23:32 <Djanxy> how come :D 07:23:37 <V453000> nuz 07:24:01 <Djanxy> gotta sleep man - just came home from work 07:24:12 <V453000> doesnt make sense 07:24:45 <Djanxy> i'm starting to realise that many things doesnt make sense to you :P 07:24:52 <V453000> :DDD 07:25:10 <V453000> are there slugs in your bed at least? 07:25:13 <V453000> well cats would do too 07:25:13 <Djanxy> just started working nights 07:25:26 <Djanxy> hopefully neither - havent checked today though 07:25:35 <V453000> yeah thats hell, my girlfriend has night shifts too 07:25:39 <V453000> :D 07:25:41 <V453000> k 07:25:57 <Djanxy> i think it'll be allright 07:26:07 <V453000> I dont think you will 07:26:12 <V453000> unless you get nut overdose 07:26:45 <Djanxy> you just be careful you dont overdose on alcohol tonight :D 07:26:45 <V453000> look im just waiting for a render so I am just being annoying :D go sleep already :P 07:27:56 <Djanxy> yeah im off - have fun and cya around 07:28:30 *** Djanxy has quit IRC 07:35:36 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 07:35:40 <coopserver> *** valis has joined 07:35:40 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 07:42:11 <coopserver> *** valis has left the game 08:54:41 *** GriffinOneTwo has joined #openttdcoop.stable 09:06:49 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 09:06:53 <coopserver> *** Anson has joined 09:06:53 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 09:12:26 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 09:12:34 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has joined 09:12:34 <GriffinOneTwo> a new nuts? 09:12:34 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 09:12:34 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 09:12:41 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo 09:12:56 <coopserver> <Anson> just joined ... games seems to not really have started :-) 09:12:56 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has joined spectators 09:12:57 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 09:13:09 <coopserver> <GriffinOneTwo> Jan 1920 09:13:36 <coopserver> <Anson> yes, only 11 days old game 09:14:17 <coopserver> <Anson> and inflation is ON :-( 09:14:36 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has started a new company #2 09:14:37 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 09:21:12 <coopserver> *** Anson has started a new company #1 09:23:08 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has joined spectators 09:23:16 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has started a new company #3 09:30:34 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has joined spectators 09:30:37 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has started a new company #2 09:40:07 *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC 09:59:07 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 09:59:14 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneThree has joined 09:59:15 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneThree has started a new company #3 09:59:16 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 10:00:05 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 10:00:16 <coopserver> *** RTM has joined 10:00:16 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 10:00:32 <coopserver> <RTM> hi Anson 10:00:35 <coopserver> <RTM> hi GriffinOneTwo 10:00:39 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 10:00:40 <coopserver> <GriffinOneTwo> ~ 10:00:41 <coopserver> <RTM> hi GriffinOneThree 10:00:43 <coopserver> *** Niko has joined 10:00:43 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 10:00:49 <coopserver> <RTM> hi Niko 10:00:54 <coopserver> <Niko> hi 10:01:41 <coopserver> *** Niko has started a new company #4 10:02:16 <coopserver> *** RTM has started a new company #5 10:09:36 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneThree has left the game 10:10:36 <coopserver> *** Niko has left the game 10:13:38 <coopserver> <GriffinOneTwo> Dang I suck 10:15:54 <planetmaker> vacuum sucks 10:16:30 <coopserver> <Anson> inflation blows everything up 10:24:34 <coopserver> *** Anson has left the game 10:24:35 <coopserver> *** GriffinOneTwo has left the game 10:24:48 *** GriffinOneTwo has quit IRC 10:24:52 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 10:24:56 <coopserver> *** Anson has joined 10:24:57 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 10:28:05 <coopserver> *** RTM has left the game 10:28:58 <coopserver> <Anson> !admin 10:28:59 <coopserver> *** Anson has requested an admin. (Note: Admin will read back on irc, so please do already write down your request, no need to wait.) 10:29:34 <coopserver> <Anson> just for info : earlier, i had a desync again, and just now someone else had a desync while i had none ... 10:30:52 <coopserver> <Anson> on IRC, i can only see the join/leave messages, but not the additional messages about the reason why someone left or lost con that are displayed ingame 10:32:40 <planetmaker> yeah, that seems right 10:35:49 <coopserver> <Anson> the ingame message was "*** RTM has left the game (desync error)" 11:11:44 *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:11:44 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20 12:28:50 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 12:28:54 <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined 12:28:55 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 12:28:55 <coopserver> <V453000> heyo 12:30:21 <coopserver> *** V453000 has started a new company #3 12:30:48 <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined spectators 12:30:53 <coopserver> <V453000> good nuff 12:31:53 <coopserver> <V453000> afraid to try the new trains yet? :D 12:32:19 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo 12:32:43 <coopserver> <Anson> i have urgen appointments today, and need to finish this first 12:32:52 <coopserver> <V453000> (. 12:32:55 <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game 12:33:04 <coopserver> <Anson> will study NUTS on my phone in the meantime :-) 12:45:22 <planetmaker> !rcon debug_level 12:45:23 <coopserver> Current debug-level: 'driver=0, grf=0, map=0, misc=0, net=6, sprite=0, oldloader=0, npf=0, yapf=0, freetype=0, script=0, sl=0, gamelog=0, desync=0, console=0' 13:00:14 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 13:00:17 <coopserver> *** Niko has joined 13:00:18 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 13:11:54 <coopserver> *** Niko has left the game 13:40:19 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 13:40:24 <coopserver> *** Taede has joined 13:40:24 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 14:09:21 <coopserver> *** Taede has left the game 14:14:05 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 14:14:08 <coopserver> *** ZS has joined 14:14:08 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 14:15:29 <coopserver> *** ZS has started a new company #3 14:17:03 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 14:17:07 <coopserver> *** Groninger has joined 14:17:07 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 14:18:48 <coopserver> *** Groninger has started a new company #6 14:18:49 <coopserver> <Groninger> :D 14:22:55 *** happy_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:23:41 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 14:23:44 <coopserver> *** happy tran sport has joined 14:23:44 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 14:24:17 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo, happy, and all others 14:24:25 <coopserver> <Groninger> hey 14:24:25 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 14:24:31 <coopserver> *** happy tran sport has joined company #1 14:24:42 <coopserver> <ZS> hi 14:36:50 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:36:50 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus 14:48:27 <coopserver> *** ZS has left the game 14:57:57 *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:58:07 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 14:58:11 <coopserver> *** Djanxy has joined 14:58:11 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 14:58:34 <coopserver> <Djanxy> mjello 14:58:43 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 14:58:59 <coopserver> <Groninger> mjafternoon 14:59:08 <coopserver> <Djanxy> or should i say, MEOW 14:59:43 <coopserver> *** Anson has joined spectators 15:11:53 <coopserver> *** Anson has joined company #1 15:45:40 <coopserver> *** Groninger has left the game 15:58:40 <coopserver> *** Djanxy has left the game 16:04:14 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> so when did map start 16:05:17 <coopserver> <Anson> i started the company on 11th of jan 1920 :-) 16:05:49 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> whont time did the map start 16:05:51 <coopserver> <Anson> before, only some dummy player had created a company and left without building 16:06:01 *** Djanxy has quit IRC 16:06:58 <coopserver> <Anson> map was loaded 9 hours ago 16:07:25 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> ar i see 16:13:40 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 16:14:04 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 16:14:05 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #7 16:14:05 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 16:14:06 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 16:14:06 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 16:14:07 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 16:14:17 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 16:14:45 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 16:14:46 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #8 16:14:46 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 16:14:46 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 16:14:47 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 16:14:48 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 16:17:06 <coopserver> <Anson> just for info : there is some bg in the scripts in connection with kicking anonymous players 16:17:52 <coopserver> <Anson> the message was not relayed to IRC, so here it is : "*** Player has left the game (wrong company-ID in DoCommand)" 16:37:21 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 16:44:00 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable 16:44:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus 16:54:21 *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable 16:54:21 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM 16:54:42 <planetmaker> Anson, we don't kick anonymous players. We just move them to spectator 16:57:31 <coopserver> <Anson> i know ... i meant "kicked from company" :-) ... but i weote that at all to notidy you of that error message 17:01:12 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 17:01:18 <coopserver> *** skyem123 has joined 17:01:18 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 17:01:19 *** skyem123 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 17:01:32 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi skyem123 17:01:37 <skyem123> HELLO! 17:01:40 <skyem123> ooops. 17:01:46 <skyem123> had capslock on... 17:02:35 <coopserver> *** skyem123 has started a new company #7 17:04:04 <planetmaker> :-) yeah, it's good to tell players what's happening :-) 17:04:29 <skyem123> ? 17:07:55 <planetmaker> not talking to you skyem123 :-P 17:08:47 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 17:08:51 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has joined 17:08:51 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 17:08:56 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi vinnie 17:09:01 <coopserver> <Vinnie> hey 17:09:08 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> how things 17:09:17 <coopserver> <Vinnie> good and with you? 17:09:23 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> good 17:10:16 <coopserver> <Vinnie> lol 17:10:30 <coopserver> <Vinnie> cargo eating trains 17:10:45 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has joined company #1 17:10:47 <coopserver> <skyem123> ? 17:11:03 <coopserver> <Vinnie> check nuts changelog 17:11:44 <skyem123> purr has a use. 17:12:01 <skyem123> *another use 17:12:24 <coopserver> <Vinnie> you need to download a new nuts for map and you didnt even check the new content yet> 17:12:25 <coopserver> <Vinnie> ? 17:12:45 <skyem123> look at the meow class 17:13:23 <skyem123> works different ways on different purr rails 17:21:27 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 17:21:31 <coopserver> *** Groninger has joined 17:21:31 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 17:21:38 <coopserver> *** Groninger has joined company #6 17:31:49 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 17:32:12 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 17:32:12 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 17:33:39 <coopserver> <Player> iu? 17:33:45 <coopserver> <Vinnie> yes 17:34:02 <coopserver> <Player> lol 17:34:21 <coopserver> <Player> news flood? 17:34:24 <coopserver> <Player> nah 17:34:33 <coopserver> <Player> ............................ 17:34:36 <coopserver> <Vinnie> you mean ingame newspaper? 17:34:39 <coopserver> <Player> yh 17:34:48 <coopserver> <Vinnie> turned it off, so i would not know 17:34:53 <coopserver> <Player> oh 17:34:58 <coopserver> <Player> new sawmill 17:35:24 <coopserver> <Player> near a line operated by green 17:35:28 <coopserver> <Groninger> :D 17:35:52 <coopserver> <Player> near frunning ville 17:36:02 <coopserver> <Vinnie> V if you are listing, have you checked what a train will do if it is for example 4 tiles long and it covers 4 different PURR colours? 17:36:17 <coopserver> <Vinnie> i feel hacking incomming 17:36:20 <coopserver> <Player> 2 industries end 17:36:23 <coopserver> <Player> how? 17:36:44 <coopserver> <Player> on the watch 17:36:49 <coopserver> <Player> ] 17:37:02 <coopserver> <Player> subsidy: MAIL 17:37:26 <coopserver> <Player> requires a ferry (or a bridge 17:37:34 <coopserver> <Groninger> try a ferry :P 17:37:44 <coopserver> <Player> new factory near blue station 17:37:47 <coopserver> <Vinnie> :D 17:38:12 <coopserver> <Player> factory closed 17:38:23 <coopserver> <Anson> LOL ... nice idea :-) ... striped rails in all four colors and trains with TL4 to get al bonuses :-) .... but i would think that only one is applied to avoid that situation, and maybe the first engine determines what is done 17:38:50 <coopserver> <Player> .... 17:39:21 <coopserver> <Player> at start of each month lots of news appear indicating production changes 17:39:41 <coopserver> <Player> 2 copper mines and a shop close 17:39:53 <coopserver> <Vinnie> look train 59 17:40:00 <coopserver> <Vinnie> its max speed is going crazy 17:40:02 <coopserver> <Player> of what company 17:40:24 <coopserver> <Player> i guess its intended 17:40:39 <coopserver> <Vinnie> a so it changes colour depending on the tile its on 17:40:45 <coopserver> <Vinnie> hacking time 17:40:52 <coopserver> <Player> i'd say so 17:41:16 <coopserver> <Player> new factory 17:41:43 <coopserver> <Player> near NSN line 17:41:57 <coopserver> <Vinnie> disco train 17:42:09 <coopserver> <Player> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. 17:42:22 <coopserver> <Player> wait 17:42:36 <coopserver> <Player> subsidy MAIL end 17:42:41 <coopserver> <Groninger> oh noes! 17:42:55 <coopserver> <Player> well not that one that needs a ferry 17:43:13 <coopserver> <Player> 4 subsidies now 17:43:24 <coopserver> <Anson> but what use does a train have when most stats (even with all bonuses applied) are worse or not much better than medium trains that are cheaper and are available 10 years earlier ? 17:43:25 <coopserver> <Player> 1 PASS, rest AIL 17:43:35 <coopserver> <Player> new water plant 17:43:42 <coopserver> <Player> wait 17:43:48 <coopserver> <Groninger> wait? 17:43:54 <coopserver> <Player> is this sub-tropical or temperate? 17:43:58 <coopserver> <Groninger> its merged 17:44:01 <coopserver> <Player> oh 17:44:07 <coopserver> <Vinnie> anson its disco train 17:44:10 <coopserver> <Groninger> for extra kinds of industries 17:44:11 <coopserver> <Vinnie> colour changing 17:44:13 <coopserver> <Player> end blue farm 17:44:15 <coopserver> <Vinnie> its enough 17:44:26 <coopserver> <Player> oh nvm 17:44:32 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has joined spectators 17:44:46 <coopserver> <Player> ????????????? 17:44:57 <coopserver> <Player> why is area with no trees 17:45:03 <coopserver> <Player> is this bug 17:45:08 <coopserver> <Anson> i think this is normal landscape, but with industries from a grf : opengfx+ industries 17:45:19 <coopserver> <Player> i see: 17:45:31 <coopserver> <Player> kk 17:45:48 <coopserver> <Player> subsidy WATER 17:46:15 <coopserver> <Player> may require a ferry unless possible to use road 17:46:34 <coopserver> <Player> or not lol 17:46:46 <coopserver> <Groninger> why dont you go build that route 17:46:50 <coopserver> <Player> erm 17:47:04 <coopserver> <Player> dont want to start a company 17:47:14 <coopserver> <Player> subsidy PASS 17:47:46 <coopserver> <Player> subsidy MAIL end 17:48:14 <coopserver> <Player> _invalid 17:48:58 <coopserver> <Player> ___ 17:49:11 <skyem123> who are you "player"? 17:49:28 <coopserver> <Player> INVALID 17:49:33 <coopserver> <Groninger> hi invalid 17:49:35 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 17:49:42 <coopserver> <Anson> lol 17:49:58 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 17:50:10 <coopserver> *** Phrossi has joined 17:50:11 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 17:52:47 <coopserver> <Phrossi> XD fail at pink 17:52:54 <coopserver> <Phrossi> signal put the wrong way 17:53:50 *** Jam35 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 17:53:50 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Jam35 17:54:07 <skyem123> hello! 17:54:13 <coopserver> <Phrossi> hello what 17:54:29 <coopserver> <Groninger> -,- 17:54:33 <Jam35> hello yourself 17:54:40 <skyem123> Jam35, joined irc 17:54:44 <coopserver> <Phrossi> no f k u 17:54:55 * skyem123 hides 17:55:15 <Jam35> !players 17:55:15 <coopserver> Jam35: Client 24 (Red) is Anson, in company 1 (Happy Anson Tran Sport) 17:55:16 <coopserver> Jam35: Client 37 (Red) is happy tran sport, in company 1 (Happy Anson Tran Sport) 17:55:17 <coopserver> Jam35: Client 46 (White) is skyem123, in company 7 (Greater Anglia) 17:55:18 <coopserver> Jam35: Client 50 (Green) is Groninger, in company 6 (Groninger Transport) 17:55:19 <coopserver> Jam35: Spectators: Client 48 (Vinnie), Client 54 (Phrossi) 17:55:24 <coopserver> <Phrossi> someone is screwed up 17:55:33 <skyem123> what? 17:55:45 <coopserver> <Phrossi> ERROE 17:56:18 <happy_> hi jam 17:56:24 <happy_> how things 17:56:30 <Jam35> hi, good 17:56:32 <coopserver> <Phrossi> fail engrish 17:56:44 <coopserver> <Groninger> lol fail Phrossi 17:56:47 <coopserver> <Phrossi> ;~´p´-=3´21[´error 17:56:53 <Jam35> you're quite annoying 17:57:01 <coopserver> <Phrossi> then damn u 17:57:09 <coopserver> <Groninger> i think its past bedtime for Phrossi 17:57:11 <coopserver> <Phrossi> no 17:57:23 <coopserver> <Phrossi> it 3pm here, 17:57:32 <coopserver> <Phrossi> OOPS! 17:57:34 <coopserver> <Groninger> then it must be napping time 17:57:41 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 17:57:44 <coopserver> <Phrossi> 3am then? 17:57:49 <coopserver> *** Liuk Sk has joined 17:57:49 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 17:57:54 <coopserver> <Liuk Sk> hi 17:57:56 <coopserver> <Groninger> hey 17:57:57 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 17:58:07 <coopserver> <Phrossi> now i am confused in bewetten am and pm 17:58:14 <coopserver> <Phrossi> 0000000000 17:58:48 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 17:58:59 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined 17:58:59 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 17:59:02 <coopserver> <Phrossi> WAIT 17:59:10 <coopserver> <Phrossi> n cont 17:59:19 <skyem123> uhm 17:59:33 <Jam35> KICK: Y/N 17:59:38 <planetmaker> don't use am and pm but 24h clock :-) 17:59:43 <coopserver> <Phrossi> oh 17:59:49 <coopserver> <Groninger> Y 17:59:51 <coopserver> <Phrossi> 15:59 here. 18:00:01 <planetmaker> yeah. bedtime 18:00:06 <happy_> y 18:00:13 <coopserver> *** Liuk Sk has left the game 18:00:14 <Jam35> !rcon kick Phrossi 18:00:16 <coopserver> ERROR: Silly boy, you can not kick yourself! 18:00:16 <coopserver> <Phrossi> ?????? 18:00:22 <coopserver> <Phrossi> INVALID COMMAND 18:00:40 <skyem123> wat 18:01:14 <coopserver> <Phrossi> pc may explode in a trillion pieces 18:01:20 <coopserver> <Phrossi> well jk 18:01:36 <coopserver> <Anson> here it is 19.00 at timezone +1 .... you are thre hours behind ... that would be timezone -2, right in the atlantic ocean ? 18:01:41 <coopserver> <Phrossi> nah 18:01:50 <coopserver> <Phrossi> -3, for brazil 18:02:01 <coopserver> <Phrossi> with dst 18:02:08 <coopserver> <Phrossi> i think 18:02:22 <coopserver> <Groninger> you arent sure where you live? 18:02:25 <coopserver> <Anson> we just finished our dst 18:02:32 <coopserver> <Phrossi> I AM! 18:02:39 <coopserver> <Phrossi> UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ERROROOROOROROOR 18:02:51 <planetmaker> sadly not good and for ever. We'll see DST again next spring :S 18:03:03 <coopserver> <Phrossi> i just dunno if there is DST 18:03:06 <coopserver> <Phrossi> wait 18:03:33 <coopserver> <Phrossi> it IS DST in brazil...... 18:03:39 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has started a new company #8 18:03:56 <planetmaker> !rcon companies 18:03:58 <coopserver> #:1(Red) Company Name: 'Happy Anson Tran Sport' Year Founded: 1920 Money: 11775954 Loan: 0 Value: 13164901 (T:60, R:0, P:0, S:0) protected 18:03:59 <coopserver> #:2(Blue) Company Name: 'G O Transport' Year Founded: 1921 Money: 1386691 Loan: 500000 Value: 910099 (T:4, R:0, P:0, S:0) protected 18:04:00 <coopserver> #:3(Pink) Company Name: 'ZS Transport' Year Founded: 1942 Money: 376750 Loan: 750000 Value: 1 (T:3, R:6, P:0, S:0) protected 18:04:01 <coopserver> #:4(Orange) Company Name: 'NSN Transport' Year Founded: 1923 Money: 1018896 Loan: 0 Value: 1030696 (T:2, R:0, P:0, S:0) protected 18:04:02 <coopserver> #:5(Yellow) Company Name: 'RTM Transport' Year Founded: 1923 Money: 2496452 Loan: 460000 Value: 2059934 (T:3, R:0, P:0, S:0) protected 18:04:03 <coopserver> planetmaker: You have 3 more messages. Type !less to view them 18:04:06 <planetmaker> !less 18:04:06 <coopserver> #:6(Green) Company Name: 'Groninger Transport' Year Founded: 1942 Money: 2987613 Loan: 750000 Value: 3403981 (T:40, R:0, P:0, S:0) protected 18:04:07 <coopserver> #:7(White) Company Name: 'Greater Anglia' Year Founded: 1954 Money: 4765 Loan: 190000 Value: 1 (T:1, R:1, P:0, S:0) unprotected 18:04:08 <coopserver> #:8(Mauve) Company Name: 'Jam35 Transport' Year Founded: 1958 Money: 200000 Loan: 200000 Value: 1 (T:0, R:0, P:0, S:0) protected 18:04:56 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined spectators 18:05:05 <Jam35> nice trainz :) 18:07:11 <coopserver> <Phrossi> FINANCE CHECK 18:08:52 <coopserver> <Phrossi> '[ 18:11:37 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NEWS ERROR 18:11:44 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has joined company #1 18:11:47 <coopserver> <Phrossi> was detected 18:12:02 <coopserver> <Vinnie> whats with the live commentary today? 18:12:07 <coopserver> <Phrossi> uh 18:12:17 <coopserver> <Phrossi> wait 18:12:27 <coopserver> <Phrossi> where is my rekorder 18:12:51 <coopserver> <Groninger> there is a reason we turn off the messages 18:13:13 <coopserver> <Phrossi> WHY 18:15:07 <coopserver> <Vinnie> aw shit 18:15:17 <coopserver> <Vinnie> amout of smoke is a server setting 18:15:23 <coopserver> <Vinnie> amount* 18:16:22 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> jam fill free to john us if u dont whont to start a company 18:16:27 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has left the game 18:17:02 <coopserver> <Phrossi> ENGRISH DETECTED 18:17:26 <coopserver> <Phrossi> by looking at Co-´nsole 18:17:26 <Jam35> Vin did not like that idea 18:18:04 <coopserver> <Phrossi> . 18:19:30 <Jam35> I ruin the acronym 18:19:33 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 18:19:36 <Jam35> HATS 18:19:38 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has joined 18:19:38 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 18:19:39 <coopserver> <Phrossi> DIESel engines are availbe now, why not use themx? 18:20:00 <Jam35> Happy Anson TranSport 18:20:15 <Jam35> HJATS doesn't work 18:21:21 <coopserver> <Vinnie> EPIC PWNAGE NO ONE CAN TOUCH US transport 18:21:42 <Jam35> EPNOCTUT??? 18:21:45 <coopserver> <Groninger> im coming in close:P 18:21:52 <coopserver> <Groninger> in terms of income 18:21:54 <coopserver> <Phrossi> yes you are 18:21:56 <Jam35> what language is that? :p 18:22:11 <coopserver> <Phrossi> dunno 18:22:14 <coopserver> <Vinnie> swahili 18:22:21 <Jam35> ok fine name 18:22:22 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NO 18:22:32 <coopserver> <Phrossi> IT IS NOT N00BZ 18:22:47 <coopserver> <Vinnie> i have more skillz then you 18:22:57 <coopserver> <Phrossi> and do not try to get an argument here on the server 18:23:01 <Jam35> (he does) 18:23:07 <coopserver> <Phrossi> or griefing will happen 18:23:08 <coopserver> <Vinnie> damn 18:23:12 <coopserver> <Groninger> can confirm he does 18:23:14 <coopserver> <Groninger> ooh 18:23:17 <coopserver> <Groninger> now we are impressed 18:23:22 <coopserver> <Phrossi> caution 18:23:25 <coopserver> <Vinnie> griefing is not an good idea 18:23:26 <coopserver> <Groninger> lol 18:23:32 <coopserver> <Phrossi> nuclear bomb on the way 18:23:35 <coopserver> <Groninger> cool 18:23:38 <coopserver> <Vinnie> 1. there are more then one admins over here 18:23:46 <coopserver> <Phrossi> STOP 18:23:47 <coopserver> <Vinnie> 2. there is always an admin online 18:23:53 <coopserver> <Vinnie> 3. there are autosaves 18:24:18 <coopserver> <Phrossi> I TOLD YOU TO STOP NOW 18:24:18 <coopserver> <Vinnie> 4. I could be admin if i want 18:24:33 <coopserver> <Vinnie> damn now i got a queen song in my head 18:24:37 <coopserver> <Groninger> :D 18:24:46 <coopserver> <Phrossi> then i am going to call admin if you continue 18:24:53 <Jam35> AOBTD? 18:24:59 <coopserver> <Vinnie> and i will respond to your admin request 18:25:03 <coopserver> <Groninger> xD 18:25:10 <coopserver> <Phrossi> .frkorjig3*UV9ymt5u30,xct- E8jfwmdc,rj4f ivmfeontbpgv4rokfjpdmlcçvriubhtíbgkopjvfdçdgv4 18:25:23 <skyem123> erm. 18:25:29 <coopserver> <Phrossi> this means something you will never know 18:25:31 <Jam35> ... 18:26:09 <coopserver> <Vinnie> now im going to interpit you come from equador, so i get another song in my head 18:26:21 <coopserver> <Phrossi> WRONG! 18:26:33 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 18:26:40 <coopserver> <Vinnie> well guess what, i have been wrong before 18:26:42 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 18:26:43 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 18:26:46 <coopserver> <Phrossi> spam error 18:26:50 <coopserver> <Phrossi> SPAM SPAM SPAM 18:27:25 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has joined company #1 18:27:27 <skyem123> I prefer spam on my dinner plate rather than on the chat 18:27:41 <Jam35> I don't 18:27:48 <coopserver> <Phrossi> SOY SOY SOY SOYSOYSOYSOYSOYSOY 18:28:01 <coopserver> <Phrossi> now S.T.O.P 18:28:09 <coopserver> <Player> hey 18:28:12 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 18:28:13 <Jam35> hi 18:28:22 <coopserver> <Player> where are you from 18:28:22 <coopserver> <Vinnie> hammertime 18:28:26 <Jam35> the only one who should stop is yourself 18:28:28 <coopserver> <Phrossi> no 18:28:42 <coopserver> <Phrossi> computer failure 18:28:44 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 18:32:17 <coopserver> <Phrossi> stay quiet for now 18:32:36 <coopserver> <Vinnie> excuse me what did you say? 18:32:52 <coopserver> <Phrossi> i did not say anything 18:33:03 <coopserver> <Phrossi> but leave the chat quiet 18:33:12 <planetmaker> shall I make statistics of who said how many lines? 18:33:17 <coopserver> <Vinnie> only if you give me a kiss 18:33:20 <coopserver> <Phrossi> uh no 18:33:32 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NO TO BOTH OF YOU! 18:34:05 <planetmaker> vinnie I seriously doubt that any of both of us would enjoy that ;-) 18:34:38 <coopserver> <Vinnie> are you not a good kisser or am i not your type? 18:34:42 <coopserver> <Phrossi> and now eletric 18:34:47 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NO I DONT CARE 18:34:52 <coopserver> <Phrossi> STAY AWAY FROM ME 18:34:56 <planetmaker> I can't even tell how awkward the "communist" kiss of brotherhood / friendship felt which I once couldn't deny. 18:35:17 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NONONONONONONONONONONONO THAT IS ALL WRONG 18:35:23 <planetmaker> let's say "not my type" ;-) 18:35:27 <coopserver> <Phrossi> THIS MESS IS NOT GOING GOOD 18:35:42 <coopserver> <Vinnie> ah with a little lie we found a homofoob 18:35:45 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NOW COFFE BRACH 18:35:51 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NO F K U 18:35:54 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 18:35:57 <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has joined 18:35:57 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 18:36:12 <coopserver> <Dnz-Ali> hi 18:36:15 <coopserver> <Vinnie> hello 18:36:21 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 18:36:25 <planetmaker> that's a weired interpretation, vinnie ;-) 18:36:47 <coopserver> <Vinnie> well calling two guys kissing all wrong is kinda interpited like that 18:36:54 <coopserver> <Vinnie> the caps lock does the trick 18:37:06 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NO 18:37:10 <planetmaker> vinnie, notice that I talked about an experience of *myself*. Not any random two guys 18:37:20 <coopserver> <Phrossi> whatever 18:37:23 <coopserver> <Vinnie> i was refering to Phrossi 18:37:28 <coopserver> <Phrossi> NO 18:37:32 <coopserver> <Vinnie> not calling you anything 18:37:33 <coopserver> <Phrossi> YOU S K 18:37:37 <planetmaker> oh :D tl;dr there :-) 18:37:46 <coopserver> <Phrossi> JTGHGHGHGUPR9JFIDSIHUoWYQJYMH9HPJIjip9huiojr4fghp9viojfçmri67j;mgt error 18:38:01 <planetmaker> Phrossi I'd really appreciate if you do not random-spam here 18:38:01 <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has left the game 18:38:18 <coopserver> <Phrossi> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 18:38:31 <planetmaker> !rcon clients 18:38:32 <coopserver> Client #1 name: '' company: 255 IP: server 18:38:33 <coopserver> Client #24 name: 'Anson' company: 1 IP: 18:38:34 <coopserver> Client #46 name: 'skyem123' company: 7 IP: 18:38:35 <coopserver> Client #61 name: 'Vinnie' company: 1 IP: 18:38:36 <coopserver> <Vinnie> Phrossi: some people here don't have the patience 18:38:36 <coopserver> Client #37 name: 'happy tran sport' company: 1 IP: 18:38:37 <coopserver> planetmaker: You have 3 more messages. Type !less to view them 18:38:41 <Jam35> allow me :) 18:38:42 <planetmaker> !less 18:38:42 <coopserver> Client #50 name: 'Groninger' company: 6 IP: 18:38:43 <coopserver> Client #54 name: 'Phrossi' company: 255 IP: 18:38:44 <coopserver> Client #58 name: 'Jam35' company: 255 IP: 18:38:46 <coopserver> <Phrossi> f k u 18:38:53 <coopserver> <Phrossi> leave the chat quiet 18:38:54 <planetmaker> be my guest 18:39:10 <coopserver> <Phrossi> or this will continue until one is banned or leaves 18:39:30 <planetmaker> lol. don't mess with the admins ;-) 18:39:32 <skyem123> ... 18:39:45 <coopserver> <Phrossi> true 18:39:51 <Jam35> !kick Phrossi 18:39:51 <coopserver> Jam35: Error: You don't have the #openttdcoop.stable,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 18:39:54 <planetmaker> you insulted already 3 of them 18:39:58 <Jam35> gah 18:40:04 <coopserver> <Phrossi> what? 18:40:05 <planetmaker> Jam35, kick by clientID. Not name 18:40:15 <coopserver> <Phrossi> oh nvm 18:40:16 <Jam35> !kick 54 18:40:16 <coopserver> Jam35: Error: You don't have the #openttdcoop.stable,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. 18:40:24 <coopserver> <Phrossi> haha 18:40:32 <planetmaker> !rcon kick 54 18:40:33 <coopserver> *** Phrossi has left the game 18:40:33 <coopserver> *** Phrossi has left the game (kicked by server) 18:40:34 <coopserver> *** Phrossi has left the game (connection lost) 18:40:35 <coopserver> <Vinnie> 54 or 58 18:40:37 <planetmaker> möp 18:40:38 <Jam35> !whoami 18:40:38 <coopserver> Jam35: I don't recognize you. 18:40:39 <coopserver> <Vinnie> take your pick 18:40:51 <skyem123> yay! 18:40:51 <planetmaker> sorry, Jam35 18:41:00 <skyem123> Phrossi is gone! 18:41:01 <Jam35> by all means :) 18:41:07 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 18:41:11 <skyem123> uh oh 18:41:23 <planetmaker> you will need to register with coopserver... somehow 18:41:24 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 18:41:25 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 18:41:30 <planetmaker> Taede, will know the details 18:41:51 <planetmaker> though... it should just recognize channel ops... hm 18:42:03 <Jam35> [18:41] <coopserver> (kick [<channel>] <nick> [<reason>]) -- Kicks <nick> from <channel> for <reason>. If <reason> isn't given, uses the nick of the person making the command as the reason. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. 18:42:09 <Jam35> also this 18:42:27 <coopserver> <Vinnie> thats on irc, not ingame 18:42:39 <Jam35> point taken 18:42:47 <planetmaker> ah, yes. !rcon kick is not !kick 18:43:00 <planetmaker> !kick is for irc while !rcon kick is for game server 18:44:03 <coopserver> <Vinnie> player if you are phrossi and wanna contine invite me to a company and do teamchat 18:54:24 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 18:54:36 <coopserver> *** Big Meech has joined 18:54:36 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 18:54:45 <coopserver> <Big Meech> :D 18:54:51 <coopserver> *** Groninger has left the game 18:56:04 <coopserver> <Big Meech> :D :D :D 18:56:07 <coopserver> <Big Meech> Sad news! 18:56:13 <coopserver> <Big Meech> I can't play nao! :( 18:56:38 <coopserver> <Player> problem? 18:56:43 <coopserver> <Big Meech> yup 18:56:47 <coopserver> *** Big Meech has left the game 18:59:15 <Jam35> !whoami 18:59:15 <coopserver> Jam35: Jam35 18:59:24 <Jam35> !rcon move 58 1 18:59:25 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined company #1 18:59:31 <Jam35> !rcon move 58 255 18:59:32 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined spectators 18:59:38 <Jam35> hm okay :) 18:59:54 <coopserver> <Player> weird 19:00:04 <coopserver> <Player> i am not seeing irc messages 19:00:16 <coopserver> <Player> outside the game 19:00:22 <coopserver> <Vinnie> you are named player that is why 19:00:32 <coopserver> <Vinnie> it is ignored by the irc bridge 19:00:39 <coopserver> <Player> i think you are annoying 19:01:01 <coopserver> <Vinnie> i am 19:01:08 <coopserver> <Player> then stay away 19:01:21 <coopserver> <Vinnie> sure if you do this !rules 19:01:24 <coopserver> <Vinnie> and read that 19:01:32 <coopserver> <Player> those that are annoying s@!k 19:01:34 <skyem123> i can see what "Player" is saying in irc 19:01:52 <coopserver> <Player> GO AWAY! 19:01:58 <skyem123> erm 19:02:16 <coopserver> <Vinnie> it is him 19:02:18 <coopserver> <Vinnie> i know it 19:02:21 <coopserver> <Player> no i am not 19:02:26 <skyem123> check the ip 19:02:31 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 19:02:52 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has joined spectators 19:03:01 <coopserver> *** skyem123 has left the game 19:03:19 <planetmaker> !rcon clients 19:03:20 <coopserver> Client #1 name: '' company: 255 IP: server 19:03:21 <coopserver> Client #24 name: 'Anson' company: 1 IP: 19:03:22 <coopserver> Client #61 name: 'Vinnie' company: 255 IP: 19:03:23 <coopserver> Client #37 name: 'happy tran sport' company: 1 IP: 19:03:24 <coopserver> Client #58 name: 'Jam35' company: 255 IP: 19:03:31 <skyem123> he left 19:03:34 <planetmaker> !less 19:03:34 <coopserver> planetmaker: There are no more messages to display kemosabi 19:04:27 *** [1]Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable 19:06:31 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 19:06:33 <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined 19:06:33 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 19:10:28 *** Mark has quit IRC 19:10:28 *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark 19:10:34 <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game 19:17:33 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 19:17:54 <coopserver> *** )_w has joined 19:17:55 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 19:28:02 <coopserver> *** )_w has left the game 19:29:51 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 19:29:54 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 19:29:55 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 19:30:56 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 19:39:23 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 19:39:32 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 19:39:33 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #8 19:39:33 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 19:39:34 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 19:39:34 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 19:47:36 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 20:25:35 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 20:35:53 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 20:36:00 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined 20:36:01 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 20:36:18 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> hello 20:36:19 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 20:37:29 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> plz tell me ur not going to take the entire island 20:38:03 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> doo a sign 20:39:31 *** Mark has quit IRC 20:39:47 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has started a new company #8 20:40:12 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> u can have it 20:41:10 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> orsome, i think i will 20:41:40 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> u can go ther i am not going that on this map 20:42:02 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> ok, can ya help sustain it while im not here? 20:42:55 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> yep 20:42:58 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:42:59 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 20:44:48 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> on your key bord if u precs x u can see fro trees 20:45:43 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> i actually have trees hidden anyways, bcuz it takes too much ram...but thanks for the hotkey anyway :) 20:45:54 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> ok np 20:55:40 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game 21:00:22 *** Jam35 has quit IRC 21:05:54 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> be back later 21:06:28 <coopserver> *** happy tran sport has left the game 21:10:35 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has left the game 21:11:52 *** happy_ has quit IRC 21:23:52 *** ODM has quit IRC 21:43:40 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:43:43 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 21:43:43 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #9 21:43:43 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 21:43:44 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:43:45 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 21:44:08 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #10 21:44:08 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 21:44:09 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 21:44:20 <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #10 21:44:20 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 21:44:20 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 21:44:21 <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #10 21:44:21 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 21:44:22 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 21:44:43 *** [1]Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:47:01 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:47:09 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game 21:47:11 <coopserver> *** Scream has joined 21:47:11 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:47:40 <coopserver> <Scream> hi everyone to talk press T 21:47:56 *** Mark has quit IRC 21:47:56 *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark 21:48:02 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:48:05 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 21:48:05 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #9 21:48:05 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company 21:48:06 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:48:07 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 21:48:30 <coopserver> <Scream> why? 21:48:51 <coopserver> <Player> !name Lidge 21:48:51 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to Lidge 21:49:07 <coopserver> *** Lidge has started a new company #10 21:49:25 <coopserver> <Scream> !name Twilight! 21:49:25 <coopserver> *** Scream has changed his/her name to Twilight! 21:49:32 <coopserver> <Twilight!> :D 21:49:50 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:49:55 <coopserver> *** r1kkie has joined 21:49:56 <coopserver> *** r1kkie has started a new company #11 21:49:57 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:50:02 <coopserver> *** Twilight! has left the game 21:54:23 <coopserver> *** r1kkie has joined spectators 21:54:27 <coopserver> *** r1kkie has joined company #11 21:58:13 <coopserver> *** r1kkie has left the game 22:04:39 <coopserver> *** Lidge has left the game 22:08:04 *** [1]Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:08:32 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 22:08:39 <coopserver> *** happy tran sport has joined 22:08:39 <skyem123> Hello! 22:08:40 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 22:08:44 <skyem123> hi! 22:08:52 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 22:10:31 <coopserver> *** Anson has left the game 22:10:32 <coopserver> *** Vinnie has left the game 22:10:32 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 22:11:37 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 22:11:43 <coopserver> *** Anson has joined 22:11:43 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 22:11:43 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 22:12:18 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 22:12:51 *** Mark has quit IRC 22:12:51 *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark 22:13:50 <coopserver> *** happy tran sport has joined company #1 22:18:19 <coopserver> <Anson> how often does a "player" ned to be kicked from company until he notices that he should change his name ? :-) 22:22:16 *** [1]Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:25:06 *** Mark has quit IRC 22:25:06 *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark 22:41:10 <coopserver> Disconnected from #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org) 22:41:10 <coopserver> Connecting... 22:41:11 <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (www.openttdcoop.org) (Version 1.3.3-RC1) 22:42:49 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 22:42:54 <coopserver> *** Taede[L] has joined 22:42:54 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 22:43:02 <coopserver> *** Taede[L] has left the game (leaving) 22:43:19 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 22:43:23 <coopserver> *** Taede[L] has joined 22:43:24 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 22:43:40 <coopserver> *** Taede[L] has left the game (leaving) 23:11:32 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 23:11:41 <coopserver> *** Cameron has joined 23:11:41 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 23:11:46 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 23:11:53 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined 23:11:54 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 23:11:57 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 23:12:04 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> hi 23:12:06 <coopserver> <Cameron> hi 23:12:20 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> hi cam 23:13:42 <coopserver> *** Cameron has started a new company #9 23:13:47 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> am i permitted to drop wood to ur sawmill? 23:16:38 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> cameron make vshor u lev a nufe room so company 6 can make the ml2 way 23:17:12 <coopserver> <Cameron> what else am I supposed to do?, I can't give him anymore room... 23:17:55 *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 23:18:26 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> ar i see whont u meen 23:18:32 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> heem 23:23:44 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> nice 23:24:01 <coopserver> <Anson> i saw you starting to build it, but then pause while the platforms were disconnected .... thus i connected them again to avoid a jam 23:25:53 *** skyem123 has quit IRC 23:43:29 <coopserver> <Anson> the food trains need a depot for autoreplace ... they will do that after unloading, but it will only work if there are no visible depots anywhere else ... 23:47:26 <coopserver> <Anson> easy like columbo's egg :-) 23:53:17 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> which of my entry designs wud work best? !this !or this? 23:54:39 <coopserver> <Anson> i would say !the synced 23:55:48 <coopserver> <Anson> but as always : "best" is relative ... synced would be best for high throughput 23:56:09 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> theres gong to b 10 trains wen comp. 23:56:21 <coopserver> <Anson> the others may be better for a specific location, etc 23:56:47 <coopserver> <Anson> is it for pickup or drop ? 23:56:53 <coopserver> <Anson> i assumed drop ... 23:56:56 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> pickup 23:57:08 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> look up the hill... 23:57:14 <coopserver> <Anson> then "best" is something different again :-) 23:57:54 <coopserver> <Anson> if you have a fixed number of trains only, you can build a platform for each, or a platform and a waiting bay for each pair 23:58:26 <coopserver> <Anson> or you build an overflow or whatever ... 23:58:30 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> well, the plan is for 5 platforms, and fcfs 23:58:52 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> or fifa (first in, first out)... 23:58:59 <coopserver> <Anson> how many platforms you need depends on the production and the trains that you use, most of all the loading times 23:59:28 <coopserver> <Anson> fifa is called roro :-)