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00:01:33 <coopserver> <<none>> !name <new_name> 00:01:33 <coopserver> *** <none> has changed his/her name to <new_name> 00:07:50 <coopserver> <Anson (afk: eating)> !name Anson 00:07:50 <coopserver> *** Anson (afk: eating) has changed his/her name to Anson 00:08:26 <coopserver> <Anson> back ... 00:09:19 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has left the game (Leaving) 00:16:53 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 00:17:06 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 00:17:06 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 00:17:13 <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8 00:17:13 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 00:17:13 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 00:17:18 <coopserver> <Player> !name player 00:17:18 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to player 00:17:20 <coopserver> *** player has joined company #8 00:17:20 <coopserver> player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 00:17:20 <coopserver> *** player has joined spectators 00:17:26 <coopserver> <player> !name player #1 00:17:35 <coopserver> <player> !name 'player #1' 00:17:46 <coopserver> <player> !name "Player #1" 00:17:46 <coopserver> *** player has changed his/her name to Player #1 00:17:48 <coopserver> *** Player #1 has joined company #8 00:17:48 <coopserver> Player #1: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 00:17:48 <coopserver> *** Player #1 has joined spectators 00:17:57 <coopserver> <Player #1> !name "player #1" 00:17:57 <coopserver> *** Player #1 has changed his/her name to player #1 00:17:58 <coopserver> *** player #1 has joined company #8 00:17:58 <coopserver> player #1: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 00:17:59 <coopserver> *** player #1 has joined spectators 00:18:05 <coopserver> <player #1> !name <new_name> 00:18:05 <coopserver> *** player #1 has changed his/her name to <new_name> 00:18:12 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has joined company #8 00:18:16 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has joined spectators 00:18:20 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has joined company #8 00:18:57 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo, newname 00:19:06 <coopserver> <<new_name>> hi u fix gayworld 00:19:45 <coopserver> <Anson> in the window where you select a server for multiplayer, you can set a default username at the top right corner, so that you don't always forget it and/or have to do it again 00:20:40 <coopserver> <<new_name>> my name is player 00:20:44 <coopserver> <<new_name>> no let me pick name 00:23:14 <coopserver> <Anson> if you want to know how to build a local train system for passengers ("S-Bahn"), look at the cornet of the map, town Proteans, where i build some small system ... take that as an example .... 00:24:08 <coopserver> <Anson> i can tell you what i do there and why, and you can do something similar for your own network 00:24:16 <coopserver> <Anson> ok ? 00:27:04 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo ? 00:34:30 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has left the game (general timeout) 00:35:32 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 00:35:51 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 00:35:51 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 00:35:55 <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8 00:35:55 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 00:35:55 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 00:36:01 <coopserver> <Player> 1name <new_name> 00:36:08 <coopserver> <Player> !name <new_name> 00:36:08 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to <new_name> 00:36:13 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has joined company #8 00:36:21 <coopserver> <Anson> WB 00:36:53 <coopserver> <Anson> did you read that ? shall i tell you what i did and why ? 00:37:43 <coopserver> <<new_name>> >??????? 00:37:51 <coopserver> <<new_name>> i use translate 00:39:00 <coopserver> <Anson> if you didn't close the program, you still can read the chat in the console ... depending on keyboard, use ^ or ' or ` (the key left of the "1") 00:39:36 <coopserver> <<new_name>> ```````````````` 00:39:44 <coopserver> <<new_name>> nothing happen 00:39:51 <coopserver> <<new_name>> i got to help dad with unimog 00:40:02 <coopserver> <Anson> depends on keyboard ... the key left of the "1" 00:40:08 <coopserver> <<new_name>> 2 00:40:14 <coopserver> <<new_name>> !2 00:40:24 <coopserver> <<new_name>> ! 00:40:25 <coopserver> <Anson> LEFT, not right 00:40:29 <coopserver> <<new_name>> @@@@@@@@@@@@ 00:40:37 <coopserver> <<new_name>> ~ 00:40:41 <coopserver> <<new_name>> it broke 00:40:47 <coopserver> <<new_name>> i fix after i help dad with unimog 00:41:05 <coopserver> <<new_name>> u help trans port password is player 00:41:10 <coopserver> <Anson> where are you from: which language and which keyboard ? 00:41:48 <coopserver> <Anson> in the corner of the map, at one end of my island, i built a local passenger transport 00:42:01 <coopserver> <Anson> if you are interested, i can tell you what i did and why 00:42:11 <coopserver> <Anson> and then you can do similar for your network 00:42:52 <coopserver> <Anson> makes not much sense if i build something and you don't know why itz was done that way or another 01:00:42 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 01:00:48 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined 01:00:48 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 01:17:38 <coopserver> <<new_name>> !help 01:18:50 <coopserver> <<new_name>> ` 01:18:55 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> wats ur primary problem? 01:19:14 <coopserver> <<new_name>> no engine to haul passenger 01:19:25 <coopserver> <<new_name>> only battery wagon 01:20:11 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> no engines available for basic rail, from electric rail onwards 01:20:27 <coopserver> <<new_name>> electronic rail? 01:20:47 <coopserver> <<new_name>> underground tram way? 01:21:58 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> if only...but u should reconsider ur PAX plans 01:22:18 <coopserver> <<new_name>> i got no more bus 01:22:52 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> precisely, electric trains only for good pax 01:23:03 <coopserver> <<new_name>> how i get electronic rail way line? 01:25:56 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> at ur canal, build a statrting point for rail in the city adding to existing bus stops 01:26:22 <coopserver> <<new_name>> i cant even make bus stop anymore 01:27:31 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> may i join to show wat i mean? 01:27:40 <coopserver> <<new_name>> yes password is player 01:27:57 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> co 8? 01:29:25 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined company #8 01:29:53 <coopserver> <<new_name>> hi 01:32:19 <coopserver> <<new_name>> i dont see elecrric rail anywhere 01:34:53 <coopserver> <<new_name>> u make sign so i can see canal? 01:35:26 <coopserver> <Anson> i already had offered a few times to build a pax system, and to tell how and why i did something, but got no answer whether newname was interested ... good luck with your attempts, Yugi_D 01:35:56 <coopserver> <<new_name>> oh neat 01:36:15 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> u get the ida of trains over roads now? 01:36:17 <coopserver> <<new_name>> how do i get electric? 01:37:47 <coopserver> <<new_name>> oh that easy 01:40:56 <coopserver> <<new_name>> maybe next game i try vac train 01:41:47 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> got the full extent of cash difference now? 01:42:07 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has left the game (general timeout) 01:42:16 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined company #7 01:42:33 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> he should understand a bit more by now... 01:43:38 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> cya later 01:43:51 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has left the game (Leaving) 01:44:37 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 01:44:49 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 01:44:49 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 01:44:55 <coopserver> <Player> !name <new_name> 01:44:55 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to <new_name> 01:46:34 <coopserver> <<new_name>> yugi 01:47:24 <coopserver> <Anson> he left 01:55:24 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has left the game (general timeout) 02:03:48 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 02:03:56 <coopserver> *** Oken has joined 02:03:57 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 02:10:07 <coopserver> *** Oken has left the game (Leaving) 02:20:53 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 02:20:56 <coopserver> *** Berkel has joined 02:20:56 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 02:26:55 <coopserver> *** Berkel has left the game (Leaving) 03:34:13 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 03:34:18 <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has joined 03:34:18 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 04:06:48 <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has joined company #7 04:17:00 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> :D 04:17:12 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> you see? 04:17:21 <coopserver> <Anson> the crash ? 04:17:23 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> busses aswell 04:17:39 <coopserver> <Anson> i wrote that signs .... 04:17:40 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> oh, he isnt there 04:23:55 *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 04:25:16 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 04:25:18 <coopserver> *** Berkel has joined 04:25:18 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 04:25:26 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> moi :D 04:25:29 <coopserver> <Berkel> hoi 04:25:36 <coopserver> <Anson> moin 04:27:14 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 04:27:26 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 04:27:26 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 04:27:57 <coopserver> <Player> !name <none> 04:27:57 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to <none> 04:28:34 <coopserver> *** <none> has joined company #8 04:28:58 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> hi newname 04:28:59 <coopserver> <Anson> there is none 04:29:02 <coopserver> <<none>> hi 04:29:14 <coopserver> <<none>> none easier to type than new name 04:29:17 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> see, busses crash as well :P 04:29:27 <coopserver> <<none>> yeah me sad 04:29:36 <coopserver> <<none>> u add me new bus? 04:29:39 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> well, say said, 4 kids died 04:29:54 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> im no admin, so i cant go in your comp :( 04:30:09 <coopserver> <Anson> 9 buses crashed 04:30:15 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> WTF 04:30:24 <coopserver> <Anson> and if you don't place a road stop, more will crash 04:30:49 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> srnw bus dont need stops :D 04:31:02 <coopserver> <<none>> srnw good for trambus 04:31:12 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> btw 04:31:17 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> nice train network 04:31:21 <coopserver> <<none>> yugi make mini vactrain 04:31:38 <coopserver> <<none>> happy help with train track 04:31:42 <coopserver> <Anson> stop calling vehicles without orders a SRNW 04:32:23 <coopserver> <<none>> happy help with srnw train 04:32:30 <coopserver> <Anson> i don't think we ever will get the real vactrains here on this server 04:33:04 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> nice jam none 04:33:21 <coopserver> <Anson> they are not liked by many people, and they require a long straight track ... while we mostly have islands and those islands are too short 04:33:26 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> give your trains some srnw orders :D 04:35:41 <coopserver> <<none>> yugi show me electric rail 04:40:40 <coopserver> <<none>> i make gay waypint 04:41:21 <coopserver> *** Berkel has left the game (Leaving) 04:41:54 *** tycoondemon2 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 04:42:07 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> your train network showing, why you re using only busses without any orders D 04:42:51 <coopserver> <<none>> i dont think bux go on track 04:43:14 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> use railbus like i do 04:44:39 <coopserver> <<none>> i try next game 04:44:58 <coopserver> <<none>> i cant change rail into electronics 04:47:44 *** tycoondemon has quit IRC 04:48:41 <coopserver> <Anson> click on the rail sybol on top of the screen and hold the mouse button 04:49:00 <coopserver> <<none>> i know that yugi show me 04:49:04 <coopserver> <Anson> that gives a list of all railtypes, including rail, erail, wet, purr, etc 04:49:25 <coopserver> <<none>> yugi show me elecrtronical rail for super hydro tram 04:49:31 *** AlphaSC has joined #openttdcoop.stable 04:49:52 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> yugi isnt here 04:50:00 <coopserver> <<none>> he show me 04:50:01 <coopserver> <Anson> when you have selected erail, click the rightmost icon (looks like an U-shaped arrow) 04:50:02 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> you re talking to Anson 04:50:11 <coopserver> <Anson> and click rails ... that converts them 04:50:14 <coopserver> <<none>> anson is robot 04:50:21 <coopserver> <<none>> yugi good he help 04:50:27 <coopserver> <<none>> i dont see a u 04:50:36 <coopserver> <<none>> i see bomb 04:50:42 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> press 04:50:44 <coopserver> <<none>> X 04:50:44 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> A 04:50:49 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> than press C 04:50:58 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> with the new rail type 04:51:05 <coopserver> <<none>> i get a n with an arrow 04:51:26 <coopserver> <<none>> then wat i do? 04:51:35 <coopserver> <<none>> wait for happy to come bacK? 04:51:43 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> convert your fucking rail? 04:51:58 <coopserver> <<none>> how i do? 04:52:02 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> omfg 04:52:19 <coopserver> <<none>> i click and it spend my money 04:52:34 <coopserver> <Anson> i have changed the keyboard shortcuts so that i can more easily use them ... but thus i can't tell other people which keys to use for some function 04:52:40 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> in dont even know what you trying to do 04:52:55 <coopserver> <<none>> u join my compay? 04:53:00 <coopserver> <<none>> password is payler 04:53:07 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> your train network makes no sense at all 04:53:26 <coopserver> <<none>> i copy what you got here for my rail company 04:53:28 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> go read wiki 04:54:18 <coopserver> <Anson> since none had problems opening the console, i told him to use the key left of the "1", but he got a "2" from trying ... and also didn't have success with ^ and ` and ' and ~ and @ ... 04:54:25 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 04:54:31 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined 04:54:31 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 04:54:39 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> hello 04:54:43 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> moin yugi 04:54:53 <coopserver> <<none>> hi 04:54:59 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> added some more rail 04:55:04 <coopserver> <Anson> i also asked where he is from : which language and which keyboard, but got no answer ... i can't help if i know nothing about that 04:55:15 <coopserver> <<none>> i from earth 04:55:21 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> he is fro mearth 04:55:23 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> :D 04:56:07 <coopserver> <<none>> yugi show me how to fi x AC/DC convertsion railing 04:56:18 <coopserver> <Anson> i don't need the address, but i need to know whether the keyboard is english, german, kyrillic, chinese or whatever 04:57:16 <coopserver> <<none>> you join yugioh? 04:57:45 <coopserver> <<none>> or i send my winged dragon of ra after you lose -4000 live point 04:58:15 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> i send you RA 04:58:55 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> this is no lie, but u remember the movie? i hav all cards from that 04:59:18 <coopserver> <<none>> yep 04:59:28 <coopserver> <<none>> i am 04:59:33 <coopserver> <<none>> master duelist 04:59:51 <coopserver> <<none>> u join and help? 04:59:57 <coopserver> <<none>> or i send mystical space typhoon 05:00:13 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> you fucking crazy 05:00:32 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> are you from earth? 05:00:52 <coopserver> <<none>> i am from galaxy far away mom said no tell 05:01:05 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined company #8 05:01:19 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> Je parie que vous ĂȘtes de la lune 05:01:35 <coopserver> <<none>> anson show me upside down orange N-tool to make it ACDC 05:01:50 <coopserver> <<none>> am i do correct? 05:02:19 <coopserver> <<none>> near gay waypoint 05:03:09 <coopserver> <<none>> cost lot of muney 05:04:07 <coopserver> <<none>> yeah lot to click 05:04:12 <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has joined company #4 05:04:58 <coopserver> <<none>> more ACDC then i get faster vac train 05:06:01 <coopserver> <<none>> oh neat thank 05:08:02 <coopserver> <<none>> i think i got it 05:08:07 <coopserver> <<none>> yeah i play TT 05:08:15 <coopserver> <<none>> i copy the computer design 05:08:24 <coopserver> <<none>> for rail 05:09:10 <coopserver> <<none>> yeah i got wikipiedia 05:09:45 <coopserver> <<none>> assange = hero to some 05:11:26 <coopserver> <<none>> milky way 05:12:24 <coopserver> <<none>> between venus and mars 05:12:55 <coopserver> <<none>> i make electric train 05:13:08 <coopserver> <<none>> oh there more train availabel 05:13:30 <coopserver> <<none>> i see passenger and post train 05:16:05 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined company #7 05:16:11 <coopserver> <<none>> ty for help 05:16:23 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> no weorries 05:16:49 <coopserver> <<none>> i make good bus train network soon 05:17:08 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> i dont believe 05:23:01 <coopserver> *** <none> has left the game (general timeout) 05:24:34 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has left the game (Leaving) 05:35:18 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 05:35:27 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 05:35:28 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 05:36:12 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 05:36:17 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving) 05:36:24 <coopserver> *** Player #1 has joined 05:36:24 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 05:36:39 <coopserver> <Player #1> !rename <new_name> 05:36:52 <coopserver> <Player #1> !name new name 05:36:58 <coopserver> <Player #1> !name <new_name> 05:36:58 <coopserver> *** Player #1 has changed his/her name to <new_name> 05:37:30 <coopserver> <<new_name>> yuhi help earlier or i send magic cylinder to stop them 05:46:12 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has left the game (general timeout) 06:33:48 <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has left the game (Leaving) 06:45:53 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 06:45:57 <coopserver> *** iTKerry has joined 06:45:57 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 06:46:19 <coopserver> <iTKerry> hey 06:46:26 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo 06:47:26 <coopserver> <Anson> crazy stuff ... one network with TL2, one SRNW with TL5, and one pax line to connect two towns (with Sbahn collectors) 06:47:39 <coopserver> <iTKerry> :O 06:48:24 <coopserver> <Anson> but i think there is nothing i can do now against the insane prouction ... eg 2000+ on one station in the SRNW, 1000++ on another, etc 06:50:04 <coopserver> <Anson> only thing would be to add a proper overflow/injector to the SRNW, but that would take a while ... don't remember how to properly do it, and difficult to add yet another line (logic only) to the crowded and hilly island 06:50:16 <coopserver> <Anson> do you know how to do that ? 06:50:37 <coopserver> <iTKerry> idk :> 06:51:32 <coopserver> <iTKerry> dat happy -_- 06:51:44 <coopserver> <iTKerry> he wanna play alone or? 06:53:05 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 06:53:08 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 06:53:08 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 06:53:26 <coopserver> <Anson> no idea ... i only started very late on the map and wanted to test something 06:53:43 <coopserver> <Anson> thus i didn't join, but took an island of my own 06:53:45 <coopserver> <iTKerry> ok 06:54:02 <coopserver> <iTKerry> now started strem by SLTV 06:54:19 <coopserver> <iTKerry> dat's lan finals in kiev :> 06:54:24 <coopserver> <Anson> happy seems to have some jams ... 06:54:31 <coopserver> <iTKerry> i go watch 06:54:32 <coopserver> <iTKerry> gl 06:54:33 <coopserver> <iTKerry> :> 06:54:52 <coopserver> <Anson> and besides the usual signal gaps, why does he use so many pbs on straight tracks this time ? 06:55:10 <coopserver> *** iTKerry has left the game (Leaving) 06:55:28 <coopserver> <Anson> oh, wrong green color ... it is Oken's network 06:57:34 <V453000> rock 06:57:42 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving) 06:58:10 <coopserver> <Anson> I'll be afk for a bit ... 06:58:18 <V453000> no you have to rock 06:58:23 <coopserver> <Anson> V, which rock ? do you have a new screenshot ? 06:58:53 <V453000> not really, been setting cameras etc lately 06:58:57 <V453000> but everything rock 06:59:53 <coopserver> <Anson> I'll have to read again about SRNW ... stations work ok, but overflow etc is quite different ... 07:01:37 <coopserver> <Anson> and with a production of 2000+, even stations are difficult ... probably would have to do one or more max length trains to take and drop cargo at the station, and then lots of TL12 trains to carry it to the real drop 07:02:12 <V453000> pzg2013 has plenty of srnw stations in large scale (: 07:03:09 <coopserver> <Anson> i saw it, but looked mostly at the mainlines and the drop 07:04:28 <coopserver> <Anson> anyway, a production limit would be nice, maybe 500 or 1000 instead of the insane 2000 07:04:39 <coopserver> <Anson> waiting for yeti :-) 07:04:56 <V453000> I agree :) 07:25:09 <coopserver> *** Anson has joined spectators 07:25:09 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 07:25:59 *** Djanxy has quit IRC 07:39:16 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 07:39:21 <coopserver> *** Muel has joined 07:39:21 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 07:40:10 <coopserver> <Muel> hi 07:58:21 <coopserver> *** Muel has left the game (Leaving) 08:19:16 *** AlphaSC has quit IRC 08:19:36 *** AlphaSC has joined #openttdcoop.stable 09:37:52 *** Brumi has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:27:00 *** AlphaSC has quit IRC 10:34:55 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 10:34:57 <coopserver> *** Brumi has joined 10:34:57 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 10:37:50 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 10:37:57 <coopserver> *** iTKerry has joined 10:37:57 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 10:38:02 <coopserver> <Brumi> hello 10:38:16 <coopserver> <iTKerry> hey 10:40:28 <coopserver> *** iTKerry has left the game (Leaving) 10:41:20 <coopserver> *** Brumi has left the game (Leaving) 11:31:06 *** Brot6 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:44:25 *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:45:26 *** Djanxy has quit IRC 12:52:10 *** Mark has quit IRC 12:52:51 *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:52:52 *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark 12:54:24 *** Brumi has quit IRC 13:29:51 *** Brumi has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:40:07 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 14:40:09 <coopserver> *** Csonytii has joined 14:40:09 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 14:40:51 <coopserver> *** Csonytii has left the game (Leaving) 15:10:23 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 15:10:28 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined 15:10:29 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 15:15:05 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined company #3 15:15:05 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 15:15:50 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined spectators 15:15:50 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 15:39:55 *** Brumi has quit IRC 16:02:25 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 16:02:29 <coopserver> *** thepower12 has joined 16:02:32 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 16:03:44 <coopserver> *** thepower12 has left the game (Leaving) 16:33:41 *** happy_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 16:34:25 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 16:34:30 <coopserver> *** happy tran sport has joined 16:34:30 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 16:37:20 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 16:37:23 <coopserver> *** Fastburst has joined 16:37:23 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 16:38:10 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 16:39:06 <coopserver> *** Fastburst has left the game (Leaving) 16:53:26 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 16:53:27 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 16:53:27 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 16:54:18 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving) 16:54:19 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 16:54:22 <coopserver> *** Fastburst has joined 16:54:22 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 16:54:27 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 16:56:43 <coopserver> *** Fastburst has left the game (Leaving) 17:10:55 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 17:11:02 <coopserver> *** Liuk Sk has joined 17:11:02 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:11:06 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hi 17:11:07 <coopserver> <Liuk Sk> hi 17:14:49 <coopserver> *** Liuk Sk has left the game (Leaving) 17:37:30 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 17:37:34 <coopserver> *** noob has joined 17:37:34 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:37:52 <coopserver> <noob> hi 17:49:14 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 17:49:31 <coopserver> *** [FR]Syl59 has joined 17:49:31 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:55:00 <coopserver> *** [FR]Syl59 has left the game (Leaving) 17:57:46 *** AlphaSC has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:01:06 <coopserver> *** noob has left the game (connection lost) 18:05:51 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:06:10 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 18:06:11 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:16:59 <coopserver> <Player> hi 18:19:46 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:19:49 <coopserver> *** Mark has joined 18:19:50 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:19:50 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 18:19:57 <coopserver> <Mark> hi 18:20:16 <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (Leaving) 18:20:16 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 18:20:17 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (general timeout) 18:36:16 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:36:20 <coopserver> *** iTKerry has joined 18:36:20 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:36:56 <coopserver> <iTKerry> hey 18:39:00 <coopserver> *** iTKerry has left the game (Leaving) 18:40:36 <happy_> hi mark 19:19:56 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 19:20:00 <coopserver> *** Player #1 has joined 19:20:00 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:20:32 <coopserver> <Player #1> !nick 19:21:16 <coopserver> *** Player #1 has left the game (Leaving) 19:41:17 <coopserver> <Player> hi 19:41:32 <happy_> hi 19:47:54 *** Brumi has joined #openttdcoop.stable 19:53:38 <happy_> hi Brumi 19:58:01 <Brumi> hi happy :) 19:58:15 <happy_> how things 19:58:32 <Brumi> a bit busy 19:58:39 <Brumi> and you? 19:58:55 <happy_> good just be fishing to day 19:59:27 <Brumi> fishing? that's good :) 19:59:38 <happy_> yep 20:00:05 <happy_> the weather was a bit not nice but stil got 4 fish 20:00:24 <Brumi> was it cold? 20:00:35 <happy_> yep 20:00:46 <happy_> and a bt windy 20:01:13 <Brumi> is it some lake that you fish from? 20:01:34 <happy_> nop 20:01:45 <happy_> will its in uk 20:01:56 <happy_> but not wher i live 20:02:30 <happy_> its a bout 35 mints a way 20:03:24 <Brumi> that's quite affordable 20:03:31 <happy_> true 20:04:08 <happy_> it was to see if the fish ar ready to be cach but not juet still to cold 20:04:24 <happy_> for the fish to cume up the top 20:04:32 <Brumi> how much do you usually catch if it's not cold? 20:05:06 <happy_> a lot 20:05:23 <happy_> i say 15 or 16 20:05:50 <Brumi> that's good :) 20:07:25 <happy_> when its hot the fish cume to the top we doo stuf that it can get them up to the top 20:07:59 <Brumi> what exactly? 20:08:50 <happy_> tiger bred 20:09:18 <happy_> thats werk ver will in the sumer 20:10:31 <Brumi> tiger bread for fishing? 20:10:38 <happy_> yep 20:10:43 <Brumi> how? 20:11:11 <AlphaSC> haha dutch bread :D 20:11:24 <Brumi> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_bread ;) 20:11:25 <Webster> Title: Tiger bread - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org) 20:11:33 <AlphaSC> throw some real dutch into the sea for the real big fhis :D 20:12:38 <Brumi> :D 20:12:40 <happy_> u take a bit and u rap it in the hok my dad no the way to stop it to cume of 20:13:09 <Brumi> seems that the fish like it very much :) 20:14:17 <happy_> i doo carp 20:15:04 <Jam35> hope that's not a typo :) 20:15:33 <happy_> typo? 20:15:49 <Jam35> typographical error 20:16:07 <Jam35> I do carp 20:16:08 <happy_> ar i see 20:16:14 <happy_> nice 20:16:31 <Jam35> maybe you meant I do crap 20:16:36 <Jam35> a joke 20:16:43 <Jam35> nm :) 20:17:13 <Jam35> a tumbleweed blows across etc... 20:17:29 <happy_> no i fish for carp in a lake and i port them back in thr water 20:17:49 <Brumi> chirp chirp? :P 20:17:59 <happy_> how things jam 20:18:57 <Jam35> hm 20:18:59 <Jam35> idk 20:19:04 <happy_> k 20:19:42 <Jam35> I like tiger bread 20:20:00 <happy_> me to to eat and for fishing 20:20:16 <Jam35> any bread works? 20:20:30 <happy_> true 20:21:08 <happy_> but the luck in the tiger bread 20:21:27 <happy_> i get 14 carp whive that 20:21:58 <Jam35> you throw them back right? 20:22:05 <happy_> yep 20:22:31 <Brumi> how large was your biggest one? 20:22:32 <Jam35> what's the largest you've caught? 20:22:36 <Brumi> lol 20:22:36 <Jam35> :) 20:22:58 <happy_> i say 17 p 20:23:02 <Jam35> idc but I know someone who does 20:23:09 <Jam35> is that big? 20:23:18 <happy_> but my dad has got 20 p 20:24:09 <Jam35> hm 7 or 9 kg 20:24:14 <Jam35> quite heavy 20:24:16 <Brumi> ~8 kilo fish... not a tiny one yeah 20:24:26 <Jam35> 7 or 9 bags of sugar 20:24:28 <Jam35> wow 20:25:17 <Brumi> my backpack in school was something like that when it was heavy if I recall correctly 20:58:05 <coopserver> <Player> !name <new_name> 20:58:05 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to <new_name> 20:59:31 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has joined company #8 20:59:31 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 21:03:35 <coopserver> <<new_name>> gay town got elmo train 21:03:57 <coopserver> <<new_name>> they are gay 21:15:09 <happy_> hi 21:20:24 <coopserver> *** <new_name> has left the game (general timeout) 21:20:24 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 21:40:37 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 21:40:42 <coopserver> *** RexConnors has joined 21:40:42 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 21:40:54 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> hey rex 21:40:57 <coopserver> <RexConnors> we need new map now :( 21:41:09 <coopserver> <happy tran sport> have u got won 21:41:26 <coopserver> <RexConnors> idk how to make 21:42:09 <happy_> http://blog.openttdcoop.org/2012/10/16/creating-maps/ 21:42:52 <happy_> that will trel u how to mak them 21:43:18 <happy_> ther mite be a new won to mor 21:43:24 <happy_> or not 22:14:43 <coopserver> <RexConnors> Hey 22:14:50 <happy_> hi 22:14:51 <coopserver> <RexConnors> i created a map with some good grf's 22:14:55 <coopserver> <RexConnors> and it looks nice 22:15:02 <happy_> nice 22:15:34 <coopserver> <RexConnors> Can we use it? 22:15:50 <coopserver> <RexConnors> we need an admin right? 22:15:56 <happy_> yep if v or jam like it 22:16:00 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 22:16:02 <coopserver> *** Grooohm has joined 22:16:02 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 22:16:04 <happy_> yep 22:16:56 <happy_> i not shor if eeny admin ar on 22:17:02 <happy_> heem 22:17:07 <happy_> wate minte 22:17:11 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 22:17:19 <coopserver> <RexConnors> k 22:17:23 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has joined 22:17:23 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 22:17:23 <happy_> mark ar u ther 22:17:37 <happy_> hi yugi 22:17:45 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> hi happy 22:17:51 <happy_> how hings 22:18:03 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> good, u? 22:18:04 <coopserver> *** Grooohm has left the game (Leaving) 22:18:09 <coopserver> <RexConnors> Hey yugi 22:18:10 <happy_> good 22:18:15 <coopserver> <Yugi_D> hi rex 22:18:28 <coopserver> <RexConnors> i made a map for the next game 22:18:37 <coopserver> <RexConnors> hopefully mark or v or jam will like it 22:20:08 <happy_> hi all on the irc rex connors has a map ready how dus he up load it 22:20:45 <happy_> k rex we just have to wate now 22:20:53 <coopserver> <RexConnors> For an admin? 22:20:59 <happy_> yep 22:21:07 <coopserver> <RexConnors> You wanna check it out? 22:21:12 <coopserver> <RexConnors> how can i upload it 22:21:35 <happy_> i arsk on thr irc that so 22:24:29 <coopserver> *** Yugi_D has left the game (Leaving) 22:27:31 <happy_> rex i think anson mite no how to up load your map 22:27:43 <happy_> i just arsk hem 22:27:46 <coopserver> <RexConnors> Come back to us Anson! 22:27:55 <coopserver> <RexConnors> ask? 22:28:24 <happy_> yer 22:29:15 <happy_> whont train set rex in the new map 22:30:50 <happy_> rex put it on dropbox and post the link to chat or an admin who then has the permission to load it 22:31:04 <happy_> that from anson 22:31:08 <coopserver> <RexConnors> I have NUTS for train set 22:31:19 <happy_> k 22:32:30 <happy_> so rex u need drop box to up load the map 22:37:57 <coopserver> <RexConnors> ok i will download it 22:38:03 <happy_> k 22:41:45 <coopserver> <RexConnors> ok i downloaded dropbox 22:41:53 <happy_> k 22:42:00 <coopserver> <RexConnors> what do i do now 22:42:16 <happy_> put it on dropbox and post the link to chat or an admin who then has the permission to load it 22:42:45 <coopserver> <RexConnors> put it in the folder under my users? 22:45:00 <happy_> rex iwill ask anson 22:45:48 *** RexConnors has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:45:55 <RexConnors> ok 22:46:02 <RexConnors> here is the link to the save file 22:46:04 <RexConnors> https://www.dropbox.com/s/knwm60y88957i0w/welcome%20server%20rex%20map%2C%201st%20Jan%201920.sav 22:46:06 <Webster> Title: Dropbox - welcome server rex map, 1st Jan 1920.sav (at www.dropbox.com) 22:46:42 <RexConnors> now we wait? 22:46:42 <happy_> k i have a look 22:48:13 <coopserver> *** happy tran sport has left the game (Leaving) 22:50:44 <happy_> k rex looks good to me a bit hiil map but that mite be k 22:51:02 <coopserver> <RexConnors> made it to be challenging 22:51:12 <happy_> good tf cost 22:51:29 <coopserver> <RexConnors> no ships or planes 22:51:39 <happy_> thats good 22:51:39 <coopserver> <RexConnors> cars rv cost more 22:51:43 <coopserver> <RexConnors> cuz train best 22:51:48 <happy_> yep 22:53:51 <happy_> he i got a good bit on the map for me to doo a nice wood net werk rex 22:54:03 <coopserver> <RexConnors> lol 22:55:12 <happy_> yep i m mite doo 2 wood drop of at won plac 22:55:43 <coopserver> <RexConnors> i just hope an admin gets on 22:55:47 <coopserver> <RexConnors> i wanna play on it 22:56:03 <happy_> yep 22:57:34 <happy_> i mite have a try to see how it will lok like 22:57:47 <coopserver> <RexConnors> cheater xD 22:58:35 <happy_> i need to try to get my ml beter in all map we doo 22:59:04 <happy_> so will we ar wate i try ml out 23:05:08 <coopserver> *** RexConnors has left the game (Leaving) 23:12:30 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 23:12:38 <coopserver> *** RexConnors has joined 23:12:39 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 23:15:50 <happy_> heem hill map is not good for me be cours ever time i play hill map i all ways can not get the ml rite i mite play it safe 23:16:17 <coopserver> <RexConnors> i can make a new one 23:17:28 <happy_> its up to u 23:17:49 <happy_> i can play it but i mite not doo a big thin 23:45:59 <RexConnors> I wonder if any admin's are on yet 23:47:27 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo 23:47:39 <coopserver> <Anson> hallo, rex. i just had a look at the map :-) 23:47:54 <coopserver> <RexConnors> how do you like? 23:47:56 <coopserver> <Anson> a few hints .... 23:48:07 <coopserver> <Anson> save the map without zoom 23:48:14 <coopserver> <RexConnors> ok 23:48:20 <coopserver> <RexConnors> for signs? 23:48:28 <coopserver> <RexConnors> so people see them when they log in? 23:49:16 <coopserver> <Anson> save it so that the area that users shall see on logon is a bit at the top left, so that all people see it, independent of their monitor size (the top left corner is the same for everybody on loading) 23:49:16 <coopserver> *** RexConnors has left the game (Leaving) 23:49:26 <RexConnors> let me reupload 23:49:43 <coopserver> <Anson> yes, signs should be in that area too 23:50:36 <coopserver> <Anson> and immediately after loading, there were still a few green areas where you deleted land to create 3 smaller islands from a big one ... if someone is fast, he can build land there cheaply :-) 23:50:46 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 23:50:52 <coopserver> *** RexConnors has joined 23:50:52 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 23:51:11 <coopserver> <Anson> it always takes a while until that green turns into water 23:51:23 <coopserver> <RexConnors> Well it is paused 23:51:28 <coopserver> <RexConnors> so it should be fine 23:51:52 <coopserver> <RexConnors> and now it is zoomed in 23:52:46 <RexConnors> New link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7pyxws5ag0q3u2z/welcome%20server%20rex%20map%2C%201st%20Jan%201920.sav 23:52:48 <Webster> Title: Dropbox - welcome server rex map, 1st Jan 1920.sav (at www.dropbox.com) 23:58:31 <happy_> u need to doo the !admin and !rules and !nick but i think jam or v will doo that 23:58:42 <coopserver> <RexConnors> i will let them do that 23:59:06 <happy_> k 23:59:31 <coopserver> <Anson> hehe, not yet done checking it ... :-) 23:59:53 <coopserver> <Anson> the link you gave was not to the savegame, but to the page where you download the savegame