Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 11th February 2015:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:14  <coopserver> *** Sancho Panza has joined
00:05:13  <coopserver> *** Sancho Panza has left the game (Leaving)
02:17:15  *** happpy has left #openttdcoop.stable
06:11:43  *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
06:41:36  *** Djanxy has quit IRC
09:00:58  *** glubothemad has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:26:15  *** tycoondemon has quit IRC
12:32:45  *** Aziroshin_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
12:36:01  *** Aziroshin has quit IRC
13:02:57  *** Jam35_ is now known as Jam35
13:41:00  *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:08:35  *** BiQ_MEECH has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:09:21  <BiQ_MEECH> !seen happpy
14:14:35  <V453000> FUCK YOU MEECH
14:14:42  <V453000>  /I win
14:16:53  <BiQ_MEECH> Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full
14:29:26  *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
15:59:46  *** Stagurn has quit IRC
16:00:09  *** Stagurn has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:58:51  *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:58:59  <happpy> !date
16:58:59  <coopserver> Dec 18 2102
16:59:04  <happpy> !players
16:59:04  <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, noone is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation
16:59:11  <happpy> hi  all
17:08:01  <Jam35> hi happpy
17:08:09  <happpy> hi  jam
17:08:13  <happpy> how  things
17:08:21  <Jam35> MiG_BEECH was looking for you
17:09:00  <happpy> k      i been   cut  my   playing  time  down
17:16:27  <planetmaker> hi
17:16:32  <planetmaker> how come, happpy ?
17:16:50  <planetmaker> been wondering already what you're up to :)
17:18:22  <happpy> play  to  much    rest    and  spend  time whive my dad and mum
17:18:34  <happpy> how  things  planetmaker
17:19:25  <planetmaker> quite ok, I guess. Busy as usual, though :)
17:19:34  <happpy> nice
17:25:39  <V453000> #rawrbridgez
17:28:21  <happpy> hi v
17:28:25  <happpy> how  things
17:30:03  *** glubothemad has quit IRC
17:31:56  <V453000> things are #rawrbridges
17:32:36  <happpy> planetmaker  i  been on   command  conquer  genale  shook  wave
17:32:38  <happpy> nice
17:34:58  <coopserver> *** happy  train sport has joined
17:35:47  <coopserver> *** happy  train sport has left the game (Leaving)
17:36:40  <happpy> !date
17:36:40  <coopserver> Dec 18 2102
19:22:41  *** happpy has quit IRC
19:28:03  *** Aziroshin_ has quit IRC
20:00:15  *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
20:00:21  <happpy> !date
20:00:21  <coopserver> Dec 18 2102
20:00:26  <happpy> !players
20:00:27  <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, noone is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation
20:04:03  <BiQ_MEECH> 'yoyo
20:04:41  <happpy> yo  meech
20:04:45  <happpy> how  things
20:07:58  <BiQ_MEECH> GRATE
20:12:01  <happpy> so  whont  have u been up  to  meech
20:23:06  <BiQ_MEECH> MURDER
20:23:20  <BiQ_MEECH> keeps me busy
20:23:24  <BiQ_MEECH> You?
20:23:53  <happpy> pkr  poker
20:24:04  <BiQ_MEECH> hell yeah
20:24:12  <BiQ_MEECH> i go all in
20:25:12  <happpy> nice
20:25:31  <happpy> i  play   play   muney
20:25:59  <BiQ_MEECH> i play reel muney borrow mom + dad credit card numer
20:26:21  <happpy> lol
20:26:25  <happpy> i  see
20:27:50  <BiQ_MEECH> yep
20:28:31  <happpy> he he  try and    find  me  on   pkr    he he
20:29:08  <BiQ_MEECH> okay
20:29:14  <BiQ_MEECH> Found yo
20:29:19  <BiQ_MEECH> nickname is happy
20:29:40  <happpy> nop
20:30:32  <happpy> u  wil  never finde  me  h e
20:31:21  <BiQ_MEECH> I told you I already did
20:31:23  <BiQ_MEECH> I got your IP
20:32:01  <happpy> its  not  happy  on pkr
20:32:48  <happpy> i got a     name   and u  will  never  find  it
20:36:02  <BiQ_MEECH> Your name is always happy
20:36:30  <happpy> yes  on    irc  but not on  pkr   poker
20:37:57  <BiQ_MEECH> Oh, guess you're unhappy elswhere
20:39:02  <happpy> nop  its  not   happy  or  that unhappy
20:39:07  <happpy> he he
20:39:16  <happpy> u  will  never get it
20:41:59  <BiQ_MEECH> Crappy Trainsport
20:42:32  <happpy> nop
20:42:54  <happpy> my  name  on pkr is not from  openttd
20:43:08  <BiQ_MEECH> Dixon Trainsport
20:43:13  <happpy> nop
20:44:16  <happpy> its   a  weather   name
20:44:46  <BiQ_MEECH> hmm
20:44:52  <BiQ_MEECH> I'm not a weather man :(
20:45:51  <happpy> if  its  rain   u get
21:04:44  <BiQ_MEECH> wet?
21:07:19  <happpy> yer  but if u see   dark   sky whont u get
21:09:50  <BiQ_MEECH> free shower?
21:11:49  <happpy> k  wher dus  twister  cume from
21:12:56  <BiQ_MEECH> Hollywood movie studio
21:14:48  <happpy> yer  but  u see  them in    us   a  lot  in  us weather
21:16:25  <BiQ_MEECH> Clouds
21:16:48  <happpy> yes
21:18:19  <happpy> but     Clouds  can doo  be  for   a    twister
21:18:36  <happpy> its  a  stoem  name
21:18:42  <happpy> storm
21:21:08  <BiQ_MEECH> Jean from X-men?
21:22:51  <happpy> k   look  at  this
21:22:54  <happpy>
21:22:55  <Webster> Title: thunderstorm - Google Search (at
21:23:48  <BiQ_MEECH> I'm out of guesses
21:24:52  <happpy> look  at  the name   so  wher dus  twister  cume from  look at  the thin i send u
21:28:09  <BiQ_MEECH> Mother nature?
21:28:37  <happpy> yes    k   twister  cume from   thunderstorm
21:28:50  <BiQ_MEECH> nah
21:29:09  <happpy> yer   its  true
21:30:05  <BiQ_MEECH> no, it's not
21:30:58  <happpy> yer     twister   and  tnado  cume from  thunder  storm
21:31:01  <happpy>
21:31:02  <Webster> Title: tornado - Google Search (at
21:31:18  <BiQ_MEECH> a tornado doesn't need a thunder storm though
21:31:56  <happpy> ar  yer in us ther doo  i
21:32:15  <BiQ_MEECH> what about a dust devil
21:32:16  <happpy> i  seem  them    on your tube
21:32:52  <happpy> thats from in the  desert
21:33:42  <happpy> thats   jst  ver stoen  wind  to  doo  them
22:26:31  *** Djanxy has quit IRC
22:35:10  *** Jam35 is now known as Jam35_

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