Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 19th August 2015:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:14:28  <coopserver> *** Sylf has joined
00:15:24  <coopserver> <Sylf> oh good
00:15:36  <coopserver> <Sylf> this house set has more than the original boring brown boxes
00:19:56  <coopserver> *** Sylf has left the game (Leaving)
00:23:36  <coopserver> *** maxtimbo has joined
00:23:56  <coopserver> <Anson> WB
00:24:06  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> turns out I don't have as much homework as I thought
00:25:11  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I like that station...
00:25:12  <coopserver> <Anson> i like strange layouts ... and since you are experimenting anyway, i did some new layout to the small trains at Bolungarvík
00:25:44  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> what do you think about husavik valley?
00:26:03  <coopserver> <Anson> with higher traffic it will be very ineffective, but it looks nice (different :-)
00:26:12  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> it's pretty strange but it works.... not very high trough put though
00:27:00  <coopserver> <Anson> did you intend Húsavík to be a transfer station in both directions ?
00:27:28  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> ya know, I really have no idea... I have never built a succewssful pax system
00:28:19  <coopserver> <Anson> that would require a similar "double station" as Bolungarvík : one transfer and load pair in one direction and one pair in the other
00:28:48  <coopserver> <Anson> bidirectional transfer stations are always a bit complicated
00:33:46  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I think I will get rid of !these trains...
00:40:16  <coopserver> *** maxtimbo has left the game (general timeout)
00:40:45  <coopserver> <Anson> you see Húsavík now ? separate West and Valley stations for transfering/forwarding pax in two directions
00:40:59  <coopserver> *** maxtimbo has joined
00:41:12  <coopserver> <Anson> the tight curves are not optimal, but it works
00:42:00  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> hmm I don't think that looks crazy enough. I might play with it a little
00:43:23  <coopserver> <Anson> it's only the priciple how to do transfer in two directions
00:45:13  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> this lag is killing me
00:46:54  <coopserver> *** maxtimbo has left the game (general timeout)
00:47:04  <maxtimbo> arg
00:47:17  <maxtimbo> I dunno if I can continue
00:47:50  <maxtimbo> I'll try again in a minute
00:48:35  <coopserver> *** Cameron has joined
00:48:58  <Anson> i have no lag at all, but I'm in europe with fast internet
00:49:11  <Anson> and an acceptably new computer
00:49:16  <maxtimbo> I think it's the europe part...
00:49:28  <maxtimbo> I have all those other things also
00:49:49  <Sylf> I have no lag from Kansas
00:49:59  <Anson> from hre, i usually have a ping of 50 to europe, 150 us east coast, 250 us west coast, 350 asia
00:50:34  <maxtimbo> maybe I have too many devices on my network
00:50:41  <Anson> some lag usually appears for me above 200
00:53:29  <coopserver> *** Sylf has joined
00:53:58  <coopserver> <Sylf> Yup, this server runs smooth for me.
00:55:51  <coopserver> *** Sylf has left the game (Leaving)
00:55:52  <coopserver> *** maxtimbo has joined
00:56:02  <coopserver> <Anson> WB
00:56:54  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> killed two devices from my network. that was the problem
00:59:38  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> right
01:00:06  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> let's see how it works
01:00:31  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> awesome
01:01:46  <coopserver> <Anson> the reversers work, but with some problems
01:01:59  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> yep
01:03:02  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> why does 1 keep going the wrong way first?
01:03:32  <coopserver> <Anson> because the reverser has a high penalty and another trains was blocking the correct exit
01:04:23  <coopserver> <Anson> when a trains goes to 2, the train from 1 takes a random path since it sees no direct path to 3 or 4
01:05:32  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> that should work...
01:06:58  <coopserver> <Anson> should work
01:07:36  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> they come in waves...
01:08:06  <coopserver> <Anson> some trains have to be updated ... they are still missing the order to transfer at west and go directly to valleys
01:09:08  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> room for one in the chamber
01:09:18  <coopserver> <Anson> valley has 24 trains, and west only 19 -> 5 more trains need to be checked for orders
01:11:41  <coopserver> <Anson> when those 5 trains are updated, the pies of waiting pax in valley should get smaller too
01:12:24  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> ha we were just looking at the some train
01:13:07  <coopserver> <Anson> 2 done, 3 to go
01:13:38  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> 2 to go
01:15:05  <coopserver> <Anson> all trains updated now !?
01:15:23  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I think so. I was just looking fo r the last one
01:18:13  <Sylf> what kind of devices did you disconnect, tim?
01:18:31  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> My other laptop had pandora playing on it
01:19:11  <Sylf> I guess me streaming mp3/mp4 locally isn't the same thing
01:20:19  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> yeah, no... I am pulling from the WAN. You're keeping things in the LAN. I was taxing my modem as well as my router. You're just taxing the Router, not such a big deal
01:20:29  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> But me thinks you know all that....
01:20:42  <Sylf> just switched to BBC radio streaming... still no problem
01:21:03  <Sylf> then again, they compress their stuff well
01:21:06  <Sylf> 64kbps
01:21:32  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> Pandora eats up that bandwidth
01:22:02  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> because they have to maintain a high QOS...
01:22:16  <Sylf> ok, switching to pandora on iphone...
01:22:29  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> everything else on the network takes a back seat with pandora...
01:22:30  <coopserver> <Anson> i have no problems with my setup ... computer and TV receivers are all connected by cable, and thus i can get 4 TV streams and fast internet at the same time
01:23:00  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I'm also running all this via wifi
01:23:29  <coopserver> <Anson> 4 SD streams are only 20 mbit, which leaves 30 mbit for the internet :-)
01:23:31  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> far from the modem.... not exactly ideal. But the wife won't let me wire up the house with ethernet cable :-/
01:23:53  <Sylf> pandora + crunchyroll + coop public server = smooth running
01:24:57  <coopserver> <Anson> max: there are either more trains needed now, or more evenly spaced
01:25:18  <coopserver> <Anson> currently they come in one big wave and the last trains transport nothing
01:25:20  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I dunno... Whatever it is, as long as I don't have pandora running and all is well
01:25:55  <Sylf> that's just weird
01:25:59  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> both stations have plenty of pax to be transported
01:26:33  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> sylf, it gives me chance to put some old vinyls on...
01:26:39  <coopserver> <Anson> Húsavík West and Valley both have almost no pax
01:27:25  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> we need these cities to get bigger...
01:27:32  <coopserver> <Anson> Bolungarvík east has a few waiting (until the next wave comes and gets them), and the pax which are waiting at annex have to wait because of the small trains
01:28:13  <coopserver> <Anson> now there are 800 pax waiting at Húsavík West because the wave of trains is just on its way to the other end
01:39:55  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I changed the orders to the long distance trains to wait for a full load at bolugarvik east
01:48:16  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> nearly broke but we're finally in the black
01:50:29  <coopserver> <Anson> i changed the orders back to any normal load since the full load at Bolungarvík caused 5k+ pax waiting at the other end in Húsavík
01:51:13  <coopserver> <Anson> that's always the problem with pax networks : asymmetrical amounts of pax to be transported
01:52:02  <coopserver> <Anson> if "full load" is used at all, it has to be used at the side where more pax are generated, and that seems to be at Húsavík in this case (at this time)
01:52:30  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> makes sense....
01:53:17  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> some of these trains are empty
01:53:32  <coopserver> <Anson> on the public server, such things are easier since there is always someone online when trains move
01:53:46  <coopserver> <Anson> on this server, things can change a lot while players are afk
01:57:11  <coopserver> <Anson> thus i prefer no "full load" at all, and instead try to space trains more evenly around the track
01:57:59  <coopserver> <Anson> that can easily be done by removing signals to have a gap, or you can go crazy and build logic circuits to get timed release of trains :-)
01:58:47  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I haven't figured out the timed part of logic trains yet. It's some pretty fun, aggravating stuff...
01:59:48  <coopserver> <Anson> simple timers are easy : have a logic train on a small circle which blocks the main track for some time
02:00:19  <coopserver> <Anson> the timing can be adjusted by selecting some wait times in a timetable of the logic train
02:00:21  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> i get that... the frustraing part is getting the timing perfect....
02:01:29  <coopserver> <Anson> just measure the time of a roundtrip for one train on the mainline (either by hand with a stopwatch, or by temporarily setting that train on a timetable)
02:01:47  <coopserver> <Anson> then divide that time by the number of trains that you have on that mainline
02:02:04  <coopserver> <Anson> and set that time in the timetable of the logic train
02:06:20  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> how come these towns don't build their own roads?
02:23:44  <coopserver> <Anson> there are settings and on this server, people should always decide which towns grow and where they grow
02:24:01  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I can dig it
02:24:10  <coopserver> <Anson> thus "towns can build roads" is usually off
02:25:39  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> And I sayeth to you, oh towns: thou art fools and shall never build roads. So sayeth your Ruler.
02:26:22  <coopserver> <Anson> i have built a timer at Húsavík
02:26:36  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> yeah i was looking at it
02:26:43  <coopserver> <Anson> 240 days roundtrip on mainline and 12 trains --> 20 days wait time
02:27:15  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I'm sure this will balance out in a minute, but those depots are full of waiting trains
02:27:18  <coopserver> <Anson> to not have random travel times added to wait times, i have set wait to 10, and travel to 2x5
02:27:26  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> well, not full///
02:27:32  <coopserver> <Anson> anyway, total time between releases is 20
02:28:00  <coopserver> <Anson> it will take 240 days until the trains are evenly spaced now
02:28:10  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> gotchya
02:28:17  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> that's pretty cool
02:28:47  <coopserver> <Anson> at first, i had used a logic train, but that was too fast
02:29:05  <coopserver> <Anson> it blocked the train already before the main train was released :-)
02:30:19  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> That helped a lot with trains loading at bolugvik...
02:31:05  <coopserver> <Anson> if there are more pax later, you can add more trains and recalculate the timer
02:31:13  <coopserver> <Anson> should be easy to do :-)
02:31:25  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> yep. I understand the formula
02:33:32  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> I wish there was a way to hide the logic a little better... but anything I've tried just sort of makes a mess of things
02:33:52  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> or it's more trouble than it's worth
02:33:53  <coopserver> <Anson> hehe, yes, i thought so, a simple division ... you only have to remember to adjust it when you add (or remove) trains, or when you upgrade trains so that the roundtrip is faster/slower ...
02:47:02  <coopserver> <Anson> i moved the timer ... i think that is the best method available to "hide" logic
02:48:05  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> yeah, that's pretty much been the only way I can every figure out how to do it...
02:49:05  <coopserver> <Anson> on this server, tunnels usually can be pretty long ... not for trains, but to transport logic information
04:13:24  <coopserver> *** Cameron has left the game (Leaving)
04:22:12  <coopserver> *** maxtimbo has left the game (Leaving)
05:29:29  <coopserver> *** Player has joined
05:29:30  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:29:31  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #8
05:29:32  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:29:33  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:30:57  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #8
05:30:58  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:30:59  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:31:56  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #9
05:31:57  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:31:58  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:02  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8
05:32:03  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:04  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:06  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8
05:32:07  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:08  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:09  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8
05:32:10  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:11  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:12  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8
05:32:13  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:14  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:15  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8
05:32:16  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:17  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:18  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8
05:32:19  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:20  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:21  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #8
05:32:22  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:23  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:24  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #9
05:32:25  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:26  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:27  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #9
05:32:28  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:29  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:30  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #7
05:32:31  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:32  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:54  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #9
05:32:55  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:56  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:32:57  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #9
05:32:58  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:32:59  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:33:00  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #9
05:33:01  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:33:02  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:33:03  <coopserver> *** Player has joined company #9
05:33:04  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
05:33:05  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
05:33:10  *** maxtimbo has quit IRC
05:33:29  <coopserver> <Anson> player, please read : change your name first
05:33:47  <coopserver> <Anson> !name Anson
05:35:27  <coopserver> <Anson> the command is !name
05:35:58  <coopserver> <Anson> for a simple name --> !name Matias
05:36:18  <coopserver> <Anson> for names with spaces --> !name "Matias Conti"
05:36:29  <coopserver> <Anson> in the chat line
05:36:49  <coopserver> <Anson> !name mynewname
05:36:50  <coopserver> *** Anson has changed his/her name to mynewname
05:36:55  <coopserver> <mynewname> !name Anson
05:36:56  <coopserver> *** mynewname has changed his/her name to Anson
05:37:46  <coopserver> <Anson> you also can set a default username in the window where you select the multiplayer game (corner at the top right of the window)
05:38:28  <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving)
05:39:47  <coopserver> *** Matias has joined
05:39:48  <coopserver> *** Matias has started a new company #8
05:40:02  <coopserver> <Anson> welcome to the server
05:40:05  <coopserver> <Anson> have fun
05:41:06  <coopserver> <Anson> are you new to the server, or completely new to multiplayer ottd ? or even to ottd ?
05:42:59  <coopserver> <Anson> speaking fin : not needed
05:43:09  <coopserver> <Anson> but you should try :-)
05:43:36  <coopserver> <Anson> are you from italy ?
05:44:26  <coopserver> <Anson> italian/spanish language ... not much difference to me :-)
05:44:53  <coopserver> <Anson> portuguese is something different ...
05:47:05  <coopserver> <Anson> one important server rule only: don't steal from others, and build as far from them as possible ... and have fun
06:20:58  <coopserver> *** Matias has left the game (Leaving)
06:36:52  <coopserver> *** Matias has joined
06:40:18  <coopserver> <Anson> matias, why do you send trains to a depot ?
06:41:03  <coopserver> <Anson> MATIAS ?!?!?!?!
06:41:13  <coopserver> <Anson> why do you delete trains ?
06:42:47  <coopserver> <Anson> !admin
06:42:48  <coopserver> *** Anson has requested an admin. (Note: Admin will read back on irc, so please do already write down your request, no need to wait.)
06:43:04  <coopserver> <Anson> matias joined the company and now deleted everything !!!!!!
06:43:38  <coopserver> <Anson> !admin
06:43:39  <coopserver> *** Anson has requested an admin. (Note: Admin will read back on irc, so please do already write down your request, no need to wait.)
06:44:25  <coopserver> <Anson> he is destroying everything now, deleting stations and also towns
06:46:23  <coopserver> <Anson> matias: you say that it's a virus ? ... crap ... you are destroying it
06:46:49  <coopserver> <Anson> what kind of virus can delete networks and towns in a game ?
06:48:35  <coopserver> <Anson> and please speak publicly
06:48:43  <coopserver> <Anson> so that everybody can see it
06:50:25  <coopserver> <Anson> !admin
06:50:26  <coopserver> *** Anson has requested an admin. (Note: Admin will read back on irc, so please do already write down your request, no need to wait.)
06:50:56  <coopserver> <Anson> the pink company had no password, but that is no reason to destroy it
06:51:27  <coopserver> <Anson> i just had noticed that many/all trains in Bolungarvík were sent to a depot and then deleted there
06:52:03  <coopserver> <Anson> a moment later, all money was spent to delete most stations and half the town too
06:52:28  <coopserver> <Anson> and it still continues now
06:53:38  <coopserver> *** Matias has left the game (Leaving)
06:53:49  <coopserver> <Anson> matias: just look at the colors of chat and ingame, and you see who i am and what company i play
06:54:08  <coopserver> *** Matias has joined
06:55:00  <coopserver> <Anson> why did you delete everything ?
06:55:05  <V453000> !players
06:55:05  <coopserver> V453000: Client 759 (Pink) is Anson, in company 7 (maxtimbo Transport)
06:55:06  <coopserver> V453000: Client 783 (Light Blue) is Matias, in company 8 (Matias Transport)
06:55:11  <V453000> can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on
06:55:32  <coopserver> <Anson> just what i wrote in chat
06:55:34  <V453000> !rcon ban 783
06:55:35  <coopserver> *** Matias has left the game (kicked by server)
06:55:36  <coopserver> ‎*** Matias has left the game (kicked by server)
06:55:37  <coopserver> ‎*** Matias has left the game (connection lost)
06:55:38  <coopserver> Banned 1 client(s)
06:55:55  <V453000> sorted
06:56:02  <coopserver> <Anson> btw: hallo, V
06:57:19  <coopserver> <Anson> matias earlier tried to join and produced 40 messages "player, please set a name"... then reloged with a proper name
06:57:44  <coopserver> <Anson> said that he is from argentina(?) and speaks little english only
06:58:07  <V453000> too bad
06:58:29  <coopserver> <Anson> quite a while later he joined the pink company since it had no password (was intended mostly to test something, but now had grown to a real compnay)
06:59:16  <coopserver> <Anson> suddenly i noticed strange effects, and saw that all trains from the sbahn service in Bolungarvík went to a depot and got deleted there
06:59:36  <coopserver> <Anson> in private chat, he told me that it must be a virus
07:00:12  <coopserver> <Anson> and a moment later all the money was used to delete most part of the town, all stations, etc
07:01:02  <coopserver> <Anson> now the company has no more network and no town ... will be bancrupt soon with no chance for rebuilding anything
07:02:02  <coopserver> *** Anson has joined spectators
07:02:03  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
07:07:42  <V453000> mhm
07:17:11  <coopserver> <Anson> i see two options ... either you do a lot of work and restore an old autosave (12+ months old at least) for minimal effect, or pink just waits for a new map
07:18:15  <coopserver> <Anson> it's 2041 already, and the pink company (owner maxtimbo) had started it as some test ... and should know that on the next map, even a test should get a password :-) :-(
07:21:23  <V453000> or I do nothing :)
07:21:52  <coopserver> <Anson> that's what i meant with option 2 : pink waits for the next map
07:22:31  <V453000> arr
07:25:21  <coopserver> *** Anson has joined company #7
07:25:22  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:26:39  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
07:26:55  <coopserver> *** Anson has started a new company #7
07:26:56  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:28:43  <coopserver> *** Anson has joined spectators
07:28:44  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
07:28:50  <coopserver> *** Anson has started a new company #9
07:28:51  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:30:43  <coopserver> *** Anson has joined spectators
07:30:44  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:18:08  *** happl has joined #openttdcoop.stable
08:18:21  *** happl is now known as happpy
08:18:39  <happpy> !players
08:18:39  <coopserver> happpy: There are currently 0 players and 1 spectators, making a total of 1 clients connected
08:22:31  <happpy> !date
08:22:31  <coopserver> Nov 07 2041
08:33:36  *** happpy has left #openttdcoop.stable
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09:04:20  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined
09:08:56  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined company #3
09:08:57  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
09:09:22  <coopserver> <Anson> hallo, happy
09:09:27  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi
09:09:36  <coopserver> <Anson> look at the signs ....
09:09:44  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer  i  read  it
09:09:59  <coopserver> <happy train sport> its not  the  ferst  time  he  dun  that
09:10:28  <coopserver> <Anson> oh, you already know him ?
09:10:50  <coopserver> <happy train sport> he   was  on   the  server  and  he  dun  it to  3  companys
09:12:03  <coopserver> <Anson> what can be done ? if an admin is online, then kick him, or else just password protect all companies !? ... what else ?
09:12:26  <coopserver> <happy train sport> just  doo  password
09:12:34  <coopserver> <happy train sport> and  shord  be  k
09:13:16  <coopserver> <Anson> he still could create new companies over and over again and delete towns
09:13:41  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hen   he  shord  be   hik  of
09:13:47  <coopserver> <happy train sport> kik  of
09:13:49  <coopserver> <Anson> but with changing IP on most users, and with freely selectable usernames, a ban is useless
09:14:16  <coopserver> <happy train sport> u  can  still  blok  hem  to  jon  the  server
09:14:36  <coopserver> <Anson> that would be a ban, but how ?
09:14:49  <coopserver> <happy train sport> true
09:15:44  <coopserver> <Anson> if i restart my router, i get a new IP, and i can select any username on joining ... no method to detect a banned player
09:16:01  <coopserver> <happy train sport> heem   i  need  to  ade b mor  tranfer  t  hinfsdalur
09:16:18  <coopserver> <happy train sport> heem   true
09:27:17  <coopserver> <Anson> afk until afternoon or until next map ....
09:27:27  <coopserver> <happy train sport> k
09:27:31  <coopserver> <Anson> !name "Anson (afk)"
09:27:33  <coopserver> *** Anson has changed his/her name to Anson (afk)
09:57:48  *** happpy_ is now known as happpy
10:00:04  <V453000> even the biggest retards just get bored sooner or later Anson :)
10:01:30  <happpy> true v
10:07:30  <happpy> !date
10:07:31  <coopserver> Mar 06 2046
10:07:44  <happpy> how sr u  v
10:16:49  <V453000> yes
10:25:20  <coopserver> *** Anson (afk) has joined company #3
10:25:26  <coopserver> <Anson (afk)> !name Anson
10:25:27  <coopserver> *** Anson (afk) has changed his/her name to Anson
10:25:55  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yooo
10:52:54  <coopserver> *** Anson has joined spectators
12:18:17  <coopserver> <Anson> back now
12:19:30  <coopserver> *** Anson has joined company #3
12:27:15  <happpy> i bee  back   ineed  to   restart  my  latop
12:27:22  *** happpy has left #openttdcoop.stable
12:27:30  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has left the game (Leaving)
13:56:42  *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:08:31  <happpy> !players
14:08:31  <coopserver> happpy: There are currently 1 players and 0 spectators, making a total of 1 clients connected
14:27:07  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined
14:27:22  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi
14:27:41  <coopserver> <Anson> hallo
14:28:04  <coopserver> <Anson> almost finished upgrading and editing all cargo lines
14:28:36  <coopserver> <happy train sport> sorrey  i  tork to  lone   i had  to  rewin  my  norton  from  norton 360  to  a  nuver  norton
14:28:44  <coopserver> <happy train sport> nice
14:30:07  <coopserver> <Anson> most trains were still only level 4 and up to 9 is available now
14:30:21  <coopserver> <Anson> i also replace some fast trains to medium
14:30:33  <coopserver> <happy train sport> i  got  a  coal  save  game    i  been doing  of  line  I  got LLLRRRoverflow
14:30:34  <coopserver> <Anson> and doubled all tracks
14:30:41  <coopserver> <happy train sport> nice
14:32:09  <coopserver> <Anson> also upgraded the wagons from 2nd to 3rd generation
14:32:18  <happpy> nice
14:47:09  <coopserver> <Anson> as always, i build in yellow :-)
14:47:39  <happpy> nice
14:48:10  <coopserver> <Anson> btw: why do you still always do the same mistakes (bad things) ? eg dropping cargo with "unload and load cargo", etc
14:48:46  <happpy> for  got  redoo  it  right
14:48:54  <coopserver> <Anson> if a new mine appears near a drop, trains immediately load and then go back and forth without ever unloading
14:49:36  <happpy> true
14:49:54  <coopserver> <Anson> and why did you build a huge pickup station for coal ? 4 long platforms ....
14:50:19  <happpy> not shor
14:50:42  <coopserver> <Anson> this map has the "small mines" grf, thus mines increase slowly to 200, maybe 300 or 400, but not enough for 4 long platforms
14:51:32  <happpy> yer  true
14:51:59  <happpy> did  u   look at  that  save  map  i send  u
14:53:58  <coopserver> *** arcsin has joined
14:54:19  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi  arcsin
14:54:26  <coopserver> <happy train sport> welome  to  the  server
14:55:57  <coopserver> <happy train sport> to  see  the   ruleds  doo  !rules   and  have  fun  arcsin
15:08:09  <coopserver> <Anson> how can Hveragerði Woods be made larger ?
15:08:23  <coopserver> <Anson> there is quite some queue in front of it
15:08:28  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer
15:08:37  <coopserver> <happy train sport> we need  mor  station  space
15:09:21  <coopserver> <Anson> big problem are the loading times of those trains
15:09:50  <coopserver> <Anson> other trains with shorter loading times might solve the problem (at least partially)
15:09:57  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer  true
15:10:12  <coopserver> <happy train sport> or  we  try  uver   trains
15:11:12  <coopserver> <Anson> maglev trains are fast, but low capacity and long loading times
15:11:20  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer
15:11:40  <coopserver> <happy train sport> so   shord  we  try  a  nuver  train
15:14:54  <coopserver> <Anson> you should have reserved more space in the town to enlarge the station later when needed
15:15:39  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer  true   but  i  fort to doo it
15:16:08  <coopserver> <Anson> we could move the bus unloading to the backside of the station and thus get new space for one platform, and on the other side replace houses with a platform ... for a total of 2x3 instead of 2x2
15:16:42  <coopserver> <happy train sport> wate  for  a  minte
15:42:04  <coopserver> <Anson> seems to work now with the temp connection
15:42:26  <coopserver> <Anson> we can just wait now until rating improves by itself and then later delete the two houses
15:42:34  <coopserver> <Anson> no need for "dirty tricks"
15:43:46  <coopserver> <Anson> btw: while redoing the entry/exit of a station,m it is a bad idea to dig tunnels across those entry/exit rails :-(
15:54:58  <coopserver> <Anson> 6 platforms working now, and no single train is waiting
15:55:41  <coopserver> <happy train sport> nice  won
15:56:02  <coopserver> <Anson> and the crossing tunnel is there again, but without the unnecessary digging one more deeper level
15:56:32  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep
15:57:34  <coopserver> <Anson> seems the wave is back, but already gone again too :-)
15:57:52  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep
16:01:25  <coopserver> <Anson> btw: entry and exit can be left or right, and different for any pair of platforms
16:01:37  <coopserver> <Anson> switching them can avoid bridges
16:01:47  <coopserver> <Anson> now only one bridge instead of 3
16:02:02  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer
16:05:50  <coopserver> <Anson> remember: first improvement were trains with more power/acceleration to clear the station faster
16:06:01  <coopserver> <happy train sport> k
16:06:02  <coopserver> <Anson> we also have brake space in front of the platforms now
16:07:07  <coopserver> <Anson> and the only two bridges are on two different/separate exit pathes, thus have low traffic only
16:14:30  <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep
16:16:35  <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has joined
16:16:40  <coopserver> <Dnz-Ali> i
16:16:41  <coopserver> <Dnz-Ali> hi
16:16:42  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi
16:16:48  <coopserver> <happy train sport> how  ar u
16:18:41  <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has left the game (Leaving)
16:32:04  <coopserver> *** arcsin has started a new company #7
16:33:52  <coopserver> <Anson> entry to Hnífsdalur improved : the distance between PBS and platforms was much too large ... someone forgot to place block signals in front of the platforms
16:34:21  <happpy> yep
16:52:41  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined
16:52:56  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hey  jam
16:53:22  <coopserver> <Jam35> hi
16:53:36  <coopserver> <happy train sport> how  things
16:53:48  <coopserver> <Jam35> ok
16:53:58  <happpy> nice
16:56:16  <coopserver> <Jam35> where are the nice sbahn?
16:56:34  <coopserver> <happy train sport> trains ?
16:57:22  <coopserver> <Jam35> city network
16:57:30  <coopserver> <happy train sport> ar
16:57:33  <coopserver> <happy train sport> k
16:58:36  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (Leaving)
18:22:58  <coopserver> <happy train sport> arcsin:    make  shor  u  leve  a  nufe  space  for  players   to  up  grade  ther  train  line
18:26:33  <coopserver> <happy train sport> nice  thanks  arcsin
18:27:38  <coopserver> *** Tonton has joined
18:27:39  <coopserver> *** Tonton has started a new company #9
18:27:49  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi  Tonton
18:28:13  <coopserver> <Tonton> salut salut
18:29:02  <coopserver> <happy train sport> is  a  town  map   Tonton  so
19:06:08  <coopserver> <Anson> i have finished sorting the pax trains too now
20:00:00  <coopserver> *** arcsin has left the game (Leaving)
20:18:56  <coopserver> *** Tonton has left the game (general timeout)
20:31:59  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined spectators
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20:43:12  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #10
20:43:13  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
20:43:14  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
20:43:34  <coopserver> <Player> hello
20:44:31  <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving)
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21:02:09  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #10
21:02:10  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
21:02:11  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
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21:03:11  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
21:03:12  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
21:03:36  <coopserver> <Player> !name Ninja's
21:03:37  <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to Ninja's
21:05:59  <coopserver> *** Ninja's has left the game (Leaving)
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22:55:08  <coopserver> <maxtimbo> oh man that blows!
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22:56:51  <maxtimbo> well that really sucks
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23:18:58  <maxtimbo> Anson, you there?

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