Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 20th October 2015:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
03:19:01  *** cha0tics__ has quit IRC
05:51:10  *** TrangarLaptop has joined #openttdcoop.stable
05:51:18  *** TrangarLaptop has quit IRC
06:09:10  <coopserver> *** lcd047 has joined
06:09:36  <coopserver> *** lcd047 has left the game (Leaving)
07:20:07  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
07:20:08  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
08:42:30  *** Speedy` has joined #openttdcoop.stable
08:42:43  *** Speedy` is now known as Speedy
09:03:34  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:03:34  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
09:07:45  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
09:20:45  *** Asgeir has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:04:52  *** cha0tics__ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:23:18  *** cha0tics__ has quit IRC
10:37:06  *** cha0tics__ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:41:53  <cha0tics__> !pw
10:41:53  <coopserver> cha0tics__: Free entry, no passwords needed
10:50:41  *** happpy has quit IRC
12:07:59  *** glubothemad has joined #openttdcoop.stable
12:14:16  <Trangar> !pw
12:14:16  <coopserver> Trangar: Free entry, no passwords needed
12:28:25  <Asgeir> :D:
13:23:59  *** cha0tics has joined #openttdcoop.stable
13:24:32  *** cha0tics is now known as Guest5916
13:25:06  *** cha0tics__ has quit IRC
13:43:11  *** Guest5916 has quit IRC
13:44:07  *** cha0tics_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
13:52:14  <cha0tics_> !pw
13:52:14  <coopserver> cha0tics_: Free entry, no passwords needed
14:21:34  *** Trangar has quit IRC
14:55:28  *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:57:34  <happpy> !players
14:57:34  <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, noone is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation
15:04:43  *** TrangarLaptop has joined #openttdcoop.stable
15:06:21  <happpy> hi  trangar
15:11:13  <TrangarLaptop> o/
15:12:28  *** Asgeir has quit IRC
15:12:49  <happpy> how ar u
15:35:36  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has joined
15:35:37  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
15:35:59  <happpy> hi
15:36:10  <coopserver> <cha0tics> hi happy, what's up
15:36:21  <happpy> not much
15:40:02  *** Danielv123 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
15:42:56  <happpy> hi danielv
16:01:40  <TrangarLaptop> happpy, I´m good, sorry was scratching glue off my front window
16:01:42  <TrangarLaptop> How are you?
16:02:03  <happpy> good
16:02:39  <TrangarLaptop> I just need to wash my window and it´ll be nice and see-through :D
16:02:40  <TrangarLaptop> I´m happy
16:03:04  <happpy> nice
16:03:09  <coopserver> <cha0tics> you can't be happy
16:03:15  <coopserver> <cha0tics> because happy is happy
16:03:26  <happpy> yer true
16:10:08  *** Danielv123 has quit IRC
16:10:32  <TrangarLaptop> Happpy is happpy
16:10:40  <TrangarLaptop> I´m happy, with 2 p´s
16:10:45  <TrangarLaptop> He´s clearly more happpy than I am
16:11:09  <happpy> I all ways bee happpy
16:41:51  <coopserver> *** Farnsworth has joined
16:42:18  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> hi!
16:42:51  <happpy> hi
16:43:12  <happpy> how ar u
16:43:13  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> how r u?
16:43:17  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> XD
16:43:19  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> good tnx
16:43:22  <happpy> good
16:44:08  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
16:44:56  <coopserver> *** Mark has started a new company #5
16:46:02  <happpy> hey mark
16:46:26  <coopserver> <Mark> :)
16:46:34  <happpy> join  my own  if u like
16:47:18  <coopserver> <Mark> this map is a bit small for pub server
16:47:46  <happpy> yer I don't no  hoo dun the mao
16:47:46  <happpy> map
16:51:03  <happpy> I got a  all most LlRR  coal  net work
16:54:31  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined company #1
16:55:14  <happpy> mark can u up grade my trains my diner is dun tha
16:55:22  <happpy> thanks
16:56:00  <Mark> !rcon set never_expire_vehicles 1
16:56:01  <coopserver> ERROR: This command/variable is not available during network games.
16:57:47  <coopserver> *** dP has joined
16:59:08  <coopserver> <dP> !rules
16:59:10  <coopserver> Server rules can be found here:
17:05:31  <coopserver> *** dP has left the game (Leaving)
17:09:43  *** TrangarLaptop has quit IRC
17:15:54  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable
17:15:54  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
17:36:20  *** glubothemad has quit IRC
17:40:05  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined
17:42:47  *** Trangar has joined #openttdcoop.stable
17:43:01  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game (Leaving)
18:03:47  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined spectators
18:09:34  <coopserver> *** lcd047 has joined
18:11:04  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined
18:11:38  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined company #1
18:13:38  <coopserver> *** lcd047 has left the game (Leaving)
18:14:09  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
18:14:35  <coopserver> *** Farnsworth has left the game (general timeout)
18:16:17  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi
18:35:28  <coopserver> *** Berkel has joined
18:35:37  <coopserver> *** Berkel has left the game (Leaving)
18:40:50  <coopserver> *** Farnsworth has joined
18:41:13  <coopserver> <happy train sport> wb  Farnsworth
18:50:21  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined
18:50:32  <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi  jam
18:50:38  <coopserver> <Jam35> hello
18:50:56  <coopserver> <happy train sport> trying to  fixs  a  split
18:51:36  <coopserver> <Jam35> sew it up
18:52:09  <coopserver> <happy train sport> at my sing this
18:55:04  <coopserver> <Jam35> looks like Farnsworth needs an upgrade
18:55:10  <coopserver> <Jam35> those trains hate that hill
18:55:28  <coopserver> <Jam35> that's one way to get rid of them :P
18:55:35  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> XD
18:55:42  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> trying to fiz
18:55:44  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> fix
19:03:41  <coopserver> <happy train sport> ther that  will  work
19:04:51  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> can u help me?
19:04:57  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> look at sign
19:05:56  <coopserver> <Jam35> those signals give a choice
19:06:16  <coopserver> <Jam35> their destination can be reached using either track
19:06:26  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> look
19:06:27  <coopserver> <Jam35> if one way is red, they take other
19:06:33  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> now its jam
19:06:43  <coopserver> <Jam35> they cant get where they are going
19:06:51  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> one is red and they pick it
19:06:52  <coopserver> <Jam35> on the straigh track
19:09:02  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> its just bad place to make a choise?
19:09:10  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has started a new company #5
19:09:16  <coopserver> <happy train sport> will  if  it  was  me  move   the  guhill wood  and  join it up  to  my  sing  this
19:09:21  <coopserver> <Jam35> no they can't get to the station
19:09:27  <coopserver> <Jam35> look !here
19:10:16  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> oh man
19:10:21  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> thats true
19:10:27  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined spectators
19:11:10  <coopserver> <Jam35> that should fix it
19:11:14  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> thanks
19:11:21  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> i missed that
19:11:38  <coopserver> <Jam35> easily done :)
19:15:43  <coopserver> <Farnsworth> gn all
19:15:48  <coopserver> <happy train sport> gn
19:15:54  <coopserver> *** Farnsworth has left the game (Leaving)
19:16:20  <coopserver> <happy train sport> time  to   ade  mor  coal  mine
19:17:38  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (Leaving)
19:19:01  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has left the game (Leaving)
20:01:49  <coopserver> *** happy train sport has left the game (Leaving)
20:01:50  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
20:04:30  *** Trangar has quit IRC
20:17:28  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has joined
20:17:42  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has joined company #4
20:17:43  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
20:23:56  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (general timeout)
20:25:27  *** [1]Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
20:31:11  *** Mark has quit IRC
20:31:11  *** [1]Mark is now known as Mark
20:44:35  <coopserver> *** lcd047 has joined
20:48:08  <coopserver> *** lcd047 has left the game (Leaving)
21:06:28  *** Mark has quit IRC
21:32:10  *** Asgeir has joined #openttdcoop.stable
22:06:53  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has left the game (Leaving)
22:06:54  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
23:04:15  *** Asgeir has quit IRC

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