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00:00:57 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 00:01:15 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined 00:01:16 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 00:02:29 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined company #9 00:02:30 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 00:02:57 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I need to restart... 00:03:37 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined spectators 00:03:38 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 00:04:00 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has started a new company #8 00:04:01 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 00:04:33 <happpy> hi 00:05:01 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Hi. 00:05:51 <coopserver> <happy train sport> how ar u 00:06:04 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Good. 00:07:04 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I will make Twinleaf great. 00:07:17 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep 00:13:01 <BiG_MEECH> BiG_LEGO_BiLDUR 00:13:09 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Hi 00:13:13 <BiG_MEECH> yo 00:13:29 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> My old company floped. 00:13:40 <BiG_MEECH> liquidated? 00:18:18 <BiG_MEECH> liquidation transport 00:27:11 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has left the game (Leaving) 00:27:16 <happpy> gn all 00:27:20 <happpy> have fun 00:28:17 *** happpy has left #openttdcoop.stable 00:29:52 *** happpymoblic has joined #openttdcoop.stable 00:39:36 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm working Twinleaf's way up in the world :) 00:40:00 <BiG_MEECH> s-bahn baller? 00:40:28 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I need to check somthing... 00:41:04 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> There's no Viridian City Forest :l 00:41:17 <BiG_MEECH> cities, not forests :P 00:41:21 <BiG_MEECH> or go and make a forest near there :P 00:41:30 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> There isin't even a Viridian City :l 00:41:41 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Would have been hilarious if that was a thing./ 00:41:54 <BiG_MEECH> I thought there was 00:47:35 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Twinleaf is #9 in the most populated towns :D 00:47:55 <BiG_MEECH> fund new buildings :D 00:48:03 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I HAVE NO MONEY! 00:49:01 <BiG_MEECH> aww 00:49:34 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> 7th largest... 00:49:47 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Not far behind White Forest. 00:51:24 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Twinleaf still won't take food... 00:51:54 <BiG_MEECH> grow dat bitch 00:52:10 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> That's basically my only cash supplier. 00:54:30 <BiG_MEECH> :D 00:56:05 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 00:56:08 <coopserver> *** Rex has joined 00:56:09 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 00:57:34 <BiG_MEECH> T-REXY 01:06:09 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> There's a limit to how many orders you can give a train :o 01:06:18 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Nvm, i placed the wrong station. 01:06:26 <BiG_MEECH> :o 01:07:09 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I need to buy more busses. 01:07:37 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I've built like 8 bus stations. 01:08:22 <BiG_MEECH> BUS BALLER 01:08:49 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 01:09:06 <coopserver> *** BiG_MEECH has joined 01:09:07 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 01:09:12 <coopserver> <Rex> hey meech 01:09:17 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Yo. 01:09:20 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> yoREXYDOODLES 01:09:26 <coopserver> <Rex> ;) 01:09:44 <coopserver> <Rex> just finished 2 finals today 01:10:18 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> final 4 march madness? 01:10:25 <coopserver> <Rex> *snaps fingers* woohoo spring break 01:10:41 <coopserver> <Rex> more like university classes :( 01:13:03 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> 4th largest town! 01:14:12 <coopserver> <Rex> mines pretty big too 01:16:28 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> There still isin't a place to accept food :l 01:17:25 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> no food for legos 01:17:33 <coopserver> *** BiG_MEECH has left the game (Leaving) 01:19:23 <happpymoblic> i.m u need a shop for food in town 01:19:29 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Yeah. 01:19:43 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Apperently it's a industry that there's only 6 of on the map. 01:19:45 <happpymoblic> u need to fund won 01:19:58 <coopserver> <Rex> lol "happymobilc" 01:20:19 <happpymoblic> its still happpy 01:20:34 *** happpymoblic is now known as happpy 01:20:43 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> It's gonna be awhile before i can fund a shop 01:20:47 <coopserver> <Rex> oh 01:20:50 <BiG_MEECH> he uses the power of lic 01:20:53 <coopserver> <Rex> want me to fund you 01:21:05 <BiG_MEECH> lickytongue 01:21:14 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Sure i guess. 01:21:20 <coopserver> <Rex> the pokemon meech? 01:21:50 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Rex, if you havn't noticed, the map is full ok pokemon towns and citys. 01:22:00 <happpy> how things rex 01:22:05 <BiG_MEECH> PokeMEECH 01:22:13 <BiG_MEECH> https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/525497181/lickitung_400x400.png 01:22:19 <BiG_MEECH> retarded grass pokemon 01:22:27 <coopserver> <Rex> i finished my finals and now im home chilling and playing openttd 01:22:38 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> But lickitung is a normal type... 01:22:39 <coopserver> <Rex> so its going well 01:22:50 *** BiG_MEECH is now known as PoKE_MEECH 01:22:52 <PoKE_MEECH> yo 01:23:05 <PoKE_MEECH> dat thunderstrom 01:23:11 <coopserver> <Rex> ? 01:23:17 <coopserver> <Rex> where 01:23:24 <happpy> yer its not a grars tip 01:24:07 <happpy> soory big neech ther no nane thunderstorm 01:24:15 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Wish i could get the town names to work on mobile 01:24:35 <PoKE_MEECH> no thunderhappy? 01:25:02 <happpy> dont bo hem 01:25:14 <happpy> dont no hem 01:25:16 <PoKE_MEECH> hm 01:25:30 <PoKE_MEECH> heem 01:25:35 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> And suddenly the town names work... yey 01:26:11 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> And the world i just made has Twinleaf as a town :) 01:26:58 <coopserver> <Rex> there is a mobile version? 01:27:17 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Yeah 01:27:25 <happpy> yes but not for this server 01:27:26 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> It can't connect to the current PC though. 01:28:31 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I feel like there's not even 800 towns in PKMN 01:28:49 <happpy> heem 01:28:57 <PoKE_MEECH> thunderhappy will sort it out 01:28:58 <happpy> i think ther is 01:29:19 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> There's only 722 known pokemon. 01:29:27 <happpy> wher did u get that nane from big meech 01:30:11 <PoKE_MEECH> soemone told me 01:30:48 <happpy> ther no thunder happpy how meney times i say this the name is not rel nane 01:30:58 <PoKE_MEECH> I've seen it 01:31:09 <PoKE_MEECH> Thunderhapppy electrical pokemon type 01:31:30 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Electric. 01:31:39 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Not elec trical. 01:32:18 <happpy> ok thunder storm and thunderhapppy i mad them up 01:32:25 <PoKE_MEECH> this one actually you gotta plug in 01:32:28 <PoKE_MEECH> electrical type 01:32:43 <happpy> its was me all this time 01:32:52 <PoKE_MEECH> they will use zap cannon 01:33:18 *** bootmii has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:33:26 <PoKE_MEECH> and volt tackle 01:33:40 <PoKE_MEECH> bootmii :D 01:33:41 <happpy> thunderstorm and thunderhapppy is me happpy 01:33:46 <PoKE_MEECH> no way 01:33:49 <PoKE_MEECH> I dont believe it 01:33:56 <happpy> he he 01:34:02 <PoKE_MEECH> all lies 01:34:03 <happpy> got u 01:34:13 <happpy> yep 01:34:33 <happpy> dun the names for fun 01:35:14 <PoKE_MEECH> happy = tired & delusional 01:35:34 <happpy> ? 01:35:54 <happpy> !date 01:35:54 <coopserver> Oct 17 2226 01:36:37 <PoKE_MEECH> drunken happpy 01:36:52 <happpy> have u whoch that video i send u yet 01:36:52 <PoKE_MEECH> st. paddys day came early for happy trainsport 01:36:59 <PoKE_MEECH> no :( 01:37:04 <happpy> ok 01:38:35 <happpy> how the net work rex 01:39:08 *** bootmii has quit IRC 01:39:26 <happpy> u shord big neech 01:39:31 *** bootmii has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:39:42 <happpy> the movie looks f grate 01:40:00 <coopserver> <Rex> check it happy 01:40:05 <happpy> ok 01:40:07 <coopserver> <Rex> still working on the expansion 01:40:15 <happpy> cool 01:40:26 <coopserver> <Rex> i making my network a ring of RR_LL 01:40:29 *** bootmii has quit IRC 01:40:35 <happpy> hop it gos ok for u 01:40:53 <happpy> nice 01:41:11 <coopserver> <Rex> we'll see, i might go munch up some of green's land because there is a lot of it and green uses almost none 01:41:57 *** bootmii has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:42:07 <happpy> yer i was trying to see if mark was on so can remove that company 01:42:47 <coopserver> <Rex> why? 01:42:48 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> 3rd largest! 01:42:51 <coopserver> <Rex> cuz of the jam? 01:43:16 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Next behemoth to take out is Oreburgh, a fellow Sinnoh area 01:43:35 <coopserver> <Rex> thats me my homie 01:43:45 <happpy> yer and he dun train lime over sume player 01:43:54 *** bootmii has quit IRC 01:44:23 *** bootmii has joined #openttdcoop.stable 01:44:41 <happpy> and he coal train lime is no good now 01:44:57 <coopserver> <Rex> coal all gone? 01:45:07 <happpy> yep 01:45:51 <happpy> so ther no porint kep the company he just got pax now 01:45:54 *** bootmii has quit IRC 01:46:07 <coopserver> <Rex> oh ok 01:46:14 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm only 4k behind Oreburgh 01:46:25 <coopserver> <Rex> expansion time for me then? 01:47:03 <happpy> doo maglevs i.m for pax 01:47:41 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I have no money/ 01:48:08 <happpy> i going out tomorrow so mite be late back on 01:48:11 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I've only been able to do intown transport for Twinleaf. 01:49:09 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> If i had the money, i would probably connect to Celestic, as it's another Sinnoh town. 01:49:26 <happpy> so if we get a new map i mite not be on for it so gn all have fun 01:50:20 <PoKE_MEECH> thunderhappppppppppy 01:50:21 <PoKE_MEECH> seeya 01:51:10 <happpy> big meech whont did i say thats not rel its a mad up nane wuch i dun 01:51:20 <PoKE_MEECH> :O 01:51:26 <PoKE_MEECH> you lied to me? :O 01:51:30 <PoKE_MEECH> :'( 01:51:38 * PoKE_MEECH cries 01:51:42 <happpy> its just happpy 01:52:09 <happpy> no not a lie just dun it for fun 01:52:16 <PoKE_MEECH> :'(( 01:52:21 <PoKE_MEECH> </3 01:52:40 <happpy> i was bord so had sume fun 01:54:09 <happpy> dont cries big meech ther no harm been dun 01:54:56 <happpy> i was just dun it to see the irc word had a lone name 01:57:37 *** happpy is now known as pokenommarster 01:58:31 <pokenommarster> yo poke meech the marster is on . 02:03:10 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has left the game (Leaving) 02:10:56 <coopserver> <Rex> when are we gonna reset the world? 02:13:00 *** pokenommarster is now known as happpy 02:13:25 <happpy> when a map is upload to the server 02:15:25 <happpy> so in till then the map keeps going 02:29:08 <coopserver> 'Rex' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error) 02:29:09 <coopserver> *** Rex has left the game (desync error) 02:29:10 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 02:29:20 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 02:29:23 <coopserver> *** Rex has joined 02:29:24 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 02:29:25 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 02:35:48 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 02:35:59 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined 02:36:00 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 02:36:42 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined company #8 02:46:30 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 02:46:53 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 02:46:54 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 02:46:55 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 02:46:56 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 02:47:11 *** Mark has quit IRC 02:47:12 <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost) 02:47:28 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (general timeout) 02:48:01 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 02:48:22 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 02:48:23 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 02:48:46 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> enter is chat 02:48:50 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> so is t 02:48:55 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (general timeout) 03:00:33 <PoKE_MEECH> lol 03:00:38 <PoKE_MEECH> they donty know what to do 03:00:44 <PoKE_MEECH> they been at it all night and yesterday 03:06:54 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> So, i discovered that the name pack doesn't have Viridian as a possible name. 03:17:32 <PoKE_MEECH> maybe you can edit it 03:17:47 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Wish i knew how 03:18:02 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Because missing one of the Kanto towns is a crime. 03:18:49 <PoKE_MEECH> im sure there is a way 03:18:56 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> There's stuff from spinoffs, like Ranger and Colleseum, but missing stuff from KANTO?! 03:19:06 <PoKE_MEECH> heh 03:20:26 <PoKE_MEECH> looks like you can view the file with a text editor 03:20:32 <PoKE_MEECH> but you have to untar it 03:20:39 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> So, notepad. 03:20:43 <PoKE_MEECH> yup 03:21:00 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> And i do that with a tablet how? 03:21:09 <PoKE_MEECH> no idea 03:21:15 <PoKE_MEECH> install an archive manager 03:21:32 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I have a pre-installed 7-zip 03:21:53 <PoKE_MEECH> might work 03:34:45 <PoKE_MEECH> im playing this OG game Simfarm 03:34:55 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Maxis? 03:35:01 <PoKE_MEECH> You know it 03:35:05 <PoKE_MEECH> I used to be amazing at it 03:35:11 <PoKE_MEECH> but i dont know wtf im doing wrong now :D 03:35:12 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I enjoyed SimCity 2 03:35:23 <PoKE_MEECH> yup 03:35:28 <PoKE_MEECH> I got 41 fields of strawberries 03:35:32 <PoKE_MEECH> and im not making enough money lol 03:45:19 <PoKE_MEECH> like 03:45:25 <PoKE_MEECH> for whatever reason 03:45:28 <PoKE_MEECH> I cant get more machinery 03:45:36 <PoKE_MEECH> and I'm missing like 1/2 of the shit i need 03:45:43 <PoKE_MEECH> I have no planters, no plows 03:45:49 <PoKE_MEECH> and missing a shit ton of trucks 03:45:54 <PoKE_MEECH> so i have to lease every time I need them 03:46:09 <PoKE_MEECH> and my taxes estimation are 162,000 $ and I haven;t made that much 03:46:23 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> YOU FAILED! 03:46:26 <PoKE_MEECH> 48 fields making 5000 each like 3 times a year = no money 03:52:39 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I need to buy another engine for that train... 03:54:18 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> It's finnaly over the hill... 03:54:24 <PoKE_MEECH> lol 04:04:27 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has left the game (Leaving) 04:19:50 <PoKE_MEECH> doz legoz 06:55:54 <coopserver> <Rex> Meech, you on IRC 07:00:00 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 07:00:03 <coopserver> *** Mervin has joined 07:00:04 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 07:00:11 <coopserver> <Rex> Hey 07:00:16 <coopserver> <Mervin> hi 07:02:10 <coopserver> *** Mervin has started a new company #9 07:06:13 <coopserver> <Rex> ayyy mervin 07:07:55 <coopserver> <Rex> yo mervin 07:09:16 <coopserver> <Rex> could you start maybe overby Azalea town? its pretty open area and you wont be crossing my lines 07:10:00 <coopserver> <Mervin> you mean where? 07:10:24 <coopserver> <Rex> !yungMarv 07:10:30 <coopserver> <Rex> i placed a sign 07:10:51 <coopserver> <Mervin> I donĀ“t wanna play passagers 07:11:06 <coopserver> <Rex> iron 07:11:08 <coopserver> <Rex> ore 07:11:11 <coopserver> <Rex> is right there 07:11:32 <coopserver> <Rex> and there is a steel mill to the right 07:12:31 <coopserver> <Rex> thanks marv 07:12:43 <coopserver> <Rex> do you see where i placed the signs? 07:17:58 <coopserver> <Mervin> I see 07:21:17 *** Compu has quit IRC 07:21:39 *** Compu has joined #openttdcoop.stable 07:26:24 <coopserver> *** Mervin has left the game (Leaving) 07:46:02 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 07:46:07 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 07:46:08 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 07:47:44 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving) 08:18:36 <coopserver> *** Rex has left the game (Leaving) 08:18:37 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 09:16:39 <happpy> !date 09:16:39 <coopserver> May 29 2256 09:49:11 *** happpy has quit IRC 10:27:51 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 10:28:01 <coopserver> *** RTM has joined 10:28:02 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 10:29:49 <coopserver> *** RTM has joined company #5 10:29:50 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 10:31:58 <coopserver> *** RTM has left the game (Leaving) 10:31:59 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 10:32:27 *** Clockworker_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:32:27 *** Clockworker has quit IRC 10:43:25 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 10:43:28 <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has joined 10:43:29 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 10:45:53 <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has left the game (Leaving) 13:36:34 *** Clockworker has joined #openttdcoop.stable 13:42:48 *** Clockworker_ has quit IRC 14:01:28 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 14:01:31 <coopserver> *** lcd047 has joined 14:01:32 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 14:02:09 <coopserver> *** lcd047 has left the game (Leaving) 14:46:43 *** glubothemad has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:22:43 <PoKE_MEECH> yoyo 15:53:32 <V453000> get poked to shit 16:28:03 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 16:28:10 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 16:28:11 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 16:28:12 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #10 16:28:13 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 16:28:15 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 16:28:16 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 16:28:40 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #11 16:28:41 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 16:28:42 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 16:28:43 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 16:28:44 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 16:29:08 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving) 16:29:44 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 16:29:51 <coopserver> *** AXIMATT has joined 16:29:52 <coopserver> *** AXIMATT has started a new company #12 16:29:53 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 16:29:54 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 16:31:28 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 16:31:33 <coopserver> *** devontrains has joined 16:31:34 <coopserver> *** devontrains has started a new company #10 16:31:35 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 16:32:01 <coopserver> *** devontrains has left the game (Leaving) 16:32:21 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 16:32:25 <coopserver> *** devontrains has joined 16:32:26 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 16:44:04 <coopserver> <devontrains> alluh ackbar 16:44:57 <coopserver> <devontrains> what r u doing? 16:46:21 <V453000> heil hitler, I'm working on some moar graphics :P 16:46:27 <coopserver> <devontrains> heh 16:46:34 <coopserver> <devontrains> heil trump 16:46:56 <V453000> gg 16:47:00 <V453000> what are you doing? :) 16:47:18 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 16:47:27 <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined 16:47:28 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 16:48:02 <coopserver> *** AXIMATT has joined spectators 16:48:04 <coopserver> *** AXIMATT has started a new company #10 16:48:19 <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving) 16:49:35 <coopserver> *** devontrains has left the game (Leaving) 16:49:56 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 16:50:01 <coopserver> *** devontrains has joined 16:50:02 <coopserver> *** devontrains has started a new company #11 16:50:03 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 16:56:28 *** p3tiny has joined #openttdcoop.stable 16:57:47 <coopserver> *** AXIMATT has joined spectators 16:57:54 <coopserver> *** AXIMATT has started a new company #13 17:01:14 *** Clockworker has quit IRC 17:03:44 *** Clockworker has joined #openttdcoop.stable 17:08:51 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> Kick not so virgin trains he griefing me 17:09:06 <coopserver> <devontrains> he blew up ma stuff hes is 17:09:34 <coopserver> <devontrains> shut up u tban 17:09:44 <coopserver> <devontrains> heh 17:09:49 <V453000> !players 17:09:49 <coopserver> V453000: Client 304 (Blue) is AXIMATT, in company 13 (Japan is REAL) 17:09:50 <coopserver> V453000: Client 312 (Pale Green) is devontrains, in company 11 (Not-So-Virgin Trains) 17:09:51 <coopserver> <devontrains> disconnected 17:09:52 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> seriously he is greifing me help pleas7 17:09:56 <V453000> sec 17:10:21 <V453000> ah 17:10:24 <V453000> hm 17:10:25 <coopserver> <devontrains> im honestl not hes annoyed coz i use his tramlines 17:11:05 <coopserver> <devontrains> he sed hes purposely trying to kcik me im on skype with him 17:11:11 <coopserver> <devontrains> he sed to me 17:11:19 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> no i rebuild the stuff he grief 17:11:21 <coopserver> <devontrains> plz help hes a cyberbully 17:11:31 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> we on skype 17:11:32 <coopserver> <devontrains> he cut me 17:11:38 <coopserver> <devontrains> it hurts 17:11:41 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> he lying 17:11:48 <coopserver> <devontrains> report him to ceop 17:11:53 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> i get him to delete stuff but 17:12:01 <coopserver> <devontrains> IT HURTS 17:12:02 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> but not entierly 17:12:16 <coopserver> <devontrains> HE BLOW UPMA ROAD 17:12:20 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> he harass me 17:12:31 <coopserver> <devontrains> SITSBECAUSE IM BLACK HES RACIST TO ME 17:12:35 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> he joined my company and made me go in d3ept 17:12:53 <coopserver> <devontrains> HES A RACIST CYBER BULY 17:13:03 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> he is a white male 17:13:08 <coopserver> <devontrains> ITS BECAUSE IM BLACK ISNT IT MATT??? 17:13:14 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> do you need his adress 17:13:21 <V453000> :D 17:13:22 <V453000> wtf 17:13:24 <coopserver> <devontrains> I HAIL FROM KENYA 17:13:31 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> ok TR56 4PO 17:13:36 <coopserver> <devontrains> ITS IN AFRICA 17:13:59 <coopserver> <devontrains> HE BE RECEST 17:14:12 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> he is actually cyberbullyig me he wont leave me alone 17:14:30 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> i told him **** off but he wont 17:14:47 <coopserver> <devontrains> HES SCOTTISH AND HE BULLIES ME ALL DAY BEAUSE IM BLACK 17:14:53 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> kick him please 17:15:01 <coopserver> <devontrains> NPLZ HES A BULLY 17:15:03 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> he is white 17:15:06 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> white 17:15:09 <coopserver> <devontrains> IM KENYAN 17:15:16 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> i am black he racist too 17:15:24 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> pls 17:15:28 <coopserver> <devontrains> M NT HES SCOTTISH I TELL YOU 17:15:52 <coopserver> <devontrains> HE WATCHES YOU WHEN YOU SLEEP 17:15:54 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> jolly no i am a british black guy good sir 17:16:02 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> how dare you 17:16:09 <coopserver> <devontrains> HE KNOWS WHEN U R AWAKE.. 17:16:16 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> kick the racist slup 17:16:24 <coopserver> <devontrains> BECUSE HES A SCOTTISH RACIT THT BULLIES ME 17:16:31 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> he is describing santa clause the perv 17:16:40 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> NOTICE ME SENPAI 17:16:51 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> SWNPAI 17:16:52 <coopserver> <devontrains> ME NO PERV I HARDLY KNOW ENGLISH 17:17:03 <V453000> yo fukers calm down or get rekt 17:17:06 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> Thats a lie and you know it 17:17:08 <coopserver> <devontrains> HFVFHH FNHS UDFVNFJIEIIJJANN ABV DVHDDNFV DDFJVHBAJVHEDVHAVJFVFVVBVHERUDBHDFVHDFV V DSFVHVDHVDFV EVDFHVBEHV ERH V 17:17:18 <coopserver> <devontrains> THATS KENYAN FOR HOW DARE U 17:17:22 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> how does one get rekt 17:17:31 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> ? 17:17:32 <V453000> one way to find out! 17:17:34 <coopserver> <devontrains> UP DA BUM M8 17:17:37 <V453000> well, kick stuff :P 17:17:46 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> oh k i shall shut up know 17:17:49 <coopserver> <devontrains> NO UP DA MUM :0 17:17:51 <V453000> nah don't worry too much 17:17:55 <coopserver> <devontrains> HEH 17:18:01 <V453000> nobody is around so you can't annoy anybody :) 17:18:08 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> oh right 17:18:13 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> BANANA 17:18:16 <coopserver> <devontrains> THERES LIKE 10 PLAYERS 17:18:20 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> RAACIST PIMPLE WEED 17:18:26 <coopserver> <devontrains> HE TURTLE ATE THE BANNANA 17:18:34 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> DIE IN A FIRE YOU MODERATER DIE AH HA HA HA 17:18:46 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> I SEE YOU WHEN YOU SLEEP 17:18:49 <coopserver> <devontrains> BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRN 17:18:55 <V453000> XD 17:18:55 <coopserver> <devontrains> I TOLD U 17:18:59 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> YOU KNOW MY EYES CAN PEARCE YOU 17:19:00 <coopserver> <devontrains> HE BE A PEEDO 17:19:01 <V453000> gg 17:19:03 <V453000> I got rekt 17:19:07 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> RACIST WHITE MAN 17:19:12 <coopserver> <devontrains> U WOT M89 17:19:22 <coopserver> <AXIMATT> M89 17:19:38 <coopserver> <devontrains> HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE 17:19:56 <coopserver> <devontrains> GTG GG 17:20:01 <coopserver> *** devontrains has left the game (Leaving) 17:21:41 <coopserver> *** AXIMATT has left the game (general timeout) 17:21:42 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 17:22:16 <Jam35> morons bus left 17:22:34 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 17:22:37 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined 17:22:38 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:22:54 <V453000> XD yes 17:22:58 <V453000> hi Jam35 17:23:10 <V453000> time for some gentlemanly chat 17:23:27 <V453000> How are you good sir, u wot m8? 17:23:32 <Jam35> :D hi 17:25:56 <V453000> what are you doing? 17:26:44 <Jam35> half looking here half eating 17:26:51 <Jam35> no mess 17:27:11 <Jam35> but terrible manners 17:28:14 <V453000> How terrible sittuation that is my lord. 17:28:18 <V453000> -t 17:31:05 <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (Leaving) 17:34:49 *** p3tiny has quit IRC 17:39:43 *** happpymoblic has joined #openttdcoop.stable 17:39:51 <happpymoblic> !players 17:39:51 <coopserver> happpymoblic: The server is empty, noone is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 17:39:59 <happpymoblic> !date 17:39:59 <coopserver> May 13 2260 17:58:07 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:04:24 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:04:27 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined 18:04:28 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:16:28 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:16:33 <coopserver> *** AzureSpeed has joined 18:16:34 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:16:40 <coopserver> <AzureSpeed> hi 18:17:57 <coopserver> *** AzureSpeed has left the game (Leaving) 18:28:31 *** glubothemad has quit IRC 20:30:50 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has left the game (general timeout) 20:32:28 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 20:32:32 <coopserver> *** happy train sport has joined 20:32:33 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 20:51:06 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 20:51:11 <coopserver> *** bubbleheads has joined 20:51:12 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 20:51:14 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 21:12:32 <PoKE_MEECH> hey 21:12:34 <PoKE_MEECH> !date 21:12:34 <coopserver> Dec 10 2261 21:12:35 <PoKE_MEECH> !date 21:12:35 <coopserver> Dec 11 2261 21:12:37 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> hello 21:12:41 <PoKE_MEECH> yo 21:12:45 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> yoh 21:12:54 <PoKE_MEECH> yohoy 21:13:04 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> yobo 21:17:59 <PoKE_MEECH> boblo 21:18:14 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> boble 21:18:42 <PoKE_MEECH> blogun 21:18:50 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> blobfish 21:19:39 <PoKE_MEECH> goblin 21:19:46 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> fish 21:19:51 <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi bubbleheads 21:19:55 <coopserver> <happy train sport> how things 21:19:59 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> good\ 21:20:22 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> mervin's train is not fully refited 21:20:32 <PoKE_MEECH> merv griffin 21:20:46 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep 21:24:06 <PoKE_MEECH> !companies 21:24:06 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '1' (Dark Blue): the power of thunder, Founded in 1900, Vehicles owned: 500 Trains, 50 Roadvehicles, 1 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:07 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '2' (Orange): Clockworker Transport, Founded in 1905, Vehicles owned: 19 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:08 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '3' (Green): Lupo Transport, Founded in 1909, Vehicles owned: 25 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:09 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '4' (Pink): bubble powa, Founded in 1936, Vehicles owned: 130 Trains, 50 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:10 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '5' (Red): nicfer Transport, Founded in 1952, Vehicles owned: 2 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:11 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '6' (Yellow): Farnsworth Transport, Founded in 1997, Vehicles owned: 22 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:12 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '7' (Purple): Rex Transport, Founded in 2043, Vehicles owned: 111 Trains, 17 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:13 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '8' (Light Blue): Twinleaf Movers, Founded in 2220, Vehicles owned: 1 Trains, 6 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:14 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '9' (White): Mervin Transport, Founded in 2250, Vehicles owned: 1 Trains, 3 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:15 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '10' (Brown): AXIZONE, Founded in 2257, Vehicles owned: 1 Trains, 1 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:16 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '11' (Pale Green): Not-So-Virgin Trains, Founded in 2258, Vehicles owned: 0 Trains, 5 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:17 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '12' (Mauve): AXIMATT Transport, Founded in 2256, Vehicles owned: 2 Trains, 6 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:24:18 <coopserver> PoKE_MEECH: Company '13' (Blue): Japan is REAL, Founded in 2258, Vehicles owned: 0 Trains, 2 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes 21:26:38 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:26:54 <coopserver> *** BiG_MEECH has joined 21:26:55 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:27:16 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> yo 21:27:20 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> who's mervin? 21:27:21 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yo 21:27:32 <coopserver> <happy train sport> company 9 21:27:54 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> ah' 21:29:38 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> happy you should do more oil boats 21:30:12 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer but can not 21:30:16 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> 1 boat ? 21:30:27 <coopserver> <happy train sport> its 1 ship for a company 21:31:03 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> damn 21:31:06 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep 21:31:14 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> raise land :D 21:32:08 *** PoKE_MEECH has quit IRC 21:33:46 <happpy> whent to barmouth in Welsh to day 21:33:59 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> get drunk? 21:34:08 <coopserver> <happy train sport> nop dont drink 21:34:23 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> not much else to do at a bar though 21:34:52 <coopserver> <happy train sport> will had a look at the sea and it was a bit rufe 21:35:19 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> ah 21:35:32 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> I got drunk earlier then drove around 21:35:36 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> was nice 21:35:48 <coopserver> <happy train sport> and look at the town and had sume luch 21:35:56 <coopserver> <happy train sport> and that was it 21:36:06 <coopserver> <happy train sport> it was nice and suney 21:36:43 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> take your girlfriend serena with you? 21:37:19 <coopserver> <happy train sport> i did try but sher was pratising for the marster clars 21:37:40 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> I think she likes thunderstorm more 21:37:58 <coopserver> <happy train sport> just 2 days to go for that episod 21:38:00 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yer 21:39:26 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> nice 21:39:44 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> ill bet she goes with James from Teem Rocket 21:40:25 <coopserver> <happy train sport> nop sher got a crush on ash BiG_MEECH 21:40:41 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> :o 21:40:50 <coopserver> <BiG_MEECH> he better use his 2 ulra balls 21:42:05 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yep 21:42:21 <coopserver> <happy train sport> but sher has not tel ash yet 21:42:50 <coopserver> *** BiG_MEECH has left the game (general timeout) 21:43:32 *** BiG_MEECH has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:43:37 <BiG_MEECH> re-yo 21:43:59 <BiG_MEECH> serena has a crush on me and I used my 2x Master Balls on her 21:43:59 <coopserver> <happy train sport> yo 21:44:14 <coopserver> <happy train sport> lol 21:44:20 <coopserver> <happy train sport> did u get her 21:45:26 <BiG_MEECH> Mmmhmm 21:46:10 *** BiG_MEECH is now known as MEECH_KETCHUM 21:46:47 <MEECH_KETCHUM> <-- ash brother 21:49:04 <happpy> he has not got a brother 21:49:27 <MEECH_KETCHUM> just discovered by professor oak 21:49:31 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:49:40 <happpy> whont 21:49:44 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined 21:49:45 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:49:53 <MEECH_KETCHUM> yea' 21:49:55 <coopserver> <happy train sport> hi i.m 21:50:24 <happpy> have u read about ash 21:50:31 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has left the game (general timeout) 21:50:32 <MEECH_KETCHUM> nah 21:50:35 <MEECH_KETCHUM> He's not important 21:50:42 <MEECH_KETCHUM> only important is MEECH_KETCHUM 21:50:47 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 21:50:49 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> lol 21:51:05 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined 21:51:06 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 21:51:44 <coopserver> <happy train sport> wb I. M. Legos 21:52:04 <MEECH_KETCHUM> yo 21:52:22 <coopserver> *** I. M. Legos has joined company #8 21:54:15 <MEECH_KETCHUM> <-- catches all the babes with my ultra rod and master balls 21:54:30 <happpy> lol 21:54:32 <happpy> he he 21:54:42 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> <--- catches nothing with a legendary ex 21:54:46 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> ;-; 21:54:49 <happpy> lol 21:55:02 <MEECH_KETCHUM> lmao 21:55:08 <happpy> yer ther ar shit 21:55:15 <MEECH_KETCHUM> haha 21:55:27 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> 140 damage every 2 turns my ass 21:56:06 <MEECH_KETCHUM> my legendary ex blew half the guys in college 21:56:26 <happpy> heem 21:56:27 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> lucki 21:56:32 <MEECH_KETCHUM> dirty 21:56:35 <happpy> yep 21:56:48 <MEECH_KETCHUM> lol 21:57:00 <MEECH_KETCHUM> she'd go for any poke-trainer 21:57:40 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> the mega charizard x is worth 80 $ 21:57:53 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> if you had one you would be rich 21:59:31 <MEECH_KETCHUM> lol 21:59:40 <MEECH_KETCHUM> i've had the M charizard ex before 21:59:48 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> the x version 21:59:57 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> is worth more than the y 22:00:02 <MEECH_KETCHUM> yeah, I seen that 22:00:52 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Second largest town... 22:01:10 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I am the largest town in the pokemon world, but now i must be the largest town in the universe! 22:03:17 <MEECH_KETCHUM> hmm 22:03:40 <MEECH_KETCHUM> no master balls and no ultra rod though ;) 22:03:53 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I must beat Las Vegas! 22:04:09 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> klefki town should 22:04:11 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> ;-; 22:05:44 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> <-- looks at his own ultra ball 22:05:55 <MEECH_KETCHUM> lol 22:06:01 <MEECH_KETCHUM> just 1 ? like hitler? 22:06:30 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> atm 22:06:36 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> i just started collecting 22:06:57 <MEECH_KETCHUM> great! 22:07:02 <MEECH_KETCHUM> :D 22:07:53 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> dinner time 22:09:41 <MEECH_KETCHUM> :D 22:22:52 <V453000> sup yo 22:23:03 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Hi. 22:23:56 <V453000> heyo 22:32:36 *** Clockworker_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:32:36 *** Clockworker has quit IRC 22:50:19 <MEECH_KETCHUM> dat V453000 22:50:30 <V453000> heading off to sleep 22:50:32 <V453000> fak u fer nao 22:50:33 <V453000> gg 22:50:39 <MEECH_KETCHUM> lol 22:50:44 <MEECH_KETCHUM> faq u with catcus 22:52:26 <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients) 22:52:29 <coopserver> *** MattxD has joined 22:52:30 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients) 22:53:45 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Just sayin bubble, but twinleaf town is mine. 22:54:49 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Where did Xerneas come from...? 22:55:22 <coopserver> *** MattxD has left the game (Leaving) 22:55:40 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Why is there suddenly a Kalos legendary next to Twinleaf? 22:56:34 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I nearly have a shop :D 23:01:43 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Can someone please tell me who is responsible for this wild Xerneas? 23:03:09 <coopserver> <happy train sport> sing it 23:12:30 <MEECH_KETCHUM> legendairy pokemon 23:12:32 <MEECH_KETCHUM> cow type 23:12:38 <MEECH_KETCHUM> udder delight 23:12:47 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm trying to catch a Wild Xerneas near Twinleaf now... 23:13:13 <MEECH_KETCHUM> Nice 23:13:28 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> No idea where it came from, it's just there.... 23:15:26 <MEECH_KETCHUM> blame Happppy 23:16:24 <happpy> whont no blem big meech 23:17:16 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm gaining on Vegas! 23:18:19 <MEECH_KETCHUM> lol 23:18:23 <MEECH_KETCHUM> im not even playing in game 23:18:28 <MEECH_KETCHUM> OR AM I? 23:18:40 <MEECH_KETCHUM> rcon add town wild xerneas 23:18:55 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> There's already a Xerneas town! 23:19:02 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> That's what i'm trying to catch! 23:19:15 <MEECH_KETCHUM> uncatchable 23:19:21 <MEECH_KETCHUM> super rare poketype 23:19:50 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm pretty sure Xerneas and Yveltal have the highest catchrate for legendary 23:19:55 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Or atleast close to it. 23:23:18 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm gainin on Vegas! 23:23:35 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm only around 9k behind! 23:36:37 <MEECH_KETCHUM> happy is tweaking las vegas 23:42:08 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I think that Vegas may be cornering itself... 23:43:00 <MEECH_KETCHUM> :o 23:43:06 <MEECH_KETCHUM> I will have to join then make it grow 23:53:16 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Bubble, i'm kinda expanding Twinleaf over your railway... 23:53:31 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> ;-; 23:53:45 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I need to have the largest town in the world. 23:55:23 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> I'm only 7k away from Vegas! 23:55:34 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> kewl 23:55:41 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Why is there another random town here now? 23:55:48 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> :3 23:55:52 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Why is somone trying to rebattle? 23:55:55 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> lol 23:55:59 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> dont worry 23:55:59 *** Clockworker_ has quit IRC 23:56:06 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> i put them near vegas also 23:56:15 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> but they helped vegas grow 23:56:33 *** Clockworker_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 23:57:39 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> i actually made xerneas city also 23:59:41 <coopserver> <I. M. Legos> Wait a minute... 23:59:56 <coopserver> <bubbleheads> big buthol #2!!!!!!!