Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 15th October 2016:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:24:09  <Sylf> !content_update
00:24:09  <coopserver> Sylf: Performing content update
00:24:10  <coopserver> Content server connection established
00:24:45  <Sylf> !content
00:24:46  <coopserver> Downloading 17 file(s) (17391911 bytes)
00:25:29  <coopserver> Content server connection closed
00:25:36  <Sylf> !content
00:25:37  <coopserver> Downloading 14 file(s) (1256815 bytes)
00:26:20  <Sylf> !content
00:26:21  <coopserver> Downloading 14 file(s) (1256815 bytes)
00:26:25  <Sylf> :/
00:26:44  <Sylf> !restart
00:27:21  <Sylf> !save
00:27:23  <coopserver> Saving map...
00:27:24  <coopserver> 'ERROR: \xee\x81\x84Game Save Failed\nInternal error: cannot initialize compressor'
00:27:24  <coopserver> Saving map failed
00:30:51  <Sylf> !shutdown
00:32:18  <Sylf> !info
00:32:18  <coopserver> Sylf: #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (, Version: 1.6.1, date: Feb 20 2027, map size: 1024x1024, address:
00:32:23  <Sylf> !date
00:32:23  <coopserver> Feb 20 2027
00:34:33  <Sylf> !ip
00:34:33  <coopserver> Sylf:
00:36:08  <coopserver> Server Shutting down
00:36:09  <coopserver> Disconnected from #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (
00:36:19  <Sylf> !start
00:36:33  <coopserver> Server is starting...
00:38:01  <Sylf> !date
00:38:01  <coopserver> Not connected!!
00:38:06  <Sylf> !apconnect
00:38:06  <coopserver> Connecting...
00:38:07  <coopserver> Connection failed
00:38:11  <Sylf> !apconnect
00:38:11  <coopserver> Connecting...
00:38:12  <coopserver> Connection failed
00:48:54  <Sylf> mmmm
00:48:56  <Sylf> wtf
00:49:10  <Sylf> !start
00:49:11  <coopserver> Server is starting...
00:50:15  <Sylf> !update
00:50:15  <coopserver> Starting update...
00:50:23  <coopserver> Game successfully updated
00:50:29  <Sylf> !start
00:50:30  <coopserver> Server is starting...
00:51:05  <Sylf> !start
00:51:06  <coopserver> Server is starting...
00:52:45  <Sylf> !start
00:52:46  <coopserver> OpenTTD appears to be running already. Try !apconnect instead
00:53:09  <Sylf> !start
00:53:10  <coopserver> Server is starting...
08:03:09  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable
08:03:09  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
08:03:26  <Maraxus> !info
08:03:26  <coopserver> Not connected!!
08:03:34  <Maraxus> !apconnect
08:03:34  <coopserver> Connecting...
08:03:35  <coopserver> Connection failed
08:07:26  <Maraxus> !rescan
08:07:26  <coopserver> Not connected!!
08:07:38  <Maraxus> !start
08:07:53  <coopserver> Server is starting...
08:18:44  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
08:18:48  <Maraxus> !dl
08:18:48  <coopserver> Maraxus: !download lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
08:18:49  <coopserver> Not connected!!
08:20:56  <Maraxus> !content
08:20:56  <coopserver> Not connected!!
08:21:10  <V453000> o_o
08:21:13  <V453000> Taede: :(
08:21:30  <Maraxus> not sure what is going on
08:30:04  <Jam35> !start
08:30:17  <coopserver> Server is starting...
08:30:27  <coopserver> Connecting...
08:30:29  <coopserver> Connection failed
09:04:33  <V453000> `gg
09:05:50  *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:05:50  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite
09:32:40  <^Spike^> !start
09:32:49  <coopserver> Server is starting...
09:34:08  <^Spike^> !content
09:34:08  <coopserver> Not connected!!
09:50:04  *** Rex has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:50:17  <Rex> Hey, anyone on?
09:50:33  <Rex> just wondering why the Stable is down, never seen it down before haha
09:51:01  <Jam35> hi Rex
09:51:05  <Rex> hey jam
09:51:06  <Jam35> we are wondering the same
09:51:11  <Rex> oh lol
09:51:17  <Rex> well
09:51:34  <Rex> i guess ill check back tomorrow or sunday :P
09:51:49  <Rex> gn, gl with the next PS game!
09:51:54  <Jam35> hopefully will be fixed today sometime
09:51:58  <Jam35> ok thanks
09:59:52  *** Rex has quit IRC
10:32:09  *** tycoondemon2 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:38:57  *** tycoondemon has quit IRC
10:42:14  *** tycoondemon2 has quit IRC
11:03:34  *** Asgeir has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:56:36  *** Asgeir has quit IRC
12:13:48  *** tycoondemon has joined #openttdcoop.stable
12:59:45  *** minisylf has joined #openttdcoop.stable
13:01:32  *** Sylf has quit IRC
13:34:49  *** Asgeir has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:18:17  *** minisylf is now known as Sylf
14:25:44  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
16:42:29  <Sylf> !apconnect
16:42:57  *** Sylf has left #openttdcoop.stable
16:43:09  *** Sylf has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:43:09  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sylf
16:43:14  <Sylf> !apconnect
16:43:14  <coopserver> Connecting...
16:43:17  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server ( (Version 1.6.1)
16:43:29  <Sylf> fixed
16:43:45  <Sylf> !rcon cd upload
16:43:46  <coopserver> upload: No such file or directory.
16:43:49  <Sylf> !rcon cd uploads
16:43:58  <Sylf> !contentupdate
16:43:58  <coopserver> Sylf: Performing content update
16:43:59  <coopserver> Content server connection established
16:44:12  <Sylf> !content
16:44:18  <coopserver> Downloading 5 file(s) (213930 bytes)
16:44:30  <Sylf> !contentupdate
16:44:30  <coopserver> Sylf: Performing content update
16:44:44  <Sylf> !content
16:44:45  <coopserver> Downloading 8 file(s) (1006358 bytes)
16:45:18  <Sylf> !contentupdate
16:45:18  <coopserver> Sylf: Performing content update
16:45:36  <Sylf> !content
16:45:37  <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes)
16:45:41  <Sylf> !rescan
16:45:41  <coopserver> Sylf: Scanning content directories
16:46:11  <coopserver> Sylf: Rescan completed
16:46:23  <coopserver> Content server connection closed
16:46:27  <Sylf> !rcon load 1
16:46:28  <coopserver> Starting new game
16:46:31  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server ( (Version 1.6.1)
16:46:32  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
16:46:35  <Sylf> !date
16:46:35  <coopserver> Jan 01 1920
16:46:40  <Sylf> !rcon reset_company 1
16:46:41  <coopserver> Company deleted.
16:46:42  <Sylf> !auto
16:46:43  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:46:43  <Sylf> !setdef
16:46:44  <coopserver> Sylf: Setting default settings: set ai_in_multiplayer 0, set extra_dynamite 1, set forbid_90_deg 1, set inflation 0, set mod_road_rebuild 1, set order.no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns 1, set path_backoff_interval 1, set train_acceleration_model 1, set vehicle_breakdowns 0, set wait_for_pbs_path 255, set wait_oneway_signal 255, set wait_twoway_signal 255, and set yapf.rail_firstred_twoway_eol 1
17:19:05  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable
17:19:05  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
17:23:34  <Maraxus> !info
17:23:34  <coopserver> Maraxus: #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (, Version: 1.6.1, date: Jan 01 1920, map size: 1024x512, address:
17:32:09  *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
17:34:05  <happpy> !players
17:34:05  <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, noone is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation
17:34:11  <happpy> !date
17:34:11  <coopserver> Jan 01 1920
17:50:26  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
18:33:09  *** StarLite has quit IRC
19:01:52  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:01:52  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
19:07:06  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
19:58:18  *** Asgeir has quit IRC
23:46:44  *** happpy has quit IRC

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