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00:17:14 <Happpy> !players 00:17:14 <coopserver> Happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 02:37:24 *** Ryuzaki has joined #openttdcoop.stable 02:39:10 *** Ryuzaki has quit IRC 06:25:28 *** Stummi8 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:25:28 <Stummi8> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth 06:25:28 <Stummi8> With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ 06:25:31 <Stummi8> I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/ 06:25:34 <Stummi8> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/ 06:26:15 *** Stummi8 has quit IRC 07:48:57 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 07:49:00 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 07:49:01 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 07:49:46 <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving) 07:57:55 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 07:57:57 <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has joined 07:57:58 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 08:00:26 <coopserver> *** Dnz-Ali has left the game (Leaving) 08:21:48 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 08:21:51 <coopserver> *** BerlinCargo has joined 08:21:52 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 08:26:46 <coopserver> *** BerlinCargo has left the game (Leaving) 10:16:54 <Happpy> !players 10:16:54 <coopserver> Happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 10:24:20 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop.stable 10:24:20 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite 11:04:16 *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:50:43 *** Happpy has quit IRC 12:18:30 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:19:04 <Happpy> @logs 12:19:04 <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer - http://webster.openttdcoop.org/ 12:48:58 *** Happpy has quit IRC 13:15:32 *** labviking has joined #openttdcoop.stable 13:18:02 *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop.stable 13:18:02 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus 13:22:52 *** Maraxus has quit IRC 13:59:50 *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC 14:13:46 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:14:10 <Happpy> @logs 14:14:10 <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer - http://webster.openttdcoop.org/ 14:15:49 <Happpy> !players 14:15:49 <coopserver> Happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 14:15:56 <Happpy> !date 14:15:56 <coopserver> Mar 20 2169 15:15:28 *** Happpy has quit IRC 15:19:50 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:26:35 *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:27:02 <virtualrandomnumber> !date 15:27:02 <coopserver> Mar 20 2169 15:27:22 <Happpy> !date 15:27:22 <coopserver> Mar 20 2169 15:30:34 <Happpy> Hi how are you 15:34:03 <virtualrandomnumber> I'm fine, thanks 15:34:24 <virtualrandomnumber> And how are you? 15:35:12 <Happpy> Yeah good thanks wateing for diner and then playing time 16:31:28 *** Mazur has quit IRC 16:40:36 *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable 16:40:36 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur 17:20:37 *** swarfega has joined #openttdcoop.stable 17:22:15 *** swarfega has quit IRC 17:41:14 *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC 18:04:16 *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable 18:11:41 <Happpy> Mam its hor to night 18:11:51 <Happpy> Man its hot today 19:40:28 *** ovoldemorto has joined #openttdcoop.stable 19:40:33 <ovoldemorto> <+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth 19:40:37 <ovoldemorto> With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/ 19:40:40 <ovoldemorto> I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/ 19:40:44 <ovoldemorto> or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/ 19:40:53 <Happpy> Fuck of 19:41:01 <Happpy> Your spaming network 19:43:06 *** ovoldemorto has quit IRC 19:53:51 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 19:53:56 <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has joined 19:53:57 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:54:37 <virtualrandomnumber> hmm 19:55:55 <virtualrandomnumber> looks like we have connected about every primary industry that is worth it 19:56:18 <Happpy> Nice 19:58:35 <virtualrandomnumber> there are just some low-production farms left 19:59:24 <Happpy> Let them die we got a nufe on the network 20:02:38 <planetmaker> hm, is it really that bad? 20:02:56 <planetmaker> if I set this +r or +m, then no-one w/o op or w/o voice can say or ask anything here 20:02:58 <planetmaker> !password 20:02:58 <coopserver> planetmaker: Free entry, no passwords needed 20:03:07 <planetmaker> but ok... doesn't matter in this channel? 20:03:26 <Happpy> Will it onley show 1 time ech day 20:03:47 <planetmaker> what do you mean? 20:04:10 <planetmaker> the spam only shows once a day? 20:04:15 <planetmaker> yeah... 20:04:29 <Happpy> The spaming network pop up 1 time on each day 20:05:54 <planetmaker> so... is it worth to make this channel useless for the once-a-day spammers? 20:06:09 <planetmaker> @voice happpy 20:06:09 *** Webster sets mode: +v Happpy 20:06:15 <planetmaker> @voice virtualrandomnumber 20:06:15 *** Webster sets mode: +v virtualrandomnumber 20:06:40 *** planetmaker sets mode: +m 20:06:44 <planetmaker> let's see :) 20:07:19 <Happpy> Yeah 20:07:29 <planetmaker> @openttdcoop.stable 20:09:41 <planetmaker> ok... so you and virtualrandomnumber can give yourself voice in this channel and talk even with +m set now 20:10:01 <planetmaker> also in #openttdcoop. But there neither +m or +r is set. For now 20:10:06 <Happpy> Hm we can try the m thin or we can keep ban the ip address but i like say some times he dus it 1 time or 2 times in a day 20:10:21 <planetmaker> the ip address changes for the spammers. Every time another 20:10:27 <Happpy> Hm 20:10:34 <Happpy> Dame 20:10:48 <Happpy> Dus oftc no about the spaming network 20:10:54 <planetmaker> they do 20:10:57 <Happpy> Ok 20:11:41 <planetmaker> * ovoldemorto hat die Verbindung getrennt (autokilled: Spammer. Contact support@oftc.net if you feel this is in error. (automatic action) (2018-08-05 19:43:06)). 20:11:49 <planetmaker> ^^ that's how the spammer left the channel 20:12:01 <Happpy> Yes 20:12:12 <planetmaker> means oftc cut its connection 20:13:02 <Happpy> Yes true but shord bam the ip address but ok 20:14:19 <planetmaker> @voice Lejving 20:14:19 *** Webster sets mode: +v Lejving 20:14:25 <Happpy> Ther 3 spaming names do pop up time after time but it has slow down now 20:15:25 <planetmaker> yeah 20:15:43 <planetmaker> @seen tyteen4a03 20:15:43 <Webster> planetmaker: tyteen4a03 was last seen in #openttdcoop.stable 1 year, 27 weeks, 1 day, 9 hours, 1 minute, and 19 seconds ago: <tyteen4a03> I'll talk to #oftc, ta 20:15:50 <planetmaker> @seen tom1192 20:15:50 <Webster> planetmaker: I have not seen tom1192. 20:15:58 <planetmaker> @seen scrooge 20:15:58 <Webster> planetmaker: scrooge was last seen in #openttdcoop.stable 1 year, 10 weeks, 4 days, 10 hours, 52 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: <Scrooge> Well, either my laptop or my internet-connection is to slow for multiplayer. 20:16:30 <planetmaker> :) 20:17:19 <Happpy> So if I get time out how do i get the @voice on my name 20:19:54 <Happpy> Usrx that's a spaming name 20:20:35 <Happpy> @seen usrx 20:20:35 <Webster> Happpy: I have not seen usrx. 20:20:59 <Happpy> Lol 20:21:53 <Happpy> !date 20:21:53 <coopserver> Mar 20 2169 20:22:37 <Happpy> Will lest see if the spaming network pop up or have ther give up 20:23:30 <virtualrandomnumber> what is the difference between big M and small m in the channel mode? 20:23:50 <Happpy> Thanks for set up 20:23:58 <planetmaker> well, you *do* have voice currently 20:24:03 <planetmaker> virtualrandomnumber, good question :D 20:24:06 <planetmaker> gotta look it up 20:24:20 *** planetmaker sets mode: +p 20:24:26 *** planetmaker sets mode: -p 20:25:57 <planetmaker> https://www.oftc.net/ChannelModes/ 20:25:59 <Webster> Title: OFTC - ChannelModes (at www.oftc.net) 20:26:08 <planetmaker> I wonder... which do I want? +m or +M or both? 20:26:39 *** planetmaker sets mode: -m 20:26:42 *** planetmaker sets mode: +M 20:27:14 <planetmaker> probably they have approx. the same effect: +m allows only people with voice to speak. +M all people who have their nick registered and which are logged-in to their nick 20:28:12 <Happpy> I word do the m thin that onley register and identify can chat 20:31:17 <Happpy> I no it mite be a bit hard and unfer for new players to the irc channel but its the best way to stop spaming network 20:34:34 <Happpy> I no that #r/r/openttd has the r thin on so ther have no spaming it has slow down now but some times it dus pop back but onley this channel 20:39:01 <Happpy> So how do set the voice on your name if you' get time out 20:41:42 *** planetmaker sets mode: -v Happpy 20:41:46 <planetmaker> hm :) 20:42:07 <planetmaker> try /mode +v 20:42:56 *** planetmaker sets mode: -o planetmaker 20:43:07 <planetmaker> hm 20:43:11 <planetmaker> might not work :D 20:43:29 <planetmaker> @op 20:43:29 *** Webster sets mode: +o planetmaker 20:43:33 <planetmaker> hm 20:43:37 <planetmaker> @deop 20:43:37 *** Webster sets mode: -o planetmaker 20:43:37 <Happpy> Nop it dont work 20:44:03 <Happpy> @voice 20:45:39 *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC 20:45:51 *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:46:04 <planetmaker> @op 20:46:04 *** Webster sets mode: +o planetmaker 20:47:11 *** planetmaker sets mode: +v Happpy 20:47:17 *** planetmaker sets mode: +v virtualrandomnumber 20:47:19 <planetmaker> :D 20:48:18 <planetmaker> try again by leaving and joining this channel 20:48:20 <Happpy> Hm i think onley admin can set that on players name 20:48:31 <Happpy> Ok 20:48:38 *** Happpy has quit IRC 20:49:28 *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:49:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Happpy 20:49:33 <planetmaker> ha, see :) 20:49:42 <planetmaker> you now always get voice here 20:49:56 <Happpy> Nice 20:50:18 <Happpy> Nice thanks 20:50:26 <planetmaker> no problem :) 20:53:44 <Happpy> How do get the @on your name just whont to no 21:00:05 <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has left the game (Leaving) 21:11:49 *** theShirbiny has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:17:21 <Happpy> How the network going 21:20:27 *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC 21:40:16 *** StarLite has quit IRC 21:40:41 <tyteen4a03> planetmaker: ello 21:41:15 <Happpy> Hi 21:45:32 <Happpy> What's up tyteen4a03 21:45:47 <tyteen4a03> generally hiding from the internet. you? 21:46:23 <Happpy> Just playing game 21:47:05 <Happpy> Y ar you hiding from the internet? 21:48:23 <Happpy> !date 21:48:23 <coopserver> Mar 20 2169 22:27:05 <Happpy> @logs 22:27:06 <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer - http://webster.openttdcoop.org/ 23:15:33 *** mon12 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 23:20:06 <Happpy> Will that was a short stay 23:54:15 <Happpy> !players 23:54:15 <coopserver> Happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation