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04:18:19 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 04:18:20 <coopserver> *** lcd047 has joined 04:18:21 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 04:18:32 <coopserver> *** lcd047 has left the game (Leaving) 06:00:01 *** coopdiscord has quit IRC 06:00:16 *** coopdiscord has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:33:32 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 11:33:32 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o happpy 11:34:02 <happpy> !players 11:34:02 <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 11:47:11 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 11:47:16 <coopserver> *** Player has joined 11:47:17 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 11:47:18 <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #11 11:47:19 <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so. 11:47:20 <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators 11:47:21 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 11:47:27 <coopserver> <Player> !name Naarsk 11:47:28 <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to Naarsk 11:47:29 <happpy> do !name and the your name 11:47:38 <happpy> nice 11:47:42 <happpy> welcome to the server 11:48:40 <coopserver> *** Naarsk has left the game (Leaving) 12:08:02 *** happpy has quit IRC 13:39:54 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 13:39:54 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o happpy 13:40:10 <happpy> !playere 13:40:15 <happpy> !players 13:40:15 <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 15:15:07 *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:15:07 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v virtualrandomnumber 15:15:17 <virtualrandomnumber> !players 15:15:17 <coopserver> virtualrandomnumber: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation 15:15:22 <virtualrandomnumber> !date 15:15:23 <coopserver> Oct 15 2084 15:15:46 *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC 15:45:02 *** happpy has quit IRC 20:30:55 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 20:30:55 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o happpy 20:33:30 <happpy> @logs 20:33:30 <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer - https://webster.openttdcoop.org/ 20:46:17 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 20:46:19 <coopserver> *** loeky has joined 20:46:20 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 20:46:32 <happpy> hi 20:46:45 <coopserver> <loeky> hello 20:47:47 <happpy> how things going 20:48:09 <coopserver> <loeky> could be better 20:48:18 <coopserver> <loeky> and you? 20:48:24 <happpy> good thanks 20:48:42 <happpy> i fixs own ov your overflow 20:48:48 <happpy> it was blocking the ml 20:49:53 <coopserver> <loeky> nice also had to fix some rail problems n=in factorio as well (-: 20:50:11 <happpy> nice 20:50:33 <coopserver> <loeky> is red blocking purple? 20:51:01 <happpy> hmm 20:51:10 <happpy> i think a look soon 20:51:31 <coopserver> <loeky> ah i see purple steeling primary 20:52:26 <happpy> hmm 20:53:02 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 20:53:11 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined 20:53:12 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 20:53:50 <happpy> !players 20:53:50 <coopserver> happpy: Spectators: Client 2268 (loeky), Client 2270 (happpytransport) 20:54:24 <happpy> !rcon _move 2270 6 20:54:26 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined company #6 20:54:27 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined company #6 20:54:28 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 20:55:51 <happpy> !rcon _move 2270 2 20:55:52 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined company #2 20:55:53 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined company #2 20:56:15 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined spectators 20:56:16 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 20:56:34 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined company #1 20:56:35 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 20:56:39 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined spectators 20:56:40 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 20:56:49 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has left the game (Leaving) 20:57:10 <happpy> all fixs 21:00:10 <happpy> just let you no that I will not be doing a new game 21:00:28 <happpy> because i dont have time to do a new map 21:01:07 <coopserver> <loeky> still plenty of space here no need for a new mao jet 21:01:07 <happpy> and i am doing lots ov airport city game before a nen pokemon game is out 21:01:28 <happpy> yeah 21:01:38 <coopserver> *** loeky has left the game (Leaving)