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05:50:08 <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by Arcene: Let's get building :D: 05:50:08 <coopdiscord> @gap 5 05:50:09 <Webster> coopdiscord: For Trainlength of 5: <= 11 needs 2, 12 - 18 needs 3, 19 - 25 needs 4. 05:58:12 *** Lejving__ has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:00:05 *** coopdiscord has quit IRC 06:00:16 *** coopdiscord has joined #openttdcoop.stable 06:04:33 *** Lejving_ has quit IRC 12:05:36 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 12:05:37 <coopserver> *** lcd047 has joined 12:05:38 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 12:05:52 <coopserver> *** lcd047 has left the game (Leaving) 12:20:58 *** Webster` has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:20:58 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster` 12:22:13 *** Jam35- has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:23:22 *** Jam35 has quit IRC 12:23:22 *** Webster has quit IRC 12:23:22 *** Webster` is now known as Webster 12:29:26 *** Ammler has quit IRC 12:29:26 *** XeryusTC has quit IRC 12:29:26 *** V453000 has quit IRC 12:29:26 *** Guest16666 has quit IRC 12:29:26 *** tneo has quit IRC 12:29:26 *** planetmaker has quit IRC 12:30:24 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:30:24 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o happpy 12:31:13 *** LoPo has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:31:13 *** XeryusTC has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:31:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o XeryusTC 12:31:37 *** LoPo is now known as Guest16997 12:34:13 *** tneo has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:34:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o tneo 12:34:43 *** planetmaker has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:34:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o planetmaker 12:37:13 *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:37:13 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o V453000 12:41:42 *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop.stable 12:41:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ammler 12:50:16 *** happpy has quit IRC 14:23:59 *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop.stable 14:23:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite 15:12:48 *** lcd047 has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:18:59 *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable 15:18:59 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v virtualrandomnumber 17:24:58 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 17:25:07 <coopserver> *** Ntk_Android has joined 17:25:08 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 17:25:22 <coopdiscord> <happpy> hi 17:25:37 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> hi 17:26:34 <coopdiscord> <happpy> how things going 17:27:00 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> good 17:27:36 <coopdiscord> <happpy> new game tonight 17:27:59 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> sounds good 17:28:21 <coopdiscord> <happpy> yeah just got to make it first 17:28:43 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> all guod 17:28:59 <coopdiscord> <happpy> yeah hop i get the game settings writing 17:30:39 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> can I plz dem me if I'm not online 17:31:06 <coopdiscord> <happpy> i don't understand 17:31:42 <coopdiscord> <happpy> if you in the irc channel then yes but not if you not on the game then not as i no ov 17:32:32 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> give a dm on discord 17:33:27 <coopdiscord> <happpy> dm? 17:34:52 <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by Nomotakat: 17:34:53 <coopdiscord> @happpy dm^ 17:35:12 <coopdiscord> <happpy> ar ok 17:35:33 <coopdiscord> <happpy> i have to send the map to hazzard because the error code 255 17:36:15 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> good ol' haz 17:36:31 <coopdiscord> <happpy> yeah 17:38:59 <coopserver> <Ntk_Android> back soon 17:39:09 <coopdiscord> <happpy> ok 17:58:06 <coopserver> *** Ntk_Android has left the game (Leaving) 18:09:12 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 18:09:17 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has joined 18:09:18 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 18:09:35 <coopserver> *** happpytransport has left the game (Leaving) 19:30:06 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players) 19:30:12 <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has joined 19:30:13 <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players) 19:31:46 <coopserver> <AlphaSC> happy? 19:31:59 <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has joined company #4 19:32:00 <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players) 19:37:20 *** StarLite has quit IRC 19:51:49 <coopserver> *** AlphaSC has left the game (Leaving) 19:51:50 <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players) 20:40:28 *** lcd047 has quit IRC 20:57:15 <coopdiscord> <DarkMoon/AlphaSC> hi. i created a new map for the welcome server. any admin/member online, who can upload the new map? 20:58:08 <coopdiscord> <happpy> upload maps in the irc channel 20:58:16 <coopdiscord> <happpy> and i can try to do it 20:58:52 <coopdiscord> <DarkMoon/AlphaSC> how do i upload it in irc? any guide for it? link it please 20:59:17 <coopdiscord> <happpy> in a drop boxs or Google drive or some thin like that 20:59:52 <coopdiscord> <happpy> WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:00:21 <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by happpy: 21:00:22 <coopdiscord> !getsave WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:00:22 <coopserver> coopdiscord: Error: 'WelcomeServer_022019.sav' is not a valid http url. 21:00:42 <coopdiscord> <happpy> hmm ok 21:00:49 <coopdiscord> <happpy> i can fixs that 21:03:16 <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by happpy: 21:03:16 <coopdiscord> !getsave https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670727576020320257/680514998295986339/WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:03:39 <coopdiscord> <happpy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670727576020320257/680514998295986339/WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:03:45 <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by happpy: 21:03:46 <coopdiscord> !getsave 21:03:46 <coopserver> coopdiscord: (getsave [Server ID or channel] <Http Url of savegame>) -- Downloads a savegame file over HTTP and saves it in the saves dir of the [specified] server 21:04:02 <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by happpy: 21:04:02 <coopdiscord> !getsave https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670727576020320257/680514998295986339/WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:05:30 <coopdiscord> <happpy> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/578598731323146244/680520498941263951/WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:07:35 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 21:07:35 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o happpy 21:07:47 <happpy> !getsave WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:07:48 <coopserver> happpy: Error: 'WelcomeServer_022019.sav' is not a valid http url. 21:08:27 <happpy> !getsave https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670727576020320257/680514998295986339/WelcomeServer_022019.sav 21:08:27 <coopserver> Starting download... 21:08:29 <coopserver> happpy: 255 21:08:44 <coopdiscord> <happpy> fucking 21:08:55 <coopdiscord> <happpy> nop the error code stop me 21:09:05 <coopdiscord> <happpy> only hazzard can do it 21:09:09 <coopdiscord> <DarkMoon/AlphaSC> ok, wait for admin 21:09:10 <coopdiscord> <happpy> or planetmaker 21:09:49 <coopdiscord> <happpy> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K7-rPRet2Q5ZKoE5BRyPhYnIj8LOmG_T 21:09:50 <Webster> Title: train and tram land .sav - Google Drive (at drive.google.com) 21:10:11 <coopdiscord> <happpy> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cIFbAotfLHEywHhEGiINTMj_U3tx9HTu 21:10:12 <Webster> Title: yeti fun .sav - Google Drive (at drive.google.com) 21:11:17 <coopdiscord> <happpy> hazzard or planetmaker because the error code 255 can you pick a map 2 maps ar my the uver own is alphasc map 21:11:28 <coopdiscord> <happpy> there just have to wate now 21:20:36 *** happpy has quit IRC 22:44:09 *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable 22:44:09 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o happpy 22:52:12 <happpy> !date 22:52:12 <coopserver> Jan 12 2109 23:20:41 *** happpy has quit IRC 23:32:11 *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC