Log for #openttd on 19th January 2023:
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10:34:18  <andythenorth> πŸ™‚
10:34:26  <andythenorth> hmm back to random item from list
10:34:35  <andythenorth> probably superlib does it πŸ˜›
10:39:48  <andythenorth> crashed the game again πŸ™‚
10:39:49  <andythenorth> lol
10:46:19  <andythenorth> ok GS now puts a scrap yard in every town with population above > n
10:46:22  <andythenorth>
10:46:37  <andythenorth> the need to walk all the tiles at game start is....funky
10:46:50  <andythenorth> areas might be nice to prepopulate
10:46:57  <andythenorth> -> all tiles for each town
10:47:00  <andythenorth> -> all snow tiles
10:47:04  <andythenorth> -> all coast tiles
10:47:04  <andythenorth> etc
10:47:35  <andythenorth> there's probably some cool structure we could use, like voroni something πŸ˜›
10:48:10  <andythenorth> then the other areas can be arbitrarily extensible
10:48:12  <andythenorth> by GS
10:48:24  <dP> andythenorth: map array :P
10:48:37  <dP> voronoi is only for closest points like towns
10:48:50  <andythenorth> I defer to those with greater knowledge πŸ˜›
10:48:56  <andythenorth> I'm just here writing clown GS
10:49:23  <andythenorth> in some cases 'all' might not be needed
10:49:34  <andythenorth> 'most' would be enough
10:49:57  <andythenorth> uuuuf
10:50:09  <andythenorth> if e.g. all the water areas were individual areas
10:50:19  <andythenorth> I could solve FIRS ports stupidity just by measuring the length of the list
10:50:40  <andythenorth> I don't actually care if they connect to edge of map, they just look stupid in small lakes
10:51:46  <dP> andythenorth: so you want map_size*4 byte structure just to measure length? 😜
10:51:59  <andythenorth> 'could' not 'want'
10:53:13  <andythenorth> but different case: if you wanted to plant industries on water, then a list of water regions has utility
10:53:31  <andythenorth> if you wanted to limit e.g. fishing grounds to one per region, then same
10:53:39  <andythenorth> area / region /s
10:56:41  <andythenorth> hmm
10:56:49  <andythenorth> `Communication during game-initialisation. NewGRFs are loaded first. They cannot query GS information at this point. GS can then also not influence placement of initial industries etc.` from frosch spec
10:57:11  <andythenorth> but when loading the grf, we know what GS settings are in OpenTTD?
10:57:21  <andythenorth> i.e. we know if a GS is selected or not, and which one?
10:57:47  <andythenorth> and we know what GS is in a savegame / scenario file?
10:58:21  <andythenorth> currently my GS needs to clean up where FIRS grf has tried to place industries accurately during map gen, but can't always do it
10:58:26  <Samu> there is a long standing bug about GS's in scenario editor
10:58:50  <andythenorth> I can't default to FIRS not placing any industries, because the GS needs to be optional
10:59:50  <Samu> and the recent fixes to allow changing GS's in scenario editor makes it worse
11:01:06  <andythenorth> see also
11:01:45  <Samu> the scenario file, when loaded, will lack information whether the GS has already started or not, it just assumes it did, but that's not always the case for scenario files
11:02:06  <Samu> it is for savegames though
11:04:57  <andythenorth> eh, Truebrain vision
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11:28:25  <FLHerne> Squirrel is pretty tiny, can we upgrade to 3.2 for new scripts while keeping the old version as a fallback?
11:29:02  <petern> Such URL previews
11:30:35  <petern> Samu: TBH for scenarios we should start the GS fresh.
11:31:23  <petern> *For playing scenarios.
11:31:37  <petern> For editing scenarios, the GS probably shouldn't be loaded.
11:33:20  <Samu> what when you rename a .sav to .scn and load it in the scenario editor? the GS was already started before
11:45:17  <andythenorth[d]> petern: I should delete them eh 😐
11:46:01  <petern> Samu: It be started again, as you have converted a savegame to a scenario.
12:04:54  <andythenorth[d]> squirrel tables eh?
12:05:11  <andythenorth[d]> so if I walk everything on the map at game start
12:05:20  <andythenorth[d]> I can put it all into squirrel
12:05:22  <andythenorth[d]> πŸ˜›
12:05:30  <andythenorth[d]> towns, industries, tiles
12:05:34  <andythenorth[d]> 'what could go wrong?'
12:05:46  <andythenorth[d]> do we memory limit script API?
12:10:45  *** glx has joined #openttd
12:10:45  <glx> We do
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12:11:39  <glx[d]> LordAro: I can't remember, it was a long time ago
12:14:13  <petern> Mortgage gone from 2.1% to 5% over the past year, joy.
12:14:53  <glx[d]>
12:18:44  <andythenorth[d]> oo
12:18:59  <andythenorth[d]> at some point carrying around our own dead Squirrel is a bit weird
12:19:14  <andythenorth[d]> stuff and things πŸ™‚
12:20:38  <petern> It's impossible to update old scripts, don't you know?
12:22:00  <petern> I fixed an issue with my updated js and it now has exactly the same problem as the original. So that rewrite was totally worth it.
12:25:22  <petern> Is it breakfast time yet?
12:27:17  <andythenorth[d]> petern: someone on the forums might complain
12:27:33  <petern> No change there.
12:27:49  <andythenorth[d]> petern: that is perfectly executed refactoring, do all your tests fail exactly the same?
12:28:17  <andythenorth[d]> goes it OpenTTD PeterPP?
12:28:53  <Eddi|zuHause> as long as PeterN doesn't go PeterT :p
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12:29:35  <andythenorth[d]> PP38
12:29:51  <glx[d]> We can redefine functions in compat scripts, but in this case it's a variable like language keyword
12:30:12  <andythenorth[d]> can we break things and see what happens? πŸ˜›
12:30:22  <andythenorth[d]> it's not like OpenTTD runs nuclear power stations
12:30:29  <andythenorth[d]> OTOH, I don't actually enjoy the drama at all
12:30:49  <andythenorth[d]> the people on one side of the drama are often the least equipped socially for it
12:31:37  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: breaking things if you previously promised to not break things generally is bad style
12:31:59  <andythenorth[d]> well the first thing to break is the promise not to break things πŸ˜›
12:32:07  <glx[d]>
12:32:32  <andythenorth[d]> someone pointed out recently I think
12:32:39  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: the problem with breaking things isn't the people who complain, but the people who aren't around anymore to update their stuff
12:32:40  <andythenorth[d]> the promise is that savegames will load
12:32:55  <andythenorth[d]> not that behaviour will be guaranteed
12:33:28  <glx[d]> Maybe it's possible to reintroduce vargc but as vargv usage is very different it's complicated
12:33:37  <petern> We should've updated to v3 10 years ago.
12:33:47  <Eddi|zuHause> that is true, we had that discussion with an acceleration change which "broke peoples networks"
12:33:59  <andythenorth[d]> disabling GS or AI
12:34:03  <andythenorth[d]> is not breaking the promise
12:34:19  <andythenorth[d]> in principle a game could be manually migrated to new version of script
12:34:44  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: that's like saying "making the map flat isn't breaking the promise"
12:35:03  <glx[d]> We have compatibility mechanism via API version to not break stuff
12:35:15  <andythenorth[d]> where is the promise, and which armchair layer wrote it? πŸ˜„
12:36:11  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: imagine we say "we don't load v6 grfs anymore"
12:36:34  <glx[d]> Because throwing away perfectly fine but not maintained scripts is wrong
12:37:13  <andythenorth[d]> Eddi|zuHause: imagine if we could go through the grf spec after that and delete some of it
12:37:43  <andythenorth[d]> scorched earth <-> sensible conservatism
12:37:55  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: you can perfectly well do that without dropping v6
12:38:09  <andythenorth[d]> TBH things like this are better as a triangle, not a single linear scale
12:38:32  <andythenorth[d]> dunno what the 3rd vertex would be
12:38:38  <andythenorth[d]> probably not 'progress'
12:39:12  <petern> Implement sq3 and keep sq2. That's work well πŸ˜‰
12:39:23  <andythenorth[d]> glx[d]: how many are there I wonder?
12:39:26  <Eddi|zuHause> be careful, you could end up in a 26 dimensional optimisation space very quickly
12:39:39  <andythenorth[d]> sometimes a survey shows the problem is very not real, or really very real
12:40:50  <andythenorth[d]> if only bananas had column count and date sort πŸ˜›
12:41:21  <dP> add WASM and make no promises :P
12:42:23  <andythenorth[d]>
12:42:50  <andythenorth[d]> could expand that with AIs, then plot update / release dates
12:43:29  <andythenorth[d]> I don't know how to google sheets properly πŸ˜„
12:43:30  <andythenorth[d]> oof
12:43:48  <andythenorth[d]> ok lunch
12:45:06  <petern> Tuna salad pot.
12:45:27  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: i don't think that list helps us in any way
12:45:49  <dP> tbf, making a new thing with no compatibility while keeping legacy newgrf and gs spec is the most reasonable way going forward imo
12:46:05  <petern> Easier to make a new game.
12:46:21  <dP> yeah, I already considered that
12:46:37  <dP> but life interfered :p
12:52:21  <Eddi|zuHause> people make new games all the time, yet people are also still here
12:53:54  <dP> they make wrong games :p
12:53:59  <Eddi|zuHause> loading extremely old stuff is the unique selling point of this game
12:55:01  <dP> not as much when your whole game is old stuff :p
13:11:43  <andythenorth[d]> Eddi|zuHause: you don't read reddit enough πŸ™‚
13:11:53  <andythenorth[d]> that is not a USP reddit is aware of
13:14:06  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #10376: Fix [Script]: Add missing precondition and ensure building/removing rail lines can't be backwards
13:33:16  <petern> Want to play that old game with an old gamescript? Just play OpenTTD before version 13...
13:34:01  <petern> There. Guaranteed compatibility.
13:34:53  <dP> yep, menu is just a launcher, you open the save it picks the right version ;)
13:36:09  <dP> also, rust clone wen? even Vangers have one nowadays πŸ˜…
13:36:29  <petern> Can you mix C++ and rust?
13:37:16  <dP> I guess kinda...
13:37:20  <dP> same as mixing with c
13:38:07  <dP> well, if you consider c a separate language and now just write c in c++
13:41:03  <petern> It seems to be more "I mean you could, but" territory...
13:42:43  <dP> yeah, but `extern "C"` basically
13:43:37  <dP> makes sense as Rust is no oop
13:48:38  <petern> Okay so I can write `extern "C"` and then start writing code in rust, gotcha.
14:02:48  <LordAro>
14:02:52  <LordAro> apparently.
14:05:19  <petern> Yeah, rust OOP is totally different, so that'll be fun πŸ™‚
14:15:08  <andythenorth[d]> was that WASM-everything?
14:15:24  <andythenorth[d]> we port to Rust, but inside a WASM container?
14:19:32  <dP> in container it's not exactly port, it's just that you can write mods in rust
14:19:36  <dP> like squirrel and grf
14:19:52  <andythenorth[d]> well
14:19:56  * andythenorth[d] back to FIRS GS
14:20:12  <andythenorth[d]> maybe I should move more of the logic into python compile
14:20:25  <andythenorth[d]> I don't like squirrel much, I keep falling over my own feet in it
14:21:01  <andythenorth[d]> then when you do the Rust version, I can just make new templates for FIRS GS
14:21:07  <andythenorth[d]> πŸ˜›
14:29:23  <petern>
14:29:23  <petern> How much is this non-power-of-2 nearest-neighbour scaling hated?
14:33:58  <petern> I hate it less than I thought I would, but...
14:37:06  *** TallTyler has joined #openttd
14:37:06  <TallTyler> It looks fine until you look closely and notice that lines which are supposed to match (bar graph width) don't
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14:45:37  <petern> That might be an obiwan, the right-most column/bottom-most row is missing currently.
14:46:11  <petern> But might not be πŸ™‚
14:47:57  <Samu> glx[d],
14:48:04  <Samu> attempting compat conversion
14:48:19  <Samu> not sure if it can be simplified further
14:49:03  <LordAro> at the very least, you are allowed to use variables...
14:49:06  <Samu> also, it won't work 100%, because 'from' can become an edge tile, and when passing it to BuildRail, it will fail on IsValidTile
14:49:31  <Samu> so... not sure what to do at this point
14:49:53  <LordAro> petern: looks fine to me
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14:50:04  <Samu> by edge tile, i actually meant void tile, my bad
14:50:05  <LordAro> but also... does the book look upsidedown to anyone else?
14:50:14  <Samu> let me fix that typo
14:50:59  <petern> `/* 14 ensures rail can't be built backwards */` What is backwards?
14:51:42  <LordAro> honestly, this feels like a bug fix to me
14:51:47  <LordAro> which doesn't need compatibility at all
14:51:59  <LordAro> if you were doing it before, it was wrong and was not doing what it was supposed to
14:53:07  <petern> What is backwards though?
14:53:17  <glx[d]> It made no sense to not have tile between from and to
14:54:08  <glx[d]> In map pov, not tileindex view
15:00:56  <glx[d]> And the screenshot shows it builds rail [tile,to) as the doc says
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15:03:43  <andythenorth[d]> petern: on a scale of 0-10 where 10 is most hated?  0
15:03:57  <glx[d]> Some constraints are not fully enforced but it seems to work as intended
15:04:26  <andythenorth[d]> why does the map start at 1,1 not 0,0?
15:04:37  <glx[d]> Void tiles
15:04:50  <andythenorth[d]> fair enough
15:05:11  <glx[d]> Easiest way to detect the border
15:05:13  <andythenorth[d]> I hate writing docs, but I forsee a 30% chance I volunteer to write GS docs
15:05:14  <LordAro> hysterical raisins
15:05:20  <andythenorth[d]> or expand the AI script guide
15:05:24  <andythenorth[d]> I hate writing docs
15:05:53  <andythenorth[d]> the fucking frustrating thing is that doxygen is pretty comprehensive πŸ˜„
15:06:01  <andythenorth[d]> but does not give you what you actually need
15:06:26  <andythenorth[d]> I think doxygen can have extra comments, occasionally  there's an inline example
15:07:08  <andythenorth[d]> I still have NML docs with my name on them though 😐
15:07:23  <glx[d]> Usually when looking for a function in script API the flow is to suppose what would be the logical class for it
15:08:04  <glx[d]> Then you look in the doc to see if something with a name matching what it would do exists
15:17:58  <Rubidium> andythenorth[d]: if you set freeform_edges to false, then you will have 0,0 ;)
15:18:34  <Rubidium> the whole map border will also implicitly become water
15:22:21  <Samu> hmm, 'from' and 'to' don't actually require IsValidTile check
15:22:29  <Samu> only 'tile'
15:22:33  <andythenorth[d]> sounds like a GS needs to know if freeform edges are set? πŸ˜›
15:22:37  <andythenorth[d]> oof
15:22:56  <petern> GS just needs to know if a TileIndex is valid.
15:23:03  <Eddi|zuHause> why would they need to know?
15:23:31  <andythenorth[d]> put it another way
15:24:10  <Eddi|zuHause> if any map border is freeform, the map is 1 tile smaller
15:24:11  <andythenorth[d]> when adding all valid tiles on the map to a TileList using AddRectangle, it's important to know whether to start at 0,0 or 1,1 for first vertex
15:24:21  <andythenorth[d]> which requires a test of 0,0
15:24:26  <Rubidium> andythenorth[d]: you can't really build anything useful on the 0 "row"/"column" in either case, so just ignore that "row"/"column" in your GS
15:24:44  <andythenorth[d]> oh are the water tiles non-buildable?
15:25:24  <andythenorth[d]> what I'm doing in the GS I shouldn't be doing anyway
15:25:28  <Rubidium> well, technically you can probably build on it but why add complications to your script to support it?
15:25:39  <andythenorth[d]> the GS is a lolz script to see what breaks
15:25:52  <andythenorth[d]> and learn what docs we might need, if I could face writing any
15:26:12  <andythenorth[d]> copying all the tiles in the map into a GSTileList is unwise
15:26:23  <andythenorth[d]> then I walk over all of them and put them in a table/slots structure
15:26:31  <petern> Have you PR'd areas/regions?
15:26:34  <andythenorth[d]> I have not
15:26:47  <andythenorth[d]> I think it's more likely that I'll write docs πŸ˜›
15:26:53  <andythenorth[d]> more chance of success
15:27:00  <andythenorth[d]> /me stats
15:27:34  <andythenorth[d]> ok Rubidium is still the winner
15:28:00  <andythenorth[d]> I apparently have 29 commits, which is 23 more than I remember
15:28:47  <petern> I don't know if it knows about all commits from the SVN days.
15:28:53  <andythenorth[d]> 10% of my commits are GS
15:29:15  <petern> Hmm, starts early, so I guess it does.
15:29:32  <andythenorth[d]> yeah mostly I did docs commits
15:30:00  <andythenorth[d]> petern: you probably have a branch for areas/regions?
15:30:02  <andythenorth[d]> from last time?
15:30:18  <Eddi|zuHause> the svn accounts were matched to github accounts wherever that was known
15:30:46  <LordAro> assuming people have linked to their GH account
15:30:57  <LordAro> if they're not linked, they don't show up at all
15:31:13  <Eddi|zuHause> no, there was a bit more effort put into that
15:31:58  <Eddi|zuHause> what was not matched was svn patch authors vs. committers...
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15:33:58  <Eddi|zuHause> at least i removed more lines than i added... that must mean the code is better :p
15:34:38  <Samu> I got an idea!
15:35:03  <Samu> but involves changing the rules a bit
15:35:38  <Samu> if my prediction is correct, then conversion can be done afterwards!
15:38:55  <Samu> AIMap.DistanceManhattan complicates things a bit, it's not exactly equal to OpenTTD's own DistanceManhattan
15:40:25  <glx[d]> For me your are trying to fix a non-issue, yes some preconditions might be missing, but BuildRail seems to build what it's supposed to build
15:44:59  <andythenorth[d]> Samu is trying to fix everything, and I'm trying to break everything πŸ™‚
15:45:02  <andythenorth[d]> good combo
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15:45:58  <imlegos>
15:51:33  <Samu> there should be a AITile.IsVoidTile
15:52:00  <Samu> but I understand why there's not
15:53:29  <andythenorth[d]> it's testable no?
15:53:46  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 approved pull request #10227: Fix 3c047b1: AIGroup.GetProfitLastYear could get values different than those displayed in GUI
15:54:15  <andythenorth[d]> IsValidTile?
15:55:25  <Rubidium> Samu: void tiles are an implementation detail about the map border, they serve no purpose to the end user (script, AI, player)
15:56:02  <Samu> IsValidTile returns false, but i can't assume just because it returned false, it was a void tile
15:56:31  <Rubidium> why do you want to know if it's a void tile?
15:56:42  <petern> GS don't need to know about void tiles, they are simply invalid tiles.
15:57:55  <Samu> well, if the tile is inside mapsize, and is not valid, i can assume it's a void tile, right?
15:58:16  <petern> You can assume an invalid tile is invalid.
15:59:22  <Samu> mapsize is something like 256*256 = 65536. so if tileindex is above 65535, then it can no longer be a voil tile, but if it's <= 65535 and is invalid tile, then it's a void tile
15:59:25  <Samu> is my logic correct?
15:59:49  <petern> Write-only mode again.
15:59:54  <andythenorth[d]> there are no useful cases for needing to specifically know a tile is void πŸ™‚
16:00:08  <andythenorth[d]> if it's void you can't do anything with it πŸ™‚
16:00:22  <andythenorth[d]> if the number of void tiles at map edge was variable, THEN we might need to check them
16:00:28  <LordAro> a human doesn't need to know if it's a void tile, why should an AI?
16:00:29  <andythenorth[d]> but ... it isn't really
16:01:12  <petern> I'll make a circle map with void tiles
16:01:15  <andythenorth[d]> oh is this some difference of approach. Duck-type, but defensively, vs. 'everything must be exactly specified'
16:01:37  <andythenorth[d]> petern: make pacman face
16:01:45  <petern> Repton face.
16:01:51  <andythenorth[d]> chuckie egg map
16:02:02  <Rubidium> Samu: I wouldn't even say that in case of map size 256x256 a tileindex above 65535 needs to be invalid. I can really imagine higher tiles being misused for stuff like corners/junctions/stations in tunnels and bridges
16:02:04  <andythenorth[d]> isn't there a hole in the middle of the Catan board?
16:02:09  <andythenorth[d]> oh donut maps might be a thing
16:02:13  <LordAro> troll face map
16:02:14  <andythenorth[d]> this a great idea
16:02:17  <andythenorth[d]> ok, more void tiles
16:02:26  <andythenorth[d]> donut maps mean you have to go round, not across
16:02:29  <LordAro> wasn't head2head implemented using void tiles?
16:02:34  <petern> Rubidium: PR please πŸ™‚
16:03:27  <petern> Sliced tileindexes?
16:05:21  <Rubidium> I Publicly Renounce the idea of corners/junctions/stations in tunnels and bridges ;)
16:05:51  <andythenorth[d]> oh...can we tunnel through the void though?
16:05:54  <andythenorth[d]> in the donut map?
16:05:59  <andythenorth[d]> donut?  doughnut?
16:06:34  <petern> MΓΆbius maps?
16:06:46  <Rubidium> would essentially be an infinite map
16:07:03  <LordAro> i feel like i've seen that suggestion before
16:07:24  <LordAro> if you could visually wrap a 4k map, would anyone ever know?
16:08:49  <petern> They might as well be.
16:08:59  <andythenorth[d]> MΓΆbius maps, but you can fly your biplane around them
16:09:19  <andythenorth[d]> we've been way too conservative with OpenTTD πŸ˜›
16:09:28  <andythenorth[d]> we should add many more things
16:09:31  <andythenorth[d]> just not an email client
16:10:05  <andythenorth[d]>'s%20Law%20of%20Software%20Envelopment,replaced%20by%20ones%20which%20can.
16:10:15  <andythenorth[d]> well maybe an email client
16:11:03  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 commented on pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
16:16:59  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne updated pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
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16:18:48  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] rubidium42 approved pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
16:20:53  <FLHerne> macOS CI failed for some spurious reason :-/
16:21:08  <FLHerne> error: curl failed to download with exit code 7
16:21:28  <Samu> ah crap, i can't set AIError's
16:21:41  <Samu> ScriptObject is not accessible
16:22:24  <Samu> but! I can provoke a precondition fail
16:22:59  <Samu> gonna cheat the precondition fail in
16:23:20  <Rubidium> FLHerne: it's even worse :(
16:24:17  <FLHerne> Windows seems the same
16:24:52  <FLHerne> is just broken atm
16:37:54  *** keikoz has joined #openttd
16:40:12  <petern> Works for me.
16:41:50  <FLHerne> It does for me now too
16:42:08  <FLHerne> Can someone rerun the CI?
16:43:21  <glx[d]> Looks like bad luck and new image so no cache yet
16:48:49  <glx[d]> Cancelled and re-run, seems better
16:50:11  <LordAro> FLHerne: also, opening { should be on its own line
16:51:14  <FLHerne> blah
16:51:21  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne dismissed a review for pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
16:51:24  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne updated pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
16:51:28  <LordAro> :)
16:53:44  <glx[d]> And I won't cancel again the previous CI (to cache vcpkg as it worked this time)
17:05:46  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
17:11:23  <FLHerne> CodeQL is slooow
17:11:58  <LordAro> MSYS is sloooower!
17:14:29  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
17:15:39  <petern> I rage-quit out of Doom yesterday, then realised I hadn't saved any progress on that level. Oops.
17:17:54  <FLHerne> petern: I don't understand your comment at all
17:18:10  <LordAro> FLHerne: Doom is a game from the early 90s
17:18:14  <FLHerne> the four STR_BRIDGE_SELECT_INFO_* strings are all used in the same place
17:18:20  <FLHerne> and nowhere else
17:18:44  <FLHerne> not all of them use all the parameters because that's the whole point of them being separate strings
17:18:53  <FLHerne> LordAro: that I understand
17:19:05  <petern> `STR_SELECT_BRIDGE_INFO` is used in scenario editor mode now.
17:19:17  <petern> Previously it was used in normal game mode.
17:19:46  <petern> Given the parameter change as well...
17:20:03  <FLHerne> oh, different from the old code
17:20:13  <FLHerne> I guess so
17:25:34  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne dismissed a review for pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
17:25:37  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] FLHerne updated pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
17:33:10  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler approved pull request #10365: Fix #10362: NewGRF bridges without speed limits.
17:53:11  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] George-VB opened issue #10377: [Bug]: Sorting order is not correct - engine between wagons
17:56:00  <dP>
17:56:01  <dP> so, yeah, new game...
17:56:17  <dP> still needs a bit of work before finished πŸ˜†
18:11:19  <andythenorth[d]> model train layout? πŸ˜›
18:14:02  <dP> realism :p
18:22:48  *** Flygon has quit IRC
18:26:30  <andythenorth[d]> wonder if I can crash GS some more
18:27:55  <andythenorth[d]> can the town for a tile change during game?
18:29:01  <andythenorth[d]> also, my OpenTTD normally runs around 500 MB RAM use
18:29:29  <andythenorth[d]> storing all the town tiles in GS pushes that to about 800 MB
18:29:31  <andythenorth[d]> probably fine?
18:29:49  <andythenorth[d]> 2048^2 map
18:30:01  <andythenorth[d]> 4 seconds to walk all the tiles at game start
18:36:31  <dP> andythenorth[d]: yes, you can found towns during the game
18:36:43  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: if you found a new town some tiles may change
18:37:24  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth[d]: also, towns that grow faster can grow into the area of other towns, so the town which "owns" the tile is not necessarily the "town authority" responsible for the town
18:37:45  <Eddi|zuHause> *last "town" should be "tile"
18:39:18  <dP> lol, I wonder what happens when you fund industry by replacing houses
18:39:27  <dP> does it get town of the tile or of the house
18:39:53  <andythenorth[d]> ok so we'll need to walk all the tiles periodically
18:39:55  <andythenorth[d]> maybe once a month
18:40:03  <andythenorth[d]> 4 seconds is fine?
18:40:16  <andythenorth[d]> do I get free opcodes if GS pauses the game?
18:40:21  <dP> if you just need to fund industries you don't need to store tiles at all
18:40:33  <andythenorth[d]> I need to put them in a specif

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