Log for #openttd on 14th March 2023:
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23:08:33  *** debdog has quit IRC
23:14:02  <Eddi|zuHause> <dP> lol, I just realized one-way road direction is decided by the part of tile I release the mouse button <-- the UI has some slightly ancient and potentially unintuitive behaviour
23:15:20  <Eddi|zuHause> but i actually thought one-way road was on a cycle like signals, where you click multiple times to get the right dirction
23:19:46  <dP> nah, it's a toggle
23:20:40  <dP> also, for multiple tiles it does go in the drag direction
23:22:18  <dP> hm, and bulldozer mode removes the road, not one-way...
23:24:15  <dP> would probably be much better if one way just placed it and bulldozer removed instead of the current weird toggle
23:24:58  <Eddi|zuHause> i've used one-way roads maybe twice in the last 15 years
23:26:18  <dP>
23:26:18  <dP> I'm using them all the time
23:26:18  <dP> but probably not for the intended purpose xD
23:33:09  <Eddi|zuHause> there used to be a "forbid both ways" option
23:33:34  <JGR> There still is
23:33:57  <JGR> Just toggle the other one way bit as well
23:36:28  <dP> yeah, I still want them to be able to enter though
23:40:19  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm assuming that's a teleporter?
23:42:51  <dP> not really
23:43:02  <dP> just a carousel to move stuff in place

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