Log for #openttd on 13th August 2023:
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22:44:30  <truebrain> you can see the different "type" of games 🙂
22:46:24  <truebrain>
22:46:24  <truebrain> even better 😄
22:46:39  <locosage> are all the slow ones < 1.4 ?
22:46:44  <locosage> do you measure saveload?
22:46:51  <locosage> there may be some slow conversion
22:47:25  <locosage> well "slow", ones that got slower
22:47:52  <truebrain>
22:47:52  <truebrain> memory is a bit more messy 😄
22:49:15  <truebrain> those that go up in CPU also have another memory pattern than the rest 🙂
22:49:32  <truebrain> hihi, okay, this is fun 😛 Not useful to delve that deep into stuff, but fun 😄
22:51:10  <truebrain> okay, it completely has to do with the simplicity of those 4 titles games 🙂
22:51:53  <peter1138> SDL2: using driver 'KMSDRM'
22:52:01  <truebrain> wtf? Lol?
22:52:08  <truebrain> KMS .. DRM .. what does that have to do with video? 😛
22:52:40  <peter1138> direct rendering manager / kernel mode setting
22:52:45  <truebrain> hahaha
22:52:52  <truebrain> okay, I did not expcet that 😛
22:52:53  <peter1138> So... it's talking direct without X11 or Wayland.
22:53:00  <truebrain> Key Management System ...
22:53:02  <truebrain> 😄
22:53:17  <peter1138> Which is interesting, but not useful because that machine is in a closet upstairs 😄
22:53:22  <truebrain> lolz
22:53:43  *** Alkel_U3 has quit IRC
22:54:05  <peter1138> After I wiped my Debian WSL install I used vscode-server on a real Debian system 🙂
22:54:25  *** Alkel_U3 has joined #openttd
22:54:29  <truebrain> okay, from 2021-08 up till like 2022-10 the CPU was slowly going up for all games .. and then it started to go down.
22:54:53  <peter1138> Also, it's even using OpenGL -- OpenGL driver: Intel - Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 (HSW GT2) (4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 22.3.6)
22:55:02  <truebrain> amazing!
22:55:05  <truebrain> VNC to get a display? 😛
22:56:43  <truebrain>
22:56:43  <truebrain> I like this graph ... shows our memory usage for all titlescreens is now nearly equal 😄
22:57:34  <truebrain> owh well, time to get some zzzz .. the server will hopefully finish compiling all binaries tomorrow 🙂
22:59:51  <peter1138> Hmm, long HDMI cable? 😄
23:00:34  <peter1138> USB HDMI capture card, sending captured video over the network...
23:22:22  *** Wolf01 has quit IRC
23:51:05  *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd
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